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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny Intro Revisit

Darth Sadifous said:

Any progress on a potential edit integrating your opening into Dial of Destiny? I’d love to have that edit in my collection at some point with the German subtitles if possible.

Have not went back to this one yet. My initial thought is that I wish they did not have so much main dialogue in german in that if you only understand English, you could follow along without it as no other indy film has subtitles unless I am mistaken (Young Indy series not included). I did want to change with AI voice clone the few lines from the German officer when he realizes BAZ is american or can speak american (before in the next scene all dialogue goes over to english. As that would make more sense of why transitioned over.

I get there is all the dialogue in the castle that is german that for English speaking would be nice if they just had it like raiders where everyone was english. I get it that at that time it all be german, but we did not have that in the other films…can problably go either way

…anyway have not had time to get back to it yet. My personal copy is together as one film. I was going to give it a watch and see what else needed changing before diving back in

Raiders Of The Lost Ark-X (The Extended Cut)

stretch009 said:


The latest file (with audio) stops at 1:33:12. It won’t play any further. I’ve tried converting to mkv and re-encoding but neither of those things helped.

Edit: When converting to mkv with mkvmerge there were some very unusual errors or warnings.

replying to this older post. file has had the audio issue corrected as well as a few cut tweaks

Google images not working anymore in markup (post here on this site?)

Vultural said:

My Markdown is also ! [ ] ( ). Between parens the image URL minus the spaces.

Thanks for your reply

I updated my post with

Note this actually will work as a replacement for those wanting embedded image that live on GDrive

as I did figure a workaround…but was a real pain due to their change…not sure what benefit it had

Raiders Of The Lost Ark-X (The Extended Cut)

Jedi Matt said:

Thank you for the update. I am very much looking forward to this, however long it takes for you to get it done to your satisfaction.

V1.5 is done…PM me for anyone out there that wants the update link…Like I said it might be a bit on the final V2 (EOY) as I need to get back onto ESB-X, but I did get this one updated. Here is updated shot list for raiders


Google images not working anymore in markup (post here on this site?)

kg1977 said:

All off a sudden a few months back my images in post stopped working. Not really seeing why. Is there some issue with the site or is their a changed format I need to embeed images from google drive here?

Below used to work for me to embed the image that is the link below, but no longer does
with “)” at the end of course
produces this

Replying to my own tread in case someone is reading this…
So I guess google recently change it so that UC? is no longer supported and to get the normal size embedd use “thumbnail” instead

Note this actually will work as a replacement for those wanting embedded image that live on GDrive


followed by “)” at the end

Note the addition of "&sz=w1111 (1111 pixel width size) at the end, so that it is big enough to see. Be nice if they announced the change…need to go to all my post and update now. Images work now…


What´s this artifact and how to get rid of it?

Alderaan94 said:

I´ve been trying to fix one deleted scene from a movie and I didn´t find a way to get rid of this grey/blue halo/glow around characters. It follows character movements as well like a ghosting artifact. I tried a lot of DeHalo filters but didn´t work. I attach two screenshots with the issue marked.



Hate to say this, but you will probably have to recomposite that such that the character is rotoscope out on a separate layer…fix the background with masking/curve adjustments and then overlay the character on top of a fixed background. It looks like a bad green screen composite where the shot was brighter than the background placed in (light bouncing off their clothes)

❕ <strong>'How do I do this?'</strong> on the <em>OriginalTrilogy.com</em>; some info &amp; answers + member FAQs ❕

remove this post if not the correct place, but All off a sudden a few months back my images in post stopped working. Not really seeing why. Is there some issue with the site? or is their a changed format I need to embeed images from google drive here?

This used to work for me but does not

![a](https://drive.google.com/uc?id=your image ID 33 characters goes here)


Figured this out…

Google images not working anymore in markup (post here on this site?)

All off a sudden a few months back my images in post stopped working. Not really seeing why. Is there some issue with the site or is their a changed format I need to embeed images from google drive here?

Below used to work for me to embed the image that is the link below, but no longer does
with “)” at the end of course
produces this

Raiders Of The Lost Ark-X (The Extended Cut)

fletch said:

Hi can i get a link for this project please?

