Vultural said:
Blade Runner - The Nexus-7 Cut - Krausfadr
Narrative - This is fix and not a mix, so nothing is changed. The ending is somewhat unresolved, and the unicorn abides. Unless you are deeply into Blade Runner, the unicorn is an enigma.
This ain’t at FE! What the hell?
It’s awesome when I see something of mine reviewed. Thanks for watching.
The main narrative change of N-7 is completely removing Zhora’s dossier so a first time viewer would be unsure if Deckard retired a human, that is, until Bryant comes along and calls her a skin job.
As far as FE goes, I’d love to have some of my edits approved over there, but FE does not seem to have the resources to incorporate new faneditors into their “approved” ranks, at least not within what most people would consider a reasonable amount of time. An edit of mine was in the FE queue for four months pending review, then unfortunately after that wait I got very sick and had to remove it from consideration. It would be nice if they made the process a bit easier (and thus faster) for new editors.
EDIT: I have learned FE will still look at an approved editor’s new release if any errors/glitches/glaring problems are pointed out by the viewers. They should be brought to attention in the user reviews section. People may be apprehensive to give critical reviews but this is important.