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A Palpatine-less Edit of The Rise of Skywalker (Released)

I’m glad you enjoyed it! I did cut the final shot of Kylo after posting that Kylo/Vader clip so that it ended with Kylo staring at the snow where Vader had been. I will look at cutting that shot too. I will also play around with the Mustafar shot to see if I can darken the sky considerably. I’d like to keep that one if possible.

After watching krausfadr’s edit, which succeeded in implementing the Rey killed her parents reveal much as I had originally intended, I started working on this over the weekend. I redid the Force-Skype scene and reinstated much of the original dialogue about Rey’s parents while removing the less convincing dialogue inserts. I haven’t touched the hangar scene yet though.

A Palpatine-less Edit of The Rise of Skywalker (Released)

Got some work done on this over the weekend. The change list on the first page is updated with everything done so far. My next objective is to introduce the Rey killed her parents angle. Not sure when this will be done as I still haven’t found the time to sit and watch krausfadr’s edit to see how it was implemented there.

I’ve been thinking about the old lady at the end. I’m starting to think I should just remove her completely. The sequence would be Rey ignites her new lightsaber, stands up, sees the Force ghosts of Luke and Leia watching her, smiles, and gets back on the Falcon to leave with her friends. It would leave the whole sequence without any dialogue, though, which feels a little odd. Anyone have a compelling argument for why she should stay in?

A Palpatine-less Edit of The Rise of Skywalker (Released)

It’s not that I don’t want to use the Force of Darkness, it’s just that I haven’t come to a decision yet. I see both positives and negatives of using it but haven’t been able to decide which outweighs the other. If most people think the positives clearly outweigh the negatives, that might be enough to convince me I’m seeing too much on the negative side.

Reframing Rey’s Wayfinder quest as more selfish is a great idea. How to accomplish that is the trick though.

I agree that reutilizing the Pryde scene with Kylo is another great idea. However, I don’t think I could pull that off. If Delpheas can do it, I would gladly use it here.

A Palpatine-less Edit of The Rise of Skywalker (Released)

Thanks for the comments everyone. I’ve started updating the main thread post with the updates I’ve completed for v3. I’m not including my list of proposed edits at this time because a number of them are in a gray area where I’m not sure if they will come to pass or not or to what extent.

There seems to be a lot of interest in using the Force of Darkness fan-film. I’ve been undecided on this issue, but I may have to let popular opinion sway me to a decision.

A Palpatine-less Edit of The Rise of Skywalker (Released)

Here is Rey’s lightsaber recolored purple to match Leia’s showing that she used Leia’s crystal to construct her saber.

password: fanedit

This is the first time I recolored an object. I couldn’t get the bits shining out of the hilt in the final shot without creating weird halo effects in the immediate vicinity.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

They are still searching for the wayfinder which simply points to this ancient sith planet where the fleet is. Just like the theatrical release, the search is fairly pointless as it gets destroyed as soon as Rey finds it. Instead of taking it from the enemy, which they essentially could have done at any point they crossed paths with Ren whether they had decided to search for the second wayfinder or not, their search does lead them to something that points the way.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

Movies Remastered said:

Is it 35 mins long?

That edit is 1 hour and 46 minutes. I just started on an updated version that will probably be a couple of minutes longer.

JakeRyan17 said:

I read through the overview, it seems unclear what drives the plot. Why are they going from place to place to place to place if not to get to Palpatine?

They are seeking out the hidden fleet which, even in the official release I would argue, is the main threat to the galaxy. It doesn’t address any of the plot holes regarding the fleet itself, such as why they were waiting to deploy even after the people’s fleet showed up; why the ships designed and constructed on this planet are the only ships that can’t navigate off said planet - every ship in the people’s fleet and Pryde’s command ship can come and go no problem; after destroying like 3 star destroyers and the command ship, they leave with Poe saying something like, “They’re stuck here. Let’s go home.” Never mind that there is still an inactive beacon on the ground, and even assuming it was destroyed offscreen, it also assumes the people who built 10,000 star destroyers in 30 years won’t to construct another navigation beacon in like a week. Even if somehow the entire working population was in that arena, you still have 10,000 skeleton crews to draw workers from.

A Palpatine-less Edit of The Rise of Skywalker (Released)

Link sent. I haven’t seen krausfadr’s fanedit, but I have seen IlFanEditore’s fanedit which also implemented the Rey killed her parents backstory. The main problem I ran into was that I was trying to put the reveal in the hangar scene to replace the Palpatine-granddaughter reveal and keep that as a pivotal dramatic scene. Doing it the way IlFanEditore did it, where the reveal comes when she blows up not-Chewie’s ship, is certainly doable.

