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Star Wars: Abridged II - The Rebellion — A 3.5 hour 3-in-1 of the original trilogy (Released)

Could I get a copy of these two and the sequel as well. I’m a huge Reylo, so a bit heartbroken how that ends, but honestly, how you’ve done this sounds amazing. Esp. the parallel of Qui-Gon and a young (non)Anakin beginning the PT and Rey and broom boy ending the ST. It gave me chills. I really want to watch this.

Community Focus Thread 1: The Phantom Menace

NotTheDri0ds said:

Unrelated to the current discussion, but a random idea occurred to me. One issue with TPM I have is Qui Gon sensing Anakin has some connection to the force, yet we the audience don’t really see much of it until the pod race. When trying to find some way to add it I thought, hey, what if I tried to indicate that Anakin somehow unknowingly uses a mind trick on Sebulba when he attacks Jar Jar, which is what draws Qui Gon’s attention to him? (Both shows Anakin being force sensitive much earlier, and is a nice little parallel to ANH)

Currently have a sort of test edit of the idea I have in mind, though it’s still not perfect, I feel it’s not obvious enough, but can’t for the life of me find a way to rewrite the dialogue to fit the idea more.


A few things, first to this: How about this dialogue…

Anakin: I’d hate to see you crushed before our next race, Sebulba. I’ve heard this one’s pretty big in the Republic. You don’t want to hurt him.

Sebulba: I don’t want to hurt him. But the next time we meet, Skywalker, this worthlesss slime will pay. And so will you.

Second: I am with those that we shouldn’t be looking at trying to stick to any particular time length. Whatever works pacing/cut-wise is what matters.

Finally, for me it’s important that TPM begins with Obi-Wan and his name being said because HE’S our link to the OT so that first scene MUST begin there. Personally, anyway.

Community Focus Thread 2: Return of the Jedi

RogueLeader said:

Official name now. Hahaha.

What I like about these ideas is that it not only benefits Boba’s characterization, but I think it could benefit the plot in general without really taking away from the move as-is. Even the scene change I suggested of Boba catching Han and Leia, you could actually Lee that whole scene, and just have Boba be the first person they see/hear before Jabba starts laughing and reveals himself. Boba’s presence there could just imply that Boba was the one who tipped off Jabba. You could even have Jabba say, “Good job, Fett!” since his first line in that scene isn’t subtitled, I believe.

But, it could still be trimmed for pacing if you wanted it to be.

Great ideas in this thread, and I LOVE the Han/Leia caught by Boba, cut to the cell. But something in here that you wrote got me thinking. What if we held on Boba for just a moment or two longer, and had a quick burst of Jabba’s laughter that echoes into that cut scene in the cell? That tells us that Boba tipped off Jabba, and Boba has basically sold Han/Leia in just a few seconds.

Star Wars Episode I: Cloak Of Deception (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

I don’t plan to, no. I don’t think there was anything that compelled me to the level of doing so. I feel a personal sense of inertia about my prequel edits as well as a need to let them rest now. I guess what I’m trying to say is I’m trying to move on after a total span of about fifteen years of them.

Grumble, grumble. sigh OK.

Star Wars Edits - Deepfakes, Artificial Faces | Discussion

I want to do this scene in an edit (I’m eventually going to do for TRoS). Would this be possible?

Rey sitting in the co-pilot seat looking out ahead of her with a smile on her face, looks over her shoulder (and again, needing to look for dialogue), says: “It’s like… Jakku.” The next shot is Ben standing against the cockpit door. This is where the deepfake needs to come in. A small clip from Solo or even The Force Awakens and have Adam Driver’s face/hair over AE or HF. Again, if possible. I do not know. He says something like “I told you.” She gets up and asks if he’s coming. He shakes his head, “this is for you.”

Is this possible? (I don’t know.) Could you do this? I WOULD BE ETERNALLY GRATEFUL!

Community Focus Thread 1: The Phantom Menace

EddieDean said:

I had this idea based on having TC-14 actually be on the Jedi ship in the scenario where they head to the planet without intending to meet the Neimoidians, in which case it’s dialogue could be something like “We’re setting you down in the swamp near where your contact was last seen” or something.

Yes, that works perfectly!

RogueLeader said:

Regarding Anakin hearing Qui-Gon during the climax, I’m pretty sure there has been an edit that had Anakin hear Qui-Gon’s line, “Your focus determines your reality”, which fits with the moment pretty well I think. It also can be interpreted as Anakin just thinking of what Qui-Gon said, rather than Qui-Gon literally communing with him. But that could confuse people, and this ANH parallel might be a little too on the nose. Maybe not though.