For those wondering on progress or have asked for a link here is an update:

V1.5 - Hoping by MON night to have ready
V2 - Hoping for EOY…just have been busy and wanted to get some other project moving along, but I think it will be worth spending time and not rushing

-Slightly restored background quality of jungle when Sapito and Barranca climb over the ridge before thetheatrical version shot with the title “South America 1936”
-Fixing the deleted scene of the extra room in the temple scene to be smoother insertion into the film
-Fixed a bad frame/scene cut at the college scene with the student “Susan Ryan”
-Added and restored shot of the well of the souls being opened from side (taken from the 1981 verion 1 trailer) - showing the hieroglyphics that were on the lid more clearly
-Fixed a few frames and editing of the deleted scene with the periscope ride at night ocean travel scene

ESB-X (the eXtended version) (WIP)

DarthTzetzo said:

Finally! 😃😃😃
I think it will be useful

PS: Ugh, this is probably not for here, but never mind 😁

I like it…I restored that audio a while back, but never mixed it in…But that scene is in my ANH shot list. The guy did a nice job restoring to the visuals

ESB-X (the eXtended version) (WIP)

I need the cantina scene without the score in english and german language. I have extend them and need to add the score to the complete extended scene.
Anybody willing to help?
Thanks for doing your extended Version. Can’t wait to watch. 🫠

It sounds like all you just need is all but center channel extracted if you want to PM me the links to the German and English clip, I can do that for you.

ESB-X (the eXtended version) (WIP)

As the 44 year Anniversary of Empire Strikes Back comes to a close, I figured I should give an update on this project. I am happy to say it is moving along and despite losing a lot of work from a harddrive and PC failure, I have recovered all and even ran into some new additional scenes plus improvements on the prior work along the way due to technology improving in the last year.

Below link is the updated shot list and status of where this is at. Was kind of hoping for Version 1 to be ready by now…but soon.


Many thanks goes out to Benduwan who helped me recover a tremendous amount of clips that I probably would have not had the ambition to go hunt for all over again or at least this all would have taken way longer.


Raiders Of The Lost Ark-X (The Extended Cut)

cosmicjazz said:

Do you have an ETA for version 2?

shooting for June 2024 as that is 44 year aniversary month for raiders, but also hoping that is also inline with Adobe releasing a few updates to some of their enhancement tool that I think will save time for some scenes. I think really most is a matter of having time to finish just hours to put at it. Right now I lost some files on hardrive for ESB extended and I am trying to recover by redoing some stuff and at least get myself in a good spot to be a month away from having that ready so in some respect I am working in tandem on the two extended films. Worst case end of summer for V2, but like I said I was shooting for June.

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny Intro Revisit

Darth Sadifous said:

Just following up to see if you ever intergrated this back into the full film and if it is now available for download? Hope you were able to recover the data lost on your drives.

not yet, was hoping to wait for the above mentioned additions. Been moving over to the Starwars trilogy to try and make some headway there. I have recovered files from a year back and working to get back to where I was was the hardware failed. I have original source material, but it has been a challenge to redo a lot so are focusing on that with ESB the one I want to try and get done first

Raiders Of The Lost Ark-X (The Extended Cut)

stretch009 said:

Hey, curious what source did you use for this? It looks good like maybe the WOWOW broadcast or a regrade of the blu ray.

Raiders was taken from the Blu-ray. There hasn’t been any color grading other than the deleted scenes which were color graded to try and match the Blu-ray. The deleted scenes were taken from the best quality I could find and the source would’ve been 2K there are some deleted shots that are really poor quality and they would’ve been Color graded to match the Blu-ray as good as that can get.

