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What didn't you like about TFA? <em>SPOILERS</em>

Bosk said:

hydrospanner said:

Bosk said:

Bosk said:

hydrospanner said:

Bosk said:

No new star wars film will EVER match ESB…I don’t understand TFA? If the film was good these negative posts and nitpicking wouldn’t exist. Try and find a bad review pulling Esb to bits. Type problems with tfa in Google and you’ll read pretty much everything mentioned on this site.


here’s some links with regards to TFA problems

https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=the problem with the force awakens

Well one of those links took me to an article with Samuel L Jackson saying he didn’t like the lightsaber fighting in TFA because it wasn’t as good as the ones in the prequels.

even the Vatican hated it http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2015/12/star-wars-the-force-awakens-vatican-review and some crtics had the balls to say what a few think http://www.thewrap.com/star-wars-the-force-awakens-negative-reviews/

Lol and the critics who liked it all don’t have balls and are all lying because they are scared of what exactly?

What didn't you like about TFA? <em>SPOILERS</em>

Bosk said:

Bosk said:

hydrospanner said:

Bosk said:

No new star wars film will EVER match ESB…I don’t understand TFA? If the film was good these negative posts and nitpicking wouldn’t exist. Try and find a bad review pulling Esb to bits. Type problems with tfa in Google and you’ll read pretty much everything mentioned on this site.


here’s some links with regards to TFA problems

https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=the problem with the force awakens

Well one of those links took me to an article with Samuel L Jackson saying he didn’t like the lightsaber fighting in TFA because it wasn’t as good as the ones in the prequels.

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

TV’s Frink said:

Alderaan said:

hydrospanner said:

Alderaan said:

Also look at the execution of the plot on screen. Do you really want to compare the original Death Star attack with Starkiller assault side-by-side? Same plot elements can get boring AND pale in quality to the original.

I did compare it. The Starkiller assault was way better than the Death Star attack in the original. Everyone who likes TFA has even stated as much in their review.

All the lolz

I thought that was satire but honestly I’m not sure.

Satire? Come on, Poe flying through that crevice and blowing up the oscillator with his top gun skills was way cooler than when Luke flew down a trench and had to use the force to luckily make the shot because he just wasn’t a very good pilot. Hasn’t everyone that who claims to enjoy TFA agreed on this? In fact all TFA has done is make me realize how awful the original Star Wars was and just how much better it could have been. Now that I have seen a better remake of it I’ll probably just throw my copy of the original in the trash.

What didn't you like about TFA? <em>SPOILERS</em>

Bosk said:

No new star wars film will EVER match ESB…I don’t understand TFA? If the film was good these negative posts and nitpicking wouldn’t exist. Try and find a bad review pulling Esb to bits. Type problems with tfa in Google and you’ll read pretty much everything mentioned on this site.


What didn't you like about TFA? <em>SPOILERS</em>

I always thought Luke guided himself into that shaft on the sidewall thing. I guess as a kid it didn’t occur to me that he was possibly choosing suicide over joining Vader and that he planned to fall into the shaft to escape. I thought if he continued to fall he would have just hit solid ground at some point. I never really understood exactly what purpose the tunnel served and as a kid found the whole sequence to be kind of weird, but apparently everyone here is an expert on the inner workings of Cloud City.

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

Alderaan said:

Also look at the execution of the plot on screen. Do you really want to compare the original Death Star attack with Starkiller assault side-by-side? Same plot elements can get boring AND pale in quality to the original.

I did compare it. The Starkiller assault was way better than the Death Star attack in the original. Everyone who likes TFA has even stated as much in their review.

What didn't you like about TFA? <em>SPOILERS</em>

Bosk said:

TV’s Frink said:

That_OT_Ruler said:

Lord Haseo said:

Sorry you felt that way and I hope you enjoy the film one day, but funny thing is that a decent amount of people were pissed when they left ESB due to having so many things left up in the air. Not saying TFA is on par but just wanted to note that.

Well thank you for being a good sport and not forcing me to change my viewpoints. 😃

As for the Maz explaining the lightsaber, maybe not when the castle was being destroyed, but just somewhere. It should’ve been explained at some point in the story.

And it probably still will be explained in one of the next two movies. If it isn’t, then I will readily agree it was lazy writing.

To be honest who actually cares how she got it. What relevance did it have anyway? How did Luke train Jedi without a light sabre? Presumably he had another? So why he would need his old one back is beyond me. Again another ANH rip off, OBI1 had Anakin’s light sabre. He even tell’s Luke “it’s your father’s light sabre”. so Vader presumably had acquired another. Even the box containing it in OB1’s cave is copied in TFA.

