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Blade Runner: The Complete Music Collection (work-in-progress)

Greetings everyone!

Before I get into the status update of this project, I would like to give some mentions.

Firstly, thanks to everyone at originaltrilogy.com for allowing me to host this project here from the beginning! Second, I would like to thank everyone who has followed this project and who have also been very helpful in many different ways over the years!

Now, where are we? It’s been years since my last update. I did not start a Facebook page for this project, and with very few exceptions, I haven’t posted anything or even visited this forum throughout these years.

Most of that time was spent living, working, and raising a family. There have also been some personal losses, most notably during the last couple of years with COVID.

In the middle of all that though, the work on this project continued, even at a snail’s pace. Recording keyboard parts, editing, a few seconds here a few seconds there, etc.

In the interest of some disclosure, I will add that I went through the process of looking at the viability of releasing a commercial version of this project. Without getting into any of the business or legal aspects, I will simply restate that the goal of this project was always to release a as complete as possible version of the Blade Runner soundtrack, and I pursued a particular avenue to achieve this. In regards to that, negotiations were not successful. Though this is not the end of that particular story, due in part to the passing of Vangelis and other factors.

That’s all I can say about it at the present time, but in a nutshell, if said commercial release actually becomes a reality, then that will be the form in which this intended project goes out.

On the other hand, if that door closes, then it is my intention to follow my original plan for release.

Let me be clear, this project is not in limbo or abandoned, far from it. What remains to be seen is what form the release will take, but it WILL be released.

In the meantime, while I have a busy schedule, I will remain in contact with more frequent updates at least in some capacity. In the coming days, I will return to releasing some tracks as samples to preview. I may also create discord channel so we can all connect there.

This indeed has been a long journey, and I’m grateful to all of you who have taken it with me. But one way or another, this project WILL be finished!

And on a closing note, while have I missed the chance to release this on or before November 2019, I’ll try to release this before 2049. 😉


RogueLeader said:

It definitely raises an interesting question regarding the legality of it all. I agree with you that under current fan editing rules, if you proved you have a subscription to the relevant streaming service, that would prove that you have purchased that product/service in a similar vein as owning a physical copy of the movie/show of the fan edit, and in effect not taking away from their revenue. But yeah, it is a flimsy gray area regardless.

Well said. As far as proof of ownership, I suppose we have to rely on the honer system. On the other hand, I don’t think there’s any doubt that we all own the discs, have the subscriptions, etc.

But as was said in the earlier post, as media moves from an ownership model to a subscription, and with digital ownership of these films/shows on iTunes, Amazon, and the rest, I suspect this is something that will keep coming up.


TheAlaskanSandman said:

The following contains spoilers from The Mandalorian…

doubleofive said:

focuspuller said:

Has anyone seen episode 5 of The Mandalorian yet? About three minutes into the episode a new digital shot replicates the opening of a New Hope.

It appears to be recreated using the original elements from ANH, not digital.

Wouldn’t be worth nabbing till they dropped the blurays any ways. Streaming quality isn’t as high. I keep hoping they’ll show more clone wars era destruction that i might be able to use when the blurays drop.

I don’t agree. No Mandalorian discs, Blurays or otherwise, are going to drop anytime soon. And the episodes are available in 4K as well as 1080p.

Blade Runner: The Complete Music Collection (work-in-progress)
Hi folks!
I hope everyone is well. Loads of things have happened since my last post. My family has gotten bigger, a move occurred, work is busier than ever, and more relevant to your interests, i purchased a Yamaha CS-80 (an expensive item I can tell you), a Casio CZ-101, and a new computer, for use of this project.
I have a few announcements to make. Last year i received some tapes of some small material. Stuff that has not made it into any BR Soundtrack release so far. The material has been remastered to the highest quality possible added seamlessly to the other tracks. After having finished, gone back and started over, and finished again, Disc 1 is finally complete and locked! I considered the idea of releasing each disc when completed but I holding on to the notion that it will be much better to release the project as a whole. There will however (as before) be sample tracks. The final product will contain FLAC files, with a preview release just before as MP3s. There will also be a contest to see who wins a "Box Set Copy" of the collection, and there will be voting on the artwork.

