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SW Episode III - Reign of the Dark Side (* unfinished project *)

MrInsaneA said:

That still really doesn't make sense. Why are two sabers better then one? 

Because your going up against a dude wielding 4 lightsabers... I don't see how you can't think two might be more helpful when your effectively being attacked four times at once.

Besides this, given the number of times that the Jedi (and Sith) manage to loose their lightsabers during the films (Obi-Wan in TPM, Anakin in AotC, then Obi-Wan, Yoda, Sidious and Anakin in RotS, not to mention Luke in ESB) having a back up weapon actually makes a lot of sense rather than just having one weapon...

Despite all that, it was merely a suggestion for how Anakin could change sabers and Obi-Wan end up with Anakin's saber... It's somewhat limited given the footage available, but if you have a better suggestion feel free to make it.

SW Episode III - Reign of the Dark Side (* unfinished project *)

On the whole lightsaber issue/problem. Had a sort of wild idea; could Anakin give Obi-Wan his lightsaber the last time they see each other before Obi-Wan leaves for Utapao. Instead of Anakin saying "Your going to need me" - Could it be changed to "you might need this", and then move into a close up of two hands with the lightsaber changing hands?

Just a thought... It could also mean that he already has a red blade when he cuts Windu's arm off. Would possibly change the perspective of Anakin turning up at Palpatine's office that he had already decided to side with Palpatine and made himself a new saber.

Just a thought...

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Bingowings said:

No apology required.

I pointed out that it had already been proposed so you could read the responses from back then.

It was an interesting read and pretty much what I was meaning just here. Not sure how possible it would be to pull off in a fan edit.

The above Photo looks great, although I think it would possibly look better if Vader was sacking the temple in his full suit, rather than still being in Robes.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

I had a seriously crazy idea today... I thought I'd share, not sure how it would be pulled out in the prequels...

What if Anakin had a split personality disorder, so Anakin Skywalker was one side of his personality and Darth Vader was the other. The Vader side could slowly take over throughout the course of the trilogy. The Vader side could do horrific things, and Anakin could still be heroic. It would I think bring a new perspective to Obi-Wan saying that Darth Vader betrayed and murdered your father....


Ziz said:

Tatooine matte doesn't need to be replaced, but maybe a subtle cloud layer moving separately from the planet itself would help.

DS explosion is fine.  Remember the scale of what's going on.  Those "yellow particles" in scale ARE giant flaming chunks of the station.

No, leave the Emperor and Yoda out of ANH.  That's something Lucas would do, which is why he crammed Jabba and Fett into the SE in the first place.

You are of course entitled to your opinion but I completely disagree, obviously it's upto Ady, and it's his POV that will count. The Tattoine matte does to me just look like a painting, rather than a planet, though I'd be open to seeing what a cloud layer would do.

However I even think the explosion in the SE's is better than the original one, the yellow particles don't look like flaming bits of degree they look like confetti :-p @rayafraid... Agreed.


Some may stone me for this, but could Ady replace the Tatooine matte at the start with something new... Was watching a ANH:R last night, and the planet surface just looks like a painting to be frank, it too mono layered rather than looking 3D despite Ady causing it to slowly spin.

The other suggestion, again some of you may not like, is having a different Death Star explosion... The original explosion just doesn't seem very realistic to me, there's very little debry just some yellow particles.

Possible other suggestions, though not sure where they could fit in pacing wise would be brief cameo's for the Emperor and Yoda; possibly have the Emperor appear briefly as a hologram fading out to say Tarkin, Yoda, could react along with Ben to the destruction of Alderaan.

The Phantom Menace - Spence Edit

Spence, try this; http://download.cnet.com/FormatFactory/3000-2194_4-11114785.html it's Format Factory, will pretty much convert any media into any other type of media. That's an older version, but some of the newer versions has spyware integrated in the installation so I've stuck with the above version. Hope that helps!

Here's the techsupportalert review of several other media converters; http://www.techsupportalert.com/best-free-audio-video-format-conversion-program.htm

I've had no problems with FormatFactory, but maybe better alternatives now...

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

BarBar Jinkx said:

OK I had an Idea regarding the Yoda Vs. Sid fight,


the biggest gripe I have with it is that Yoda doens't even try, he gives up like a punk and runs with his tales between his legs,


What if we could have a bit of Qui Gon dialog (a la luke's trench run) were he tells him to run and that there will be another time to defeat him.


what do you think guys?

I've always hated the Yoda vs Sidious fight, for a number of reasons... Firstly the fact that lightsabers are involved would of rathered it had been a straight out force fight. And then I hate the fact Yoda leaves... I'd of prefered it if Yoda had managed to get the upper hand, but then Vader turns up so Yoda has to back down as it's two vs one.

