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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Those clips look great! The AI voices sound pretty good, although I feel like Luke talks a tad bit slower than he should during the flashback.

Side question, does there exist a version of the Rey/Palpatine fight where Leia’s saber is purple, but there are no ghosts? Was thinking of doing this for my own edit which uses Spence’s ending with the purple saber because I love how it looks against all the blue of Exogol.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant Special Edition (WIP)

I like how the less ambiguous line sounds, and the Anakin reference is cool. I would remove the stronger than blood line, though, it feels kind of separated from the rest of the dialogue and Rey isn’t exactly blood related to Palpatine so I feel like it doesn’t make as much sense in context. Maybe just leave a pause where that line is.

MCU: A Recommended Reordering

Here’s a way to mix the multiverse and 616 stories together:


  1. Loki
  2. Spider-Man FFH
  3. Falcon and the Winter Soldier
  4. Hawkeye
  5. GOTG Holiday Special
  6. WandaVision
  7. GOTG 3
  8. Spider-Man NWH


  1. Doctor Strange MOM
  2. Wakanda Forever
  3. AMATW:Q
  4. Shang Chi
  5. Ms. Marvel
  6. The Marvels
  7. Loki 2
  8. Deadpool and Wolverine

This keeps the multiverse relevant throughout the whole saga, and allows for big finale movies at the end of the phases. Then phase 6 could maybe look like this:

  1. Captain America 4
  2. Thunderbolts
  3. Blade
  4. Shang-Chi 2
  5. Fantastic Four
  6. Spider-Man 4
  7. Avengers 5
  8. Secret Wars

The Defenders/Echo stuff can be in their own saga of TV shows that are actually meant for TV and not movies shoehorned into a TV format. Of course this all depends on how phase 6 actually turns out and who shows up where in the future.

MCU: A Recommended Reordering

I agree, this saga is so disconnected that it desperately needs a restructure to make it not boring. I like keeping all the multiverse stuff in phase 5, and I like how the all the phases are equal in length now. I would replace Thor with Black Panther 2 just because Thor 4 is awful and I’d rather just not see him. Would watching Daredevil before Hawkeye be confusing if kingpin gets sent to prison at the end? Maybe it would be better to put echo after Hawkeye instead depending on how it introduces Matt (haven’t watched it yet).

Alternatively, I’d love to see someone make a Defenders phase of movie edits:

  1. Daredevil S1
  2. Jessica Jones S1
  3. Daredevil S2
  4. Luke Cage S1
  5. Iron Fist S1
  6. Defenders
  7. Punisher S1
  8. Daredevil S3

This could be optional viewing or you could watch it between phases 3 and 4.

(The Mandalorian+BoBF) The Way of Mandalore | A New Mandalore Movie Saga (Final Update in Progress)

Looks awesome! I’d love a link to book 3 when you’re ready. I really like the structure of book 1, here’s a couple things I noticed:

  • I think the cut where Mando puts mythrol in Carbonite is a little too abrupt, I think it would be better to extend it a little bit. I like the buildup seeing Mando’s gun closet and other bounties. Gives a good sense of the character as an intro.

  • I don’t know how much you color graded these, but I feel that it’s a little too saturated and not as crisp of an image as it could be. Book 2 looks better, though.

Overall I think it works great, can’t wait to see the new updates.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant Special Edition (WIP)

I would cut the “final lesson” line, I think it makes less sense in this version and would make the convo flow a little better. And the lines get a little more room to breathe.

“Pushing Ben toward the throne was my greatest fear. What are you most afraid of?”


"Because you’re a Palpatine? The force made us, Rey, to end him.

