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Dune - Denis Villeneuve

Eyepainter said:

fmalover said:

Eyepainter said:

I hope Part Two lives up to my high expectations for it! I’ve read the book, and if Part Two is as faithful to the book as Part One, it’s gonna be quite a masterpiece.

Gender-swapped Kynes still irritates the shit out of me.

Honestly if the word “Jihad” isn’t uttered it will only confirm Denis Villeneuve is a coward.

Wow. Somebody’s bitter.

And for the record, if all it takes for you to call a director cowardly is the use of a controversial post-9/11 word in a movie about giant worms and hallucinogenic spice, maybe you should go on Twitter instead.

Why would I be bitter? I’m just irritated.

I very rarely express my opinions on Twitter. I’m happy to just follow certain topics and accounts.

Dune - Denis Villeneuve

NeverarGreat said:

Gender-swapped Kynes was great and had a better death than the character in the book.

Strongly disagree.

Kyne’s death in the book was perhaps my favourite part of the book, having an imaginary conversation with his father and realizing the folly of humans trying to control the environment.

Villeneuve’s version was like “look how badass she is”.

<strong>The Mandalorian</strong> - a general discussion thread - * <em><strong>SPOILERS</strong></em> *

WitchDR said:

That finale was just… nothing. Honestly didn’t feel anything. It’s just going through the motions with mind-numbing dull action scenes. What an awful season as a whole.

Can anything save Star Wars at this point? While I liked Andor, it ain’t great enough to save it. Boba Fett was awful, Kenobi was awful, and now Mando is in the mud with them. If they continue their current track record, Ashoka isn’t going to be good either. The fact they aren’t completely course correcting and instead diving head first into more mud with a Rey movie… I got to say I think live action Star Wars is completely dead to me.

I think I’ll stick to the cartoons, since that’s the only stuff Disney knows how to make. I’d love for them to prove me wrong, but they tend to constantly prove me right.

I think I’m done with Disney Star Wars, because on the one hand the live action stuff leaves me indifferent, and on the other I absolutely loathe the Disney Star Wars cartoons.

'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread

Like I posted earlier, I can’t get excited about this movie because throughout the ST Rey overcomes any and every challenge life throws at her without breaking a sweat. She’s skilled at pretty much everything when we first meet her. One mind probe from Kylo Ren was all it took for her to unlock her full Force potential. Never held a lightsaber before? No problem, she immediately defeats Kylo Ren who had at least ten years of lightsaber training.

Based on all that she should have problem creating a new Jedi Order because she’s Rey, Master of all trades.

What do you think of The Prequel Trilogy? A general discussion.

Archivist99 said:

fmalover said:

The problem is that dialog between Owen and Beru suggests they were well acquainted with Anakin, but AotC reveals that they only met once and barely had any interaction at all, making their concerns about Luke being like his father odd.

Like I said, I think the PT paints a different picture than what you might think, but not one that actually contradicts anything.
Owen is concerned in that scene, while Beru doesn’t seem as concerned or concerned at all by the comparison. Which could fit with what they both took away from what they could glean transpired to allow Anakin to get his mother back. They also briefly met his wife, and also spent years with his mother who we know talked about him, Owen says so. They would know that he was a good but intense man who may or may not have fought his way through a horde of Tuskens to rescue his mother.
They also know that either Luke’s father is dead, or that he is Vader (highly unlikely), so either way, being a Jedi ended poorly for him.

Furthermore Obi-Wan tells Luke Owen and Anakin strongly disagreed on matters. How would Owen know anything about Anakin’s convictions if he barely said “hello” to him?

What do you think of The Prequel Trilogy? A general discussion.

The problem is that dialog between Owen and Beru suggests they were well acquainted with Anakin, but AotC reveals that they only met once and barely had any interaction at all, making their concerns about Luke being like his father odd. Furthermore Obi-Wan tell Luke Owen and Anakin strongly disagreed on matters. How would Owen know anything about Anakin’s convictions if he barely said “hello” to him.

A '<strong>Rumour and News</strong>' thread for reported new Star Wars films and tv series

I’m pretty meh about the Rey movie.

I’m absolutely not watching Filoni’s movie, because I don’t like the creative decisions he makes.

The movie about the origins of the Jedi could be good, as it takes place in the very distant past so whatever happens they can do whatever they want since it won’t have any impact on the SW stories everyone’s familiar with.

Random Thoughts

Superweapon VII said:

fmalover said:

Superweapon VII said:

It’s a shame Klaus Kinski was cremated. If there’s anyone who deserves to have their grave desecrated, he’s a top contender.


He sexually abused his daughter, Pola, from when she was five years old up 'til nineteen.

Oh OK.

Sorry, but we’re all going to die eventually, so I don’t consider death a punishment. Making their lives Hell is a better punishment.

Random Movie Thoughts

I honesty don’t understand why Blade Runner was rated R.

The instances of violence are very few and pretty tame. The only instance of strong swearing is when Roy Batty calls Tyrell “fucker”, which in other versions has been changed to “father”. Joanna Cassidy’s topless scene isn’t titilating at all, just a woman getting dressed.

Ranking the Star Wars films

Servii said:

I naively still had hope going into seeing ROTS, even after TPM and AOTC, but ROTS gutted me as a fan. Interesting the contrast for you with TROS after TFA, and maybe with TLJ too? Or it being directed by JJ again, or something else?

For a while after seeing TFA, I was unsure whether it was actually a bad movie or if it was just me. I wondered whether I might just not be able to enjoy Star Wars anymore. Rogue One proved that wrong, though.

Going into TLJ, I was very doubtful but still had a sliver of hope, and while TLJ was marginally better than TFA, it wasn’t better enough to make me care about the trilogy story. And it firmly cemented to me that the ST didn’t know where it was going and was damaging to the original films. (That’s a big part of why I got into the EU. I wanted some sort of alternative outcome for the OT characters. I didn’t want the ST to be the only possible future for those characters.)

Besides that, my main reason for having no hopes for TRoS was that I’d read the plot leaks and heard early word-of-mouth about the movie, so I knew what I was in for.

TFA and TROS being such creatively bankrupt messes is why I believe TLJ works best as a standalone coda to the saga.

What do you think of The Prequel Trilogy? A general discussion.

Superweapon VII said:

fmalover said:

Shopping Maul said:

I just wonder if the whole concept of ‘cute 9 year-old transitioning into evil warlord’ was too much for Star Wars to handle whilst keeping things family friendly. It’s one thing to have it all implied in the OT, but it’s another thing to actually attempt to depict it.
For example my other favourite movie, Conan the Barbarian, does it perfectly. Conan, as a 9 year-old, sees his parents and kin slaughtered by an evil cult, is thrown into slavery (real slavery, not the suburban TPM version!), then sold into gladiatorial combat before being freed as an adult. Throughout this experience he is entirely driven by vengeance. There’s your Anakin. There’s a guy who legitimately could become Darth Vader. If Obi Wan had met that guy on Tatooine and they’d established a friendship, and then Anakin had been forced to choose between revenge and Jedi pacifism (maybe the guy who had slaughtered his parents had seen the light and become a Jedi Master for example), right there you’d have the perfect catalyst for a clash of ideals between legitimate friends/allies. But it would be dark stuff…

Making a movie aimed at children with dark elements is something nobody seems willing to do these days. The Neverending Story and The Dark Crystal are examples that come to mind. Those movies wouldn’t get made today.

What you get when the Helen Lovejoys of the world make the rules. Which is why I’m adamant on introducing any kids I have to horror and softcore porn before they hit double-digits.

I like your style.