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Aalenfae's PREQUEL TRILOGY (Heavily delayed - computer exploded)

Forgive my ignorance here - but how do dubbed films work? Like the original music etc is all there but then it's in a foreign language. So presumably at some point there is the musical and sound effect score, separate from the dialogue? Or is that just not released at all to the public?

As always A - great stuff, really looking forward to these when you release them!

Aalenfae's PREQUEL TRILOGY (Heavily delayed - computer exploded)

I'd suggest just canning the entire Sifo-Dias sublot, it's too stupid to make sense. The whole mystery element doesn't work, as the Jedi Council say they will devote all their resources to find out who created the army, and then it is never mentioned again. You could start AotC with Obi-Wan going to inspect the Republic's new army.

With regards the Phantom Menace, could you move TC14, and the shot with the Jedi lounge to just after they arrive at the Jedi Temple? The only thing that would need changing would be the windows... Could you just replace the space views in the windows with Coruscant city scape?

Out of interest did you have any pans to introduce Anakin any earlier? As he is the closest discernible thing to a lead character, but doesn't appear for the first 40 mins of the fillm.

Aalenfae's PREQUEL TRILOGY (Heavily delayed - computer exploded)

aalenfae said:

Haha, well, I'm glad you like it.

And yeah, I pitched Amidala's voice higher - so she sounds more natural. 
I'll be doing that throughout the movie. 

On a second note - I think I'll be able to make Naboo into Alderaan for the Prequel Trilogy. I THINK. We'll see. I've managed to cut out almost every single spoken reference to "Naboo" (not a bad thing, because they never say "Tatooine" in ANH, for instance). 
Making Naboo into Alderaan seems like a daunting task. But I don't think it's QUITE so difficult in the end. And it's a good, logical change.

I really liked it Aalenfae, wonder if you can re-use Obi-Wan's "I sense something illusive" later on? Thats only because that small little bit of dialogue is all that I missed in the re-cut opening.

I think using Alderaan instead of Naboo would be a fantastic move; I think it would also have far more emotional impact in Episode 4, if a planet we know and like is blown up. (I really think Lucas missed a huge trick there!). Out of interest, what's your opening crawl? I'm just hoping you replaced the crappy trade dispute with something else ;-)

All in all excellent work, really liked it!

The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread

Ady, could you start RotS with a crawl talking about how a mysterious warrior named Vader had finally turned the war in the Republics favour? Then show Vader (in ANH varient suit) on some clandestine mission for the chancellor/Tarkin - maybe killing a "rogue Jedi" or assassinating some separatists? Then cut back to something on Corscant - where Anakin then turns up? and then have the whole Coruscant battle later on rather than at the start?

Help Wanted: Attack Of The Clones - How To Fix This Pooper

Movies off the top of my head (which you may or may not of thought of), which could prove useful; Star Ship Troopers (and all the awful sequels), Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, Serenity (and therefore Firefly), Dune, Aeon Flux, Equilibruim, Screamers, Ultra Violet, Judge Dredd, Prometheus,

Left of centre; V for Vendetta (the Clandestine board meetins where they talk to the Chancellor on the screen, could easily be swapped box in box for Palpy). In the Name of the Rose (who doesn't love Sean Connery looking like a Jedi/Monk?).

Hope that helps for 1 or 2 films you may not of thought of.

Help Wanted: Attack Of The Clones - How To Fix This Pooper

I do have a question, would it be possible to add scenes from other films to make it make more sense add a new spin?

In terms of main characters that's obviously an issue, but could we add Grevious in? And fit in more battle scenes? Could we for example add in some of the Coruscant outside battle scenes from RotS into AotC, could some of the extra scenes like the politicians chatting be added from RotS to AotC.

One of the edits starts with Dooku and Palpatine having that chat they have at the end "the war has begun" etc - Which I actually think is the best way to begin the film.

The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread

Speaking of artwork, thought you guys may like the contest mock up I came up with. Always hated that we didn't see much about the Imperial Navy being created... I do agree with Ady that it would be better to see Star Destroyers being built rather than the Death Star at the end of RotS...

The whole pic is too wide for the forum, but you can see it here; http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n534/jonathan_seven/empireshipyards_zpse5d2b2e6.jpg

The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread

Just to comment on Bingowings sequence for RotJ (I'm still thinking about RotS). I'd suggest a serious re-arrange of the ending to make it both a lot less complicated (less going on simultaneously and make far more sense and also more tense... Starting from;

Luke allows himself to get caught... Meets with Vader.

We then cut to Hans assault getting to the shield and then;

See Han getting caught. We also see the Ewoks fighting the Empire.

The fleet enters Endor space "it's a trap" - Lando talks about having to give "Han more time" which at this point seems stupid as we know Han has been caught....

Luke goes before the Emporer and Vader. The Emporer tells Luke his friends will die etc. Reveals the Death Star is fully operational and watch the destruction of rebel command ships. We cut to see the Ewoks getting killed right. left and centre....

Luke feels the Rebels getting their ass kicked; finally cracks, show down with Vader... Fight. This entire sequence is cut together it is really the most important part of the film; the completion of father and sons journey. The entire battle is going the Empire's way....

Until the Emperor is killed by Vader, Luke carries Vader out, their scene together "take off my mask", last wee see them until Endor Surface. Then, and only then, the battle turns!

