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Random Movie Thoughts

fmalover said:

I honesty don’t understand why Blade Runner was rated R.

The instances of violence are very few and pretty tame. The only instance of strong swearing is when Roy Batty calls Tyrell “fucker”, which in other versions has been changed to “father”. Joanna Cassidy’s topless scene isn’t titilating at all, just a woman getting dressed.

One line in the theatrical cut’s narration contains a slur.

Last movie seen

StarkillerAG said:

I just watched Donnie Darko for the first time last night, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie that feels like it before. It perfectly captures how it feels to be alienated from the world around you, while at the same time including surrealist, almost spiritual elements that honestly blew my mind while watching it. I was expecting it to just be okay, but it ended up being possibly one of my favorite movies of all time.

Just one little issue, though: the version that I watched was the Director’s Cut. I didn’t realize it until the movie was already done, but after looking it up, it seems like the hardcore Donnie Darko fans absolutely hate that version of the movie. I personally like most of the changes that were made, and I don’t think my enjoyment of the movie has been impacted at all, but I’m still worried that I accidentally got an inferior experience. Should I watch the original version of the movie, or am I worried over nothing?

My thoughts exactly. It’s one of my favorite films at the moment.