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How do others see the originaltrilogy.com community?

@none - I don't know the BlueRay forums, but there are a couple of seriously silly people on there from my brief viewing. Apparently the lightsabers in a ANH "look awesome" - I suppose they do if multi coloured rainbow sabers are your thing... Along with "Jar-Jar served a purpose in TPM" the best was one guy claiming the 2004 DVD's "look great"; either he's blind or stupid.

I only bring up the silly posters as it's generally them who were reacting against originaltrilogy.com and frankly I think their opinions on the above matters as much shows their ignorance to comment as much as anything else. If you like it would be a bit like Jar-Jar explaining to Yoda or Obi-Wan how to use a lightsaber...

So I suppose the only other question is how concerned should we be of a fool's opinion?


How do others see the originaltrilogy.com community?

Speaking as someone who is a noob to the board; My experience thus far is the boards are friendly and helpful, there are some rather extreme opinions around. But I think it unfair if individual opinions of the extreme variety should reflect on a forum as a whole.

As such apart from thinking people who liken George Lucas to a Nazi as an idiot, I don't think that is at all representative of the forum. Or to put it in the extreme analogy some of the Lucas haters would put it, does a serial killer reflect upon their society as a whole? I'd say the answer has to be no.

Lucas has of course lost the plot (which isn't new to him, seeing as he seemed to of completely of mislaid the entire prequel plots), and individuals failures to recognize that says as much about them, as those who seemingly want to kill another human being over a film franchise.

For me I have generally found the threads I've looked at interesting and informative, with a number of interesting viewpoints represented. The fact Adywan and Harmy are both regular posters here speaks volumes as to the regard the forum should be held in. I for one am very grateful that there are some very passionate fans here, who have done some wonderful works for the community, and I think the forum has been a massive force in that.

I can only speak for my self here, but although I'm part of the Star Wars community (I'm a moderator over at Lucas Forums). I am affraid I would have to confess until earlier this week I kind of knew of your existence but had never checked the forums out. As such generally I don't think you can have too much of a notorious reputation, as "infamous" boards tend to be more quickly known than good ones.

Just my 2 cents...


Why do you think he does it?

The irony with Lucas is he has become the very evil he originally fought... He took on the massive studios with creative genius and new ideas and hated the film establishment. He is arguably now more apart of that establishment than anyone from previous generations which has meant that...

I think Lucas has become utterly detached from his fanbase, and I think the split from Kurtz back before RotJ showed that then Lucas had sold his soul even back then. Ever since he has seen Star Wars as a means of selling toys and making money rather than about being about film. I think the latest Indy film, with aliens in, showed just how detached he has come from the fans of his films..

In the prequels he then seemed to think that special effects exists to drive story, rather than story to drive special effects. With that in mind is it surprising he adds duggs to the OT rather than run colour correction?

This is no disrespect meant to either Harmy or Adywan, but the fact that one individual in either case with great editing skills and a lot of perseverance and patience has managed to do a better job on fixing (and editing) the issues in the OT, than all of Lucas Film put together shows just how far the company has fallen, from the par excellence and creativity that they once represented.

I will just leave this in here for now.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zwID2QHnV8&feature=related

Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

adywan said:

jonathan7 said:

Ady whats the quality like on the lost 20 scene for the prequels is it good enough to re-insert into Episode 2? There any other decent deleted scenes which could be put back in that weren't already known?

Not very good at all. In fact i can't see how any of the prequels deleted scenes could be used in an edit without a very noticable drop in quality. here is the lost 20 scene, although they never talk about anything apart from a brief bit about Dooku. In motion this scene looks 100 times worse

*sigh* Thanks for the quick reply, considering Vader's fall later, you'd of thought this scene would of made sense to have, in terms of discussing Jedi who had left the order... Yeah that doesn't look great at all, I'm thinking at this point I may just get the Phantom Menace blue ray, and forget the rest! (CGI Yoda has to be better than that puppet in TPM).

Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

Ady whats the quality like on the lost 20 scene for the prequels is it good enough to re-insert into Episode 2? There any other decent deleted scenes which could be put back in that weren't already known? I suppose the other question is the bridge control ship attack salvageable, or would it be too much work to restore? - Really don't know why they didnt have that in, considering some of the crap Lucas put us through in the PT - "SAND".

Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist

I know the Ewoks have been mentioned a few times, I don't think my ultimate wish of Wookies instead of Ewoks will ever happen. But one of my hopes with RotJ: Revisited when Ady gets to it is that as he has said the Ewoks will be made more fearsome and there will be less E-wok action. Something that occurred to me the other day was in ESB - Obi-Wan says he can't do anything to help Luke if he goes to face Vader....

