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SW: Birthright (A TFA Rewrite)

Hello everyone. I know haven’t uploaded anything in this thread for a long time, but I do have news. I have managed to finish the first act of the story, and I’ve begin putting it on my Wattpad (link below). For now, only the prologue is up, but a new chapter will be uploaded every other Thursday, so expect chapter 1 on 9/26. Take care!


SW: Beyond Trilogy (Episodes X, XI, and XII) - CANCELLED

Hello. This is the final act of my Episode X, From the Unknown. After this, it may be some time (can’t say how long) before I put anything up for Episode XI (mainly because I don’t have much than some plot points in my head). That being said, I do hope you like this.

Under Morga, the Grysk begin their assault on the combined forces of the New Republic/replacement and the Chiss Ascendancy. The battle is fierce, with the Grysk using their fighter-walker deployments attacking both ships. Scillia and Corban fly in on their shuttle/vessel, shooting down any targets, and it is during the battle that the clone, armed with the green saber of Luke Skywalker, departs from his friends to face off Morga, avoiding the Grysk main force.

Climax - Morga comes across the clone, taunting him as “a copy of a legend,” to which the clone responds that “people often forget the man.” The two engage in a lightsaber duel, the clone able to bob and weave around Morga’s assault, but the fight remains a stalemate, as does the battle itself. In the battle, the Grysk task force realize they are being overwhelmed and eventually fall back and retreat to their main fleet, yet they have gained knowledge of their new enemies and new possible expansions of their fleet. Among their actions, they set up the self-destruct on their main flagship to avoid it falling into enemy hands.

Eventually, just as Corban and Scillia arrive to see the duel, the beams and metal fall on the two opponents, and the clone is able to use the Force to stop them all. Morga, in awe and surprise, asks who the clone really is, to which the clone replies, “I am Luke Skywalker. Always have been. Always will be.” Then, the clone Skywalker falters, as the genetic mutation and degradation takes it toll, and Morga retreats from the battle and boards her personal starfighter, but Scillia shoots at it, sending the fallen Jedi’s ship off course when she tries to escape into hyperspace. With everything is collapsing around them, Scillia tries to save the clone Luke Skywalker, but he tells her to run and says “I’ve made things right, this time,” using the Force to push her and Corban back into their vessel, as they escape.

With the battle won, our heroes try to recover from their losses. Scillia wishes to return home, but she is immediately denied by the commander of the Chiss Ascendacy, saying they want her to be an ambassador to the New Republic/whatever it is. Accepting her destiny, Scillia proceeds to begin her Jedi training under the few good Jedi who helped during the battle.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Morga finds herself on a world covered in dark clouds and filled with a graveyard of ancient starships. There, in the shadows of one ship, a voice speaks: “Welcome.”


Random PT ideas

Welp, I’m back at this again, dropping off another random PT rewrite idea. This idea is a more recent one that I thought would be interesting to discuss: the pre-PT Clone Wars.

We all know how the plot of the actual prequels played out and how it contradicted how the Clone Wars had been pre-PT material. So what if we kept the plot of the SW prequels as is, but changed the setting so it follows more of the pre-CW material from the 90s and before (specifically the Clonemasters, Spaarti cylinders, mad Jedi clones, Owen being Obi-Wan’s brother, etc.)? Following off that idea, I had an idea to make Obi-Wan the main character of the story. Stuff like Anakin being a Chosen One (not THE CHOSEN ONE in the films, keep in mind) can still exist, but it may require a lot of tweaking around.

Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (32 BBY)


  • Instead of the Trade Federation blockading Naboo for trade disputes, it could be the Clonemasters, enemies of the Old Republic, invading a neutral Naboo to gain its cloning resources to remedy their clone madness problem (an issue from the Thrawn Trilogy that had a clone go insane after some time).

  • Obi-Wan would be like Luke from ESB, a commander with experience yet still optimistic and idealistic. He serves Bail Organa, alongside General Qui-Gon Jinn, and the two are working to bring Naboo to the Republic’s side when they learn what the Clonemasters are doing. After rescuing the queen and her counselors, Obi-Wan would take the crew to his old home on Tatooine, where he would be forced to meet his estranged brother Owen (whom he abandoned to join the war) as well as a teenaged Anakin.

  • Qui-Gon recognizes Anakin for his power and believes him to be the Chosen One, which puts pressure on the young man. Obi-Wan, not caring about that, begins a friendship with Anakin.

  • Padme would relegated to a counselor who wishes to join the Republic and bring stability to her world. She is very wide-eyed idealistic, contrast to Anakin’s more gruff and almost cynical view on life.

  • Maul in this story could easily be one of many cloned Jedi who is on the verge of madness. The real Maul would serve in Palpatine’s place, which can excuse TPM Maul being sliced in half (as he’s just a clone).

Episode 2: Attack of the Clones (22 BBY)


  • The Clone Wars would be over years before this story, but we see the galaxy is still trying to heal as well as deal with remnants of the Clonemasters. These remnants have joined a small group who wishes to leave the Republic due to corruption in the Senate and apathy for those still suffering in the Outer Rim. Dooku can or cannot appear in this (if he does appear, I’d make him more of a secret agent working for the Jedi).

  • Obi-Wan, former general of Bail Organa, trains a more matured Anakin Skywalker. After the two of them had fought in the Clone Wars, they have gone on several missions to war-torn worlds and have seen much devastation caused by the Clonemasters. For Obi-Wan, seeing the same death he saw on Naboo has him believe that Maul or some clones of Maul still exist out there and he tries to hunt them down following a failed assassination attempt on Padme. His search would have him learn about Maul working with the splinter group and believing that they need to be stopped.

  • Anakin, though trained in the Jedi arts, still has his cynicism after seeing the inefficiencies of the Republic and Senate, and he is swayed to Palpatine’s influence because of this. Palpatine’s influence is what allows Anakin to become close to Padme, as Anakin is sent to guard her from assassins following a failed attempt (and if possible, we could have Anakin face off another Maul clone). Anakin is also a bit of a hardened veteran who finds his light in Padme, who is more cautious of politics in the Republic. In this version, the Jedi are allowed to marry and have kids.

  • All of this would head to a confrontation of Jedi vs clones, only to be saved by a new forces of Republic shock troopers who were made in secret.

  • Following the crisis of corruption, the Jedi install a trustworthy person (Mon Mothma?) as head of the Republic. Though the Jedi are honest and loyal, they and their candidate are easily booed by the corrupt Senators who try to bring about the downfall of this person.

Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith (19 BBY)


  • The Jedi are hunting down the final remnants of the Clonemasters. This can be shown at the beginning as some people are illegally transporting Clonemaster tech, and the Jedi try to crack down on it, only for their accomplishments to be taken by the growing military of the Republic.

  • Also, the splinter group is still a threat to the Republic, so Palpatine has been manipulating the military to send shock troopers to eliminate key threats to his plans. If Dooku is this story and is still a secret Jedi agent leaking info to the Jedi about the splinter group working with Maul, then Palpatine could have Anakin kill Dooku to eliminate the chance of his secrets getting out.

  • As Palpatine is growing in power, the Jedi suspect him as the perpetrator behind the Clone Wars (especially with more evidence that they have been recovering over the past few years). Thus, they try to oust him and remove him from power, but their plans are undone as the people have been turned against them.

  • For Anakin, he has married Padme but there is not words of a baby yet. Padme would revealed to have been pregnant by the end of the story.

  • Maul could serve in Grievous’ position, minus dying in the midpoint of the story.

  • For the final duel, Obi-Wan would find himself not only fighting Maul, but a corrupted Anakin, in a three-way duel atop a volcanic installation. Maul would die, and Anakin would be left behind, as Obi-Wan can’t bring himself to kill his old friend.

And that’s it. Again, these idea are very bare and will require a lot of tweaking around, but I do you have find it a bit interesting. Take care.

SW: Beyond Trilogy (Episodes X, XI, and XII) - CANCELLED

Hello, again! This post is continuing into act 2 of Star Wars Episode X: “From the Unknown.” Enjoy!

Taken to the secret base of the shattered First Order, Scillia, Corban, and NX-D9 are imprisoned. Scillia is meant to be experimented for her Force powers, Corban to be interrogated for his knowledge of the galaxy’s status, and NX-D9 to be picked apart to find any knowledge on the fallen Jedi Morga and have its memory wiped. In the case of the first, Scillia, in her cell, hears a voice call out to her, one that speaks in Basic yet she can still understand it clearly. For Corban, he is interrogated by the Master of the Knights of Ren, to whom Corban laughs and mocks them for turning away from Skywalker’s path. The Knight of Ren interrogating him says that Skywalker betrayed them, and proceeds to torture him for information about Morga.

Speaking of Morga, she arrives in orbit of the base with the Grysk, using the shuttle that Corban left behind. The Grysk stays behind, while Morga dons a spacesuit and goes into space to destroy the window of the bridge of the FO ship she first encountered over Moraband. Mostly everyone is sucked out, and Morga glides onto the bridge before the doors slammed down and the bridge is pressurized. With the doors sealed off, Morga uses the Force to mind control the rest of the crew and have them ram their ship onto the planet which the FO base is.

Pinch 1 - With Morga crashing the ship, Scillia manages to escape in the chaos and find the droid first, now in full form with limbs and all, before they go to retrieve Corban. It also during their escape that they encounter the Grysk after Scillia, forcing the trio into the base’s secret cloning facility filled with vats of clones, which the Grysk follows after them into. There, Scillia manages to see a cloaked figure by one of the vats, the figure inside it disfigured from genetic mutation like the rest yet alive and thinking unlike the others. When Scillia approaches,the figure disappears, and the Grysk appears to attack her, forcing her to break open the vat using a blaster. The man, now free, uses the Force to push the Grysk back into other cloning vats that ultimately kill him, and the man retrieves a cloak from a dead Knights of Ren and leaves with the trio onto the shuttle that Corban initially used. However, Morga has decimated the FO and the Knights of Ren, leaving only the trainees and recruits left to gain their starcharts about the Grysk task force they were trying to meet.

Midpoint - Using the shuttle, our heroes escape to Known Space. Scillia tries to talk to the clone, who introduces himself as Owen, but Corban tells her not to-the droid translating-as he’s a clone. When Scillia asks for more, Corban remains silent but appears to know more. That is when they arrive on the planet of the New Republic/its successor, called Taris (from KotOR). There, they find themselves meeting with a few other Jedi, who look down on Corban (who is revealed to have been a former student of Rey’s long ago) and disregard the clone as a nobody. However, they take interest in Scillia as they note her Force abilities.

Pinch 2 - Morga finds herself meeting with the Grysk fleet, stating she wants to find the source of the darkness in exchange for allowing them to conquer Known Space in the name of “their Dark Redeemer.” Morga first proves this by helping fight off forces of the Chiss Expansionary Fleet.