Confronting fear is the destiny of a Jedi. Your destiny…"

I changed “that throne” to “the throne,” sounds a little more natural to me.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant Special Edition (WIP)

Honestly I’d probably just remove Palpatine’s line at the start, I’m not a huge fan of how it makes Snoke seem like a straight up meat puppet for Palpatine instead of his own autonomous character that Palpatine and his followers engineered. It also makes a bit more sense for Kylo to go and pray to the Vader mask if he didn’t just find out that Palpatine is screwing with him through it. Will probably do that for my personal cut.

hinventon's Preferred Saga Edits

Hello! I’ve been thinking about what my perfect edits for the whole saga would look like, and I thought I’d share. This is mostly just combining different edits, so nothing super original, but if anyone is interested I can find a place to host them.


  • Spence edit, no change


  • Spence edit base. Will probably wait until Spence drops his V2 to do this one.
  • Reinsert Anakin’s nightmare
  • Reinsert Yoda v. Dooku. Since Yoda is going to wield a saber in ROTS regardless, I figure he should just get his little lightsaber reveal moment.
  • Maybe reinsert the Obi Wan/Jango asteroid dogfight if it flows right.


  • Dominic Cobb base
  • Use Spence’s order 66 and Sidious face reveal


  • Hal CSE base
  • Remove Luke’s line “she’s beautiful” when he sees Leia
  • Remove Ben’s twirl during duel
  • Remove Leia’s good luck kiss
  • Remove Luke and Han talking about Leia on the falcon


  • That guy with no name’s edit, no change


  • DonkeyKonga Revenge of the Jedi base
  • Restore original crawl/title
  • Restore some Jabba’s palace moments like Luke and the trapdoor
  • Restore Boba Fett’s death
  • Original Yub Nub ending with 21C’s new Hayden Anakin ghost
  • I’m a little concerned I wont be able to color match some parts I want to edit back in since the base edit uses 4K83, so I’ll have to mess around with it.


  • Starlight base
  • Original Jakku colors
  • No sith eyes/whispers for Rey
  • Flip reused pilot shots


  • Legendary base
    -Inserted Luke and Rey’s party/raid deleted scene
    -Inserted BB8 and Finn deleted scene
    -Restore island caretakers only because they need to be set up for the raid scene
  • Restore Finn v. Phasma. This is essential to Finn’s arc, and his “rebel scum” line is one of his best moments in the trilogy.


  • Ascendant Rey Nobody base
  • Use Rey and Leia’s AI lines about Rey being family
  • Use lightspeed slip AI dialogue
  • Use force healing illustration
  • Use new Poe AI dialogue during briefing
  • Use AI Rey dialogue during snake healing scene
  • Use Jannah AI, but only second line
  • Reinstate Luke’s flashback line saying Leia saw the death of her son. I always liked how this vision comes true but reinterpreted in a good way. It also gives Leia some subtle character growth and confirms her status as a Jedi by the end of the film.
  • Keep purple saber, but have the Skywalker saber restore itself after Kylo takes it. This would require an earlier version of Ascendant though, which I’m not sure where to find.
  • Remove Palpatine’s “I am all the sith” line.
  • I’m not sure which version of Rey v. Palpatine I want to go with for this. There’s 3 options:
  1. Spence’s edit. No ghost or voices, using flashbacks to convey that Rey is thinking of the people she loves. This would require restructuring the opening to remove the setup for the voices. I’m slightly leaning toward this.
  2. Jonh ghosts. I like how it brings the trilogies together and subtly explains why Palpatine can’t come back. But some of the shots look a little awkward, and it takes some agency away from Rey. If someone has the earlier version of the ghost scene, I’d maybe go with this.
  3. Theatrical. Strikes a nice balance between the Jedi helping Rey and Rey defeating Palpatine on her own.

I already have ANH complete, and the rest should be easy edits, so they shouldn’t take long.

The Starlight Project Addendum: The Rise of Skywalker (Freeform Brainstorming Session)

What you have is good, I’m mostly just focusing on how the lines flow/sound themselves. Maybe something like:

“You were right. Your parents were nobody. But they had no part in your conception.”


“You’re so much like my grandfather…"

“I don’t want this!”

“…destined to rule.”

You’re right, the hangar paragraph can be reverted. I think “You were his chosen heir…” sounds a little bit better, though.