A Palpatine-less Edit of The Rise of Skywalker (Released)

Wow, RogueLeader. Those are a lot of great ideas. I don’t think I read a single thing in there that I disapproved of. A couple of ideas already occurred to me but didn’t get implemented for one reason or another.

I did insert that shot of BB-8 in the “D-O” has the map shot when I made the original proof-of-concept edit. But I thought it would play better if I could get it to be a continuous shot with a smooth transition around the roughly one second where Poe’s line was cut. I know it didn’t come out 100% smooth, but I didn’t think it was readily noticeable unless your attention was right on one or two spots on the screen. If it’s more noticeable than I thought, it can easily be changed.

I also like the idea that Rey killed her parents. I never found a way to implement it into the movie that didn’t feel forced. As an inexperienced editor, this being my first real project, I was also generally keeping things as simple as needed to get my goal accomplished.

With these ideas it might be time to start a Version 3. Although whether I put my current MCU project on hold, wait until I finish that, or work on both simultaneously is a decision I haven’t made yet.

A Palpatine-less Edit of The Rise of Skywalker (Released)

RogueLeader said:

Josh, I would be interested in checking your project out.

Although I haven’t watched it yet, I appreciate all the effort you put into this. I don’t know if a Palpatine-less edit will ever be totally convincing, but I think you have implemented a lot of clever ideas that carry the idea pretty far.

Looking at your clip of Kylo arriving at Exegol, it definitely feels like the scene could use a little more context. Kylo basically walks around, interacts with nothing, and then the fleet suddenly rises. I’m usually against using fan films in fan-edits, but for some reason I could see an editor using parts of Seize the Frame’s Kylo vs Vader fan film to create a dark side vision that tests if Kylo is worthy of the fleet.

Kylo would descend into the temple, and it somehow transition to this point in the fan film. Maybe by cutting on a lightning flash, having Kylo walk around a corner, smoke rolls in, something like that. You could totally redo the dialogue, music and sound effects to make it fit better with the rest of the film, and you could create dialogue between Vader and Kylo to fit this new context. You could play it as Kylo being back on Starkiller Base, but instead of fighting Rey again, he fights Vader. Maybe Vader could even taunt Kylo for his failure there. After Kylo kills Vader, he snaps back to Exegol and he sees the Sith throne before him. We then hear the temple “activate”, and the Star Destroyers rise from their cold graves. It might not be right for your edit unless you possibly do a version 3, but this is something that I think it would be interesting to experiment with in a future Palpatine-less edit. Your idea has definitely gotten the gears turning in my head, for sure.

Ironically, Trevorrow’s Duel of the Fates also had Kylo and Vader have a vision duel.

Not only could this be a good way to provide some context, but it could help add a little back to the runtime.

I know you were trying to piece together some Leia dialogue for when she wants to recall Poe back to the base. I wonder if you could something usable from this TFA deleted scene? She could say something like, “Find Poe.”

I did have some thoughts about the climax and ending as well. It would be a nice touch if you could somehow imply that Rey keeping Kylo from the battle is somehow beneficial to the Resistance. Maybe Kylo could tell Pryde not to leave Exegol until he returns. This could help show how one battle has an effect on the other, instead of them feeling totally irrelevant to each other.

I also think Rey talking with Luke and Ben talking to Han after the battles are over work as a good denouement. Rey has to accept that her anger and darkness don’t define her, and Ben has to forgive himself for his mistakes, and strive to right his wrongs. Then we get the celebration scene on Ajan Kloss (even though there is a continuity error with Rey being bloody, we’ll just have to live with it). Finally, I feel like it would be appropriate to end the film with Ben arriving on Tatooine with Rey, if it’s possible. I think it would just feel weird not to see Ben again after his conversation with Han. We could see Rey on Tatooine, burying the Skywalker sabers and activating hers, which could be have the same color and ignition sound as Leia’s, implying that Rey used her crystal to finish her own lightsaber. This would add some relevance to why Leia’s saber was introduced in one of the last scenes in this film. And after, we see see Ben walk up and the film ends with them, leaving us with the sense that Ben is going to try to atone for his sins, and help Rey restore peace and justice to the galaxy.

Thank you for the input.

I don’t think there is any question that an edit this radical will never be a perfectly formed film. It becomes a question of whether or not the small story/editing/plot inconsistencies being introduced are greater or less than the ones being removed.