Plot Point 2 - The Chiss fleet finds themselves at Taris, following the signature left by Scillia. Reunited with her people, Scillia is happy, but it is short-lived as the Chiss inform her and the people of Known Space regarding their encounter with the Grysk. Seeing the situation, the two form a reluctant alliance, helped by the convincing of Scillia and co.

SW: Beyond Trilogy (Episodes X, XI, and XII) - CANCELLED

Hello there! This is just a continuation of my previous post. Here I will be going into the first act of Episode X. This is a plot synopsis but I hope you like it.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…


Episode X

From the Unknown

A fractured galaxy. Since the defeat of the First Order, many have tried to bring together the star systems affected by the great conflict. Among them, the Jedi are beginning to regroup and have brought it upon themselves to impose their own sense of justice on lawless worlds.

With few allies, the dying First Order seeks new allies in the UNKNOWN REGIONS of the galaxy. They have already established contact with aliens who promises them amazing technology.

Far from civilization, two from each side meets with plans of glory. Unbeknownst to them, a wild card appears in her own search for power…

Inciting Incident - Scillia is used by the Grysk, along with other aliens from the Unknown Regions for them to meet with the First Order over a desolate planet. It is during this meeting that the fallen Jedi Morga appears, searching for the supposed source of the Dark Side, which she first believes is Moraband. She attacks and interrupts the meeting, allowing Scillia to escape with a few other slaves, to which Morga regards with apathy. Scillia is sadly the only one left, as she buries the other slaves and meets with translator droid disregarded the FO, NX-D9.

Left on the planet, Scillia tries to get to know the droid, who communicates using a Sy Bisti dialect that she’s familiar with. The droid is available to learn about the Chiss from Scillia and is surprised to see her treating him with more respect than his previous masters, as the Chiss believe that machines are used to uplift their society and help them in their everyday lives. A few days pass, with Scillia barely able to find water, and she does, the water tastes like it was burning and acid in her mouth. It is during this time that she comes across a Grysk, one abandoned by his allies and tried to capture all the escaping slaves. Scillia manage to barely escape, leaving the Grysk in a deep ditch.

Eventually, a shuttle (maybe like the one from Rogue One) landing elsewhere, and out of it comes Corban Jast, a pilot for the New Republic/Galactic Alliance/whatever gov’t exists after the sequel trilogy. Searching for Morga, he explores the planet for a bit, wondering why she would even come here and eventually coming across both Scillia and the droid, who were just chased by the Grysk.

After calming down, Scillia manages to communicate with Corban. With help from the droid, both agreed to work together and explore the world. Eventually, the trio come across a deep valley filled with broken statues and old tombs. It is then that Corban recognizes the world in horror: Moraband, homeworld of the Dark Lords of the Sith. Corban takes the lead into the tombs, with Scillia asking just what is a Sith, to which Corban responds with “bad people who use their powers for themselves and end up destroying themselves.” It is in the Valley of the Dark Lords that Corban tells Scillia to wait while he goes off to find Morga in one of the tombs, perhaps one made for Darth Bane, the first Dark Lord of the Sith, one made for Darth Vader.

Plot Point 1 - While Corban tries to spy on Morga, Scillia finds Morga’s starfighter/Corban’s ship and tries to send out a beacon, so her people could find her. This garners the attention of the First Order ship still nearby Moraband as they arrive, and Scillia goes to warn Corban, still spying on Morga who cracks her kyber crystal. It is during this moment that Corban tries and fails to shoot Morga, who mocks him for using a blaster and “ignoring his gifts.” As the trio is then captured by the First Order, Morga seemingly disappears to find the lost and wounded Grysk, using the Force to probe his mind and says “tell me more about these… Grysk.”

SW: Beyond Trilogy (Episodes X, XI, and XII) - CANCELLED

Well, it’s been a long time since I touched this site, but I’m back and with (yet) another idea. This is something I had months ago, when news of “The Rise of Skywalker” had been scarce. This “Beyond Trilogy” consists of Star Wars episodes 10, 11, and 12. This would surround the Unknown Regions. It is based on assumptions, inspiration, theories, and ideas from not only the sequel trilogy but from Rian Johnson’s supposed trilogy focused on the Unknown Regions. There’s no way this would actually happen, but I thought it would be fun to share.

This trilogy takes place somewhere between 50 or 75 ABY. Here, the New Republic or whatever government exists following the sequels (probably will be the New Republic anyway) tries to bring together a galaxy fractured by the defeated First Order. This version of Jedi have either been rebuilt by Rey or brought together by other Force-sensitives. However, the Jedi have spread out across the galaxy and impose their own sense of justice on lawless worlds (think of the Justice Lords from the DCAU or the Seven from The Boys, except not as completely bad). It is during this time that the Known Galaxy comes into contact with the Unknown Region.

The main villains would be the Grysk, aliens mentioned in Timothy Zahn’s “Thrawn: Allegiance” book. Timothy Zahn made these Gryskas aliens who raid worlds and take Force-sensitives to navigate through the Unknown Regions. For the purpose of this trilogy, they still retain that, but I also made them believe themselves to be servants of ‘the Dark Redeemer.’ As mentioned before, the Vader of this story would be a fallen Jedi student named Morga, who is searching for a presence calling out to her (the supposed ‘source of the Dark Side’ mentioned in the Disney canon). It is her search that leads to her eventual alliance with the Gryssk, who come into contact with and war against the New Republic.

It is through these villains that our heroes come together:

  1. Scilia - a Chiss from the Chiss Ascendancy who was kidnapped as a slave for her Force sensitivity. She thought it would pass on as she got older but it has only lasted longer with her being in Known Space.

  2. Corban Jast - An ex-Jedi who cut himself off from the Force after seeing his fellow Jedi run rampant.

  3. NX-D9 - a droid of the broken and fledgling First Order initially used to serve as a translator during the First Order’s initial meeting with the Grysk.

And with that out of the way, I’ll see if I can get to my first installment… in another post. For now, let me know what you think. Is it any good? Any improvements needed? Thanks.

Rewriting the OT-What would you do?

SparkySywer said:

Since the OT is the source material of Star Wars, I’m assuming you mean a complete Star Wars reboot, and not something in the same vein as prequel rewrites where I’d have to keep them in line with some existing material.

I’ve always liked the idea of a 1800s or pre-WWI 1900s Star Wars with some anachronism. It’s set on one planet, with boats instead of spaceships, real sabers instead of light sabers, Vader is a full-on samurai. Technology and culture haven’t evolved in the same way on this planet as our own, so naval warfare technology is advanced, with WWII-era planes (to keep that dogfighting babey), but other areas of technology are lagging. The Death Star would be the first nuclear weapon this world has seen.

I meant trying to fall in line with the existing material, but this is good too. Really interesting idea, and I think this was already done with Steam Wars, which is a sort of steampunk parody of Star Wars that falls in line of what you have in mind (it’s actually pretty interesting, so I’d say read it if you can).

How you pictured Anakin pre-PT

Well, this thread is probably long dead, but I thought I’d come back to this after what I’ve just found. Apparently, there is an image of pre-pt Anakin, his wife, and baby Luke from 1993, called ‘The Skywalker Flame’ (link below). Brian Ashmore had made the image for Topps’ Star Wars Galaxy 2 card set, which was sadly pulled from the project. It looks kinda cool, similar to the young Obi-Wan trading card with Alec Guiness, especially with a 30-ish Anakin and his shadow forming Darth Vader.


Rewriting the OT-What would you do?

Alright, so there’ve been rewrites of the SW prequels, sequels, and even some expanded material. While I’ve seen people what changes could be made, but I haven’t really seen any full rewrites. This isn’t meant to criticize the OT, since it’s the OT and I would have never thought about rewriting, but I am curious to know what else could have been done with the stories we were given, and it is fun to share ideas with other people.

So, if you were to rewrite the whole SW original trilogy, how would you do it? Would you make any major changes, or just smaller ones to the whole trilogy? I’d love to hear them.

Last web series/tv show seen

Well, I’m kind of late, but I thought I’d throw my own two cents in. The series (or two) I’ve seen were both animated: RoosterTeeth’s recently-released military, mecha, sci-fi web show called “Gen: Lock”; and a sort of obscure, independent, Arabic superhero show called “Emara: Emirates Hero” by Eating Star Studious.

For “Gen: Lock,” I’ve only seen the first episode, but it looks pretty decent. A typical set-up that involves a near-future war of political ideologies involving mecha. The writing seems good, and I’m surprised the crew got well-known actors (and that’s not including Maise Williams, David Tennant, and so on) like Michael B. Jordan and Dakota Fanning voicing the main lead Chase and his love interest Mirana, both members of the Vanguard who fight against the nanotech-based Union. I’d say give it a watch, and I’m hoping RoosterTeeth eventually makes the rest of their episodes free to watch on the site.

As for “Emara,” it’s first and foremost a typical superhero show that takes place and was made in the Middle East (a rarity to say the least). It follows the adventures of Emara, a cybernetic superhero who fights crime in her home, the bustling city of Dubai (think Sailor Moon or Miraculous in the Middle East). There is nothing deep about it, but the cultural elements (and anime references/rip-offs) in the background are nice little touches, and I’m a sucker for independent works, so this immediately caught my eye. The animation is pretty decent (for an independent animated work), and I liked the characters. Some of the voices, specifically the male ones, are so-so at best, but that is only in the English dub, as the show is also available in Arabic with better voices and English subtitles if you prefer. The first season (a total of five episodes, 10 minutes each) is available for free on YouTube, so give it a watch if you’re interested.

SW: Birthright (A TFA Rewrite)

Welp, I haven’t touched this in many months. For anyone first reading this post, this is my attempt to rewrite the sequel trilogy (and this idea began before TLJ came out, though I will admit that the controversy surrounding it has helped me to push forward with the story). Anyway, I’ve managed to write some more chapters and I’ll see if I can post more later on. For now, let me know what you think of chapter 1. I hope it’s at least interesting (in a good way).

Years later…

“Fear is like a double-edged sword,” Rey remembered her master say in his deep and commanding voice. “Fear can drive people to paranoia, creating distrust and chaos. To let it win over you proves that you are weak. To survive, you must conquer your fear and make it your weapon. By proving you can face it, by inflicting it on your enemies, will you gain true power.”

“Like that’s helpful here,” Rey said sarcastically while she floated down what used to be the corridor of an Imperial Star Destroyer.

The comfort of her white spacesuit protected Rey from the harsh vacuum, not from everything else. An empty Star Destroyer was the last place anyone would want be in, save for a smuggler hiding from local authorities or a scavenger scouring for spare parts. It had no gravity, no power whatsoever, not to mention the lingering bodies and debris. It was, in every sense of the word, dead.

Rey breathed more the glass of her helmet. Floating all over were the bodies of officers and Stormtroopers from the waning days of the Empire. Their bodies were maimed by old blaster marks, some torn to pieces, others bent in unnatural ways.

