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STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

I never said otherwise about clashing frequencies. When two sounds intersect on the same frequency, it is indeed as impossible to separate them as it would be to unbake a cake. But by your own admission above, sometimes there ISN'T a clash, therefore there IS a "distinction" between them. Which makes what I just said perfectly valid.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Ronster said:

brash_stryker said:

I've been playing around with isolating dialogue from music using the spectral repair setting in Izotope RX 4, but it's really difficult. Seems to be trial and error for me because the visual representation of the waveform doesn't give you a clear distinction between sounds.

 There is no distinction between sounds in a mix

Please know what you're talking about before making authoritative statements like that. Just because sound is mixed together doesn't mean there's no distinction. If there weren't a distinction (in pitch, frequency etc), then software to try and isolate one sound from another wouldn't exist.

For the simplest example possible, look at the pattern the police siren makes in this video:


STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

I've been playing around with isolating dialogue from music using the spectral repair setting in Izotope RX 4, but it's really difficult. Seems to be trial and error for me because the visual representation of the waveform doesn't give you a clear distinction between sounds.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

Ronster said:

unamochilla2 said:

emanswfan said:

ATMachine said:

What, the old story about somebody having Found Luke's lightsaber in the depths of Cloud City?

 No, the idea that there would be some sort of flashback sequence in TFA, which has been around for quite a while.

People were speculating it would involve a scene with an OT Leia since Fisher's daughter will appear in the film.  However, I'm guessing it'll be a bit part.

 They confirmed in a recent article that the Laser Sword is found in cloud city and was Anakin's / Luke's Light saber.

But there is no confirmation of any flash back sequence... But the Toy  I suppose does suggest that cloud city will be visited in some way even if only very brief.

I am leaning toward it being found in depths of cloud city... Is that from the Thrawn trilogy?

This has already been discussed many times. Why people believe that a toy depicting events in Empire Strikes Back has any implications for The Force Awakens, I don't know. The Cloud City Luke toy doesn't have the 'The Force Awakens' subtitle on the packaging. This means it is not from the movie, but rather is just part of the same current range (having Kylo Ren on the packaging, etc).

For years, all of Hasbro's figures from every Star Wars movie have had Darth Maul on the packaging. This doesn't mean these characters were in The Phantom Menace, as I'm sure you're aware.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

I really don't think that indicates a flashback. It probably just points to a new line of Hasbro toys with Episode 7 themed packaging. If I recall, for years now, any toys regardless of the movie had Darth Maul on the packaging. Same idea.

Also, using the 'build-another-model' gimmick allows them to sell rehashed models from previous lines that they already have the moulds for.

Star Wars Episode II: The Galaxy Divided (The Brash Cut) - CANCELLED

LuckyGungan2001 said:

If the project is in a complete state, would it be very hard to make a cutlist for the edit. I thought all of your edits that you planned to make were great, and the few sample clips that survived on YouTube were definite improvements. I think its a shame that it got cancelled, but I am still looking forward to watching your Hobbit edit.

Thanks, that's very kind of you. 

Ultimately, I realised that the movie was unfixable. Improvable, certainly, but boy is it a mess. I don't have any cutlist written down anywhere unfortunately and the project files have long been deleted because of how soul destroying it was working hard on something that was still going to suck.

That's why my Hobbit edit seems like a more sensible option. They're HORRIBLE movies, but I think one decent single movie can be salvaged from them. Fingers crossed!

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

ray_afraid said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

ZkinandBonez said:

They have pigs in the SW universe?

Why not? The original humans must have brought other terrestrial animals with them when they left Earth for the galaxy far, far away.

 But if humans leave Earth for the GFFA, wouldn't that mean Star Wars is happening in the future?

Unless time and events are cyclical, like in Battlestar Galactica.

May the force be with you, so say we all. 

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

ZkinandBonez said:

ray_afraid said:

ZkinandBonez said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

ZkinandBonez said:

Included with the Millennium Falcon set however is a man called Tasu Leech

Yet another silly TFA name to add to the list of silly TFA names. Is that the sixth one, now? Seventh?

Still a less silly name than Porkins.

 Oh, come on.. Porkins was obviously his nickname. Sheesh.

They have pigs in the SW universe?
I'm pretty sure it was just Lucas trying to be funny.

 Why not? They have ducks:



The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread

I've said it before and I'll say it again, in my opinion Yoda has no place in the PT at all. I don't think the audience in 1980 were meant to know his identity until it was revealed by Obi's voice, and in that respect, excising him from the PT entirely respects this reveal. 

He should be spoken about a lot, building his legendary status for the audience, but we shouldn't meet him. 

Obviously cutting all the shots he's in would mean there'd barely be a movie left, so why not replace him in some of them (the ones with the camera angles that indicate a short person) with another short character who can be given a new role in the story? Doesn't need to even be a Jedi. In fact it shouldn't be because that would again be introducing the whole "size matters not" thing prematurely. It could be a costumed dwarf either human or alien, masked or unmasked, or even a droid if the role could be made to fit the scenes with those particular angles. 

Would this be enormously impractical and insane to attempt? Of course it would, and it's probably next to impossible. More insane than replacing CG Yoda with puppet Yoda? No, in fact without the need to....

1. Puppeteer
2. Sync the mouth movements to the existing dialogue
3. Impersonate Frank Oz's voice in the case of new dialogue

...it would be a lot easier. And there might even be a greater payoff due to the additional scope for changing the story with whole new dialogue from a whole new character. You'd only need to worry about matching the angles and/or motion (not that I'm downplaying how hard that alone would be).

I know many here disagree that there's any point preserving this reveal, or that it even was a reveal at all, but that's my opinion. I'm in no way suggesting this is doable anyway. This is just a 'what if'.

