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"Champions of the Force"; Holly's Attack of the Clones edit (Work In Progress)

stickydixon said:

DominicCobb said:

stickydixon said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

stickydixon said:

DominicCobb said:

*Her, and whether she follows a project through to the end is her business. Shaming is poor form.

HER? What an inconsequential piece of information that has blown my mind.

Snooker is trans; it’s only fair to provide ample warning so as to avoid accidental misgendering leading to unpleasant misunderstandings.

Oh, the more you know.

Maybe try not being an asshat next time.

Oops. I genuinely did not mean that in the way it read. Very sorry. Was just trying to voice my surprise without making it seem like it mattered to me.

Tries to stick up for Snookers work flow and gets skewered by people ousting Snooker on info that should be up to them to reveal if Snooker wants to. Internet win for all of you!

@Snooker - Love that shot of Anakin on the speeder against the dual suns. Hope you take on more unique edits like that. I count you and Adywan as my main friendly competition for quality. Was hoping to see your TPM first though before ATOC. Take your time though, love the edits i’ve seen so far and look forward to the final edits.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

RogueLeader said:

Wow, putting a lot of work into it! Care to elaborate on the purpose of altering this shot?

Fixing the shifting shadows of the people. It changes scene to scene through this moment. Likely cause they cut a scene of them turning a corner. Though it doesn’t explain why after landing from their jump down, the shadows are all soft shadows now instead of hard shadows.

So im fixing it so the shadows are all soft. Partly due to smoke in the air cutting out sun light. Which is a carry over from me making it an attack on Theed. So im adding rubble, ruin, fire, smoke, blaster marks, and possibly bodies to help convey the damage.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

This is why the movie is taking some time. Scenes like this require a lot of masking. Its best to mask limbs independently, which is why the droid is only partly there. A new back ground plate is also made. There a lot of people in this scene, each needing to be masked as such. (Rubble and fire is just a stand in for now and not final. Just feeling out the scene as i work on masking.)

The shadows are being made soft shadows to match the shots of when the Jedi are on the ground fighting. In which all the shadows are soft shadows.

There are many scenes like this, either with new back grounds, fixed shots, or modified shots (some shots are masked in different areas for blur/depth of field, color corrections, saturation, etc).

On top of masking out things, new back grounds have to be tracked properly into the shot. Plus compositing in new elements for scenes such as this, with rubble, ruin and fire.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

dgraham414 said:

If only there was a way to fix Obi wans reshoot hair during the part with the droidrkas

Lol yea that’s been mentioned before. Def would be a nightmare to fix. I wanna try and fix the shifting braid and saber but the hair i don’t know. Im not familiar with face swap and Blender yet. I want to get done everything i can right now, then worry about the more ambitious stuff later. So maybe down the road, fixing his hair can be done. We’ll see. I want to use blender to help create new scenes of Theed, destroyed buildings, fighters ships, and more.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)


Updated the trailer again. The opening sequence is almost done. Still need to redo the planet but most of the Diplomats scene is all done per visuals side. Heat warp has been added around the ships engines when landing in docking bay (none while in space). Explosion turned from pinkish to reds, oranges and yellows. Camera shake added to ship explosion. Force push effect added to give impression of wall of air hitting them. All sabers and blasters have been toned down and tinted to blend more. Obi-wan’s kick to droids face has been fixed to connect. Blaster effects and saber effects all done (flares, sparks, smoke, room lighting up, etc).

Still playing with the colors and settings as i go. Saturation has been brought down for a more natural color and i also added just a slight vignette. Whites and Blacks have been brought out slightly. Trying to make it so the image isn’t so flat and has more contrast and depth.

Still crunching on the rest of the scenes. Still alotttt of blaster fire to rotoscope, new backgrounds, effects, ships and more to add.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

My take at first thought after seeing it. I would have Rey die after saving everyone, and so does Kylo when being blasted off the edge. Maybe with sadder music when he dies? Then i would just cut all the Rey scenes after and end the movie during the celebration. Fin is walking around looking at everyone and the mood is perfect for if Rey had died and Finn is feeling it in that moment, but also taking in the fact that they won. Bitter sweet.

Theres a few other cuts i would make like some dialogue and jokes. Or the terrible rip off of End Game “I am all of the Sith” “And I, am all of the Jedi”. That just hasssss to go. Such a rip off of Tony saying “And I, am Iron Man.”

All and all though, despite some of the flaws that can be cut, the Trilogy wasn’t too bad. I look forward to cutting it down a little and making it more dark like the Prequels ending. Albeit with the victory of defeating the Sith and the Empire. Almost a Pyrrhic Victory.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)


Updated the Ep 1 trailer 2. Its now in 1080 like the purist cut Trailer. Was having a problem with Davinci Resolve before where i was getting fragmenting on my 1080 export. Turns out it was some stupid Frame Re-ordering button. The Trilogy Trailers will stay 720p for now, as the scenes from ATOC and ROTS come from an older edit earlier this year. Where i was doing them in 720 to match the Revisited Series. I have since been re-doing them in 1080. Also, since im only at TPM, i will continue with and finish TPM Purist Cut. ATOC and ROTS with be done from the future 4k blurays mixed down to 1080 (Ill redo TPM later). This way i at least push something else out now. No 4k versions. Im just using them as a source for higher color and bitrate info in 1080. This gives me time to acquire a few things and learn some new tricks like Blender, to help pull off my Revised versions. So for now, look forward to TPM purist cut to drop first. Happy Holidays!