That is an interesting idea for Kylo’s opening. I admit I am not the most advanced editor out here and would have a lot of trouble pulling that off. One other relatively simple idea I came across in someone else’s 3-in-1 edit (unfortunately I can’t remember whose off the top of my head to give them credit right now) was to recolor the Mustafar shots of Kylo opening the wayfinder box and picking up the wayfinder right before the shots of the fleet rising, kind of like Kylo finding the “key” to the fleet. This would introduce the issue of his “key” looking exactly like the wayfinder that Rey and co. spend the movie searching for. The Vader fight would certainly add more substance to the scene though.

That Leia deleted scene could provide the dialogue I needed. I wanted to have Leia address Poe by name to help sell the Falcon being called back and to help support the line about Poe being left in charge. The problem was Leia only said “Poe” twice the entire trilogy and I couldn’t get either instance to sound remotely natural with the appropriate dialogue.

I like your thoughts on Kylo/Pryde for the two climactic battles. Though whether I could find the appropriate shots/dialogue to make that happen is another question entirely.

I really like your idea about making Rey’s lightsaber the same color as Leia’s to make Leia’s saber more relevant. One thing I didn’t like about this edit was Leia’s saber showing up just to get buried in the sand. This would go a long way toward fixing that. Adding Kylo to the Tatooine shots is not something I am capable of, but if anyone else has done this, I would be willing to ask their permission to use their work. Not that I mind the ending as is. I feel it has the implication that Kylo has to work on his redemption rather than instantly becoming a Rey-like beacon of good. Instead of having a Scrooge level 180 degree redemption, it’s going to be a continual work-in-progress for him.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

QEXP said:

I haven’t looked through all 3,000+ replies to this topic, so forgive me if someone has already pitched this.

Is there a feasible way to remove both Snoke and Palpatine from the entire sequel trilogy, and have Kylo Ren as the sole main villain?

Getting rid of Snoke in The Force Awakens is no problem, he only has a few scenes.

The Last Jedi would be a bit more of a problem. The Snoke’s Throne Room scene would have to go, or at least be heavily altered.

Snoke isn’t a problem in Rise of Skywalker, but the Emperor poses some major issues. The Force battle finale on the ground on Exegol would have to go. Maybe the space battle could be salvaged, but Rey v Grandpa Sheev would definitely get cut. Maybe the Rey/Kylo lightsaber fight on the Death Star wreckage could serve as the final battle?

Anyone has any suggestions on how to make this crazy idea work, hit me back!

I created a TRoS edit without Palpatine that used the DSII fight as the final battle and the simple threat of the largest fleet the galaxy’s ever seen as the main threat. I sent you the link. As others have mentioned, the throne room in TLJ is going to be the hardest part. It could probably be edited down to 2 more-or-less reasonable films depending on what you are willing to sacrifice.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

While it’s plausible, it’s enough of a stretch that an explanation feels warranted. Being an outpost one would expect some level of offworld visitation, but Wookiees have never been shown to travel extensively. Chewie is virtually the only one ever seen outside of Kashyyyk or in slavery. Wookiees visiting often enough to learn the language seems very unlikely. However, it’s not hard to imagine a plausible explanation, e.g. there is or was a Wookiee scavenger on Jakku that Rey had been familiar with or she scavenged a language teaching device and taught herself several languages in her alone time at night. Given how few people seem to speak Shirywook, it feels like there should be something given on film.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

TestingOutTheTest said:

The implication of Rey’s reply about Luke is that she is considering the realization that Luke could be her next parental figure since her family is never coming back to get her.

I think that Maz days right before that line that the people she’s waiting for, her parents, aren’t coming back that this is the interpretation they were going for.

I think JakeRyan17’s ideas are some of the best for salvaging some consistency out of this trilogy. I’m not a big fan of the light this puts Snoke in for TLJ, but I don’t know of a better solution.

Chronological Marvel (No Spiderman Spoilers, Yes Endgame Spoilers) (* unfinished project *)

Thanks for the offer, but as I mentioned earlier, I don’t really have a way of sharing the finished product. I acknowledge that this is just going to be a fun way to marathon the movies with my friends and family. Once I found this thread, I just wanted to share that I was working on this too. I am over halfway done already (13 out of 23 movies combined so far) and I enjoy the editing, so I am going to keep at it and will probably finish it up early in the new year.

You are right about the MCU being held together by a thread. I think when you look at all of the movies, there is evidence directly dating the original Iron Man to each year from 2007 through 2010 or something like that. There is definitely a significant degree of judgement on what gets counted, what is ignored (I think everyone ignores the 8 years later at the beginning of Spider-Man: Homecoming), do you massage this number or that number to make something work, etc. I am putting everything in according to the wiki timeline right now. Once it’s all in, I will go through and see if it makes sense to me to switch any scenes around.