‘There’s nothing to fear. They’re dead. They won’t harm you,’ Rey told herself, trying not to make eye contact with the corpses’ ghastly faces. She had to keep calm, she had to focus.

So, Rey closed her eyes and stretched out. She heard the quiet air once filled with marching boots and felt the buzz of electrical currents in old machinery. Rey searched through the old corridors, brushing up against the cold corpses and the slight sting of heated ozone against the walls.

Following her senses, Rey propelled her feet off the wall and floated forwards. Making great care not to disturb the dead, she reached the end of the corridor and made a left into another. She continued onwards until she finally saw it. A simple doorway, rectangular in shape and with what used to a number of locks that would open up. In its center was a gaping hole that Rey squeezed herself through.

“The Empire certainly loved their ships,” she commented upon entering the bridge.

As Rey went past the bridge’s lone communications console, she saw the walkway leading up to the shattered window where the ship’s commanding officer would wait and observe a battle. Down below were small pits where the lower ranking officers would relay commands from their terminals. It was a simple, utilitarian design that preferred efficiency and an establishment of command. No wonder the First Order adapted the design into their own ships.

Another push off the floor, and Rey gently glided over the bridge’s scorched walkway. It felt dead here as it did everywhere else. Any corpses were likely sucked out into space, or the rest ran from the bridge before succumbing to their inevitable fate.

There was something else, though. Rey put a hand to the bridge and stopped herself. Her eyes darted around for anything out of place.

Then, something came up from behind. A pair of arms wrapped around Rey, squeezing her into a tight lock before she could slip away. “I got her!” her attacker shouted through the communication systems.

Struggling in her captor’s arms, Rey saw two more figures in white plasteel armor coming out of hiding. First Order Stormtroopers, and so was her captor, Rey guessed. The two in front stared with their black lenses and tear-like lines that ran down their helmets. “Huh, this was too easy,” one, a woman, said.

“Careful, you know what she is,” cautioned the other, a taller, male trooper. “Who knows what she can pull on us.”

The trooper holding Rey said, “Uh, sir. I can’t hold her for much longer.”

“I have this,” the male Stormtrooper in front said.

Rey’s eyes widen when the trooper raised his chrome and white blaster rifle. Time slowed as the trooper slowly pulled his finger on the trigger. Rey closed her eyes, falling into the Force for something, anything that could help. What she received was her master’s voice scolding her.

“What are you waiting for? Attack!”

Rey swung her head back into the face of the Stormtrooper holding her. He cried out in pain as he let go. Freeing herself, Rey kicked off the Stormtrooper with both feet and flew to the two in front.

“She’s loose!” the female trooper shouted.

The other one aimed. Flying forward, Rey kicked the rifle out of the trooper’s hands and grabbed it. The man was knocked out by a stun blast, having no time to even make a sound. The female Stormtrooper quickly drew her rifle. Rey was quicker, and two of her would-be captors were unconscious.

Rey whirled around at the final Stormtrooper, the one who tried to grab her. “Don’t shoot!” begged the last man, who raised his arms in surrender.

For a full second, Rey froze. She felt a wave of fear from the Stormtrooper and pondered on her choices. The trooper had assaulted her, but at her mercy, he was nothing more than a sniveling coward. Not even worth the effort.

A second later, Rey started to lower the blaster.

A warning flared in the Force, and Rey saw it. The trooper reached for his blaster. He fired-

-and Rey ducked and fired back in righteous anger. The last Stormtrooper, too late to realize his mistake, floated aimlessly with his comrades.

Slowly rising to her full height, Rey could not help but notice how everything was oddly quiet. Through her dulled senses, she only felt a slight shiver of running down her back.

Then, the comm in her helmet chimed, and a voice came through it. “Apprentice, report,” it said.

Pressing the button oh her helm, Rey answered it. “Training complete, master. All Stormtroopers incapacitated.”

There was a short pause on the other end, and the voice said, “Return to base, at once. We will discuss your performance when you come back.”

Rey frowned. She knew that tone well enough to know what it meant: she had not passed. At least, not her master’s expectations, and that meant she was in for quite the lecture, or worse. Conceding to her fate, Rey gave a meager reply. “… Yes, master.”

Starkiller Base looked beautiful and frightening at the same time. Instead of a base built on a planet, the planet itself was practically sculpted into a base. From orbit, it still retained its swirling clouds and green land masses, but the most disbursing thing was giant man-made indent, with a large ring in the center that glowed like an erupting volcano. On the planet itself, it was always winter, the terrain covered in snow-capped mountains and forests, and little sunlight that made it past the clouds.

After the shuttle had landed, Rey quickly stepped off the boarding ramp and planted her two feet on the pristine floor with a satisfying thud. She welcomed the cold draft coming inside the landing bay, closing her eyes and letting it brisk through her braided brown hair. Unlike the hard and uncaring vacuum of space, the cold on Starkiller Base was smooth and calm.

It was cut short when Rey heard, “Ma’am.” It was another Stormtrooper, who walked onto the pad. “Knight Ren is awaiting you in the main communications chamber.”

Rey eyed the giant man-made chasm in front of her. She tried not to sigh, moreso when she saw a pair of medics carrying out each of the three Stormtroopers Rey had knocked out. Reminded of her impending doom, Rey nodded to the trooper in front, and her boots left hollow echoes on her way to her master.

After leaving the hangar bay, Rey found herself in a crisscross of corridors and halls. They were part of Starkiller Base that went deep into the planet and made it more suitable for harboring soldiers, weapons, and so on. It was easy to get lost without memorizing the necessary pathways, which Rey had done so often in the past. She did not want to ask for directions, not when she already displeased her superiors.

Still, Rey, wearing a black and sleeveless tunic, easily stood out from the white-clad Stormtroopers. To say she received some stares was an understatement. Rey wanted snap at those troopers eying her and remind them of their place, but only superior officers and Knights of Ren could do that.

‘You’re not there yet,’ Rey reminded herself just as she arrived at her destination.

The door in front of Rey was larger than most doors, even if it had the same box-like arch as most did. A cold shiver ran through Rey’s body from the presences she felt. She continued on anyway, and the door slid open.

Darkness first greeted Rey. Her own footsteps echoed off the transparisteel floor while her eyes adjusted to her surroundings. The only source of light came from the ceiling and shone on a lone spot, where Rey’s audience stood in wait. Entering the chamber, Rey could hear voices. They were distant, and almost electronic, but the subject of their conversation was all too obvious.

“… too hesitant, too…”

“… weak in the Force…”

“… lacks any real strength…”

With a restrained frown, Rey continued through the darkness. The closer she came, the more noticeable were figures in the light, they in black uniforms and round helmets designating them as Knights of Ren. Their figures shifted slightly, like ghosts, but their voices were clear.

“Against a real foe, she would…”

“… why train her anymore?”

A voice cut through them all, and it belonged to the only person not shifting in place. “You underestimate her potential.”

Rey, still in the shadows, stopped and eyed her master. Xa-re Ren, dressed in a long tunic, clasped his armored gloves behind his back. His helmet, black and round like all the others’, turned to his fellow knights. “She can be capable of great things,” Xa-re continued. “And yet you put these setbacks upon her. She had passed her test and defeat all the Stormtroopers, correct?”

“But she failed to sense those troopers, and those were just three,” said another Knight, Delray Ren, who clasped his staff. “She is weak, Xa-re!”

“Perhaps, but you forget, Lord Vader started out weak.”

“And you forget Lord Vader’s power was unlike anything the old Jedi had seen!” argued another, a large figure with a machete-like blade, whose name escaped Rey.

Before another argument broke out, a gloved hand rose and the entire group fell silent. That raised hand belonged to Kalra Ren, acting master of the Knights of Ren. At the head of the circle, she stood like a dark monolith on Coruscant, clothed in long, black robes. Her voice was a melodious as the hum of a lightsaber and just as threatening.

“Everyone, you all bring many good points. But this discussion only delays our plans, and we need more members. Xa-re may continue to train his student…” Kalra said, her face visor on Xa-re, “… for now.”

“Thank you,” Xa-re said with a bow to Kalra Ren.

“Until the next time, you all know what to do,” Kalra said to everyone. “May the spirit of Lord Vader guide us.”

“May the spirit of Lord Vader guide us,” the others repeated in unison.

Then, the connection ended, and one by one, the Knights of Ren’s holograms disappeared from the holopad. All but Xa-re, who sighed and stood there for a long second. “You should have spoken up while they were still here, Rey,” Xa-re called out as he turned to face his pupil.

Rey almost gulped when Xa-re’s slit-like visor stared straight at her. “Come forward,” he commanded.

For a moment, Rey did not move. When she did, her steps were slow and awkward. A part of her wanted to keep still and avoid what punishment her master had in mind, a part Rey tried to silence. ‘Come on, you’re not a little girl anymore!’ she chided herself.

After a bit of deliberation, she forced herself into the light. Xa-re took a couple steps forward until he stood over Rey, casting a small shadow over her. “It’s difficult defending you in front of the others,” he said with a tinge of impatience. “I’m sure I don’t have to repeat what many of them said.”

“I’m sorry, master,” Rey said quietly, trying to avoid eye contact.

“Do you know why I did so?” Rey shook her head and awaited her mentor’s berating. “Because your failure wasn’t your strength, or your inability to sense your enemy. Given the circumstances, you did well enough.”

Now, Rey looked at her mentor. “I did?”

“Yes, save for the end. Do you know what happened?” Xa-re said. Rey said or did nothing, so he continued, “You hesitated. You had a chance to shoot that man, but you didn’t.”

Rey opened her mouth to say something. She closed it, trying to think of an answer. But what could she say?
Any words froze as Rey stared at the black emitter of a lightsaber. The light dangerously gleamed off the cylindrical frame and trailed down to the end. Grasping the saber, Xa-re spoke again.

“I can push the switch if I choose so.” To prove his point, he gently placed his thumb atop the activator switch and coldly asked, “If I deemed you a threat to the First Order, what would I do?”

“You… you would push the switch,” Rey managed to say with baited breath.

Xa-re lowered his unlit saber, to Rey’s relief. “Very good. At least, you have learned that much.”

A look of shame crept up Rey’s face. Every time she had failed a lesson, which she tried to limit, Rey had that same expression. Xa-re, seeing it, continued, “Rey, understand that why you hesitated isn’t important. The fact is that you did. You cannot afford to make that mistake again, otherwise it will cost you.”

Rey remained quiet as she took in this new information. Xa-re stood there, his emotionless mask staring down at her for a long moment. Then, he said, “Head to your quarters, and rest for an hour. Then, we’ll be going…”

Before Rey knew it, her master already left her in the light. Watching him leave, Rey echoed, “‘Going?’”

“For a hike,” Xa-re answered, and Rey immediately regretted asking.