Which made me wonder, could Obi-Wan and Yoda help the Rebels on Endor... It does seem to me from Obi-Wans sentence in ESB that they would then be able to help in other circumstance i.e. Could Yoda appear to Chewie and tell him the Emperors plan? (As Chewie does know Yoda from (RotS or perhaps earlier).

The ANH:SE Redux Ideas thread (Radical Ideas Welcome).

It's an interesting idea although, I would like to point something out...

I don't know how many of you have done any sword fighting; I've done a bit in Aikido, and I actually think the ANH duel is actually far more realistic than the Prequel Trilogy fights. (I'm not claiming to be any master or special... So if anyone knows better I'm happy to be corrected). Here's a video of Kendo; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh2TNO5CGXQ Also found a video of longsword fighting here; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8PGRo61rCQ

As such although the Prequel fights may look more impressive, they got more and more OTT in my opinion. The Maul fight I think was really well done, but the later fights I find a bit meh. This may partly been because for Episode 3, I'd pictured Obi-Wan really regretfully taking Vader apart piece by piece.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

I quite like having different classes of Knight, not quite sure how you would be able to convey that across within any edits of the PT. I maybe biased on this points as I'm a massive fan of KotOR 1 + 2 which have Consular, Guardian and Sentinel classes.... One distinguishing feature there was lightsaber blade colour was related to class (though not written in stone, my Jedi Sentinel will never have a yellow blade!) I think an early SW game also had classes but I must confess that must of been before my time...

I maybe stoned for this, but generally I quite like the Jedi Robes as they are in the prequels, they are also a little different stylistically from ABi-Wans ANH variation, and Jedi like Ayala Secura (who should of had a bigger part IMO) went much more "modern".

While we're continuing Prequel wish lists. I'd of like Yoda to have killed Grevious... Having seen Grevious kill several Jedi, he confronts Yoda... Does his fancy lightsaber twizzle, and Yoda just squashes him from something from the ceiling.

Also another Gripe, I'd of like to of seen more of Bail Oragana (i.e. Leia saying to Obi-Wan in ANH; you served my father during the Clone Wars). I'd also of liked to have seen a young Tarkin, rising through the ranks of the Republic military ruthlessly. Could of had the Jedi objecting to his methods...


The Phantom Menace - Spence Edit

I did have a suggestion in the other prequel thread, with regards a new power source having been found on Naboo. I agree that the current plot really does not make much sense as for a organisation as rich and powerful as the Trade Federation to seize a backwater planet. SO I'd suggest a new power source discovery as a solution... One that would allow much bigger capital ships stations and powerful weapons to be built. Which would explain both Sidious and the Trade Federations interest. You could just include that information in the opening crawl...


Following the discovery and harnessing of a new and very powerful fuel cell on Naboo, various factions are vying for control of the previously unimportant Republic planet. The evil and nefarious Trade Federation have been the first to arrive at Naboo and have established a Blockade around the planet stopping anyone from entering or leaving Naboo.

Meanwhile the Trade Federation had simultaneously managed to mire the Republic Senate on Coruscant in bureaucracy, because of this the Republic is unable to send any representatives or military presence to assist the beleaguered planet.

Concerned with the unfolding events, the Supreme Chancellor has contacted the Jedi Order, who in turn have dispatched to Jedi Knights to investigate and negotiate an end to the Blockade...

Just my 2 cents :)

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Bingowings said:

All very good ideas for a remake but can any of these ideas be adapted to editing concepts?

Your idea of turning the Clone Wars into wars between clones makes good sense on paper.

Perhaps if the Super Battledroids and large Separatist war machines were cyborgs like Grievous their organic components could be cloned.

That could lead to some nasty imagery of panels being shot off exposing fleshy innards and their factories could have flesh vats as well as conveyor belts.

That is an adaptation that could possibly be integrated into existing footage.

Hey Bingowings,

I only mod Star Wars games, so I don't have any technical expertise in the field of editing/changing/adding to films. I'd hope most of my suggestions are possible, I was aiming to be constructive to the purposes of the thread. i.e. Hayden Christiansen could be used as Anakin from Episode 2 into 1....

Obviously perhaps the hardest is the above as you've pointed with regards having clones on either side. I think your suggestion is one of the few ways it could be done. It perhaps is like the Ewoks into Wookies in RotJ - something many would like to see done but isn't practicle with the tools available.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Sorry I'm rather late to the game, but a few thoughts...

Not sure how possible these suggestions would be... Apologies also if this is long.

General observation which I think we would all agree on of the prequels is there is far too much pointless exposition and not enough action. Anakin/Vaders transition is too quick IMO and no Jar-Jar...