The Starlight Project Addendum: The Rise of Skywalker (Freeform Brainstorming Session)

Good point about the reaction to the line about her parents. For the Vader line, I never read it as Rey knowing this about Anakin. Kylo is revealing that Anakin was created the same way, drawing a similarity between the two. To Rey, this means that Kylo is implying Rey and Vader have the same nature. I mostly just think the lines flow better when they’re lighter and conveying less info per line, so I split them back up. For the hangar paragraph, I imagined neither of them knows about the possession thing, and believes that Palpatine is simply looking for an heir to carry on his name and legacy as a sith. I think is interesting for Rey because in this movie she’s faced with the burden of carrying on the legacy of the Skywalkers/Jedi, but is now told she’s destined for the opposite.

The Starlight Project Addendum: The Rise of Skywalker (Freeform Brainstorming Session)

Yeah, that’s for Rey Nobody. I like how it includes the theme of coming together, as Rey wants to do the mission solo the whole film. It also gives Kylo’s line “the only way you’re getting to Exogol is with me” a slightly new meaning, since he now wants Rey to go with him because he doesn’t want her to turn to the sith, and instead create something new with him. I like the current dialogue for the force creation version, but I think I prefer some of the older wording.

“I pushed you in the desert because I needed to see it… I needed you to see it… who you are. The dark side is your birthright. Rey…”

“You’re lying.”

“You were right. Your parents were nobody. Junk traders from the outer rim.”


“But they played no part in your conception…” ( I think it’s best to assume that Rey’s parents simply didn’t realize she wasn’t theirs, probably because they’re asshole drunkards.)

“I don’t want this!”

“…Just like Vader.” (I don’t think this line really spoils anything because we still don’t know that Palpatine has any involvement in this.)


“You’ve seen it, haven’t you?”

(Rey sees the vision of herself on the Sith throne)

“Luke saw the same fate in me. Only together can we make our own.”

“Stop talking.”

“Rey… I’m the only one who truly knows you.” (I like the Rey/Finn scene referencing this later.)

(Cutaway to heroes capture)

“Long before we met, I had a vision of a girl. When we first fought, in the forest, the power inside of you awakened. You revealed yourself not only to me, but to Palpatine… just as he’d intended.”

(Visions of Rey beating Kylo on Starkiller, falling into the dark cave, etc.)


(A pedestal shatters and the mask of Vader falls to the ground)

“So that’s where you are.”

“Our paths have always been intertwined."


"I’ll come tell you why.”

“Rey, I know the rest of our story.”

“Tell me.”

"Palpatine influenced the Force itself into creating life. First my grandfather, and then you. Like him, you were chosen to be the heir of the sith. You… are a rightful Palpatine.”

"Now, the Emperor wants us to fight each other, so his most worthy heir can claim the throne. But he hasn’t realized the strength of our connection, Rey… a bond, not of blood, but of raw power in the Force. We can end him and the Sith, and create a new order, together…”

The Starlight Project Addendum: The Rise of Skywalker (Freeform Brainstorming Session)

“I saw what you would become. Face Palpatine alone, and you’ll play right into his hand. You’ll kill him, and take the throne. You… will be his heir.”

"But you don’t have to be alone. Palpatine only wants us to fight so the strongest can take his place. What he doesn’t know is we’re a dyad in the force, Rey… two, that are one. We can end him and the Sith, and create a new order, together…”

I think adding that “reveal” line at the end of the first paragraph will make it match better to the visuals/score.

The Starlight Project Addendum: The Rise of Skywalker (Freeform Brainstorming Session)

I think “perfected in darkness” is vague enough to assume whatever you want while still hinting at something that makes her different to the skywalkers. This is why I slightly prefer Rey to be the sole creation of palpatine, because if they’re the same then we’ve already seen the skywalkers overcome the same struggle, just like the dark lineage plotline of the original. But the way it ties the trilogies together is worth it I think.