A hike, by Xa-re Ren’s standards, was not as pleasant as anyone would think. It was a training exercise involving a long walk on top the mountains on Starkiller Base’s surface, and this particular mountain barely had any trees on its many rocky paths. Rey, instructed to wear her dark tunic, shivered from the cold. She rubbed her hands on her bare arms and kept her legs moving on the mountain path, so they would not grow stiff.

Through the howl of the wind, Rey heard, “I’m waiting!”

Rey looked up. Xa-re Ren stood at the mountaintop, his own long tunic flapping into the wind. He was unmoving, and while he wore a mask, Rey knew he glaring at her with impatience. She hurried as fast as she could and trudged through patches of ice and the wind nipping at her skin.

By the time Rey reached the top, she let herself collapse on her knees. Her master was still standing there, glaring down at her. “Get up,” Xa-re commanded, his voice strangely calm.

“I-i-is t-there m-more w-w-walking?” Rey asked through chattering teeth.

“No, but you’d probably feel better next to the fire than here,” he explained coyly as he gestured toward a small campfire. No doubt, Xa-re made it while he was waiting.

Rey wasted no time and crawled to the fire on her knees. She held out her hands to the flames and took in their soothing warmth. The snow Rey had gathered began to melt away. The way the fire sizzled and popped sounded so calm against the harsh winds, but they could not drown out her master’s footsteps.

Rey glanced to Xa-re standing across the fire. “You’re fortunate the other Knights did not expel you right then and there,” Xa-re spoke with a small gruffness, which made Rey look back at the flames, the shame of before still fresh. “There is no one else here, Rey. You may speak your mind,” he assured.

Rey hesitated for a moment, then she said, “I understand what I did wrong, but…”


“… I don’t know why it is such a big mistake. The man had surrendered.”

“Only to trick you,” Xa-re retorted stoically. “Take this fire here. Comfortable, yes?”

Rey nodded, and Xa-re’s boot kicked at the burning wood. The flames were doused and extinguished by the snow. As her hopes for warmth faded away in the smoky trails, Rey tried not to glare at her mentor.

“One the many lessons you’ll learn,” Xa-re told her. “In this galaxy, there are only people who will take from you and never give back… Think of that trooper you spared. Imagine if he was a criminal or a rebel. He would have done anything to ensure his own survival. That includes killing you.”

“Perhaps, the others think that’s for the best,” Rey thought bitterly on the Knights of Ren’s words. She soon realized, and regretted, what she said out loud.

“You underestimate your importance,” Xa-re said as he looked up. “Tell me what do you see.”

Rey obeyed and looked at the night sky above. “Stars,” her mouth said, but her mind had the true answer: freedom. She barely left Starkiller Base in years and even when she did, it was not very far from its orbit. She wanted to see the other worlds out there, explore them for the First Order to take, but that was only in her dreams…

“Yes,” Xa-re agreed mirthfully, however muffled it sounded. “Once, we were an empire that ruled all those stars. It spread across the galaxy with a fleet no one could challenge.”

“That was before the rebellion,” Rey interjected as she wondered why she was being told this. She already read it all from the old Imperial archives.

Xa-re looked back down, his visor seemingly dull. “Yes. Now, the rebellion calls itself a republic, a democracy for all to enjoy,” he went on with an over amount of sarcasm, something Rey rarely heard. “But the reality is that nothing has changed. There has been no drop in crime, no end to the carnage. Nothing… It would be funny if it wasn’t tragic.”

“… I still don’t understand,” Rey murmured. “What does this have to do with me?”

Xa-re said nothing. He gestured Rey to come closer, and she did. She stood by her master’s side for several seconds. There were only snow and mountains. Just as barren as the cold.

Then, Rey saw it. For a second, she thought her mind was playing games. That thought was proven false as rays of light came over the horizon.

On Starkiller Base, the thick clouds allowed little sunlight to come through. However, there were few moments where enough light could make the whole planet shine, or so Rey had heard. Now, as twilight approached, right before Rey’s eyes, a great glow fell upon Starkiller Base’s white-clad surface, turning sludgy patches into shining white snow and barren mountains into vast valleys.

That was not all. The great chasm of Starkiller Base’s trench stretched across the white plains, dividing the land in two. Instead of birds or flying critters, TIE fighters and other vessels came to and from the various hangars and platforms embedded into the mountains. From where Rey stood, the life essence of everyone on the planet flooded her mind. She only returned to reality when Xa-re spoke again.

“That right there is what is left. It may be small, but one day, it will cover star systems.” Xa-re faced Rey, his hands behind his back like always. “The First Order is the heir to the Empire. It is meant to return stability to the galaxy, but there will be those who will try to stop that from happening. If they find this place, years of hard work could be ruined in mere moments.”

“But what of the Knights of Ren? They can hide this place, even from the Jedi, right?” Rey inquired.

“Yes, but that’s not all who we are. We were formed to lead the First Order, to make sure those with the Force can deliver order and peace with a just hand. And all of that down there is our responsibility,” Xa-re said, pointing a hand at the First Order installations.

Xa-re paused and put a hand on Rey’s shoulder, surprising the young woman. “If you wish to become one of us, you must be willing to do whatever’s necessary for the First Order… through any means or sacrifice, no matter how questionable it may be. Do you understand?”

Rey met Xa’re’s visor. For an instant, behind the mask that once scared her as a child, the tint of gray eyes gently gleamed with certainty. In those eyes, Rey saw calm and understanding. Slowly and truthfully, she answered, “I… I understand, Master Xa-re.”

“Very good.” Pleased, Xa-re put his hand behind his back. “Now, prepare your things. You will need to be ready for your first mission.”

Rey could not believe it. Her first mission, already? “All the information you need will be sent to your datapad,” Xa-re continued. “You’re to depart immediately after packing your things.”

“Yes, my master,” Rey nodded her head before she turned to leave.

“And Rey!”

Turning back around, Rey caught something that Xa-re tossed to her. Her hands carefully traced the object, and her widened eyes went back to her master. “Use it well,” was all he said.

Again, Rey nodded. With her new gift in hand, she went back down the mountain, feeling she could take on the whole galaxy.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Belated Media version) - How to do it?

Another dumb idea that won’t leave me alone, so here we go!

Alright, so we all know about Belated Media’s PT rewrites called “What if Episode [insert number] was good?” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgICnbC2-_Y&list=PLzwgHw3XGPCFt6CKsb_5GtehVuzWx-ZgX), and I’ve been wondering how would The Clone Wars fit in his universe. Obviously, you can’t put the actual cartoon (either 2003 or 2008 versions) because of Dooku’s fate in Belated Media’s episode 2, so a new kind of continuity would have to be made.

I’m thinking of following the old ideas of TCW with a set of new characters going on missions across the galaxy during the Clone Wars. “Movie characters” would be sidelined to allow for more focus on the show’s heroes, like how it was in Rebels. For the villain to oppose our heroes, I’m thinking someone like Ventress or Aurra Sing (not both as they’re pretty much the same character) who still follow their roles from Legends canon (Ventress being an assassin and Aurra being a paid mercenary). They would still work under General Grievous, who (in Belated Media’s version) leads the Separatists against the Republic. Also, regarding the Sith, they would be in the shadows instead of openly leading the Separatists (like how they appeared in TPM, only more menacing).

What do you guys think? If given the chance, how would you rewrite TCW to fit Belated Media’s PT (or would you at all)? I’d be happy to know what ideas you can come up with.

Random PT ideas

livecraig1 said:

Sounds interesting would love to hear more about Kara. Would she have been Luke and Leia’s mother in your draft?

Kara wouldn’t have been Luke and Leia’s mom. That would still be Padme, who would serve a smaller role appear in Part 2 of the trilogy. I thought about going this route because it allows Kara to be her own character, and it steers away from the idea of having like main male and female characters (at least those in the main trio) hook up with each other.

Random PT ideas

Welp, it’s been a while since I’ve been here, but I hope to get back into things. Anyway, one idea I’ve had for the past couple of years is to have Owen and Beru as my PT’s C-3PO and R2-D2 (respectively). In SW77, they already appear to know Anakin and Obi-Wan pretty well, so I think it would make sense the two would act as the bickering young couple who get wrapped in the adventures of our heroes. The opening scene in one PT version would entail Owen and Beru trying to get to Coruscant, where they would visit Anakin, leading to this scene…

“We’re lost,” Owen grumbled lowly as he stared at the vast crowd of aliens and humans in front of him.

Standing beside him against the wall, his fiance, a petite woman, shook her head. “We’re not lost. We just need to figure out what level we’re at,” she said, trying to peer over a bulbous head. “I think they have a number somewhere around here…”

Owen would have crossed his arms if he was not carrying luggage in his each. As much as he loved Beru Whitesun for her optimism, there were times it was too unrealistic and downright frustrating. The pair were supposed to be on their way to Coruscant, when their shuttle had a slight “leaky engine,” dropping them and everyone else aboard at Axis Station, nearby the Mid Rim’s Craston Nebula.

As Owen expected, it was a run-of-the-mill orbital station; centuries old, crowded, and its facilities less than up to sanitary standards. Being from Tatooine, it wasn’t that bad, and Owen and Beru’s ragged desert clothes made them blend in well with the crowd.

The problem was that they were stuck in this blasted when they needed to get on another shuttle, and they had no idea where it was. Not to mention their shuttle passes. Owen hoped the ones they bought worked, otherwise he would be having words that Toydarian merchant. He paid good money for those passes, and blast anyone if he was ripped off!

After sometime, Beru said, “I see it! Level seventy-one. We can probably take an elevator and maybe we can-”

“Beru,” Owen said again, “we’re lost.”

Beru stared at him. Her blue eyes lost their brilliance as she conceded. “Alright, what do we do?”

“Go to the desk, find out when’s the next shuttle. Then, we wait.”

“That’s it?”

“Well, it’s not like we’re going to know when the next shuttle is-”

Before he could finish, the loudspeakers chimed and a droid’s voice blared, “Attention! Attention! The last shuttle for Coruscant will be leaving in thirty minutes, station time. The last shuttle for Coruscant will be leaving in thirty minutes at docking…”

Beru reacted before Owen could even hear the full thing. “Come on!” she called out as she was already in the move.

“Beru, wait!” Owen called out, and he rushed after her, saying “excuse me” and “pardon me” to nearby aliens as he tried to keep up.

He managed to squeeze himself into the elevator Beru entered a moment before. The fishy smell was the first thing Owen noticed, since the elevator had been filled with the aquatic Selkath from Manaan. Not an awful smell, but he didn’t want to be in there for very long. “Did you catch that last bit?” Owen asked as he squeezed himself in.

“Docking bay ninety,” Beru answered. How she heard that over the crowd, Owen had no clue.

It wasn’t long before the elevator doors open to their floor. The two humans came out first, just as the loudspeakers chimed again with the same announcement, and Beru eyed the closest docking bay door. “Ninety… must be this way!” she called over her shoulder, and she ran off again.

