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Star Wars Rebels Recut - A Fanedit TV Series

Thanks for the suggestion honestabe and justinbailey627! I do typically keep the files backed up, it’s mostly because they were new that I hadn’t gotten around to it yet haha.

After spending a few days away from the project, I’ve thought of how I can relatively easily recreate the footage I lost for the episode so I’ll likely be back on track in a few days for both versions. It’s frustrating but I’ve been reminding myself it could have been much worse, I haven’t really lost anything! (At least I’ve still got all my source files!)

Star Wars Rebels Recut - A Fanedit TV Series

Hey guys, I’ve had a hard drive fail on me and have ALMOST lost all the work I’d done of the movie and I did lose everything my work for the episode varient. I’ve kept notes of all my changes and I’m thankful the movie has been recovered in full (though not as workable as it once was). Unfortunately what was lost was my project files for these two edits. I’ve been able to recover the movie as I’d renders out everything I’d edited recently (LUCKILY!) so I can check how the new aspect ratio looks on different screens.

Looking on the bright side this hasn’t affected any of my other edits, but it’s pretty disheartening and motivation killing for what I’m currently working on.

At this stage I think I’ll release just the movie as to get the episodes back I have to recreate everything (apart from the audio) which is a bit tedious. I might change my mind later on but for now I’m going to focus on just editing a movie/s for the final arks of the show.

Star Wars Rebels Recut - A Fanedit TV Series

aGreatHumanBeing and justinbailey627, thanks for the feedback! I think you’re both correct. The text did feel a touch off and I think it is the amount of words. I think you’re suggestion to increase the information provided is a good one justinbailey627 but I’m not 100% sure about your proposed wording. I can’t believe I missed putting grand admiral in there 😂 so that will definitely be included.

I’ve decreased the size of the crawl text slightly and rewritten the text based on your provided suggestions:

The evil Galactic Empire reigns.
Pockets of rebellion struggle
for survival, scattered across
the vast galaxy.

begun construction on a new
starfighter, the TIE defender. It
is far more powerful than the
original design, equipped with
impressive speed and a vicious
weapon arsenal. Thrawn has
hidden the factory for their
construction on Lothal, a planet
in the distant fringes of the
Outer Rim.

As the desperate inhabitants of
Lothal continue to suffer, two
Jedi Knights return to their
small band of rebels based on
Yavin IV…

I’m reluctant to change the final paragraph as it mirrors the official crawls in terms of language and information provided but if I get enough feedback that says to change it, I will! Haha

How it looks:

Star Wars Rebels Recut - A Fanedit TV Series

Looking to get some feedback on the title crawl I’ve put together for the rebels season 4 movie. Please give me feedback on anything from the content of the crawl to how it looks!


Crawl text:
The Galactic Empire reigns.
The Rebellion desperately
struggle for their survival,
scattered across the

begun construction on a
new TIE fighter. One that
is more powerful than the
original design. He has
hidden the factory for
constructing them on
Lothal, a planet in the
fringes of the Outer Rim.

As the citizens of Lothal
continue to suffer, two Jedi
Knights return to their small
band of rebels based on
Yavin IV…

Star Wars Rebels Recut - A Fanedit TV Series

Alright! looks like this idea is being widely enjoyed. For now I’ll continue as if I’ll release both episode and movie versions (the only difference in which will be presentation, maybe a tiny amount of content difference). For now I’ll list what I’m thinking below as a structure for the movie

Opening title crawl (brand new, will be made by me) which pans down into empty space

The Ghost enters from hyperspace and cut to shots of the ghost above Yavin IV. I’m looking at ways to slow this down to give a more traditional star wars movie feel to the opening. Any suggestions here would be good as there’s not a lot of footage to work with.

S04E05 The Occupation: We then begin and continue through all of the episode. This whole episode is how they get to Lothal and what they find when they arrive. Very strong episode and a clear introduction. The final scenes of this episode lead directly into the next with Ryder talking about the TIE defender factory and scoping out the threat.

S04E06 Flight of the Defender: We’ve then got the crew scoping out the TIE defender in the little outpost which leads into Sabine stealing the flight recorder and information from the TIE defender which leads Ezra and Sabine needing to escape which results in Ezra encountering the lothwolf. During this encounter Ezra hides the TIE defender information in the Lothal mountains which leads nicely into the next episode.

