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The Clone Wars: Season V

Maybe I'm just too old (30), but I had exactly zero excitement while watching that preview.  It seems like people get excited whenever anything SW related is "dark" and has characters striking cool poses with lightsabers (that Old Republic preview comes to mind).

I seem to recall the Clone Wars era being done to death before Revenge of the Sith was even released in theaters.  This just looks like more of the same, except that events are getting SO big (Maul coming back to life) it just seems absurd that nobody will ever mention these events in RotS (not that I'm a big fan of that movie).

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

ImperialFighter said:

Wouldn't be a bad thing if certain posts on this page were removed altogether, I reckon...

I was going to say the same thing.  Jeesh, I can't believe this is STILL going on.

So how about those tie fighter colors, eh?

3D STAR WARS for the masses...has ARRIVED!

SilverWook said:

True. But Avatar wasn't a reissue.

I don't get these 3D headaches some people report having, (which is weird given all the migraine triggers I have) but I felt a little weird after Avatar was over. "Do not operate heavy machinery" kind of weird. ;)

I'm one of those people who can't really see 3D (I've gotten glasses since watching the last one, so maybe I'll try those if I ever see a 3D movie again (oh yeah, I'll see Prometheus)).

I didn't get a headache, but I remember not being able to visualize anything from Avatar after I saw it, because it was hard for me to take the entire image in when it was all broken up into different planes.  Didn't care for the movie, either. :P

Lucas is just trolling now - THR Interview

God, I would just love to read an interview where the actual interviewer calls him out and sites historic references of him contradicting himself.  Or actually say stuff like "Yeah, but Blade Runner has all versions available."  There must be some contractual obligation that really limits what the interviewer can ask.

I'd love to read his responses.  Maybe someday.....

Lucas is just trolling now - THR Interview

Am I the only one who remembers George giving this "bad editing" excuse a long time ago?  I think it was in an interview in the Star Wars Insider around the time of the Special Editions being theatrically released.

The reason why I remember this, is because in the Marvel Comic adaptation, Greedo does get a shot off in the panel where he gets blasted.  Does anyone know if it was it ever written like this in the early scripts?

3D STAR WARS for the masses...has ARRIVED!

Are you guys with the bad audience in America, by any chance?  I worked at a movie theater and it got to the point where I refused to watch movies with any sort of audience.  I only watched my own screenings at midnight with  my friends or by myself.  This was around 2006 before I moved to Japan.

Aaaaand this is why you watch movies in Japan.  I've never even heard people eating popcorn despite all the empty popcorn boxes after the movie.  I love love LOVE going to movies in Japan.  :)


But I'm surprised you guys are even going to the theaters to watch this. :P

Lucas is just trolling now - THR Interview

Lucas was always associated with Star Wars (at least from the early 80's).  Even as a little kid I knew who he was.


I posted something on IMDB that I wanted to post here, since it hasn't been brought up yet:

Blade Runner has NOT been cut "sixteen ways from Sunday." There is a workprint version, which is standard for pretty much every movie (not that they all get released), there is the theatrical cut, and then the directors cut, which only removes the voice over and studio ending and inserts one unicorn shot. Hardly anything extensive for a director's cut and not NEARLY as extreme as the Star Wars Special Editions. And again, there are a whole bunch of movies that get director's cuts.

The Final Cut only fixes a few technical and continuity problems. The only shot that could be considered superfluous would be the eye contracting in the beginning, but I doubt most people would even notice it. The only other significant change is an insert of the geisha gals that lasts about three seconds (and it was filmed at the time the rest of the movie was filmed). The only really controversial change would be changing the one f-word to the word "father." (which I admit is unnecessary). It's basically the same movie as the director's cut.

How do others see the originaltrilogy.com community?

Oh man, when they started ranting from 1:50 onwards I just about puked.  They called the restoration of the original versions a "waste of time."



Not to mention that they use the excuse that the original versions are still out there in the fan editing community.  Let's excuse the fact that people shouldn't have to make their own versions of the ORIGINAL version because the creator won't release them.  Let's forget that only tech and internet savvy people can get the original movies. Let's focus on this fact:  Weren't they just condemning the fan editing community a few minutes before?

