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Making the Obi-Wan & Anakin training session (From the Kenobi series) work in an AOTC edit.

darthrush said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

I think Obi-Wan being harsh to Anakin is good set up for Anakin’s whiny behavior about him throughout the movie, actually. But that is mostly edited out in an edit such as Hal’s. So your version would work best in an edit that follows his approach, for sure.

Does anybody have any plans on incorporating this in an edit? I know Bobson expressed interest in creating an AOTC ultra-extended edition (can’t wait for that!).

I have incorporated it into my own personal edit of the film which is essentially just a fanedit mashup of Hal9000’s and L8wtr’s with some of my own touches here and there, like adding in the training scene best I could and rescoring the transition from Anakin and Padme kissing to Kamino which I found to be originally a bit harsh in Hal9000’s edit.

I am quite happy with how my own personal edit turned out in regards to adding in the training scene.

I’d love to check that out if you’re willing to share it, sounds great!

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

What was the reason for changing the line in the first place if I may ask? I interpret the line as Leia quitting because she is afraid of losing her son, only to realize that the only way to save her son and the galaxy is to embrace her Jedi training despite the fact that Ben might die in the process. If anything it would be cool to lean into this as a sort of character arc and imply that maybe throughout the movie she’s struggling with the choice to help save the galaxy and lose Ben or do nothing. This also explains why her corpse disappears only when Ben does. And, at the end of the day, they both still get a happy ending, as they’re reunited as ghosts thanks to Jonh.

The Force Awakens: Starlight (V1.1 Released!)

It probably wouldn’t fit anywhere in the crawl, but I wish there was a way to elaborate on why there’s no Republic fleet to counter the FO. What makes the most sense to me is that the Republic demilitarized after ROTJ fearing they would become another Empire, and are funding the Resistance in secret to fight them, but that’s not explained very well in the actual film.

Can’t wait for a V2 whenever you start it back up, this edit’s my favorite!

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Quote from Reddit:

"Probably the thing that frustrates me the most about the sequels is that their version of Star Wars after Endor has good themes at play- a vision of the galaxy that grew so tired of war that they made peace with evil, enabled it and accepted it and in doing so, failed the galaxy, failed their own ideals, and eventually brought about their own downfall through that fatal sin of complacency.

That is a good, modern, cynical take of what happens after Return of the Jedi, a galaxy where the battle against evil is just as much a battle against the complacency and corruption of the victors as it is a violent and ideological confrontation with what remains of the previous villains. And the movies do a truely remarkably awful job of selling or exploring that conflict."

I really like this interpretation, is there any way to emphasize this theme throughout the trilogy? I think this would help in TFA especially, my biggest problem with the sequels was always the lack of explanation behind the New Republic/Resistance/FO relationship.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Some ideas for the Palpatine confrontation in ROTS:

  • Edit out the three Jedi that Mace takes to the fight so Mace goes alone - this fixes three of the best Jedi masters getting taken out with almost zero resistance, and adds to Mace’s character as he instantly goes to take on Palpatine with no help. This could also help Anakin’s turn since it makes Mace more rash, even though Anakin never sees these deaths.

  • Make the Palpatine face reveal morph from his normal face to his evil face. I’m not sure if that’s possible but the light dimming effect never worked for me.

Have these been attempted before? I have a vague memory of seeing both of these done in some aspect but I’m not sure if they were ever ready to be implemented into an edit.

The Force Awakens: Starlight (V1.1 Released!)

Coming back to this edit, it truly is amazing what it does for the movie. Everybody praises the change of moving the Hosnian Prime destruction, which is a fantastic change, but I think one of the best changes in any edit is making Rey tap into the dark side at the end. It works so well and completely recontextualizes the whole movie. Honestly I would go further and make the sith eyes more pronounced, and maybe replace the heroic music with something slightly more sinister when V2 comes around. How’s the progress on that?

Dom's <s>Useless</s> Revenge of the Sith Edit (Released) Now with V2

This was great! The new music and color grading is fantastic and really gives it a Star Wars feel. All the little trims and rearrangements of scenes are pretty much unnoticeable and vastly improve upon the original. Anakin’s turn is much better in this as well. In my opinion I would maybe consider adding back the 66 montage and the Palpatine Yoda duel, but the removal of those scenes work great and I didn’t really miss them that much. I personally think that either all the Yoda saber stuff should be included or none of it should, because if you remove the Dooku duel from ep 2 as many do, his only saber scene is during order 66, which is a little jarring to me. But, I like how the camera sticks on Yoda during his short action scene outside the temple, which feels like a nod to the audience, so that’s not a big deal either. The only part that stuck out to me was during the Palpatine/Mace section, I think his arrest goes slightly too quick. I’m also not a huge fan of the emperor face reveal thing, but honestly I haven’t seen a version of that which is really satisfying. Ideally it would morph into his emperor face without the lights - I think I saw someone attempt that a while ago, but I’m not sure if it was a finished effect. Overall I loved this, will probably be my preferred ROTS edit, especially for the music. Good work!

Making the Obi-Wan &amp; Anakin training session (From the Kenobi series) work in an AOTC edit.

snooker said:

Remembered this thread and decided to have a go at adding fitting score to the scene (taken mostly from Episode II).


The sound effects are unfinished, the biggest thing I need to do (other than stabilizing some of the handheld shots) is extend the final shot so that a wipe can work. I’m mostly happy with how the music sounds, but some of the transitions could use some tweaking I think. Plus Anakin’s theme at the beginning could be replaced with more ‘scene transition-y’ music.

This is fantastic. I agree Anakin’s theme could be changed but it fits right in and makes for a much better intro for these two. Once you have a final version I will definitely be splicing this into Hal’s edit for my collection.

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Would removing starkiller base and having the dreadnaught destroy the republic capital be possible for TFA? I remember seeing Snooker’s mockups of that and they looked pretty good. Would go a long way to differentiating it from the OT, and you could keep starkiller base as simply a base. Poe being adamant on destroying the dreadnaught in TLJ might work better, too. I’m not sure how that would work with Poes starkiller assault though.