Owen begrudgingly followed Beru down the hall. He chased after her, until she stopped a second later. “What is it?” Owen asked.

Beru slowly glanced back at him and hesitantly admitted, “We… might be lost.”

Random PT ideas

I’ve mentioned before on this site about having a PT where Owen Lars would act as the main character, an ex-Jedi or at least someone with weak Force potential who went through the Clone Wars and the rise of the Empire with Beru, his estranged brother Obi-Wan, and the young Anakin (allowing to hide the potential spoilers of the OT as Anakin’s fate is left in the air). Episode 1 would take place during the Clone Wars, as Owen reunites with Obi-Wan, who would try to recruit his brother into the war, going as far as giving Owen a lightsaber. I more or less gave up on it because (other than unable to fully write a single scene) it didn’t really feel right for Owen to be given such a huge role (maybe for a smaller story, but not for a story that should be on a galaxy-wide scale like a PT story should).

Nonetheless, I did take a look at what I had. After looking at few words of prose and dialogue I actually wrote, I decided to at least complete this one scene that would be the end of the episode 1. With that said, here’s that scene.

Almost in reverence, Owen slowly lowered the hilt that Obi-Wan gave him. He turned his eyes away for a moment, just to grab a huge rock lying off to the side. Holding the rock, Owen paused to look back at it. The lightsaber was still on the sand, the setting suns gleaming off the thin frame. It was a rod of elegancy and myth as he had heard and seen many times before.
With that image in mind, Owen slammed the rock on the saber.

The hilt jostled a bit before it rested again. The rock only did enough to scratch the thing. So, Owen slammed the rock again.

And again.

And again!

And again!


At last, the rock broke the gray hilt in a loud metallic crack! A soft light sparked before smoke rose from the damaged circuits. The smoke fizzled and soon died with the hilt’s power source, now shattered in several pieces that were left in the exposed wires.

Owen tossed the rock aside, huffing from the effort. “Never again,” he whispered before he turned around.

Moments later, the Star Sayer lifted off and hurled debris and sand over the remains of a broken lightsaber.

Random PT ideas

Some years back, I had this strange idea where Galactic Empire formed 100 years before the start my episode 1. In that galaxy, the Old Republic fought in the Clone Wars and was transformed into the Empire while the Jedi are scattered but not dead. Young Anakin would have a quick encounter with Yoda (whom Anakin wouldn’t recognize), who would direct Anakin to free a man entrapped in carbonite. That man would be Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Knight from when the Old Republic fought in the Clone Wars.

It’s not much, and it was just a passing thought I quickly gave up on, with only one scene I ever wrote related to the idea which showed a brief aftermath of Obi-Wan’s rescue. Still, I thought there might be something interesting to show…

“How did you find me, exactly?” Obi-Wan asked.

“Some old troll found me,” Anakin replied while flipping a couple of switches. “He told me to find you. Didn’t give me his name.”

“What did this ‘troll’ look like?”

“Short, green, pointed ears. Had a stick with ‘im. Didn’t get his name.”

Anakin thought he saw Obi-Wan’s eyes in the reflection of the viewport’s window. “So, he’s still around…” he murmured with a nostalgic smile.

Anakin perked his head up. “What?”

“It’s nothing,” the Jedi assured, clipping his lightsaber to his belt. “Come, we have work to do.”

Alternative Prequel Ideas

Yeah, it does seem pretty strange. All Beru and Owen did was just show up for a couple scenes out of the ENTIRE PREQUEL TRILOGY with no significance other than taking in Luke.

Hence, I’ve come up with my own version. I did write a little excerpt months ago to give an idea of Beru and Owen’s roles (shameless plugging powers, AWAY!), but I doubt I’ll actually use in the finished product (that is if I actually get to writing and stop pussyfooting around it). Still, I hope it’s somewhat good.

“We’re lost,” Owen grumbled lowly as he stared at the vast crowd of aliens and humans in front of him.

Standing beside him against the wall, his fiance, a petite woman, shook her head. “We’re not lost. We just need to figure out what level we’re at,” she said, trying to peer over a bulbous head. “I think they have a number somewhere around here…”

Owen would have crossed his arms if he was not carrying luggage in his each. As much as he loved Beru Whitesun for her optimism, there were times it was too unrealistic and downright frustrating. The pair were supposed to be on their way to Coruscant, when their shuttle had a slight “leaky engine,” dropping them and everyone else aboard at Axis Station, nearby the Mid Rim’s Craston Nebula.

As Owen expected, it was a run-of-the-mill orbital station; centuries old, crowded, and its facilities less than up to sanitary standards. Being from Tatooine, it wasn’t that bad, and Owen and Beru’s ragged desert clothes made them blend in well with the crowd.

The problem was that they were stuck in this blasted when they needed to get on another shuttle, and they had no idea where it was. Not to mention their shuttle passes. Owen hoped the ones they bought worked, otherwise he would be having words that Toydarian merchant. He paid good money for those passes, and blast anyone if he was ripped off!

After sometime, Beru said, “I see it! Level seventy-one. We can probably take an elevator and maybe we can-”

“Beru,” Owen said again, “we’re lost.”

Beru stared at him. Her blue eyes lost their brilliance as she conceded. “Alright, what do we do?”

“Go to the desk, find out when’s the next shuttle. Then, we wait.”

“That’s it?”

“Well, it’s not like we’re going to know when the next shuttle is-”

Before he could finish, the loudspeakers chimed and a droid’s voice blared, “Attention! Attention! The last shuttle for Coruscant will be leaving in thirty minutes, station time. The last shuttle for Coruscant will be leaving in thirty minutes at docking…”

Beru reacted before Owen could even hear the full thing. “Come on!” she called out as she was already in the move.

“Beru, wait!” Owen called out, and he rushed after her, saying “excuse me” and “pardon me” to nearby aliens as he tried to keep up.

He managed to squeeze himself into the elevator Beru entered a moment before. The fishy smell was the first thing Owen noticed, since the elevator had been filled with the aquatic Selkath from Manaan. Not an awful smell, but he didn’t want to be in there for very long. “Did you catch that last bit?” Owen asked as he squeezed himself in.

“Docking bay ninety,” Beru answered. How she heard that over the crowd, Owen had no clue.

It wasn’t long before the elevator doors open to their floor. The two humans came out first, just as the loudspeakers chimed again with the same announcement, and Beru eyed the closest docking bay door. “Ninety… must be this way!” she called over her shoulder, and she ran off again.

Owen begrudgingly followed Beru down the hall. He chased after her, until she stopped a second later. “What is it?” Owen asked.

Beru slowly glanced back at him and hesitantly admitted, “We… might be lost.”

Alternative Prequel Ideas

NeverarGreat said:

Here’s an idea:

The Jedi are only an informal order spread across the galaxy. The Knights directly serve the Republic, and can be called on in times of crisis to protect the galaxy, but mostly they are protectors of the individual planets they call home. They are allowed to marry and have children, although their children will not often be strong in the Force. The Skywalkers are outliers in this regard.

The Jedi Masters are entirely separate from the Knights, and are primarily teachers and soothsayers, more like eccentric local wizards than proud warriors. They are often pacifists.

That’s a nice idea! My own idea is a bit similar: the Jedi Order is spread across the galaxy, with Jedi Masters in charge of their own respective academies/facilities (e.g. Yoda-Coruscant, Mace Windu- Alderaan, etc). The Jedi Masters, the heads of these outposts, would also consist of the Jedi Council.

Another idea was to have Owen and Beru as my PT’s C-3PO and R2-D2 (respectively). In SW77, they already appear to know Anakin and Obi-Wan pretty well, so I think it would make sense the two would act as the bickering young couple who get wrapped in the adventures of our heroes.

Random PT ideas

About a few years back (dang, has it really been that long?), I came up with an idea to rewrite the PT to fit with the Star Wars: The Clone Wars cartoon (which you can see here: http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Rewriting-Prequels-for-TCW/id/16915). Of course, I dropped the idea altogether, with only (you guessed it!) the prologue for each installment of this PT. The prologues are more or less a flashback to events that happened before the PT, and each one is somehow connected to the main plot of its its respective episode (meant to, anyway-it could have been laughably bad for all I know).

That being said, here are the prologues for the TCW Rewrites of Episodes 1, 2, and 3!


Tatooine, Ten years ago (32 BBY)…

Shmi panted as her feet clapped on sand and rock. Tatooine’s twin suns bore down on her from high above, its heat entering through the many tears in her rags. Her skin and hair perspired and stained the fabric with stink of sweat. Up ahead of Shmi was a small formation of a dune.

It was only a few steps away when Shmi let her sore legs give way onto the ground. She scooted under the dune’s shade and sat there, giving in to her tired body. Her feet swelled, her chest pounded, and her lungs wheezed. Shmi wondered if she could go on, let alone go any faster.

Through her pains, Shmi heard a small voice whisper, “Mom?”

A panting Shmi glanced to her boy clinging close to her. Though the rags covered his face, those beautiful blue eyes stared at her with fear. Shmi hugged her son and rested her chin atop of his scalp. She whispered back in a soothing tone, “Don’t worry. Mos Espa’s not fair away now. We’ll be there soon.”

While her son looked away, Shmi’s heart ached. It hurt to lie to her child. It hurt more that he saw the truth behind it. He always had that way with her, bless him.

He had to be given some hope, something to keep him calm. The port city of Mos Espa was still a long ways away, and running for so long and so fast in broad daylight left Shmi’s body taxed. Though she wasn’t as fast or strong as the others, she kept her son and herself safe. Now, all she wanted to do was rest.

When Shmi’s pains faded, her son’s small hands tightly gripped at her tunic. “Mom! It’s them!” she heard.

Shmi’s mind rang in alarm. Did they catch up so soon? She thought she lost their trail awhile back. “Wait here,” Shmi said and rose on her sore feet to leave the boy alone.

She peeked over the dune’s edge to see a large creature, a Bantha, slowly trail its wooly body on the desert. Its tusks stuck out threateningly, much like its riders with their desert robes, rifles and gaffi sticks.

Tusken Raiders, Shmi fearfully recognized. Tuskens, or more commonly known as Sand People, were the feared natives of Tatooine often hunted the ‘invaders’ of their planet, which happened to include the two humans hiding at the dune.

There was only one Tusken. Its bandaged-wrapped face and goggles turned right and left, but nowhere in the direction of Shmi, her son, and the dune they hid by.

She retracted back into the dune, back to her boy. “Mom, they’re…”

Shmi cut him off. “I know. We have to run now. Can you make it?” A nod answered her. “Good. We’re going!” She grabbed the little hand into hers, and began to run…

The ground at their feet exploded in a loud pop of sand particles, stopping mother and son in their tracks. Surprise shortly flashed then Shmi went in the other direction. “This way!” she exclaimed.

