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Star Wars theatrical versions not coming in 2015

Alderaan said:

Re-doing the CGI Jabba is unacceptable. Everyone here already knows that though.

The Jabba scene for me would be better as an extra on the DVD or BluRay, not as part of the film. Let alone the fact that most of the dialogue is in the Greedo scene, the CGI Jabba just looks bad no matter which version youre watching. The CGI would pass if the scene was an extra because it would just give people an idea of where Lucas would have gone if he had included the scene in the final film. But as inclusion in the final film, it just doesnt work IMO.

Star Wars vs. A New Hope - Which do you say and why?

I dont mind calling it A New Hope. It gives it its own identity since technically theyre all called Star Wars. Also lets face it. Whether or not youre an OUT or SE supporter, we are more accustomed to it saying ‘Episode IV A New Hope’ at the films start than seeing the original 1977 crawl with no title or number. All video releases until and since the 2006 DVDs have had ‘Episode IV A New Hope’ at the beginning, both original and Special Editions.

Star Wars theatrical versions not coming in 2015

Alderaan said:

I don’t think the OOT will be released until the next decade, sometime after May 2020. Disney will wait until all of Fox’s distribution rights expire on the other movies, and they will simultaneously wait until the ST is over and dies down.

As much as Id like to think that this wont be the case, I have a feeling that this is what will happen in the end, provided of course that a OUT restoration is on the cards for the future.

The Terminator (1984) - Original Theatrical Mono Preservation (Released)

Heres something I just noticed. I was watching my MGM DVD of T1 and was watching the scene where the Terminator breaks into Sarah and Kyles motel and opens fire. He then goes over to the bathroom and kicks the door in. In the mono version, you can hear the gun firing in the background when it cuts to Kyle and Sarah hijacking the pickup truck. Until now I assumed that sound was a drumroll in the music. Nope it was the gun. How I know and what point Im making with this post is I played the scene again with the 5.1 mix and theres NO sound after Terminator kicks the door in! Interesting huh?

Info: Jaws - PCM mono track

Hello, has anyone been able to preserve the audio from any of the Laserdisc editions? Keep in mind I dont own or have seen the BluRay edition so I dont know how the mono track on there sounds. I dont have a Laserdisc player either. However I do have the DVD editions. The mono track appears on the 2005 and 2012 DVDs. While the track is mostly identical on both releases, I found the 2005 mono track a bit crisper than the 2012 mono track. Also the 2012 track is somewhat ‘flawed’ in some areas. For example, the sound of the engine exploding is in the incorrect pitch in the 2012 mix while its in the correct pitch in the 2005 mix. When I get a chance I’ll post some video examples. Unfortunately my main computer is not working presently. Anyways I brought up the Laserdisc edition since I was watching the 1995 VHS and since some things are bit more audible in that version I thought perhaps it may appear this way on the Lasersisc. Some examples of that I noted above. Anyways just wanted to bring this peoples attention.

What Special Edition changes (if any) did people like?

Let's go back to 2002 for a moment. E.T. is rereleased by Steven Spielberg with added effects and scenes to commemorate its 20th anniversary (sound familiar???). As with the SW SE's, it allowed past generations to see it in theatres again while allowing a new generation to see it on screen for the first time. And even more like the SW SE's it was met with criticism by old school fans. Replacing shot guns with walkie talkies was equivalent to Greedo shooting first and CGI E.T. was no more real than CGI Jabba (well maybe not THAT bad). However has anyone noticed something?? Over a decade later we don't bash Spielberg for the enhanced E.T., at least not to the level of Lucas bashing, while Lucas is still criticized for the SE's. Why?? I think I know part of the reason. When E.T. was first issued as a 2 disc DVD set as well as a deluxe DVD set, Spielberg was adamant with Universal that both cuts be included. And unlike what his good buddy Lucas would do in 2006, Spielberg actually included the original cut in restored quality, by 2002 standards at least, and in anamorphic widescreen. Not a cheap 4:3 Laserdisc rip. E.T. is now on BluRay and only includes the original cut. As a purist I'm ok with this but i wouldn't have objected if the 2002 version had been there too. However no one seems to complain about this either. So now you ask what's my point here?? I think the real argument we have established being half of this issue wouldn't exist if the originals had been restored to accompany the DVD/BluRay releases. For the sake of discussion I'm ignoring GOUT. I think true fans know what should be out there and whether a day will come where all fans are satisfied is questionable and probably always will be.

What Special Edition changes (if any) did people like?

Wazzles said:

I'm definitely not trying to say the SE's are better or anything. I just meant that their existence doesn't bother me. It's fun to look at them once and a while. I'm just bothered that the OOT isn't available alongside them. And the SE's are by far worse than the OOT, but I like some aspects of them and can see how some may prefer them. 

 I agree and have said much of what you say here. The only part I'd debate here is that the SE's are 'worse' than the OOT. Well that sorta goes back to letting nostalgia affect our opinions. To people who grew up on OOT, then yeah the SE's are not good. To those who grew up on SE's, then the originals are probably worse. The reality is no one is every going to have a single mutual opinion on one version of these films and a lot of that has to do with how people are introduced to them. So if future generations are only gonna get the SE's then they'll probably prefer those. Are OOT fans like myself gonna be happy about this?? Of course not and also its misleading. Future or even current generations will watch the original trilogy under the impression its the original versions and represent the state of visual and technical effects of that period when the reality is its been tampered with to include updated effects from 20 years later and onward.