EDIT: Damn you muddyknees2000 and your incessant mind reading!

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

ZkinandBonez said:


I don't understand the strong reactions to these names, SW has always had some pretty silly names, especially for supporting characters and villains. 

Plus the names aren't necessarily said out loud in the movie itself anyway. Look at all the characters that had names in the supplemental books, or as action figures, but were just unnamed background aliens in the other movies.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

ZkinandBonez said:

TV's Frink said:

timdiggerm said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

ZkinandBonez said: 

Someone should make a list of PT elements that Lucas borrowed from the EU. The multi-coloured lightsabers already seems to have been in the EU first, and so does several aliens (Dexter from ATOC is apparently based of an alien from SW Droids) so it seems like it would be quite a long list. 

The double-bladed lightsaber and Aayla Secura would definitely have to go on the list. 

The name "Coruscant" rather famously

 Pretty sure that was in an early Star Wars draft.

 The planet, yes, but not the actual name. That was made by Timothy Zahn (author of the Thrawn trilogy).



 Furthermore, in the original drafts for ROTJ it was referred to by the name Had Abbadon.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

ZkinandBonez said:

ray_afraid said:

Snoke is a goofy name, but not as goofy as other Star Wars characters that I (and probably you) already love.
Boba Fett... Bib ForTuna... Snoke sounds like Shaft in comparison.

Let's not forget the fact that Lucas named an OT character Porkins.

Added to that we have character names such as Sy Snootles, Max Reebo, the third band member was actually called Droopy. Jabba the Hutt is also a pretty funky sounding name. Then we have the official title of Grand Moff. Not to mention a fish-like species called Calamari. I'd say Snoke is quite far down on the list of silliest Star Wars names that we've heard over the years.

Aside from Porkins, none of those names are ever said out loud (well Boba is.....just barely in ROTJ but I never heard it until it was pointed out to me). 

I guess there's always the possibility that he'll only ever be referred to by his title. Hell, even Palpatine was never referred to by name until the Prequels came along.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

timdiggerm said:

People talking about differences in skin color & neck length should keep in mind that preproduction art does not necessarily match final designs. What a character looks like changes many times as they make a movie.

Yup. But something about the blue face strikes me as more expressive, which makes me think it's the face using Lupita's mocap performance.

Though admittedly it's hard to see just how expressive the orange one might be. The blue one seems more interesting to me in any case.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *


Anyway, if this is Maz Kanata, the pirate (according to Vanity Fair) then it would seem it's the same person we saw in this leaked concept art.

How strange that we would have 2 distinct aliens, one orange, one blue, both involved in scenes involving passing on sabers. At least that's what the painting above seems to indicate to me.

Could this be a contemporary equivalent of Yoda? And as a pirate, her ideology would clash with our ideas of what a wise master is meant to be. 

Also, if the art is anything to go by, it's definitely not the same species as in AOTC. It doesn't have the elongated head the AOTC alien has (It is in fact a long cranium, not just a headdress as we see another of the species on Coruscant as well).

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

Tobar said:

Now they're tiny? You guys have weird eyes. 

Seriously? The creature's tiny head is pretty much at waist level to the actress it's handing the saber to. (though I concede the character could be kneeling/sitting EDIT: Actually, no I don't, the creature is clearly standing), but more importantly the actress's hand all but envelops the saber whereas the orange creature's hand would barely get around it.

Ah I have nothing better to do. *Gets shitty cameraphone out*

I've tried to pose it the same way as the scene so people can get a sense of scale. This saber is a hefty prop, and I have fairly small hands for a man I guess, but you guys can surely see that the alien hand is WAYYY smaller than mine. Obviously you're going to have to look at the difference in relation to the saber as I didn't think to enlarge the screenshot to get the scale to match. But my thumb reaches roughly the same point on the grip as the alien's does (further up if anything), yet my hand extends well past the bottom of it to a point where, proportionally, the alien's forearm is starting. I'm bending my hand at an awkward angle to try and get the photo one-handed, but you get the idea. Where the alien's forearm is, my wrist has only just started. 

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

SilverWook said:

I guess some people forget there are shots of Jar Jar's hands and feet that were Ahmed Best in a rubber suit in TPM.

It's more to do with the scale of the creature that points to it being CG, arms and all. Sure, they could have pulled a Lord of the Rings, and employed lots of tricks. For instance they could have shot it twice - once with the regular sized saber being handed to the human hand by someone crouched down in a green lycra costume who could be keyed out after, then a second time with our orange costumed actor handing an oversized saber up to nothing at all. Making sure of course that the positioning of the sabers matched each other as close as possible so it could be lined up seamlessly. Then they could have matched the motion of both versions and shrink/blow up the footage accordingly - just like the scene in bag end of Gandalf giving Bilbo his hat - combined from 2 different takes.

That's a LOT of effort for what I assume is a throwaway character though. It would be far easier and more practical to just CG it. Which is why I said it's either a TINY actor, or far more likely, it's all CG. And just looking at it, I think it's CG personally. It looks great, but there's definitely that 'uncanny valley' feel about it IMO.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

Tobar said:

timdiggerm said:

There's been speculation that the small person handing the lightsaber to Leia in the trailer is Lupita's character, in which case it looks like her skin may be orange now.

 I quite literally believe the people who think that hand is CG are insane.

You know there's a blink and you'll miss it glimpse of the face too, right? That definitely looks CG. The hand I'm not sure though. It's way too small to be anything but a VERY small child or primordial dwarf's hand. Just comparing it to the receiving hand suggests it's inhumanly small, but comparing it to the lightsaber prop (a replica of which I happen to own) confirms it without a doubt.

I'm going with CG.