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What scene in the (O-)OT do you hate/dislike the most?
I'm ignoring the SE's for a moment...

The one bit I really didn't enjoy in the original trilogy is Obi-Wan and Luke in Return of the Jedi.

Force ghosts had a bit of mystery to them before-hand. In this movie, he just sits down and has a heart to heart with Luke down on a log (heck, why didn't they have a campfire??? "If we're workin' together, we might as well drink together").

I know exposition scenes suck, I hate doing them myself, but... there was just a certain clumsiness in the way they laid all the facts out in that scene.

I stand by the 'first-catch-of-the-day' line. Come on, it's great. Especially when he gets ion cannon'd a few seconds later. Come on.
Inserting deleted scene of Yoda's exile into ANH??
"Actually, there is a place where he would fit extremely well. After Alderaan is destroyed, Obi-Wan feels the disturbance, and sets down. A scene could be added directly before (or directly after) this moment, where Dagobah is once again established, and Yoda senses the destruction just as Obi-Wan does."

No, that wouldn't work. It just would not work. The pacing would be screwed - and everytime they add something they ruin the pacing, so things'd only be worse in the end.

It's like adding a scene of people on Alderaan seeing the Death Star coming up and freaking out and then getting roasted... by gosh it'd be cool to see if done right, but it really doesn't fit in the flow of the movie.
Inserting deleted scene of Yoda's exile into ANH??
It's that revisionist way of operating that really gets me shitty. Say what you will about Star Trek, but the best stuff was with Kirk and all. When I heard they'd make something from before Kirk's time (Enterprise) I was interested to see what'd happen - and what did I get?? Complete *crap* that shat all over the hard work of Roddenberry, Justman and Solow and everyone who put their bloody lives into that kick-arse show from the 60's. They just tossed it aside because they didn't have the integrity to make something that fit in with the old; they took the easy road (like Lucas) and just made something that didn't even try to fit with established material.
It's pisspoor.

Having said that, I'm in love with Linda Park and Jolene Blalock so Enterprise wasn't a complete catastrophe. But it's pretty close.
Inserting deleted scene of Yoda's exile into ANH??
"But, it's more than obvious to me (and hopefully others) that 3P0 DID have at least 1 memory wipe in between ROTS & ANH."

Of course it's obvious, considering it's spelled out in one of the last lines of ROTS.
I wouldn't be surprised if fans missed it though, they were either shitting their pants in excitement about how much they liked the movie and doesn't the Tantive IV look nice, or they were ripping up their tickets and throwing popcorn at Rick McCallum.

"Nope. DARTH VADER was an old man when he died. ANAKIN died at the same time as Mace Windu."

This is why split personalities don't convince me at all.
Who was the guy going "Tell your sister you were right", then? Al Franken???
If the idea was that the 'good man who was your father' died when he was young, why didn't they hire some Hamill-esque actor to play Anakin's ghost back in '83??

It's alllll bunk, of course the justification for throwing young-Anakin into ROTJ makes 'some' kind of sense, but it still seems ridicuous to me.

And Yoda, in ANH? That's what, 15-30 seconds of footage you're talking about throwing in there. That's going to slow down the movie and keep us waiting on the bit where Luke gets his first hint of what this Force stuff is all about. If you ask me, that's bad filmmaking, let's not go there.

Cool scenes of Yoda landing on Dagobah, of Darth Vader arriving on his Star Destroyer, of a droid analysing a dart... THAT stuff is the reason we have "Extra Features". It's neat on it's own, but in the movie it just doesn't go.

Though, if you want my opinion (ok, you don't, I've been told this before but here goes) that Anakin punching Greedo in the tits scene shoulda gone in the movie, along with slicing open that probe droid.
After all, why is Qui-Gon running in the next scene? Ok, maybe he's just paranoid but if you ask me that other bit was good.
TV series set between ROTS and ANH
"but I guess we're not on the same page."

We're not, but that's no problem

I wasn't born with an innate need to hate that show or anything, but I only had to get a whiff of it (a 5 minute whiff say) and a page full of 'memorable quotes' from the show to know that it just isn't my cup of tea.

Babylon V sits in the same drawer, as in "TV Shows I enjoy MSTing". Don't worry, I don't actively 'hate them' like one might think, I just have a healthy appreciation for how bad they are (intentionally or not). If you ask me it's a rather positive outlook on things.

"Did you just say that Firefly is one of the worst shows?"

Yep - but come on, please agree - Crusade was shit, right??

"I can hardly believe he put Babylon 5 at the bottom!"

Now to be fair, I didn't put it at the bottom. But I most certainly didn't put it at the top either... I don't recall putting them in any real order deliberately. My apologies.

