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We have to buy this set atleast to preserve it for the next generation of fans
i agree with CO here almost 100%. this whole thing stinks to high heaven, but, this could easily be the very last chance to preserve what we care so much about, at least for our kids.

Lucas obviously doesn't care about gauging the response of these sales. He wants to "stop" the bootlegging and pretend to appease the fans, all at the same time. They've put nothing into this release, and for him, its a chance to proliferate his own shit version once again. A peice of garbage baited with a tiny and flawed gem. but i guess, i'll take it, knowing exactly what i'm getting.

i say, if you have the money, buy 'em. but, i fully understand the reasons for not buying them.
What are you going to do with your SE discs?
Less-than-fortunate kids are able to enjoy a movie without whining and moaning about it on the internet for years.

haha. o rly? that was a joke dude. charity is fine, but telling someone else what to do with their own possessions is not. if i wanna burn a DVD i just bought, i can do so. more over, if i want to destroy something that i helped to build and promote that has now gone terribly wrong, i can do so.
Star Wars Original Trilogy had 'it', but 'it' is hard to explain.
i know the 'it' of which you speak. there is a certain magic to these movies that is beyond nostalgia. everything in it still pretty much better/cooler than any movie to date: the ships, the weapons, the events, the music, the scenery, and just the massive scope alone. beyond that, i think that Lucas set something in to motion and it was luckily, taken off his hands by people who were commited to making awesome movies with all the tools they had availible to them at that time, something which, as we now know, Lucas hardly knows anything about.
Any GOOD memories of the PT?
i was excited as hell. i was 15 when TPM was coming out, and it was gonna come out on my birthday, which seemed so awesome. a bunch of us skipped school one day to wait in line for the tickets. we were so stoked, and we were gonna see it at midnight and everything. those were some great memories.

and then it was over, forever.
all the hope i had for the prequels was ruined.
I don't care one bit about the fate of prequel characters
i think Lucasisanarcisisct is completely correct, and made a great point about Biggs and Porkins, and the now failing talents of lucas. The only part of the entire trilogies that made me get emotionally involved at all was the end of ROTS when obi-wan gives luke to owen, and that just because of the direct tie in to the OOT, it was moving to some extent, but didnt make up for the previous 7 hours of garbage.
So, what would happen if he did release the OOT on DVD?
i would buy it immediately. and no, i wouldnt worry about an upgrade when the blu-ray comes around (if it does). but if that were availible, i might buy it as well. the main problems with VHS are its lack of quality and lasting ability. and the problem with laser disc is you have to flip them, and they're huge. it would seem that DVD and CD formats will still be around for awhile even when newer formats come out.
but yeah, there will always be an outcry as long as Lucas keeps being a selfish idiot, in whatever way he decides to do that.