eldusto84 said:
PM sent. And there is only a brief scene with Tarkin, right when the Death Star prepares to fire on Scarif.
I watched this last night, and let me tell you, the quality of this edit is amazing, If I were to watch this without any knowledge of Rogue One, it would be nearly impossible to tell what has been edited out. Unfortunately, everyone in this forum is incredible familiar with all the Star Wars films, so every time there is a change on them it grabs our attention. So some of the things I will proceed to point out would probably not be applicable for a casual viewer.
- The new title crawl is excellent, the same goes for the following pan down shot, if you were to watch this as a bridge between Revenge Of the Sith and A New Hope it would make perfect sense to start on Mustafar, a prequel planet we are familiar with from the previous movie.
- For me, the changes in Vader’s dialogue were quite distracting since the lines are too recognizable from the classic trilogy. Especially the “perhaps you think you are being treated unfairly” line, It doesn’t sound like something he would say to end the conversation. Personally I have no problem with his original “pun”, it matches his character in the original trilogy… it is similar to him choking Needa to death and then saying “Apology accepted, Captain Needa”. Also, James Earl Jones’ voice has changed with the years and I believe it needs a slight pitch change in order for it to match.
- John William’s score is expertly edited in, there are some parts that don’t quite match the action but are too far in between and it is expected since the music was not written specifically for this movie.
- I believe that since all references to the Galen/Krennic/Jyn relationship have been removed, the scene where Cassian restrains Jyn from going at Krennic should also be edited out, the audience only knows him as the Director and do not know why she would have so much anger towards him in particular.
- I like that you decided to go back to the original music towards the climax as it accentuates the final pieces. After all the music does get more “Williamesque” towards the ending anyway.
I hope you take any criticism in this post as constructive. Overall I really enjoyed this, thank you for the work you put into it and sharing it with us.