Again, Shmi stopped short of a shot that would have blown off her foot. She looked around, freezing at the sight of a Bantha rising atop another dune that was in the distance. Though some meters away, Shmi saw more Sand People atop; one taking the reins and the other aimed it rifle at the two humans.

Shmi’s fearful gaze turned slightly from the second Bantha. The first one from before crawled forth from beyond the dune’s edge. “Stay close!” was the first thing Shmi said.

She felt her son’s hands trembled in hers. She tried to do everything to keep her own arms from trembling and failed when the two Bantha crawled closer and closer to the dune’s shadow. The gunners on each kept their goggles intently on the two humans under it, and their rifles rose to take aim on their prey. Shmi could only hug her son close to her body, somehow to protect him. Staring at the barrels with watery eyes, Shmi’s eyes watered, and a couple tears wetted her dusty cheeks.

This was it. There was no way out. She would die in the middle of nowhere. And yet, she was frightened for her son. If he survived by some miracle, he would be all alone with no one to care for him. No friends. No mother. ‘I’m sorry, Ani,’ Shmi thought with regret and waited for the shot to fire.

It never did. The rifle had tilted upwards, as if it had a will of its own, and fired, sending the projectile and powder into the air.

The Tusken rifleman howled in shock, and the other two looked at each other for answers. Their bantha snorted and huffed from their large nostrils, jittering rather nervously. Shmi kept her eyes on the Tuskens carefully whilst they talked in their unintelligible language. The one holding its now-ruined rifle seemed angry, uttering a jumble of irritated grunts and growls. Its calmer comrades sounded more urgent, and even fearful.

Their glances fell onto the humans, and the fear returned to Shmi. Were they making up their minds, or were they going to finish what they started? Shmi did not know, and she found the wait was scarier than staring down the barrel.

Then, the Tuskens let out another howl, and to Shmi’s surprise, the banthas turned around. They were leaving! The three of them rode off, away from the dune and back from whence they came.
It was not until the Tuskens were a haze that Shmi turned her eyes downward. Her son, still holding on tight, shivered frightfully so much she had stroke his head. “Ani?” she said to him.

‘Ani,’ her little Ani, stopped shivering and those blue eyes were back on her. “Are they…” his voice squeaked before it trailed off.

“They’re gone, Ani,” Shmi said soothingly. “We’re safe now.”
Why though? The Tuskens were supposed to be ruthless killers with no fear, so what could have scared them to the point that they would give up their hunt?

A new thought soon came to her. Actually, it was not a thought but a voice that came out of nowhere. “Are you two alright?”

As warm and gentle as it was, the question nearly made Shmi jump. She whirled around and saw a figure standing at the edge of the dune. A long robe, brown and beige in color, covered the body of the man–she assumed it was so from the voice–and a hood protecting him from the scorching heat.

Shmi held onto her child protectively and warily eyed the stranger. “Who are you?” she questioned, despite her weariness.
A hand, human in nature, stuck out from a huge sleeve. “It’s alright,” the stranger assured, “I don’t mean you any harm. I’m here to help.”

The voice brought new Shmi’s suspicions. It was too formal, and the accent gave a slight deep roll of the r’s. At the same time, there was something to it. A sense of calm and honesty Shmi had not heard in many years.

The stranger slowly stepped over to Shmi and her boy, both of who watched the newcomer. The robes had no stain or a speck of sand on them. They were too clean to belong to a native of Tatooine. There was something off, however. Nothing menacing to be sure, but it boggled Shmi’s mind to the point she gazed up and down the stranger to find anything else.

That was when she saw it, hanging from a brown belt. It was a long cylinder, elegant in its design that clashed with the technological material that comprised it. Shmi recognized it immediately. She remembered the many stories she heard from the visiting spacers and smugglers, stories of people with strange weapons helping others in need, no matter who those people were.


Now, Shmi raised her head back up, and the stranger stood a few feet from her. Hidden from the sun’s glare, Shmi saw a fair face under the hood. The blue eyes gave a kindle of kindness in them, and the brown beard surrounded a small smile.

“Y-you’re…” Shmi’s voice left her throat, but she could not finish the sentence.

Her mind, on the other hand, had brought a decent picture of what happened.

The man, the Jedi, did not nod or say anything to answer that. Instead, he told her, “I am Qui-Gon Jinn. What’s your name?”

This time, Shmi did not hesitate to answer. “I’m Shmi Skywalker. This is my son,” she replied.

The Jedi’s eyes, then went from her, to her boy. She glanced down to him, too. In her shock, she had almost forgotten about him. ‘Ani’ was hiding behind her legs, still shivering a little. “It’s okay, Ani. We’re safe now,” she whispered to her son, this time with no lie.

“Where are you heading?”

Again, Shmi glanced back up to the Jedi, Qui-Gon, whose gaze was back on her. “Mos Espa,” she answered. “That’s where my master lives.”

“Your ‘master?’” The tone was confused, as was the Jedi’s eyes. They became stiff when the realization sunk in. “You two are slaves.”

A nod from Shmi confirmed as much. For a brief moment, there was only silence, and in that, Shmi swore the Jedi remained frozen stiff. At last, he spoke, more softly and warmly, “And your master sent you out here? All alone?”

“No, I have…” Shmi stopped and swallowed, “… I had a guard with me. He was with me while I was scavenging for parts when… when the Sand People a-attacked…”

She had to stop herself from saying more. Her voice had cracked, and the memories from the last hour poured in. The images of the charging Tuskens and their guard staying behind to buy her and her son time to escape. The brave man had told them to run and head before he met the Tuskens’ charge.

“Don’t worry,” the Jedi assured. “I have a transport nearby. I can take you back safely.”

“T-thank you,” Shmi managed to say before she gave a gentle tug on her son’s hand. “Come on, Ani.”

Her little ‘Ani’ did not move. He stood close to his mother’s leg, refusing even budge a little. Shmi, trying to be patient, placed a hand on his head and caressed it, speaking in the soft tone to sooth her boy. “It’s alright. He’s helping us to get back home,” she told him. “Trust him, Anakin.”

After a while of waiting and thinking, Anakin came from behind his mother’s side. Shmi gave a smile at him then nodded her head at the Jedi. Her new protector turned around, leading the pair to his transport. Anakin trod alongside his mother, still a little cautious of the newcomer. As for Shmi, whose weariness and state of near-fatigue was a memory, could not have been happier.

The danger had passed, and they were safe. That was all that mattered to her.


Coruscant, Fourteen years ago (33 BBY)…

Master Dooku kept his arms tucked under his Jedi cloak as he strolled down the long halls of the Jedi Temple. His steps, once loud stomps to announce his entrance, were now light taps against the red carpet, and he bore a troubled brow. Dooku gazed around, hoping to ignore his troubles.

Fellow Jedi walked to and from the many corridors, attending to their daily duties. In one room, a Jedi Master gave a lecture on the history of the Republic; in another, a group of Padawans meditated to center themselves in the Force; and laughter came from another as Younglings played with toys under the supervision of a Jedi Knight. The life in the Jedi Temple was filled with life and energy that many would find it peaceful.

Once, Dooku saw that, but not now. Where others saw peace and serenity, he saw something else; weakness, illusions, zealots who served a decadent government made up of fools. Such ideas were dangerous, but Dooku could not stop such them.

Something stirred in his mind. A small echo as he remembered something he heard from Dathomir:

“The Dark Side offers many paths of power. The Jedi know this, yet do not use it. Why? Because they believe themselves to already be powerful. They believe they serve the Republic for the ‘greater good.’ But the Republic continues to debate and argue over insignificant issues, and with no progress. The Jedi are nothing more than the Senate’s puppets and they enjoy the power they have.”

A small shiver ran down Dooku’s spine. There was a small part of him that hated it, but the rest knew his doubts were right. It was the reason Dooku did not tell the Council, and he wondered if staying in the order was illogical.

Dooku came out of his thoughts when he noticed another Jedi. The Jedi, a man with dark pony tail, wore dark Jedi tunic similar to Dooku’s own uniform. He stood tall and proud with his arms clasped behind his back, but the light from Coruscant’s setting sun showed a troubled look.

As he walked up to the Jedi, Dooku smiled. “Ah, Master Sifo-Dyas. It’s good to see you.”

“Master Dooku. It’s good to see you, too,” Sifo-Dyas returned, but his smile was a pained one, which Dooku noticed.

“Is everything alright, old friend?”

Sifo-Dyas’s smile faded as he looked back to the sunset. His voice was unusually soft when he spoke. “No… no, it’s not. I just came from a meeting with the Jedi Council.”

Dooku frowned in exasperation and leaned a little against the window sill. “What was it this time? Has a trade agreement gone sour, or perhaps Chancellor Valorum has requested us to guard for the Hutts again?” he inquired in his “grandiose” fashion.

Sifo-Dyas didn’t laugh, despite his friend’s attempt at humor. “I’m afraid it’s more serious than that,” he said sadly. “I… I’ve been removed from the Council.”

Dooku’s eyes widen. “What? Why?”

“Recently, I’ve been calling for… certain measures,” Sifo-Dyas explained, somewhat hesitantly, “Measures the Council believe to be extreme.”

“You mean raising an army,” said Dooku. It was no secret; almost every Jedi Master outside of the Council knew about it. Dooku personally thought it the idea was like giving a blaster to a child.

“Yes,” Sifo-Dyas said. “The council may think my proposal is ludicrous, but I believe it’s necessary.”

“For what? Sifo-Dyas, what happened?”

Sifo-Dyas turned away, and Dooku concern grew when he heard his friend’s tone turned dark. “I recently had a vision. I told the council and…”

“… and they didn’t listen,” he finished, not surprised.

Sifo-Dyas gave his friend a soft, sad smile. “I can’t really blame them. The future always is in motion, as Yoda would say.” The smile turned into a frown. “But I fear dark times are coming for the galaxy.”

For many moments, Dooku stared at Sifo-Dyas, feeling the fear and horror lingering in his friend’s mind. It took his courage for him to speak. “What did you see?”

The lines creased Sifo-Dyas’ face. “A conflict. One too terrible to imagine…”

As Sifo-Dyas gave every detail he could recall, Dooku eyes widen with every spoken word. It wasn’t unheard for a Jedi to have visions of the future, and most were harmless to the galaxy. Even the worst only affected the individual themselves. But this… this was something beyond anything Dooku could ever dream of.

Once Sifo-Dyas finished, Dooku managed to ask, “Do you know how soon this is?”

“I don’t know for sure. It may be years, decades perhaps, but I know it will in our lifetime, and I can’t do anything to stop it.”

Dooku considered it for a moment. Then, he said quietly, “Actually, you can. The rest of the galaxy doesn’t know about you not being on the Council. You can use your old title to request for an army, which I will provide.”

“And how will you get this army?” Sifo-Dyas humored Dooku.

