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Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

HelpMeObiWanKenobi said:

That's what I'll be doing to this blu-ray release because it's not the OOT.

George says it'll cost too much to remaster the OOT.
Sure, it'll cost a lot of money but that's maybe like .05% of what he's made on these movies and their 10,000 re-releases, box-sets, toys, dolls, shirts, lunchboxes, mugs, pajamas, pizza hut tie-ins?

If you love the OOT more than the SE's like I do, then when these blu-rays hit the shelves, May the Force be with You, to NOT buy them.

Don't worry he'll still have enough money (that .05% of his wealth) to apply towards remastering the OOT's for blu-ray release should he ever stop being a hypocritical, old clod.

20th Century Fox already spent $20 million back in the early 1990s restoring the original elements for the 1995 videos, no? Lucas is a liar.

Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

see you auntie said:

@ Avoidz re: Raiders of the Lost Ark


There was a better version (split screen I think) going around but the link above is enough to highlight the difference.

Thanks. Yeah, I looked that video up when it was mentioned before. I don't see why they bothered to change that shot; it was always one of my favorite movie vfx sequences.

Unfortunately it's an ongoing initiative at LFL to tinker/meddle/ruin good scenes from their library of films. And Steven Spielberg, I'm looking at you too.

Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

digitalfreaknyc said:

avoidz said:

Baronlando said:

(Also, on the subject of using TV broadcasts to predict possible future blu-rays, Raiders is on USA this week, if anyone is curious to see if that new CGI cliff is still in there.)

I've seen Raiders twice now on TV recently, and both times I'd swear that cliff scene looks different (and I liked the original vfx). I don't recall it ever being mentioned as a change in the film, other than the boulder poles, snake reflection, truck pole that were digitally removed. Damn. More LFL meddling...

 That's because it's new.  That's a new change for the HD version.

Are there any other changes to the HD edition? Or is it now like the OT; an ongoing exercise of CG "improvements" by the increasingly senile Spielberg and Lucas...

Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

Baronlando said:

(Also, on the subject of using TV broadcasts to predict possible future blu-rays, Raiders is on USA this week, if anyone is curious to see if that new CGI cliff is still in there.)

I've seen Raiders twice now on TV recently, and both times I'd swear that cliff scene looks different (and I liked the original vfx). I don't recall it ever being mentioned as a change in the film, other than the boulder poles, snake reflection, truck pole that were digitally removed. Damn. More LFL meddling...

Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

budwhite quoted:

Just thought you guys might like to know, my dad just sat beside John Lowry on a 20 minute flight. He started talking to him about restorations, and Mr. Lowry told him that the restoration for The Abyss is already done and in the can. He also had a few other tidbits of info about other projects:

Apparently they're working on the Titanic restoration/3d-izing at the moment and they say it looks phenomenal. James Cameron has been heavily involved in this, even go so far as to tell them what sort of depth of field to use on different parts of the image during some scenes. Apparently it looks so good that it's hard to tell it wasn't shot in 3d in the first place.

A 3D sideshow is such a respectful way to treat a tragedy.

How has Star Wars aged with you?

For me, the original Star Wars Trilogy hasn't aged; I still very much enjoy the 1977, 1980, 1983 theatrical movies. I have fond memories of all the Kenner figures and vehicles I played with in the early 1980s, and listening to the SW LP again and again.

I can't say how many times I looked at the few pictures of the Millennium Falcon in an old model magazine, admiring its awesomeness and wanting to build a replica (the Kenner toy was functional, but big and bulky) :)

The modern Star Wars I just can't stand. The prequels are offensive. After the "special editions" I lost all respect for Lucas and LFL. The non-anamorphic "bonus" DVDs just sealed my disdain for the modern franchise as it had become.

So for me, there's the "golden age" of SW, from the early '80s to the mid-1990s. After that, I don't want to know.

'78 interview with David Prowse [spoilers] :) he reveals Vader is Luke's father

Anchorhead said:


It reads to me as though that was his idea for Star Wars III, so that they can both still be in Star Wars IV.

Baron is correct.  People were coming up with stuff regularly back then.  Everyone involved had a take. It was all just guessing.

The article is a perfect example of what it was like for us before the internet.  You got your nerd news in small newspaper & magazine blurbs, and you took whatever you could get your hands on.  And you saved it in a drawer, to reread constantly - at least I did.  Nerddom moved at a snail's pace back then.


Yes, he is speculating about Star Wars III and IV. He just guessed right about TESB's revelation (except that Luke's father wasn't "long lost").

Return of the Jedi cut-scene

vbangle said:

Go back and re-watch that scene and tell me if you think the quality and feel of the cinematics fit with the rest of the Jedi movie....I don't think so.

I'm not one way or the other on this extra scene (I just don't care anymore), but I find many extra or deleted scenes don't feel like they would fit into the movie I've watched a dozen or more times and become familiar with.

With no proper original versions on DVD or Blu-ray, I'm done with Star Wars.

Making of Empire Strikes Back pushed back to October.

msycamore said:

Yeah, that site is a real bitch to navigate. Many good things there though.

The new Rinzler book is absolutely amazing, I've just read through half of it yet, but it's definitely worth the prize. Those who already own the old book will definitely need to pick this up as it also cover much pre and post-production, some comments here and there are taken from DVD commentaries and other interview sources to fill it out some, but otherwise it's Alan Arnold's tapes here, uncensored. Haven't noticed any usual revision-bullshit yet.

Hmm, yes, I was wondering if there would be any mention of the 1997 and 2004 meddling; perhaps towards the end of the book.

Making of Empire Strikes Back pushed back to October.

msycamore said:

robbottin said:

I'm looking for it, but a free digital copy is not a bad thing.

You can download the original Alan Arnold book in PDF format at the starwarsarchives.com

Interesting. Do you have a direct link to it because I can't find it, and that whole site is annoyingly designed entirely in Flash and is horrible to navigate.