And lastly, I am moving this project to Facebook for convenience as some others here have done. But a HUGE thanks goes out to everyone at originaltrilogy.com  for the love kindness and support!
Facebook addy posting very soon!
Blade Runner: The Complete Music Collection (work-in-progress)

This project is NOT finished or completed, but it will be. I have not posted anything because as some of you have assumed, I have been very busy. Life, etc.

I have done some further work since I have last posted, but not a lot and nothing to warrent an update. When I have anything to report in the way of progress or anything else related to this project, I will.






Blade Runner: The Complete Music Collection (work-in-progress)

Username: teriweigel
Join Date: February 2, 2010
Last Online: December 20, 2010, 8:28 PM
Post Count: 3 


Nearly three years after the first post, does still somebody believe this will see the light of day ? I agree with VK2019 - I can't help but feel sorry for you, but for other reasons...you started this fanboy fantasy (and I'm sure you have started with your project) - but after such a long time I don't think you'll find an end for it. This is not meant as bitching or moaning, but I think it's time to end this fantasy...I lost my believe in this project long ago and have no interest anymore for this, but it's fun to see from time to time how this thread is going on. Good luck for your project and congratulations if it really finds an end (I think in 2019, eh ?), but for me it's simply a fanboy fantasy...

Happy Christmas to you too mate. :)

Blade Runner: The Complete Music Collection (work-in-progress)

JediTray said:

I hate to say it, but I think I am joining the growing ranks of skeptics and non-believers here.

Is it possible that we could get at least one high quality sample?


If you don't want to wait, then don't. I'm not asking you to. 

Like I said before, I have posted samples before. But I haven't for awhile. I have also noticed that some of those samples have ended up on a couple of bootlegs.

I will post a sample or two soon, but not at the moment. Mostly because I frankly just don't have the time. I barely have the time to post this.

I'm sorry I'm not done, but I'm not. It is what it is, and it will be done when it's done. Your patience, as much as I respect it, has no baring or relevance on this project or my life. Sorry to sound short but this should go without saying, especially given the amount of times it has come up. This project will be finished, and then released. Even if I stopped posting replies or updates, or simply had no forum at all.

Now if you don't mind, that's the last time I plan on addressing the "are we there yet" heckling portion of this forum.


Help Wanted: SLIPSTREAM image request - AND WIDESCREEN preservation request (Sky Movies subscribers see posts 4 onwards)...

skyjedi2005 said:

too bad no one is offering the japan laserdisc rip for free. there is a guy selling them at his site, bootlegs for sale is a no no especially here on these forums.

I refuse to pay money for something that should be shared with fans for free, or with just blanks and postage costs.

People who sell these preservations are the ones who will eventually get people in trouble who do it for love and make no profit.

supposedly this film was shot 2:35:1 anamorphic and even had a 70mm release with six track sound.

all you get on the dvd is a vhs quality fullscreen rip with a tame dolby 2.0.

the uk release has better cover art very much like the laserdisc cover, you can find it on amazons uk site but not in high res.

I like this movie i have it on vhs, Mark Hamill is awesome in this movie.

I also have the time runner vhs and wonder why there is no dvd.


I have a rip of that Laserdisc (and it is in 2:35:1), however, it has japanese subs over the image and it needs color correction. Would anyone be interested using this and commiting to a preservation project? I don't have the time to do it myself.

Blade Runner: The Complete Music Collection (work-in-progress)

A B C said:

A B C said:

I don't know at all the Blade Runner sountrack but guys, I love this thread !... Thrilling !!!

Good luck for your work. Such multi-sourced stuff needs so much time.

Just quote myself as a reminder of my feelings toward such efforts...

That said, I must tell I'm extremly curious of one thing, and perhaps I wouldn't dare asking if I wasn't there to present a "similar" project on these forums, but after all the reactions I've read here through months I can't keep myself of wondering, so here it is, adressed to the host of the topic of course:


Why haven't you provided the least sample to show a bit of the quality of your work ?...


PS: Thanks to the angry persons around not to take advantage of this question to "strike back"...


 ChainsawAsh is correct. I had stuff up, samples of a few tracks. Works in progress. I'll post something new soon.