S04E07 Kindred: Where they need to recover the information hidden by Ezra while encountering the lothwolf and they escape the Empire with the aide of the lothwolves by going deep into the mountains during a bombardment. (episode structure would end here ready for next episode like how it is currently)

S04E08 Crawler Commandeers: We then continue on the other side of Lothal, the crew find what has been burning up the Lothal landscape and we get scenes of Hera talking with Rebel command on Yavin IV, preparing to attack. The crew then steal the crawler and free Vizago who was captured at the beginning of the film when they landed on Lothal.

S04E09 Rebel Assault: The Rebels attack the TIE Defender factory and fail. Hera is nearly killed and captured.

S04E10 Jedi Night: The crew rescues Hera and Kanan makes the ultimate sacrifice to shut down the TIE defender factory.

Honestly, there doesn’t seem much room to move any events around. It feels quite connected and tightly packed but any structural suggestions would be great.

There’s also possibly some room to incorporate the start of S04E11 at the very end just to heighten the loss felt by the crew and provide a clear more directed opening for the next episode (or maybe movie, we’ll see)

Star Wars Rebels Recut - A Fanedit TV Series

I’ve had an interesting idea for the remainder of season 4 and wanted to get more thoughts on it. A lot of the Lothal ark seems to play out like a movie and unlike the rest of the show, I actually think it could be worked into a film. Honestly, revisiting this long ark with this in mind makes me think there was going to be a movie but they decided against it. Most episodes pick up from where the last one left off (which is quite rare for rebels unless it’s a two part episode) AND at the beginning of this ark we are reintroduced to the characters/their goals/their relationships/their previous presence on Lothal. This doesn’t make much sense in a TV show but if you’re making a movie and consider that the audience watching may not have seen the show, it certainly makes a lot of sense.

My current The TIE Defender and Assault on the factory episodes could be combined for a more “movie” like episode with the final part of the film being the S04E10: Jedi Night. This would also leave room for potentially another feature length episode with the remaining episodes but I’m not too sure about that yet.

If I go down this route, I would likely reframe every shot to give it a more cinematic resolution and add film grain for that extra bit of authenticity as well as make a traditional star wars opening crawl for it. What does everything think about this season in particular?

Star Wars Rebels Recut - A Fanedit TV Series

RELEASED S01E03 - Old Masters V4.3


  • 1080p version: available
  • 1080p recolor: available
  • 4K recolor: available
  • Subtitles: available

Changes from V4.2

  • Redubbed Stormtroopers from 12:22:06 - 12:35:01
    • Thanks honestabe for the feedback that led to this change! 😄
  • Minor audio tweaks throughout the episode to smooth things out
  • Added more creature sounds to the shots of Lothal.
Star Wars Rebels Recut - A Fanedit TV Series

RELEASED S01E02 - Familial Bonding V4.4


  • 1080p version: available
  • 1080p recolor: available
  • 4K recolor: available
  • Subtitles: available

Changes from V4.3

  • Fixed the introduction text to make it shorter and readable in the allotted time.
  • Reinstated some footage from Fighter Flight to better set the scene of Ezra and Zeb arriving in a town with a market.
  • Moved Sabine’s scene about wanting to go on the next FULCRUM mission to around the 4 minute mark to better help the connectedness of the episode. Now at 4 minutes we check back on the Ghost and Sabine, again at 8 minutes and return at 14ish minutes.
  • Removed pointless lines during the Zeb and Ezra chase sequence to keep the action flowing
  • Cut the TIE pilots stupid reaction to Zeb jumping on his fighter.
  • Cut line “all for fruit” from Ezra and kept the shot
  • Cut the scene with Hera flying the Phantom and fighting the TIE Fighters
  • Reinstated footage of Zeb and Ezra working on the Phantom from Into Darkness to finish their story ark and better blend the two episodes together.
  • Added various wildlife sound effects to Lothal scenes.
Star Wars Rebels Recut - A Fanedit TV Series

PsyGemini said:

One thing I think we miss a bit in this project is the “Sabine was with the Empire for some time” subplot.

I think it’s just briefly mentioned once or twice, and then… comes the first episode of the fourth season with the big “Sabine is the one that built the mandalorian killing weapon” twist, and at the least to me it was… “wait what, Sabine was with the Empire? where’s that coming from again?”.