“I have more than enough money in my family household on Serenno. I need to only ask, and they will give it to me.”
“What about the Council? You know they won’t approve.”

“The Council doesn’t need to know.”

Now, it was Sifo-Dyas’ turn to be shocked. “Go behind the Council’s back? Dooku, that’s extreme, even for you!”

“Like you said, dark times are coming, and we must be prepared to face them, my friend,” Dooku replied. “My old student Qui-Gon would say the Force has given us an opportunity. I say we must take it.”

Sifo-Dyas thought about it. “This is a dangerous path, old friend…” he said with uncertainty, “but if it will help secure the future, then I will do it.”

Dooku, noticing a passing duo of Padawans, stepped closer. “We’ll talk about this another time. Tell no one about this,” he whispered to Sifo-Dyas. With that, Dooku left his friend by the window without looking back.

He dared not after what he just heard. It boggled Dooku that the Council even ignored such a vision. Sure, visions could be misinterpreted but Sifo-Dyas had the most clarity in the entire Jedi Order, and Sifo-Dyas was surer than ever of what he saw. But why did Dooku believe Sifo-Dyas in the first place?

The answer was obvious: His doubts of the Council, of the Jedi Order, were fully realized. His mind reeled at his anger that he did not notice anything, not even his ‘fellow’ Jedi passing him. Not until he reached the entrance of the Jedi Temple.

When he did, Dooku’s feet stopped as did his thoughts. He stood there like the statues of great Jedi lined outside. Through the Force, he felt something. A presence he had not felt since…
Dooku walked down the steps, careful to look as calm as possible and avoid notice from the Temple guards stationed outside. To Dooku’s fortune, the guards remain silent and sure as ever while he continued away from the giant ziggurat until he reached one of the large statues at the edge of the Temple grounds. There, Dooku thought his aging eyes were deceiving him.

They weren’t, for a man, dressed in a black robe and hood, greeted the Jedi Master with a warm smile. “Ah, Master Dooku. I have been wondering where you were.”

Dooku quickly approached the man, his anger masking the shock. “Sidious, what are you doing here? If I sensed you, it won’t be long before the Jedi do!”

Neither Sidious’ expression nor tone changed. “You’ve only sense me because I let you. There’s no need to worry,” he waved it away and began walking, “but enough of that. Have you thought about my proposal?”

Dooku glanced around for a moment. They were on the edges of the Temple, where there was barely anyone. No one would be watching, and it’s as Sidious said, only he noticed. “I have,” Dooku trailed as he joined his accomplice. “I’ve been thinking on it for some time… and I believe that you are right.”

Sidious was silent for a moment. “Interesting… but I’m curious, why the sudden change of heart?” There was a glint under the shadowed gaze. “Would it have something to do with Sifo-Dyas’ vision?”

Dooku was surprised but recomposed himself. “Yes, he did. He told me he foresaw a terrible conflict to me.”

“As he did to me,” Sidious nodded. “He also mentioned he wanted to raise an army for the Republic. Has he talked to the council?”

“He has,” Dooku said indignantly. “They’ve removed him from the council. But I have a plan.”

“The Jedi won’t approve of it. They won’t support any action without approval from the Senate,” Sidious said in his usual tone, which meant he was toying with him.

Dooku, annoyed at the words and patronizing tone behind it, tried not to snarl. “I’ve found that the Jedi way to be insufferable. The corruption in the Senate has already led to an uprising on Thyferra and Yinchorrr. It won’t be long before more worlds will rise up again.”

“And you believe that the Jedi’s need to serve the Republic will lead to this?”

“It’s as you said, the Jedi have become the Senate’s puppets.” Dooku paused, and admitted, “With all that I have learned, I’m not sure if I can stay here any longer, let alone follow the Jedi Code.”

“Well, there is another path. There are other mysteries of the Force that the Jedi do not know of. I can teach them to you.”

Dooku’s eyes narrowed. “You speak of the Dark Side. What would make believe I wouldn’t turn you over to the Jedi?”

Sidious simply smiled. “If you truly believed that, you would have already told the council about our encounter on Dathomir.”

Despite himself, Dooku agreed with Sidious. He already confessed his doubts of the Jedi and he just conversed about coercion with him. Yet, this person, this Lord of the Sith, was willing to share his knowledge… knowledge that could help Dooku in his endeavor.

Dooku inwardly sighed and with a heavy heart, he bowed his head. “I accept your teachings. I am willing to learn the secrets of the Dark Side.”

“Excellent!” Sidious clapped his hands together. “I must leave you now. However, I shall see you again, very soon. We will need to work quickly if we’re to succeed.”

Dooku nodded and said the words he thought he would never say: “I understand… my master.”


Naboo, Twelve Years Before the Invasion of Naboo (44 BBY)…

Darth Plagueis hobbled out to the balcony, breathing heavy breaths through his respirator masks. He stopped short of the perch and leaned against his large staff to enjoy the light of Naboo’s moons reflecting in the rippling lake. Out of the entire estate and its servant droids running about, the balcony was the only place where Plagueis could think in solitude, aside from his own laboratory.

His eyes trailed down the lake to other side, where the great lights of Theed shone like the stars above it. Plagueis could sense them; the commoners toiling through the night to work as the nobles rested in their beds. Their hopes, their dreams, were almost at him… and he pushed them away from his own mind.

Pathetic creatures, Plagueis thought with disdain. They believed themselves to live harmony and peace. They believed themselves to be safe, but all they had was nothing more than a ruse.

A soft hum turned Plagueis’ attention to a slug-beetle buzzing about. His eyes fixated on it for a moment before he held out a skeletal hand–too long to be a human’s, and he stretched out, sensing the lines of the Force in the beetle. His bone-like fingers moved on the lines, as if touching the silks strings on a tapestry. Though they were thin, the Force swirled in its tiny body, giving the beetle life it needed to buzz around, happily ignorant of the world around it.

Closing his hand, Plagueis ripped those lines to shreds.

The beetle dropped onto the perch in front of Plagueis. Within minutes, the bright blue color dulled, the wide wings corroded, and the legs bent in directions not natural to its design. The beetle clicked its mandible in panic, buzzing while it lied on its side, hopeless to do anything until it stopped moving.

The lines creased Plagueis’ elongated head when he studied the husk. Five seconds, he counted. Five seconds for the insect to wither and die. It was slower than he calculated.

Plagueis had experimented on many creatures in the past. There was always the satisfaction, the curiosity, and the wonder of studying the process of life. Plagueis felt none of that, now. His powers waned long ago, taking away his joy of discovering the Force’s mysteries. But the Dark Side always offered more paths to power. Perhaps, more studying would allow him to regain what he lost…

A presence in the Force pushed Plagueis’ thoughts away and he turned to a figure strolling towards him, black robe covering him from head to toe. Under the hood was a human face Plagueis recognized immediately.

“Welcome, Sidious," he greeted, his voice rasping through his respirator.

“Master,” Sidious returned, his shadowed gaze studying him. “I see your power has not waned since we’ve last spoken.”

“I’m afraid it is not enough,” Plagueis muttered before waving his thin and almost skeletal hand, “but enough of that. We have more important things to discuss. What news in the Senate?”

Sidious came beside his master, standing half a meter to the tall Muun. “There is much unrest among the Outer Rim. The Hutts crime family is gaining more control with their underground spice trade. The Senate is currently trying to make a deal with them.”

“No doubt they’ll send Jedi,” Plagueis snorted. “The fools send more fools to do their work.”

“But it presents an opportunity,” his apprentice stated calmly. “I’m trying to become the broker to the Hutts. If all goes well, I shall receive a permanent residence on Coruscant and I will be closer to the Senate than ever before.”

The Muun stared down at Sidious. “I see you continue to toil in politics, Lord Sidious,” he spoke evenly.

“Just as much as you continue with your experiments, master,” Sidious returned, glancing down at the dead beetle.

The verbal jab struck, but Plagueis did not show it. “You’re pursuit of power is admirable,” he began as he turned to the calm waters. “You’ve managed to hide your presence from the Jedi, but make yourself too well-known, and you will be hunted by them.”

“I will take your advice with great care, master.”

“I know you will,” Plagueis nodded, looking back at him. “However, my apprentice, we can’t afford to make any risks. That is why you will resign from office after you’re done with you deal.”

Plagueis sensed Sidious’ surprise through the Force. There was no indication on his face as Sidious kept calm as usual. “Master, we can’t hide forever.”

“I have told you this before. Politics is a dangerous game, one the Sith have no time to play with,” Plagueis warned. “Our mission is to grow strong in the Dark Side and wait for the right moment to strike. Interacting now will only reveal us to the Jedi.”

Sidious was silent then answered, “… I understand, master.”

A lie, Plagueis immediately noted. No doubt, Sidious would try to delve more into the workings of the Republic. He learned the Sith techniques of hiding his presence from even the most powerful of Jedi, but Plagueis’ caution warned not only the Jedi would try to look into his apprentice’s life.

Sidious was trying to make his move. Plagueis was not sure whether it was because Sidious knew of his fading powers or if his apprentice was merely trying to grab more power. Plagueis was never sure with his apprentice. What he did know was that his apprentice had great ambition.

Too much for one Sith Lord to have, Plagueis thought, slightly chastising himself. He should have tempered his student’s ambition long ago…

Gripping his staff, Plagueis began for the estate. “I shall retire for the night. My droid will escort you out when you’re ready to leave." Upon reaching the door, Plagueis turned to add, "And remember, Darth Sidious. There is still much for you to learn. There are many secrets of the Dark Side that have eluded even the Sith. One day, you will realize the Sith must remain in the shadows if we are to grow strong.”

With that said, Plagueis left the balcony. He strolled down the long corridor, passing the many doors that each led to a laboratory with a specific experiment inside. Plagueis paid no mind to them and entered the bedchamber’s entrance on the far side.

The Muun lied in his bed, preparing himself for the next day to come. It had been a long day in his laboratory and Plagueis found himself needing rest recently. The transpirator’s loud clicks slowly deafened as sleep approached and took Plagueis from the world of the living.

Just before Plagueis went over the threshold of sleep, he felt something. There was a presence in the Dark Side, more powerful than Plagueis himself.

Suddenly, pain jolted the Muun into consciousness. Plagueis screamed as his body writhed in the intense heat and pain swarming over him. The snapping and hissing of electricity filled the air along with a burning smell of flesh.

The torture quickly ceased and Plagueis’ limbs sprawled all over the bed. The transpirator, once functioning at full capacity, stopped completely. Plagueis’ lungs demanded for air that now entered through narrow paths and he barely kept himself alive with the Dark Side.

Opening his eyes, Plagueis saw his apprentice standing over him. The lines creased Sidious’ face and his eyes brightened at the Muun’s torment.

Plagueis’ eyes widen as he realized what happened; Sidious had betrayed him. He ignored the Sith tradition of frontal combat and went about on his way. All Plagueis could do was stare at Sidious, his eyes pleading for mercy from his apprentice.