Chronological Marvel (No Spiderman Spoilers, Yes Endgame Spoilers) (* unfinished project *)

After doing some work this weekend, I have to take back what I said about them being nearly identical. I have found numerous inconsistencies, and generally speaking, comicboard.com always seems to be the one that doesn’t make any sense.

It has the molecular disequilibrium flashback dated as 2004. Ant-Man & the Wasp cannot take place any later than 2018. The actresses portraying Ghost were 28 and 7 at the time of filming (note also that child actresses are usually older than the character they are supposed to be portraying). Foster’s character was de-aged to how Laurence Fishburn looked circa 1991. With no other hard dating evidence, this gives a realistic date range of 1991 to 1997 to work with. So where did 2004 come from?

Fury’s Big Week doesn’t make any sense. The news reports on Hulk’s rampage at Culver University in Iron Man 2 before it ever happens. Likewise, Fury says he has more important things in the Southwest before anything has happened there.

As much nonsense as I have to wade through on the Marvel wiki, I am going to stick with that.

Chronological Marvel (No Spiderman Spoilers, Yes Endgame Spoilers) (* unfinished project *)

I have my doubts the comicboard.com site does more precise research. I haven’t looked at it enough to see how much dedication they put in, but I have seen the pages upon pages of data analysis and calculations the wiki puts in to calculate a single date. As a physicist, I can say some of the people involved have to be mathematicians. However, from a readability and usability standpoint, the comicboard site is 1000 times better and with using for that alone. The wiki concerns itself with every little event in the MCU’s history, no matter how small or obliquely referenced, nor are there any timestamp references. From what little I’ve looked at, they are in nearly perfect agreement anyway, so I wonder if the same people are involved in both. Although the comicboard site has ??? sometimes where the wiki has dates, or at least approximate dates.

Chronological Marvel (No Spiderman Spoilers, Yes Endgame Spoilers) (* unfinished project *)

There’s been no activity on this thread for over a year, but I’ll add my two cents here. I too am working on a chronological MCU edit including all films, one-shots, deleted/extended scenes (insofar as they do not contradict the film narrative and have reasonably finished effects) and any useable bonus content on the Blu-rays. The idea is to present it as a single chronological 40+ hour film, so I will not be doing any side-by-side for simultaneous scenes. For differing perspectives of the same scene, e.g. All Hail the King’s main narrative’s Trevor Slattery viewpoint and the credits’ Justin Hammer viewpoint, I am using the selections that present the most engaging cinematic narrative and cutting the duplicates. For disparate scenes, I will simply put one after the other in the order that makes most sense, e.g. after Odin pushes Thor into the Bifrost, it cuts to to Jane, Selvig, and Darcy in New Mexico at the beginning of the movie until the Bifrost reaches Earth. In presenting this as a cinematic experience, I am also narrative focused to an extent. The time travel elements from Endgame will be placed in the 2023 segment because that is the character’s present and it avoids contradictions in the original timeline. The few new bits unrelated to time travel will be placed in their original times, e.g. Hulk having to take the stairs.

I have been debating whether or not to include date stamps. I am using https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline as my timeline reference. There is a lot of contradictory date information in the movies and supplemental material - this wiki analyzes it all and applies ranges and weighting factors to come up with the best fits.

As far as the shows go, my rule is I have to own the content on disc to include it. I currently don’t own or have any intention of buying any show seasons. I do, however, have season 1 of a few different shows on my Amazon Wishlist as gift ideas for my family. If I ever receive any, I will include those and consider purchasing season 2. I have no expectation of ever including all of Agents of Shield. I feel like around the time of the Framework, the show really started to go off the rails and lost what little connection it had to the rest of the MCU.

Unfortunately, I don’t really see how I can share the results of my work (I’m about half-way through currently) as I don’t want to have to continually pay for the cloud space to host this much HD video.

A Palpatine-less Edit of The Rise of Skywalker (Released)

Thanks. I’m glad you enjoyed it. There is a spot or two that I’ve since realized better ways to edit them to be less choppy, but not enough yet to warrant doing another version.

I was very concerned about using “Duel of the Fates” as the title. I really didn’t like taking Trevorrow’s title, but I felt it fit this edit very well. In the end serving this edit seemed most important.

I understand what you mean about the end. I didn’t want to lose the Luke island scene entirely, so I had to stick it in after the climax. I originally considered using a very truncated version of the scene as a Force vision Rey had after stabbing Kylo, but before she tells him she wanted to take Ben’s hand. That didn’t work well, so I just let it play out afterward. I felt the film was better with it at the end rather than not at all. I knew an edit this radical was going to have some compromises. I was expecting to have to make a lot more than I did.