What Special Edition changes (if any) did people like?

I feel I'll probably just be repeating myself here 'cause I've pretty much said all this or things to the effect before but here it goes. As most of you probably know I'm an OOT supporter. Does this mean I hate the SE's?? I dont like them but I dont hate them. I respect their existence and why Lucas did them. Thats all though. My problem as with many is that the OOT is no longer properly available. Not just because some like myself are accustomed to those versions but because they are iconic films that are pivotal to the eras they came out of. Same about the SE's. Regardless of what was good or bad about them, the SE's are products of their time. Now of course you got nit picky fans who pick one version of the film and solely want that version available but me I have no objection to both versions being available. At least Lucas' 'vision' is represented while old school fans get the version they want. But it isnt that way sadly. To those who like the SE's thats fine but me it will never be anything more than a 'what if???' version of SW. The originals are the real deal because even though they were in Lucas' mind 'unfinished' they were iconic and technically speaking were 'completed' with the technology that was achievable at the time.

What Special Edition changes (if any) did people like?

FrankT said: But don't you see? Movies don't change with the times. They can't! You can't just put new stuff on top of a 20-year-old movie and hope people will just roll with it, that's not how it works! (Cleaning up matte lines is an exception, to a degree.)

 That and lightsaber fixes are really the only 'changes' I can name off hand that I wont object to although I think its a bit degrading to the period. Also when I say lightsaber fixes, I mean when they're done right like Vader and Obi-Wan's duel in ANH (aside from the brief moments where Obi's saber is purple), not Vaders pink saber in ESB or ROTJ.

What Special Edition changes (if any) did people like?

Well I could go either way. I sometimes argue my case with preservation out of nostalgia but not always. I just think when it's done its done. Once it's released to the public it should become a product of the era it was produced in. Now granted if my introduction to Star Wars had been via the SE's rather than the OOT I may actually be a SE supporter. I've found I've generally grown fond of the versions of film, music, etc. that I was introduced to first. Nonetheless I agree from a purist perspective that the OOT should still be made available. As someone who grew up on the OOT, do I particularly like the SE's?? Personally no. Do I object to their existence?? Yes and no. Yes in the sense that it's made the OOT obsolete to the fan base who prefer Lucas' 'unfinished' versions. No in the sense of it allowed it's creator to 'finish' what he claims was unfinished. That said, if both versions were to be packaged together I would and I'm sure many others would not object to this. At least it will please both camps. I just don't buy this there has to be 'one'. Ridley Scott released a Blu Ray set with like 6 or 7 versions of Blade Runner. If there has to be one, then speaking as a purist it should be the original.

Star Wars 1992 VHS styled DVD covers

Hello, I'm interested in making DVD covers for the original trilogy based off the 1992 VHS editions. Those were my favorite of the VHS' with the poster arts. I've seen a few based off the 1990 and 1995 VHS' but not much for the '92s. However, I do need some assistance. I need clean copies of the collages used on the back covers. I also need a good copy of the ANH artwork. I've found some clean copies of that artwork but I need one with more image on the far right so I'm able to properly center the image on the front cover. For example, the copies I keep finding have the corner of Vader's helmet cut off. I need one without it cutoff. Someone also mentioned in a previous thread of the 'smaller' Lando on the VHS/Laserdisc's of ROTJ. All the logofree versions of that artwork I can find have 'bigger' Lando. Anyone willing to help out here??? Below is an image I found that someone did of the ESB cover.

Star Wars theatrical versions not coming in 2015

After reading other reviews of this rumor on other sites, some have noted that it was not exactly specified what it's being restored for if at all. BluRay?? Theatrical?? Both?? Sources I've read is that AMC Theatres is showing all 6 films as a marathon on the eve of the release date for TFA. However, I think showing the original versions, as much as I prefer them over the SEs, in that light with the prequels and having the new film released the next day would be a little awkward don't you think?? Unless I was misreading something. Not to mention it may also have the tendency to overshadow the much awaited anticipation for TFA. One thing I think I'm sure we can agree on is if they are indeed being restored than a BluRay release should be inevitable. Unlikely they'd spend that much on a long awaited restoration just to throw them in theatres and never shown again. I don't even think George would stoop that low then again he told us to be happy with '06 DVDs.

Star Wars theatrical versions not coming in 2015

We also have to keep in mind is if these rumors are true, then how long has Disney/Lucasfilm been planning this? Since the sale in 2012? Production stages of TFA? Also there's the point to releasing them now to capitalize on the growing anticipation for TFA but do we know if Disney/Lucasfilm has even begun the restoration yet? Was the rumor posted by comicbook.com last year indeed true and the restoration has been ongoing since or was that just a rumor that has become true a year later? Again I know there's a lot to speculate until an official response is given but perhaps a statement from a fellow filmmaker who does know Lucas is a good sign. Who knows?

Star Wars theatrical versions not coming in 2015

Possibly then again are we willing to believe that Lucas is letting them do this?? After all this time of protecting his 'vision' he's finally approving this?? Then again someone mentioned earlier if it isn't his money he doesn't care whatsoever what they do. Then again I read of someone who years ago actually sent an offer to Lucas to restore the originals himself for free and never got a response. However this was when Lucas was still in control of his own firm.