I also dislike the fact they are in hiding, there should of been a scene where a whole load of people are killed for hiding Yoda or Obi-Wan, so one of the reasons they exile themselves is to stop others from being killed by association. If you understand what I'm getting at?

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

For me I have no intention of currently buying the Blu-Rays (with the possible exception ironically of the Phantom Menace for CGI Yoda), however if Ady, did do an edit of them, I would purchase the Blu-Rays so I could watch his edits with a clear conscience.... Which at least to me also seems to be what OT would promote (i.e. owning the retail version of the edit before you watch them).

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Sepharih said:

The biggest problem I foresee with this is that it might wind up removing whatever tension there is in the podrace since the viewer effectively has no idea who Anakin is as a character or why they should care about him.

One of the big problems with the Pod-race I think though is there is a lack of tension anyway, there was never a point that I didn't think Anakin would win. It's a point the Phantom Editor makes in his commentary of Attock of the Clones. That the Prequels are a bit like a bad horror film, you already know what's going to happen there isn't any suprises. Where as the OT I think often surprised you... (Well at least until RotJ).


The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Another though I had on the Prequels...

Yoda says in RotJ "do not underestimate the powers of the Emperor or suffer your father's fate you will".

Always seemed to me that Anakin confronted the Emperor, and then got turned. I wonder if it would be possible to have Anakin confronting the Emperor and getting his ass kicked... Then cutting to Anakin in the Vader suit, and the Emperor suggesting that the Jedi are turning Padme against him. Then have the Obi-Wan vs Vader fight (with Anakin now in the Vader costume, but not fully maimed).

I know that's probably an impossible pipe dream...

The Phantom Menace - Spence Edit

Looks like a really interesting list of changes Spence :) I look forward to seeing where you take the movie! Couple of added suggestions... Anyway you could make Anakin a bit older?Like having a charachter say he's 11 or 12? Other request is remove any references too Padme being elected... Who elects 14 year olds?

With regards the Energy Source, could the Duel of Fates fight be in the reactor system? Always seemed entirely random where that fight was, considering they were in the middle of a palace and suddenly those huge power colums etc...

I also reckon if there is no reveal as to who Sidious is, it maybe worth leaving in the discussion between Yoda and Mace about there being Master and Apprentice (though I know some hate it).

For Mauls voice would something similar to Darth Sion's voice in KotOR 2 work well http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVQJwIrswMs ??

How do others see the originaltrilogy.com community?

Davnes007 said:

It seems I was in a pissy mood yesterday. I did come off as an ass in my post(s), and I humbly apologize for making you feel unwelcome. 

Although spelling/grammar issues do jump out at me (all over the internet), jumping all over you about it was stupid...and I've felt bad about the whole situation since it happened.

Again, I'm sorry for upsetting you (and others), with my behaviour.

No worries, apology accepted. I over-reacted to it too, I've been ill and tired (which also doesn't help grammar/spelling either), so it's in the past lets forget about it. :)




What was the &quot;fatal flaw&quot; of the Prequels if you think they sucked? (aka. Let's take a break from hating on the blu-rays)


The interesting thing though is how superbly acted Alec Guinness is, in the scene in ANH when he talks about Lukes father and Darth Vader. In that the response, makes it seem that Kenobi was considering his words carefully and there was a lot more to the story. If you know what I mean?


Are there any sources for the OT EU prior to the Prequels, I've heard that Lucas contradicts a lot of the previous work, but unfortunately I've never seen/read the ideas that pre-dated the Prequels.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Here's a question...

Do you think Tatooine could be entirely recut so that our first introduction to Anakin is the Podrace... i.e. Qui-Gon goes to Mos Eisley and ends up watching the Podrace and seeing Anakin win? Tatooine I think is one of the massive weaknesses of TPM; Could his Jedi mind trick on Watto be changed to work? (It is ridiculous that Republic credits aren't accepted; the Republic would surely of been a bit like America and it's dollar in that smaller countries many would accept the dollar as currency - especially gambling dens).

Onto Episode II - next question is... Could Anakin and Padme's scenes on Naboo, be changed to Alderaan? Would seem to me there would be more emotional ties to Alderaan being blown up in IV if we see it in the Prequels... Could me the Amidala families "summer" retreat.

Does anyone care about the 'extended universe'?

I loved KotOR and KotOR II; They were widely praised and awesome games, with interesting story, good compelling characters and something new to say about the Star Wars galaxy... Then George happened >.>

If your talking about the extended movie period... No I hate a lot of what happens there... Palpatine coming back from the dead is a monumentally crap idea IMO.

How do others see the originaltrilogy.com community?


Apologies for length, failure to articulate my self or bad grammar...