It also seems to me the plots also don't make sense, for example why on earth would the Trade Federation want to invade a backwater planet like Naboo?

My first suggestion would be to make Naboo have something unique and valuable, perhaps a new power source that has just been made/invented there... One that would allow the construction of much larger capital ships space station and also a significant upgrade in weapons capabilities i.e. a superweapon. It could be secret, but as Palpatine's home planet he would be privy to that information. That would be a reason that both a Sith Lord and a massive company with military assets to have an interest in Naboo.

Ironically the Charachter/relationship I think that needs to be changed the most is Yoda and Obi-Wan... "Yoda the Jedi Master who trained me". So shouldn't Yoda be Obi-Wan's master. Seems there could be several solutions here, either have Obi-Wan already a Jedi Knight. Or have a seen where Yoda hands him over to Qui-Gon because Yoda is stuck at the temple teaching and wants Obi-Wan to go on some missions.

There are several other key changes I think that should be done to Characters. Firstly I'd suggest making Padme, a Princess instead of a Queen (she's 13 after all) and also remove that election nonsense, who elects 13 year olds? 

Then also make Anakin much older than in the TPM... I'm going to continually use the words more sense here... I'd suggest having him between the age of 13-18 - romance between him and Padme would also make much more sense, the council moaning about his age would make more sense... And him being a crafty pilot would make more sense. Deffo make him blow the Trade Federation ship up deliberately + more of him being an awesome pilot.

Tatooine needs major work, it lags and is boring. I think a lot could be cut... There needs to be some sort of meeting with Anakin, perhaps him saving someone being mugged, or Qui-Gon see's his podracing abilities. Interesting touch could be to have Anakin having already constructed himself a lightsaber...

I think during this time a romance between Anakin and Padme would make a lot more sense. A lot of what I think needs to be changed is in the first sections of the film... Though the space battle being made better and having Anakin be a much better pilot would be great.

I think it would also be best for the Phantom Menace to end with the beginning of the Clone Wars... i.e after the Trade Federation is defeated they form an alliance with others and go to war with the Republic... With Darth Sidieous pulling those strings.

Finally; I'd really like Dooku to be in TPM, possibly as a Jedi prior to leaving the Order (perhaps even see him leave the order because of Qui-Gons death).

With the Clone Wars having already begun, we would then be right in the middle of them for Episode 2... I think it would be good to see Grievous killing Jedi during the second film to set him up as a threat. Episode 2, instead of being a romance film, would be a film following characters exploits in the wars. Think there should be more of Anakin piloting again...

Here's another point it's called the CLONE wars... Shouldn't that mean it's Clones vs Clones rather than droids? However not sure how possibly it would be to change that, but just a thought.

Anakin's decent to the Dark Side, perhaps would make a bit of sense if he does gradually more morally grey things to defeat the separatists... If anyone is familiar with KotoR in a way similar to how Revan slowly gets darker over the course of the war with the Mandalorians.

The final push I think could be Sideous framing the Jedi for killing/being to blame for Padme dying (she doesn't have to be dead, just Anakin think she is)... And then Anakin raging and killing the Jedi over what has happened...

I'd actually like to have seen Darth Vader in suit hunting down Jedi... Anyone else think thats a good idea.

Anyways I will stop boring you all with my small 2 cents on the Prequels...


Wow, just wow, I only recently came across this project and managed to get a hold of an .avi version; it did not disappoint!

Absolutely superb Adywan, in my opinion a definitive version of ANH. In fact your work is really what should have been done originally for the DVD releases. Fantastic to finally have the lightsabers in ANH fixed, has always bugged me, has always been the most obvious fix yet for some reason Lucas et al seem to be oblivious to it!

The Death Star space battle is also brilliant, I think I may run out of superlatives in describing the work you did in creating the new models, indeed your added stuff looks better and more realistic than the CGI X-wings Lucas added in '04!

It is a testament to your skill, hardwork and patience that you have in fact produced a superior version of the film than all of Lucas Arts put together. Not sure there is anything I would suggest or change about what I just saw, it's fantastic, really, really good job. Thanks so much for doing the films justice with a great edit, and thanks also for releasing it for the rest of us to enjoy.

I've been trying to download higher quality versions, but alas so far j-downloader and u-torrent (both installed just to get this) seem unable to download, either due to rapidshare not playing ball or their being no peers/seeds online.

Anyone have any suggestions on where I would be able to get The DVD-9  and Purist versions? (I'd love to compare the two). Thanks in advance for any help anyone maybe able to provide! If you have any direct download links please also PM me...