He did have another, didn’t you see ROTJ? Maybe Luke doesn’t need or even want it back or maybe there is a reason he does need that particular lightsaber back. We will have wait and see in the next episode what relevance it has.

Why does it bother you that the saber was in a box? Maybe the saber box is like the modern equivalent of a rifle case and you could go buy them at any weapons store throughout the galaxy.

What didn't you like about TFA? <em>SPOILERS</em>

They did introduce new characters and there was no way they were making a sequel trilogy that omitted all the characters from the OT. Why even bother making an episode VII if it isn’t going to have any relation to the previous installments?

I don’t see how the story makes the OT unimportant. Did you think that there weren’t ever going to be any more bad guys in the universe after the Emperor died? Wasn’t the idea of some sort of an Imperial Remnant already thought of in the EU anyways? It seemed logical to me then and still does in TFA.

What didn't you like about TFA? <em>SPOILERS</em>

They did introduce new characters and there was no way they were making a sequel trilogy that omitted all the characters from the OT. Why even bother making an episode VII if it isn’t going to have any relation to the previous installments?

I don’t see how the story makes the OT unimportant. Did you think that there weren’t ever going to be any more bad guys in the universe after the Emperor died? Wasn’t the idea of some sort of an Imperial Remnant already thought of in the EU anyways? It seemed logical to me then and still does in TFA.

What didn't you like about TFA? <em>SPOILERS</em>

Lord Haseo said:

Sorry you felt that way and I hope you enjoy the film one day, but funny thing is that a decent amount of people were pissed when they left ESB due to having so many things left up in the air. Not saying TFA is on par but just wanted to note that.

That is an interesting point. File the movie not being enough a self contained story as another gripe some who are complaining that it is a rip-off of A New Hope are not finding to be enough like A New Hope have.

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

And don’t get me started on those two seated TIE Fighters in TFA with a seat for a rear gunner. Like that makes any sense or would ever be useful in a fight. It is the most contrived thing I have ever seen and was just put their so Finn and Poe could escape on a single ship together. It was silly and didn’t make complete sense like when the Rebellion went into battle with two seated speeders with a rear facing gunner who didn’t have any blasters and could only shoot a harpoon with a tow cable which turned out to be exactly what they needed to take down the AT-ATs. That was so not contrived at all and made perfect sense. Luke’s plan to attack the AT-AT’s by approaching them head on rather then from the side was also pure genius. He probably won another medal for implementing that brilliant strategy.

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

Then during said duel Luke gets a bunch of heavy metal objects hurled at him which would have knocked any person unconscious or at least seriously injured them in real life. The objects then smash a window which he sucked out of and falls to his apparent death, but conveniently there was a balcony or something that he landed on and he was able to get up relatively unscathed. This is followed by them dueling across this long balcony which they probably just put in their because they thought it would look cool and Luke just keeps stupidly backing up when he can obviously see there is nowhere to go. Then he gets his hand chopped off and he isn’t gushing blood everywhere like we saw in the previous film when Obi-Wan sliced that guys arm off in the cantina. Darth Vader proceeds to tell him he is his father so he jumps off and falls a thousand feet or so but he somehow manages to fly into this hole in the wall that happens to be big enough for him to fit in. Then he slides down the interior of what looks like a big slide you would see at a McDonald’s playplace for kids where a door on the ground then magically opens for him and drops him right on a weather vane looking thing that just happens to be there. Then he manages to talk telepathically to Leia… something we have never seen before just so they can come back and rescue him. How convenient. It is all a bunch of contrived nonsense that makes no sense and is an example of objectively poor storytelling.

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

Why bother with the carbon freezing at all? Darth Vader along with a battalion of stormtroopers couldn’t have just managed to subdue him and arrest him for his crimes against the Empire? Then once they take him prisoner Vader could say bring my shuttle and toss a handcuffed and guarded Luke in it and fly him up to the Executor. Once they landed he could then have Luke thrown in the brig where he could then have a long talk with him about their relationship and his options. Isn’t that how a real military would do it if they were on a mission to capture someone important? Instead of something believable we got some elaborate plan where Vader meets Luke alone and tries to get him in a carbon freezing chamber which fails and then they duel with lightsabers. How contrived.

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

Finn was pissed in the lightsaber duel as well so I don’t find it to be to unbelievable that he got a lucky hit in before Kylo demolished him.

Couldn’t it also be that there is sort of an unwritten rule amongst Jedi/Sith or whatever that when someone pulls out a lightsaber that the honorable thing to do is duel them? Yeah Kylo could have used the force to take Finn out too but then he pulled out the saber so it was on? Couldn’t Vader have just used his mastery of the force against Luke in Bespin… why bother dueling him with a lightsaber at all?