Personally, I like the idea that Eddie came up with, Qui-Gon just guiding Anakin himself. I don’t think the parallel is too on the nose. I think it’s perfect.

Regarding the Gungan Battle, I don’t think the entire battle scenes have to be put back to back. I think the Gungan battle should at least end before the gang splits up in the hangar. That way there is never four plots going at once. I think it would still be good to cut back to the gang making their way into the city to show what the Gungan battle is accomplishing.

Also, is the shot of Jar Jar landing on his arse (lol) even necessary? I mean I guess if you’re wanting to keep up runtime. I’ve seen other edits that just show Jar Jar and Captain Tarpals surrounded (but cutting away before Jar Jar surrenders).

Agreed, I don’t think we need Jar Jar landing on his arse. And the battle scenes don’t have to be back to back.

Community Focus Thread 1: The Phantom Menace

EddieDean said:

Here’s an example new introduction to Jar Jar, where he actually has character!

It’s not perfect, but I think it demonstrates the potential of using Clone Wars lines!

Eddie, you are wrong. It IS perfect. That was simply fantastic!!

I also thought that the Gungan battle was fine. Finally, I want to reiterate my thought about using more footage from the battle at the start of the film for the invasion idea to open it up. Darken it to look like later in the day to kinda cover the fakeness of it a bit, dirty it up, scorches, etc., and do quick cuts, flashes, etc. like almost a montage of a fight.

ETA: > NeverarGreat said:

It does seem weird that they would run into such an important person right away

Hmm, you do have a point there. But maybe could we find dialogue that would fit with Jar-Jar was waiting/looking for the Jedi?

Community Focus Thread 1: The Phantom Menace

I’m with everyone here, brilliant, bloody brilliant idea.

It creates such a beautiful connective tissue. (And for my personal viewing order is chef’s kiss! since I put TPM right after TESB. I don’t think it will make audiences have a harder time watching at all since it does simplify things esp since I do think that the Gungan battle should mostly be done away with. So then you just have 3 plotlines and now two of them wind up connected.

Community Focus Thread 1: The Phantom Menace

EddieDean said:

That all sounds great. Both of those major points are very important to me. Perhaps, if it feels like this could become a reality, we should consider sources? And importantly, to not do this in ignorance of the other vital edits that came before. For me I’d definitely look to both Hal’s and L8wrtr’s for a base, as well as some of the more recent releases here.

Oh, absolutely. None of this I think could possibly be done without the brilliant work that has been done over the last 20 years by some of our frankly, beloved, fanedits that have given us so much inspiration and so, so very much to work with.

Community Focus Thread 1: The Phantom Menace

CaptainFaraday said:

arabian said:

I just read this whole thread (over the course of 3 days here and there) and a big bravo to you Eddie! Fabulous idea, fabulous putting it together.

I love the invasion idea to begin the film, and identifying the core issues. I kinda want to try and tackle this now. I’m really excited about this monthly focus plan!

If you started actively putting together an edit using these ideas, I think it would reinvigorate the thread for sure - plus it would be an edit I’d definitely watch!

At this point it feels like the all the big ideas have emerged and been fleshed out a bit, so it might be the perfect time to start an edit that aims to accomplish them. Maybe that could be one of the soft goals of these months, depending on whether there’s someone interested in helming each of them!

The idea I really like is the invasion at the START of the film and that’s what draws Obi-Wan and QGJ there. For my personal* ST saga, I do want to have Obi-Wan identified by name very, very early on the film (like as earliest a possible), but having the invasion early on is a great idea.

  • I put the PT after TESB which basically ends with Luke going “Why, Ben, why?” about him not telling him that Vader was Anakin which then positions the PT as a very (very, very) long flashback. That way we open up on the first film with a young (identified) Obi-Wan who is essentially telling the story. Ahem, back to TPM.

My least visually favorite part of the film is the big battle at the end of the film because it looks so horribly CGI’d faked. I understand of course how amazing it was at the time, but lordy, it looks so fake. I was wondering if it would be possible to cut parts of that to act as part of the invasion, darken it to look like night to kinda cover the fakeness of it a bit, dirty up the fight up to beat them up, and do quick cuts, flashes, etc. like almost a montage of a fight. And, NOT use the Gungans in it there at all, and simply use just a small snippet of it later with the Gungans to the swamps (as suggested earlier) as a decoy.