Maybe a little bit more of this subplot could be added? I think there’s an episode that was skipped that focus specifically on this? Don’t remember if it’s any good though!

Anyway, just brainstorming!

I’ll keep this in mind and check a few episodes for usable footage!

The new episode 2 should already help this out just through structure changes. The first thing for Sabine we see in this episode is her being distrustful and she says it’s because she was in the Empire. This should make that detail stick out more even if I can’t find anything else to add in 😃

Star Wars Rebels Recut - A Fanedit TV Series

I think I’ve fixed up S01E02. Essentially, I was using the wrong parts of each episode. Now, I think they flow together nicely and feel like a cohesive story, sharing themes and arks.

I’ve reinstated Zeb and Ezra going through the Lothal market so we can see the tension between the two as well as be told about it in the intro text. I’ve reordered some scenes so we hear about Sabines mistrust plot within the first five minutes so it’s not forgotten by the time we get to it halfway through the episode like it was before. It’s placement now mirrors Zeb and Ezra’s ark, showing the mistrust both groups have for each other. I’ve cut the Phantom chase scene that opens Into Darkness and reinstated Zeb and Ezra working together to fix the phantom (but failing due to Chopper). This addition works nicely to blend the two episodes together as it forms the conclusion for Zeb and Ezra’s fighting. Now they’re working together… albeit against Chopper and still failing but it works!

I look forward to feedback on it once I get it released for everyone! 😄

Star Wars Rebels Recut - A Fanedit TV Series

CMMAP said:

nice introduction to your changes 😃


I‘d like to chime in once you‘ve passed season one with your v4 reworks.

I’m into season 4 with V4. I’m just fixing up the introduction (first two episodes)to the series as they’ve been noticeably poorer quality. If you’re talking about my recent proposed changes that’s fair enough!

Star Wars Rebels Recut - A Fanedit TV Series

Hopefully that’s the last version of this episode I need to release! hahaha 10 revisions is enough (Unless I’ve got to fix anything haha!)

My next mission is to fix episode 2 of the series. At the moment it’s fine but feels like two episodes back to back. I want to see if there’s a way to blend the arks together a touch. Any suggestions would be great!

Star Wars Rebels Recut - A Fanedit TV Series

RELEASED S01E01 - Spark of Rebellion V4.10


  • 1080p version: available
  • 1080p recolor: available
  • 4K recolor: available
  • Subtitles: available