That was just obnoxious in my opinion; I don't hold it against the forum, but I won't be returning to post in that thread. Didn't really seem like Davnes007 wanted to engage with the topic just criticise my sucky grammar and not having been specific enough over what I had meant, although I'd of thought/hoped that it was clear enough for people to understand my meaning.

There are always those in forums that seem to think it's their job to act as grammar police, though I have to confess this is the first time I recall being the target. It's not as if I avoid trying to type properly, not using capitals or sentences or using chat speak. Nor does correcting me actually help, already had to put up with years of sh*t about it from teachers in the education system, would prefer not to have to deal with it in a forum I post in for FUN.

It does annoy me when  none native English speakers or those with learning disabilities are "corrected" it's not as if I'm deliberately trying to annoy anyone, and the above just seemed like it was trying to make me look stupid, I leave it to others to decide if I am in fact stupid.

I do my best with grammar and spelling (have a spell checker in firefox to catch my spelling errors, which are frequent). But there is not a grammar checker integrated into firefox, not that Word for example always catches my grammatical mistakes anyway.

But to your point, given that I've been hardly hear a week, it was not the nicest of introductions I've ever received...

My 2 cents.

How do others see the originaltrilogy.com community?
 Adywan usually gets torn apart over that thing =/

What kind of complete prat would attack Adywan over ANH:Revisited? It's AMAZING... Hell, from what I've heard he seems to have got a hell of a lot of grief for what Lucas should have done. Which is a shame as in reality I think both him and Harmy should be universally praised (along with many others whose names would make this too long...) for their work. I'm thankful all the crap hasn't stopped Adywan from continuing fixing the trilogy.

Frankly you would have to be a complete twat to give stick to either of them, over what they've done. The whole Star Wars community should be grateful even if they prefer the "Official Releases" just for the ammount of effort and skill it takes to do what they've done. I really don't get the haters....

Inconsistencies across the saga

Davnes007 said:

jonathan7 said:

Davnes007, you're rather snarky. You know, I do pretty friggin' well for someone with both dyslexia, and dysgraphia.

Well, I didn't mean to come off as snarky. However, you are the one that said you're pedantic about language use.

I was referring to Obi-Wan within the films, not any posters. But fine, I hear the f*** off, I'll leave you all in peace.

What was the &quot;fatal flaw&quot; of the Prequels if you think they sucked? (aka. Let's take a break from hating on the blu-rays)

The fatal flaw is that Star Wars became a vehicle to making toys, so instead of having toys based off film characters. The films were made with the concern of, what looks good and sells toys.

The biggest problem with TPM is the Pod Race, essentially Lucas wanted a Pod Race, and so tryed to come up with a contrived Plot which would let him have a Pod Race in there. That's why there is so much pointless dialogue on Tatooine as he trys to contrive the reason for the Pod Race.

AotC sucks, because frankly Star Wars is called Star WARS - yet two thirds of the film goes by before there is a WAR... Instead we have to put up with a lack lustre love story with horrific dialog and crap acting. Of course I do feel sorry for the actors in AotC and RotS, cant be easy to act when all you have is a stick and a blue screen.

RotS just left itself too much to do, and we didn't see enough of Vader hunting down Jedi... IMO most of that film should of been after Vader had turned and him hunting down and killing Jedi...

This then moves us into the fact Star Wars being made exclusively as a kids film -  with all the horrible crap that started in RotJ... What amazes me, is Lucas doesn't seem to realise that kids loved ANH and ESB - He didn't have to talk down to them, or have crap humour, or teddy-bears beating an "entire legion of my best troops" for them to love Star Wars. Then suddenly Lucas seems to of realised in RotS he needed to go "adult again" to finish it...

Inconsistencies across the saga

I think the analogy is somewhat faulty though; we're not talking about school. Infact the established way of teaching in the Prequels is to have a Padawn and ergo one main teacher. Also you also make a distinction in your sentance when you say "Science Teacher" so you are in fact categorising him.

Plus I think your point would of worked if we were just discussing the OT, but I just don't think your explanation holds water (no offence). I would of been more sympathetic to your point of view if it was just the one mention rather than the too, plus Obi-Wan's statement seemed to indicate he was similar to Luke at HIS age... As such I personally think its a contradiction...

(My apologies for being pedantic on language use; too much philosophy over the years ;-))

Inconsistencies across the saga

My biggest gripe;

Obi-Wan "There you will learn from Yoda, the Jedi Master who instructed me."

I would like to point out there is a bigger line hinting at Yoda being Obi-Wan's MAster which people missed in the ESB:Revisited thread... When trying to explain the line or suggest a change to it;

Obi-Wan "Was I any different when you taught me?"

.... Actually Luke I learned from Qui-Gon.... >.>