I dunno if that’s possible. But basically, as a way to deal with making that battle at the end less fake-looking, using as little of it as possible, remove a BUNCH of Jar-Jar silliness from that battle, and take away one of the too many (4) plots going on at the end.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold (WIP)

Yeah, Poe is great in TFA, has a great character arc in TLJ and then just WHAAAA in TROS, so fixing that mess in this would be VERY welcome.

I also really like the idea of this: Restructure Jannah’s scene with Finn slightly to imply that Finn’s story is what inspired her and her friends to leave the First Order. (Not only does this add some sense of payoff to Finn’s origins, but it also ties back in with the lessons about “inspirational heroes” that Finn and Rose shared in TLJ.)

Because I ADORED Finn’s arc in TLJ and this gives resonance to his overall story in the trilogy in a way that TROS doesn’t like AT ALL.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold (WIP)

sherlockpotter said:

arabian said:

sherlockpotter said:

Maybe I’ll be like Rey - suffering an abusive relationship with this story for so long that I eventually embrace it romantically. 😉 […] it just feels like a very…I dunno, unhealthy foundation for a romance. But I’m open to having my mind changed - goodness knows there’s still plenty of time for that to happen!

Rey/Ben is actually the OPPOSITE of unhealthy and toxic. It’s just been very misrepresented. Rey fell for BEN, not Kylo. She saw through Kylo, wanted to save Ben from the darkness he was lost in. But she realized at the end of TLJ that she couldn’t save him. He could only save himself. We saw awesome, healthy, NON-TOXIC-NESS on display because Rey walked away from Kylo when he wouldn’t stop being, well, Kylo, and continued to embrace the Dark Side.

She continued to want nothing to do with Kylo throughout TRoS. And when she saved his life, she let him know that she wanted to take BEN’S hand, not Kylo’s. And that was like a LIGHTBULB going off in Ben’s head. He could be loved as Ben Solo, something that he hadn’t realized. He didn’t have to be this dark, brooding bad boy, essentially. He could try and be a good guy. That is who Rey wanted, that is who she cared for… the guy who had good in him. Remember she had seen inside his head in TFA, she knew what his childhood and teenage years – where he had been manipulated and abused emotionally, mentally, and physically by Snoke. That was who she was reaching out to. The guy who, like her was looking for a place to belong.

And in the end, BEN made the choice to reject Kylo Ren and save himself, and then go and try to help save the galaxy. He made the healthy choice and it was only at that point that Rey accepted him because he had rejected Kylo Ren.

TLJ, again, set this up beautifully – which had actually started in TFA – but sigh the ball was dropped in quite a few ways in TRoS. double sigh

Ahhh, okay, that’s a really good explanation, thank you! Probably the first time that relationship has made sense to me, at least on paper.

I think the problem though (in my own interpretation of the films) is twofold:

  1. Yes, Rey saw the good (i.e. the “Ben”) in Kylo in TLJ, but I didn’t interpret that as “I’d bone ya if only you’d stop slicing people and objects in half with your lightsaber in violent fits of rage.” I took that to mean that she might forgive him someday; perhaps even be friends. But again, that’s such a huge leap from “You’re not completely evil,” to “I’m totally in love with you, let’s make out.” I think TROS could have developed that into romantic feelings, but I don’t think it did.

  2. I don’t see “Ben” and “Kylo” as distinct characters, except in the abstract. Actually, that’s one of the things I most enjoy about Kylo, and that I wanted to emphasize in my edit - that under the suit he’s still a relatively normal guy who misses his family. The flipside of that coin is that he’s a relatively normal guy who’s done some absolutely monstrous things, both to the galaxy at large, and to Rey personally. This is the guy who knocked Rey unconscious, kidnapped her, tortured her, and then blew up an entire system of planets in a diabolical power grab. The guy is a fascist, a terrorist, and a murderer, regardless of whatever goodness he may also have; and I don’t buy that Rey would start snogging him immediately after witnessing all of that.

Ah, see so this is where we differ:

You see “Kylo knocked Rey unconscious,” I see Kylo and Rey fought, he won, and instead of having his guards drag her to the ship – someone who had valuable information in this war, he gently picked her up and carried her onto his ship. Also, I feel that JJ made a VERY distinct choice to show the difference in how Kylo interrogated Poe as opposed to Rey. He didn’t torture her. He went into her mind, yes, but then she went into his mind and took info from him as well. Yes, you could say she didn’t know what she was doing, but even after she realized, she KEPT doing it. Overall, though, Kylo was gentle with Rey trying not to hurt her to get the info (as opposed to Poe – again, at war, opposite sides. Not to say that what Kylo did to Poe was right, it was wrong.)