Changes from V4.9

  • Rebuilt the opening of the show to feel more star warsy
    • Opening shot of Ghost in space taken from The Machine in the Ghost short
      • Used masking to remove the title card
    • Took shot of the Ghost flying towards Lothal from S01E04 - Fighter Flight
      • doubled the framerate in Flowframes and doubled the duration of the clip (Essentially giving me twice as much footage for the same shot in the correct framerate)
    • Took shot of Hera flying the Ghost from S01E11 - Idiots Array
      • masked out the windows and flipped the direction to make it look like the Ghost was turning into Lothal instead of away from it.
    • Took shot from S01e03 - Droids in Distress of the Lothal city
      • Took a shot of the Ghost flying through the sky from the short Property of Ezra Bridger.
        • Masked ghost to put the ship in the shot above for a bit of continuity.
    • Took a sequence from S01e11 - Idiots Array with Zeb and Kanan in the bar. Kanan talks to Old Jho.
      • cut Zeb and chopper betting and cut right to Kanan and Old Jho
    • As the payment takes place we transition to Ezra at his home.
      • Used Flowframes and half speed to give me more time with the shot of Ezra’s home after the wipe.
    • Replaced Old Jho’s voiced dialogue to Alien speech with subtitles (I plan to do this for the rest of his lines in the seires)
    • ADDED (00:47:17) From start until zoom in on ezra’s home.
  • Reinstated sequence of Ezra in Lothal helping the Gotal
    • Opening shot with the TIE fighters is now where we wipe to from the Inquisitor and Vader
    • Gotal dialogue replaced with alien language I’ve created from goat and chicken audio
    • Cut the Gotal saying the empire sucks as it’s not needed. The charge of treason for not being registered for trade is much more abuse of powery and better suited to the Empire.
    • removed dialogue over shots of citizens looking on. I think it’s more powerful if they’re silent.
      • Reordered this shot, it now happens after the Empire orders the Gotal to be taken away.
      • Put dialogue here from Grint to better blend this new ordering
    • trimmed shot of Gotal being taken away to make the Empire seem less comically evil.
    • removed dialouge over the citizens reacting. These people have just given up and I think this stresses that point without needed extra dialogue.
      • reordered this shot to after Ezra takes the comm from the Imps.
    • cut Ezra “but it sure has a way of finding me” line.
    • cut Gotal “Who is that kid?”
      Extra Cuts:
    • 08:19:21 - 08:24:00 (00:05:03 CUT) - “Who are you” exchange as its a left punchline to a joke that I’ve cut out previously.
    • 08:53:15 - 08:56:15 (00:03:00 CUT) - Cut Ezra talking to himself saying the creates must be worth it
    • 08:53:15 - 08:55:01 (00:01:10 CUT) - Made the TIE fighter only shoot once to make the Empire more credible.
    • 11:38:23 (CUT LINE) - Cut “Oh he’s in the ship alright” joke from Sabine but kept the shot.
    • 11:40:07 - 11:40:20 (00:00:13 CUT) - ^ shot was lingering a bit too long after the line cut so it was trimmed
    • 13:58:04 - 14:32:23 (00:34:19 CUT)- S01E03.mp4 has a better Kallus interaction.
    • 13:58:04 - 14:17:10 (00:19:06 ADDED) - Added in The said s01e03 - Droids in Distress scene that is both better and shorter for introducing Kallus
    • 12:53:20 - 00:14:21:08 (CUT 02:27:12) - reordered the Kallus scene to be after the first jump to hyperspace to fill the weird flow made by the ad break.
    • 12:53:20 - 00:14:22:22 (ADDED 02:29:02) - Rebels escape into Kallus scene into Tarkintown into Vizago getting the guns.
    • 15:05:08 - Changed the Tarkintown Rodian’s audio to make him speak Rodian instead of basic.
    • 17:18:20 - Cut Ezra knowing a lightsaber is the weapon of the Jedi.
  • Added wildlife SFX to the outskirts of Lothal and a lesser amount over the city shots. The idea here is to enhance a plot thread already existing in the show, the Empire occupation is killing Lothal. As the series goes on (particularly in season 2 and season 4) there will be less and less of these added SFX to further this point.
  • Added more background sfx to Kessel to make it feel more in alignment with current canon.
Star Wars Rebels Recut - A Fanedit TV Series

A bit of an update of what I’m doing ATM in my spare time. I know I just released v4.9 for Spark of Rebellion but this episode has always bothered me so I’ve been working hard to fix it and well… a VERY different and much BETTER version will be released soon. I’ve been combing through all the episodes and shorts that I’ve cut and I’ve reconstructed the opening of this show, I’m addressing that problematic transition with the Inquisitor once and for all and I have an entirely new introduction for Kallus! This is the main episode I get feedback on and to be honest, it’s because the opening to Rebels is pretty poorly executed (not a bad story just bogged down by weird creative choices and overtly childish elements). This episode is one of the reasons we’ve got TheDimitrios making his own edit (at least some good has come from my many attempts to fix this episode)!

I’ve also picked up on two things that I want to continue to fix throughout the show. 1) The aliens speak basic… Why? Well, so kids can understand. I’ve been replacing a lot of alien dialogue with their native languages and even made some sounds for different languages that hadn’t been on screen before (to my knowledge). 2) I want to add more ambient wildlife to Lothal. In season 4, a plotline is how the Empire is destroying the environment of Lothal and part of this is the wildlife (hence why the lothwolves intervene) and I think I can draw this element out a bit by creating a more robust soundscape of wildlife in the first season, to have it decrease a touch in the second season and be completely gone by the fourth. My hope is this will leave the viewer feeling like Lothal is empty and dying.

I’ve built a trailer for the series that I’m very happy with and quite frankly it has inspired me to build up more “star warsy” type sounds for rebels, hence the above goals. It’s ready to release but I’m waiting for a touch of voice acting before I release it.

Anyway, that’s a little teaser of what’s to come and what’s been cooking behind the scenes!