Force Awakens Redux Cut (Released)

Watched last night with my wife and I enjoyed this view, but it is quite different when you see it in context (I also watched/listened to the commentary while working first), not sure if that changed my reaction when seeing in full presentation.

using some your summary of edits to help give feedback…

New Opening Crawl:
Never realized how many parts of the original crawl is way off from the film and varies so muc in fan versions. This one ties into your version and what I liked was the focus on what we got. The movie was not about finding luke as much as it was surviving the rise of the first order. I like the way it focused on the new republic kind of becoming what the empire was and the hint that the first order was comprised of ex-new republic folks (not sure if that is canon? but I like the explanation) better than how they came to be more than just a hidden faction of the empire that we didn’t know about for 3 decades.

Film is sequenced differently to feel less like Episode IV: A New Hope:
like this, but not recalling specific scenes, so thats a good thing

Kylo Ren never removes his mask until his Encounter with Han Solo:
I liked it, but it is different because you do not get any character development with Kylo until the end since behind the mask. I get the reason. On the fence on this one as taking off the mask I thought made him different than vader so from a standpoint of being different than new hope I think it might work to take mask off earlier. could go back and forth

All dialogue or scenes from other characters revealing Kylo Ren’s real identity is removed or sequenced differently:
This worked, no reason to know he is solo’s son until the end

New Subtitles have been added.
Liked in some spots other probably not needed (like the desert droid at night with BB-8) I would suggest maybe a different font though to read as sometimes they flew on so fast the current used what hard to read…just a small thing.

New Additional Music has been added throughout especially scenes that never featured any music before:
Liked it, except maybe half as much some spots had too much of the chior thing going on. Don’t get me wrong I love that shadows of the empire soundtrack, just in the battle scenes I would almost opt for non-big choir chorus themed choices --again just a personal preference. Also there is the famous asteroid theme music when you have the falcon used from empire (that one we all love), but used in here there was no falcon…I foget the scene, but it kind of threw me on that choice.

Never before seen footage has been added
like the Ben in the falcon deleted and I think Finn getting healed? One scene I wish other would put in is Solo in the castle basement I know its korny solo dialogue, but I like the non-series side that we just dont see too much in this film. I may be the only one that liked it, but wish it would have stayed in.

Rey’s character and abilities have been altered quite a bit. “No Jedi Mind Trick” The cut does it’s best to humanize her and there are hints that she may possibly be a darksider.:
You have a frame jump/frame rate issue on her scene here, but like the idea. I just wonder if force moving of things is any more “mary sue” than a mind trick? Yes it does make her more a darksider, but that is estlsihed later now w/her lineage since ROS. I would have to watch again and see. I do know in the theatrical the scene was too long, so I like this short and sweet interpretation.

New Footage of Darth Vader is added:
taking a pass on this. That fan work is great but not needed at all in this film

Less is more with Finn. Finn’s character is not a comic relief:
Like all choices here and the same in some spots for Poe

Phasma raises the alarms when she is captured by Han and Finn:
This was done well - liked this

Han is not a Smuggler. NO RATHTARS. NO Kanji Club:
Did not mind that han as an ex-general needs to make some cash somehow. Smuggling is what he was good at and the scene is very swashbuckling so missed the raltars although adding them still would require some edits

New Extended Ending.
If there is any part I would say goes it would be here. Three is nothing wrong to end it as it is, this ending looked like a series of still images in some spots and did not really how a starwars ends. Ending we got (for the story we got) is not the same as new hope ending so if the intent I would say - cut - right there.

Again these are all personal feedback and nothing about the effort as I know this type of endevor take hours of personal time. Great job especially if your first time using software? The attempt is welcome as I know many have wondering what it could be like if not so much a carbon copy of episide IV

thanks again for the share and hard work put into this!

Original trilogy deleted scenes restored Project?

Williarob said:

Ouch…pricey…Looked like Viva was more of a editor from the website.

Perhaps you were looking at the wrong software:


Viva Pro costs $11k

Yes I googled Viva Pro and got a tool by wondersoft that I think was ~160. So yea different tool. Nice to have someone on board that has some really nice tools. Great Job. I recently lost some data on my harddrives and would definately like to a copy of your source/finish when you are ready to share. I would probably adjust the color to match my color grade for rest of ANH, but would love to start with yours as a base…Thanks again for you work on this. Do you plan to also do ESB and ROJ deleted scenes that have some restoration needs?