Also, no, he didn’t blow up an entire system of planets. That was Snoke/Hux. In fact, when Hux suggested it, Kylo even made a comment about wanting to try and get the info from Rey again, but Snoke shut him down. Kylo also wasn’t there when Hux gave his whole big Nazi speech. Once Snoke gave the go-ahead, Kylo had no say. The supplemental material said that his cape had static dampening qualities due to Snoke’s attacks against him. So, if he fought against Snoke, we know what would happen.

Look, I’m not saying that Kylo wasn’t majorly problematic, but he was also someone who felt abandoned, was mentally, physically, and emotionally abused by Snoke his literal entire life (the mental and emotional abuse). And he was drawn to the Light. He did try to avoid hurting Rey more than he could. When they fought at the end of TFA, he held back. Rey was more the aggressor, Kylo fought more defensively. And we’re dealing with the Dark Side. The Dark Side severely messes with a person’s soul and had been messing with Ben Solo his entire life. Rey saw the good in him; she knew he could be turned. And she was right. Ben felt like his family, his parents, his uncle gave up on him when he was in his teens. He felt abandoned; Rey did too. Add to that, they were a literal Dyad in the force, connected in a way that was extremely rare. They could feel each other across literal space.

So, yeah.

OK, I’m done.

And I DO really want to see what you do with this because your ideas are really exciting.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold (WIP)

sherlockpotter said:

Maybe I’ll be like Rey - suffering an abusive relationship with this story for so long that I eventually embrace it romantically. 😉 […] it just feels like a very…I dunno, unhealthy foundation for a romance. But I’m open to having my mind changed - goodness knows there’s still plenty of time for that to happen!

Rey/Ben is actually the OPPOSITE of unhealthy and toxic. It’s just been very misrepresented. Rey fell for BEN, not Kylo. She saw through Kylo, wanted to save Ben from the darkness he was lost in. But she realized at the end of TLJ that she couldn’t save him. He could only save himself. We saw awesome, healthy, NON-TOXIC-NESS on display because Rey walked away from Kylo when he wouldn’t stop being, well, Kylo, and continued to embrace the Dark Side.

She continued to want nothing to do with Kylo throughout TRoS. And when she saved his life, she let him know that she wanted to take BEN’S hand, not Kylo’s. And that was like a LIGHTBULB going off in Ben’s head. He could be loved as Ben Solo, something that he hadn’t realized. He didn’t have to be this dark, brooding bad boy, essentially. He could try and be a good guy. That is who Rey wanted, that is who she cared for… the guy who had good in him. Remember she had seen inside his head in TFA, she knew what his childhood and teenage years – where he had been manipulated and abused emotionally, mentally, and physically by Snoke. That was who she was reaching out to. The guy who, like her was looking for a place to belong.

And in the end, BEN made the choice to reject Kylo Ren and save himself, and then go and try to help save the galaxy. He made the healthy choice and it was only at that point that Rey accepted him because he had rejected Kylo Ren.

TLJ, again, set this up beautifully – which had actually started in TFA – but sigh the ball was dropped in quite a few ways in TRoS. double sigh

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold (WIP)

This sounds mostly really awesome. A few things:

I want the Rey/Ben kiss. So yeah, that doesn’t work for me. Also don’t like that Ben clearly still dies, but so much of this does sound great.

Seocond, erm: --> Four words haven’t made so little sense in a Star Wars movie since “I don’t like sand.”


That was a brilliant line (badly delivered). It was about Tatooine and all that it represented, and like he said the opposite of what Padme was. It just meant so much and was (a) a callback to his childhood as a slave, being owned by someone, and the freedom that his mother never got, and (b) foreshadowing for what was to come with Shmi’s death because “sand” was representative of Tatooine.

Ahem, sorry. Just had to get that out.

STAR WARS - EPISODE I - The Ancient Lore [V2] [IMPROVED Version]

Honestly, my main issues with TPM are:

1.) The Neimodians voices – which you are taking care of.
2.) The fact that GL chose to introduce Anakin as a child - which you can’t fix, but you are working on the character of Anakin.
3.) GL creating the age difference between him and Padme which you can’t really fix.
4.) Too much Jar-Jar, which you are fixing.
5.) The pacing issues, which I assume you’re fixing.
6.) The non-canon compliant aspect of the fact that Obi-Wan said that Yoda was his master, and then this Qui-Gonn Jinn comes out of nowhere in this film as his master.

I like that you’re introducing Dooku* earlier and making more of Darth Maul. That sounds cool.

  • I just wish you could change the name Dooku because that remains the stupidest, worse SW name ever in my opinion.