Now down on Endor; Ewoks get on top; Han escapes, they blow up the shield generator....We then cut to all of the Space battle;

The rebels destroy the Executor; I'd suggest one of the Mon Calamari ships sacrificing herself and ramming it, and then it crashes into the Death Star II. The Imperials are now in crisis; who is in charge? Possibly show arguments between Captains? Anyway Death Star blows up; rest of the Imperial fleet retreats... Rebels win etc etc

The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread

I'd be pro just removing Jar-Jar from the Gungan battle he offers absolutely nothing good; especially in the battle scenes! I'm not a fan of the slap stick crap Lucas gives us in he middle of battles from RotJ onwards. Literally the less Jar-Jar is in the film the better. Can I add that Vader killing Jar-Jar in RotS would make me very, very happy - lop his head off or force choke him; either way I'd be happy...

Well, I am a Brit, and not actually a Republican; I very much like the Queen. It was more from This angle; Padme an unelected Queen turns Naboo into a democracy. Palpatine elected official turns Republic into an Empire and him Emporer. I liked the dichotomy of the two people vying for Anakin's soul as it were.

The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread

<p>I really like a lot of your re-ordering of the two films there Bingowings, especially the link between the two films and the creation of the clone army. And adding Dooku in as a Jedi in the first film; would be great to see him on the council. I also wonder if it would be possible to give Yoda a bigger role in TPM, maybe even re-instate him as Obi-Wan's master, and just have Qui-Gon and Obi being Jedi?<br /><br />I would make a couple of suggestions; for the title crawl I would suggest two things. Remeber the power source idea? Essentially the crawl would include information along these lines; the Naboo have recently invented a revolutionary power source which will allow the creation of super-sized ships and battle stations. Following this the King and Queen of Naboo were assassinated leaving their young daughter as queen. Various Galactic powers are vying for control.<br /><br />The next suggestion would be moving up the Gungan's battle to the middle of the film, given they just loose, you could stream line the end of the film to remove it's overcomplicated ending even more buy using the Gungans loosing to show the people's suffering. (Possibly also interspace with a few sceens from Terminator 4 with droids rounding people up). <br /><br />

The reason I really like the power source idea is it paves the way for the Death Star and Imperial fleet, and also gives a good reason for wanting to control the planet...

I really really do like your re-ordering of AotC; though I have to say I'm not a fan of Dooku just being a fallen Jedi. Prefer him as a Sith Lord, would want to keep the Force fight between him and Yoda but scrap Yoda jumping around loads. Would also want to see Grevious introduced towards the end AotC killing a few Jedi personally.</p>

Also for AotC, the title crawl could say that having turned Naboo into a democracy and abolished the monarchy Padme was voted Naboo's senator. I think that adds to her being the exact opposite of Palpatine/the Emporer....

My 2 cents

The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread

I had a couple of concepts as I was experimenting with idea's for RotS;

Not sure if my idea's are even possible, certainly beyond my feeble video editing skills.

Also would love to see Tarkin added, even if it was only for brief cameo's in shots;

At least for me however the full image isn't being displayed you can see it here for a younger Tarkin having been inserted at Palpy's right...


Just to explain the thinking behind the above concept pictures. Several things always bothered me from the Original Trilogy not really being present in the Prequels.

1. The separation of Anakin and Vader as Characters.

2 The way Obi-Wan describes what happened. Currently he just looks like lair in the OT from the way the prequels are done.

3. Yoda telling Luke not to underestimate the powers of the Emperor or he will suffer his fathers fate.

To me the logical approach to 1. would be to have Anakin and Vader appear as separate characters. My idea was Palpatine could have a private assassin he is using to kill of senior Trade Federation leaders, apparently to bring the war to a quicker close. So we see a masked figure assassinating some of them, following Palpatine's orders (and possibly a Clandestine committee with Tarkin in it).

The last time we see Anakin he would realize that the chancellor is a Sith Lord and goes to confront Palpatine on his own. Palpatine then attacks Anakin with lightning, and that is the last time we see Anakin as Anakin. He's presumed dead - This would also sort of mirror what happens to Luke in RotJ....

Later Vader in mask saves Palpatine from Mace Windu... After that he could finally be officially called "Darth Vader". Anyway the whole point of all that being in ESB, there is a whole "aahhh" moment, and makes what Obi-Wan says about Anakin being consumed by Darth Vader make far more sense. At least with this ordering, Vader in mask would also fight Obi-Wan on Mustafa - which is the bit I'm not sure is even technically possible - and afterwards finalize the transformation from Anakin to Darth Vader.

The other advantage of this is it would save us from some of those horrific Hayden speeches!

Anyways, that was just my idea for the way Anakin should of fallen, while saving the reveal till ESB.


STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

brash_stryker said:

I'm sure I read somewhere that formatting small flash memory modules as NTFS gradually reduced the capacity or did some other damage....that's why I took it for granted people would be using FAT32 :-)

Urban legend I think... All my hard-drives, portable hard-drives and USB sticks are NTFS and given some are 5 years old, they're all good :-p

Windows has a few urban legends around it I remember some of the Mac crew at my charity telling me Windows XP couldn't handle files larger than 4gb, I was like really, want to look at this 60gb file I have on my laptop (RotS, in Lagarith avi form).

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Bingowings said:

I believe it was first pioneered by Bell End Labs.

Produced by Cock Sure Industries?

On topic: still not sure if it's a prank or not, if it's good that he's managed to pretty much get everything back. The file undelete's may well manage to retrieve things to. If you have lots of time on your hands you can just have them keep trying to read until they manage to. When I was cloning my failed hard-drive it would just keep trying to read until it did succesfully; could take 2-3 days, but would eventually do it. (The whole clone took that long, not an individual file retrieval).