For Luca$h, ESB is the worst thing that ever happened to Star Wars:
1. It was made by a much better director than he is. It had greater depth and atmosphere and better performances than he could ever have achieved, as we can see from the PT.
2. It took Star Wars in an aesthetic direction he had never intended it to go, as we can see from the PT. He wanted to make a bigger, better equivalent of the sci-fi serials he used to love as a kid, not a deep, atmospheric space opera (a term which may never have been attached to Star Wars before ESB).
Unfortunately for Luca$h, people loved it and it's quality has ensured it's lasting appeal and continuing increase in respect. I sincerely believe that people, while they may love SW77 more, will usually pick ESB as the best of all the movies.
That must piss Luca$h off more than anything else, I think. It's the one he had the least control over, after all. From which we must conclude that Luca$h is not, in fact, the great auteur he would like us all to think he is. For me, SW77 is not a well directed film. It's success as a movie comes from the exciting production design, daring casting, tight editing, ground-breaking audio and visual effects and it's marvellous, Wagnerian score.
This is why it makes me so angry that Luca$h feels he has the right to tinker with the films the way he has. As far as I'm concerned, he played a very small part in making them as special as they were. I think he should have much greater respect for the work of the people who made SW77 a success and stop filling the movie full of added junk.