"OH Jesus, my lord of the Christ, I hope they do it Young Indian Jones style with some of the OT characters in the first episode sitting around talking about the old days. Then we flash back to whatever the series is about. And they have to use the original actors for that first episode, or just Hamill, Daniels, and Davis maybe..."

See now, if they had the BRAINS to do something like this, I'd watch it. It all depends on what direction they're going to take this turkey. I seriously see some kind of merit in a show like that. Heck, I'd even watch the TV show if it was like Police Academy with Luke as the Chief of Police. hahaha. I mean, more like Jedi Academy of course. :\
Why is Leia a princess?
If you ask me, Naboo was a waste of time. It should have been Alderaan the whole time (so we get attached to the place) and heck - there's your royal family right there.

There's a slight problem with that idea of course - Vader would only have to look at Princess Leia, look at who the Queen was, and then go 'DUH'. But it's a servicable plothole methinks; and there wouldn't have been any Gungans either.

Or at least, if there were, they woulda bit the dust when the Death Star came. Heh.
New tactic for petitioning for the OOT?
Your idea is original and has great merit. I definitely reckon try it.

But I have to say, being the voice of skepticism for the moment, that the reason petitions don't work is because Lucas doesn't *want* them to work. In this case, he probably knows he's in the wrong and that his argument is extremely stodgy. He knows damn well that he can release both versions (heck, release the originals as the "Inferior Edition" if he so wished) but to go back now would show how he messed things up at the start. He's trying to save face by pretending this side of things doesn't exist.

Call that whatever you will, but in the big picture it works really. As much there are those of us who don't like his changes, there are still more apathetic souls who can only muster up a 'meh'.
did lucas destroy star wars?
"They will wonder why Uncle Owen hates Kenobi & Anakin, when nothing is stated in AOTC or ROTS."

I'm not sure I've ever understood this sticking point.

When did he say he hated them? I always saw it more as a kind of concern, a crotchety, stay-at-home kind of 'well, your mother died and your dad roasted, you shouldn't get up to that Jedi tomfoolery like Obi-Wan or you'll pay for it'.
did lucas destroy star wars?
Star Wars will always have a certain relevance for those of us who've lived this last bit of the 20th century, but it won't last forever.

But - Star Wars was made because George Lucas couldn't get the rights to do a Flash Gordon movie. Those who makes films and can't get the rights to do a 3rd trilogy, will probably just come up with something better anyway. It sounds ridiculous, but it's happened before.
Someone has to goto Wonder Con at bring up the O-OT next week
I refuse to abridge my opinion to two words like "ANH rocks" or "TPM sucks". Each of the Star Wars movies runs at 2 hours or more... there is *so much* in each one of them to like or to hate.

As for this idea of asking Sansweet about the O-OT... nice thought but it won't go anywhere. Fan relations types like that, whether or not they have an opinion, will usually just go with what they've been fed from the top. If his job relies on him saying the kind of crap that was said on the Official Site concerning this, then he'll say it.

Actually, anyone remember the press release for the '04 DVDs? It was hilarious, the excuse for it not being the O-OT was because it was 'art', and it was regrettable that they were pissing off fans but oh well.

Hah. Pisspoor.
did lucas destroy star wars?
That's the unfortunate thing though. I happen to think the new movies aren't very good at all. But they could've been loads better and I reckon there still might have been people out there who'd hate them. The problem is that everyone carries their own idea of what the movies should have been like. Even when I was 9 I knew what I wanted to see in these new-fangled prequel things. To be honest, I think a lot of the dissatisfied customers (if you will) are the ones who just didn't see 'their' movie on the screen.

Jar-Jar didn't help.
ROTS and the Oscars!
You've no need to apologise.

"it just seems like everyone says they hate the oscars, but get pissed off when 'their' movie doesnt get nominated, which doesnt make sense"

Makes no sense at all. For what it's worth, it didn't bother me that Revenge of the Sith didn't rack up loads of nominations, because I'm not exactly sure it deserves them. I pretty much unilaterally dislike the Oscars. If a film that I like gets heaps of awards, it doesn't bother me because it only means more recognition for a film that I think deserves it... however, I'd place little worth in the things themselves. It's all too political for me.
IMPS The Relentless (Troops 2): A Dead Project?...or what?
The first IMPS didn't impress me enough for me to even worry about a 2nd one. Sure, Optimus Prime was cool - for the first minute. But that intro went on for TOO long... and don't tell me it's because it's the first episode and they 'have' to set things up. You don't 'have' to do anything! It's a clean slate, they can do whatever they want... they just did something silly.