Sidious simply snarled. “I’m afraid our alliance is at an end. There is nothing more you can teach me, Plagueis, thus leaving you as a hindrance,” he said with contempt. “I have plans for the galaxy, and nothing will stop me from making them come to fruition… not even you.”

Sidious raised a crackling hand once again, and in a flash of blue lightning, Darth Plagueis knew no more.

Random PT ideas

Another scene for another PT idea I had. This of course was written a couple years, with the intent of it being a tribute to Christopher Lee (more or less). I don’t know how well it’s aged, but I hope it’s somewhat decent.

The doors slid open as a young Jedi rushed into the council chambers. “Master, the last of the ships has left!” she announced with baited breath.

No sooner did Sifo-Dyas hear the words, he saw another Imperial ship descended from Dantooine’s cloudy skies. “Are the remaining Jedi ready?” he asked.

“Yes, master,” said the Jedi–a Zabrak, Sifo-Dyas recalled. “All of us have taken positions all across the Enclave.”

Sifo-Dyas watched the Imperial ship join the four others beyond the Enclave’s grounds. “Tell everyone to push back the enemy as best as they can. If nothing else, fall back to the archives.”

The Jedi nodded before whirling back out. The doors slid shut a moment later and left Sifo-Dyas in the silence of the council chambers. He stood by the window, as he had for the past twenty standard minutes, watching the debacle far beyond.

The five Imperial ships rested in front of the Jedi Enclave like massive factories. The white shapes of Imperial troopers poured down the ramp, their black rifles jabbing at the air as each battalion formed up on the prairie grounds in front of the Enclave. Through the Force, Sifo-Dyas could feel their eagerness, their passion to take the corrupt and fanatic Jedi scum who opposed their emperor.

The sight brought sorrow to the Jedi Grandmaster’s heart. He suspected the Empire would find some way onto the Jedi’s doorstep. He just didn’t know it would be so literal. And there were so many of them…

“Thousands of armed soldiers against two hundred Jedi? Surely, the order has dealt with worst in the past?” a deep voice said in jest.

Sifo-Dyas wanted to smile, but he had no heart for it. “It’s not the numbers that worry me. It’s the possibility of defeat,” he told his visitor. “What are our chances?”

“With the Imperials starships and cannons, slim to none, I’m afraid. Then again, that’s always how it’s been.”

Sifo-Dyas caught a glimpse of a long cloak leaving the once-occupied council seat. He barely stopped himself from turning around. “Why are you here?” his voice slightly rose to a demand, only just. “I have been calling you, but you never showed up. So why now?”

“I have always been here. You only needed to open yourself, my friend.”

The response struck the Jedi’s heart. “I guess that’s true…” Sifo-Dyas mused before he looked back at the window. “At the end, do I really see.”

A strong hand gripped his shoulder. “You’ve done everything you can.”

Sifo-Dyas’ tired eyes went to the bearded face reflecting off the window. “But it wasn’t supposed to be like this. I tried everything to stop this from happening. I didn’t know it would cause it… And now, the galaxy will suffer because of it.”

“For a time, yes.” The hand slipped off. “Others will fight the Empire, and they may win. When that happens, things will as they once were… Perhaps, the Jedi will return.”

Sifo-Dyas looked at his own reflection. “Are you certain of that?”

“No,” was the honest answer. “‘Always in motion is the future,’ as Master Yoda would say. But what do you feel, my friend?”

He wondered about that. What did he feel? No, what didn’t he feel? There was so much confusion, anger, doubt, and so many other emotions he could barely saw through them.
Closing his eyes, Sifo-Dyas sifted through them. The words came to him. What did he feel, truly? Many Jedi who already left would be hunted down, and the Empire would go on to subjugate other worlds. However, the Empire could not control everything and kill every Jedi. Some would survive, perhaps.

A sharp beep cut into his thoughts, and Sifo-Dyas reached for his commlink. “Yes?”

Another Jedi spoke, “Master, the main force is ready. We’re awaiting for your arrival.”

“I’ll be there.” Ending the call, Sifo-Dyas hung the commlink onto his belt and sighed. “It’s time for me to go… I hope we’ll meet again, old friend.”

There was nothing, just silence.

Sifo-Dyas smiled. The Jedi Master should have known he would be gone by now. It was just natural. Always coming in and leaving, like a shadow…

Silently, Sifo-Dyas turned around and left the empty council chambers.

Random PT ideas

Alright, I understand that this doesn’t really count as a PT rewrite, more of a SW AU (of the PT, OT, and ST) as a whole, but I thought it would be interesting nonetheless.

This was inspired by the SW fanfiction “The Force Shall Free Us” by LuxLoser, who reverse the positions of the Jedi and Sith, having the Sith be the heroes and the Jedi be the villains. It was a fascinating take on the SW mythos, as well as decently-written, so I decided to give it a go with “Emotion, Yet Peace,” an AU which removes the dumb non-attachment rule for the Jedi, and more or less incorporates ideas from Legends canon into an otherwise Disney-fied universe. And teach trilogy would turn out as such:

THE PREQUELS - The Ancient Enemy (the Sith Empire of old returns to threaten the Republic); Treachery of the Republic (Palpatine reveals his Sith nature to the Jedi and allies with them to destroy the Sith Emperor, but he has Republic betray the Jedi, driving them from their home on Exis Station); and Forces of Destiny (where the trilogy ends with Anakin killing the Sith Emperor and accepting the Dark Side, which allows Palpatine to become the galaxy’s dictator)

THE ORIGINALS - Age of Order (Luke’s rung up in Obi-Wan’s rebellion against the Empire and trains with Kenobi’s pupil, Leia, while finding a way to disable the Death Star laser); The Prodigal Knight (where Luke skirts near the Dark Side in his search to defeat Vader); Revival of the Jedi (where the Empire’s defeated, Leia dies after giving birth to Ben Solo, and Luke escapes into the Unknown Regions with Vader and Mara Jade, leaving whatever Jedi are left to protect the galaxy).

THE SEQUELS - Evil from the Beyond (where Rey’s on the Ahch-To island instead of Jakuu, only to be discovered by the First Order and get caught up in a search for Darth Vader, leading to Rey facing her actions that caused the deaths of her parents, Luke and Mara); Fall of Dark Lords (in which, after finding Vader, Rey learns more about the Force, and Vader sacrifices himself to weaken Snoke); and The New Dawn (the Jedi reassemble to bring down Snoke once and for all, under Rey’s leadership, forming into a new kind of Jedi Order)

Of course, like with everything else I’ve done in the past, I gave up on it (mainly because the exact same ideas used here were being used in other stories), leaving the prologue of this discarded project. Still, I thought it might be something interesting to share. That being said, I hope you like it. Thanks.

“In the course of history, there are so few instances that can have a huge impact on the galaxy, for good or for evil. Many Jedi refer to these as Shatterpoints, mere moments in time with great effect."

"Many historians who support this theory often point to the events seen in the past millennia. Times when the entire galaxy rested on the fate of a few, or even the choices of one. Others against the notion have argued that it is the masses, the common people, and the mentality of the time that influenced these events…”

Madame Jocasta Nu, Jedi historian and caretaker of the Jedi Archives, took a second away from her datapad. She carefully tried to think on what she just wrote. Her thesis had been the work of many months of study into philosophies and historical records. It was meant to be an unbiased look at past history, but as she further read her essay, her opinion was slightly swayed by the proponents of the Shatterpoint theory. For as old as the human was, Jocasta could be as giddy as she was when she was a little girl, and she let it show, much to the chagrin of her more scholarly side.

Sighing, Jocasta stood up from the crate she had been sitting on for the past hour. As she walked down the cargo hold, she glanced down at her manuscript. “I suppose I’ll have to start anew… again,” Jocasta murmured, feeling the slight trepidation rise as she deleted the passage she had written.

Emotion, yet peace, she reminded herself. There were always other essays, and she was in no rush to finish her work.

Jocasta was about to start again when she stopped and noticed something peculiar. The cluttering sounds of worker droids echoed about while they did cleaned and assorted boxes. The lighting in the cargo bay was as dim as it ever was, yet Jocasta could clearly see what the shape of something that wasn’t a droid in between cargo crates.

Ever since the Jedi had taken up residence four thousand years ago, Exis Station had been a home to them, Jocasta included. As a historian and caretaker in the Jedi Archives, she knew Exis Station’s layout, and anyone inside, like the back of her hand. So much so that she garnered a reputation. “Nu knows,” her peers always said as a little joke.

It was for that reason Jocasta was surprised to see someone unfamiliar walking in the cargo bay. Said someone, feminine upon closer inspection, was dressed in brown rags, possibly from some desert planet. The woman kept wandering the cargo hold, her head going back and forth.

After a while, Jocasta took a step towards the woman. “Hello! May I help you?!” she called out.

In her surprise, the woman whirled around. Jocasta’s eyes darted to the small bundle in her arms before looking back up at the woman. She came closer, revealing a weary face, covered in sunburns and hair, and inexorably tired. Her eyes, a pair of dull greys, stared back Jocasta as a croaked and raspy sound left the woman’s throat. “Is… is this Exis Station?”

“Yes. Yes, it is,” replied Jocasta, who was confused and astonished by the question. “Are you looking for something?”

“Jedi,” she said, her eyes trailing down to the saber hilt on Jocasta’s belt. “A-are you one?”

“I am a Jedi, yes. Are you in need of some help, dear?”

The woman opened her mouth to answer, but the bundle in her arms started to move. A tiny hand moved up to touch the worn down face. Jocasta, eying the bundle, inquired, “Is that…?”

“… my son,” the woman said softly as she cooed at the baby. “He… he is special, you see… ”

Jocasta stared at the baby and was surprised that she had not felt his presence before. The Force was strong in him. Very strong, in fact, and he was barely a year old, which was quite impressive. Glancing back up, Jocasta knew the question and asked, “You wish for him to be a Jedi?” The woman nodded her head. “But why stay here? Don’t you have a home to go to?”

“Not anymore,” the woman said softly.

With that piece of information. Jocasta considered the proposition carefully. It was not everyday someone would come to give their child away to the Jedi. Most ordinary people kept their distance. Besides, the child’s real training would not start until he was in his teens. Guilt wrangled around Jocasta’s logical mind. If she denied this woman, she would be homeless, and the Jedi would lose a potentially powerful member.

Something about this weighed heavily on the old archivist. She had a choice to make, and she had a feeling this may have a great effect in the future. Whether it was a good or bad feeling, Jocasta didn’t know, but she felt the Force swirled around her answer.

Perhaps, they do exist, Jocasta thought on her thesis as she came to her decision.
“I believe the Jedi can accommodate.” With a kind glance, Jocasta asked, “If I may ask, what is your name, dear?”

The woman hesitated for a second, then she replied, “Shmi… Shmi Skywalker.”