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

NeverarGreat said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

NeverarGreat said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

Anyone wanna try deepfaking a young Hayden Christensen onto Jake Lloyd to make for a smoother transition between films?

That sounds like a healthy 1% chance of success, 99% chance of horrible nightmare fuel.


It’s not the Jedi way.


Some one did Dicaprio

Star Wars Origins (fan film)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVSox0qApO4 movie
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndNQpYgO_Yo trailer

Not sure if any one has shared, but thought this fan edit was really cool and worth watching. You can almost imagine that this is how the legend of Skywalker was discovered.


and since im sharing other peoples cool fan films, here is another one i really liked of Vader vs Kylo Ren.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

RogueLeader said:

Maybe a list could be made of potential ideas that would take that extra bit of effort to implement and can be executed separately, rather than trying to plan a large-scale project that could become quickly overwhelming. Or, at least the ideas in that project could be divided in a way that they could be tackled separately.

For example, one thing could be the Clone Trooper project, where we could get some different cosplayers in front of a green screen to replace some of the CGI clones. Another idea could be related to ship model work, or Anakin slaughtering Jedi on mustafar instead of Separatists. These are things that could be tackled by different people at different times, but laying out the ideas and what it would take to execute them might make this whole thing more tangible.

I think starting with a list of ideas and working from there is a good place to start. As we get things built up, people can then have a better idea of where we are going and what needs to be done. Keeping things practical will help. As much as i would love new scenes of Anakin, it would be very hard to pull off. Anything with Anakin would have to be hooded and more from back views of him. Unless we can deep fake the actors face? We also need to be mindful over the amount of extras. As much as a mob protesting would be, that’s alot of people to get together. So breaking things apart by feasibility will help. Model ships are probably one of the easiest to film just cause no actors.
If we get together a few shots, itll go a long ways to trying to raise donations also. Something to show proof of concept.

Using Film Grain Effects in a Unique way: Prequel Trilogy + Rogue One into a New Prequel Trilogy

marsthgodofwar said:

Sir Ridley said:

The shots look good, the grain is a good idea. If grading the grain works for you then go for it, but it limits your possibilities a bit. You can’t adjust shadows or highlights separately, you can’t adjust individual colors and you can’t adjust saturation.

Adjustments can always be made to the source video in addition, I’ve just found that doing so always takes away some of what image is there, where grading the grain doesn’t as much.

Are you adding grain in a diff program or something? Cause i add grain in after effects on an adjustment layer above the main files. So i can adjust the separate elements independently. You can also change its opacity and other stuff to the grain then. You could color grade the grain this way too if you wanted. Or noise. If i add grain through another video overlay or something, then it doesn’t look as good.

I personally like grain in movies but not all. It depends on the movie really. Avatar looks better with out imo, but Starwars looks better with some grain. At least that’s my thoughts. It shouldn’t be too noticeable, or a dirty grain unless you’re going for a grindhouse look.

I am curious. Is there a thread to discuss tech related questions. Methods etc? I use After Effects, Davinci Resolve and Handbrake for exp. I know i’ve had questions about settings and more.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

NeverarGreat said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Well, Its not like we’re getting paid already. Its already a passion project for everyone on here. Now as far as deciding up something, yes we would need a Director (vision) and Producer (budget control) to help guide the ship and manage it. The rest is a chance to show our skill, work, and dedication to something we obviously care about and are already taking time to do. I would love for Adywan to just have done it, but he has chosen to just do the OT. I am completely open to teaming up as opposed to try and tackle it all myself. Im located in San Diego and have considered putting out an ad or something for fans with materials. Props, model ships, and or costumes. Comicon is here so i know there’s gotta be some people who are down. I need to get a camera and have been looking around and trying to figure out what i would need.

Some proposed shot’s i’ve considered include Theed civilians and soldiers shot largely on green screen with some props for buildings. This would be for an assault on Theed. With some Federation and Theed ship models for some scenes. Reshooting a couple elements on green screen like the cockpit view (looks too digital), or pilots in cockpit. Building some of this is not hard to me. Side walls for props, or flooring is easy and i have some stucco materials and paint already. Would just need some 2x4s and plywood. Im an artist though i’ve never worked with models and scales of models, though im more than interested to learn and or help out in any capacity i can. These are just ideas for TPM, but are largely actually fairly easy to pull off with co-ordination. The most extreme shots i had planned was new storm troopers for ATOC and ROTS, replacing a lot of digital ones.

Being able to film new elements allows us to better control narrative, pace, and vfx control. Sure some of us have some more extreme ideas, but there also seems to be a general consensus about somethings.

Just think its a topic worth discussing. The tech and capability is there for us, Adywan already showed us this. This would get the best results though if done right.

I’d be down for contributing to something like this. You’re right that civilians and soldiers would go a long way toward giving these movies more humanity. I can imagine in addition to Theed that Coruscant could really use more grunge and life. Beggars in the alleyways, people camped on the steps of the Jedi Temple hoping to catch a glimpse of the Jedi, graffiti on the walls…and just imagine if we could get our hands on some practical clone trooper costumes! Why there could be entire vignettes created around this, insert shots of troopers holding back the populace in the wake of Order 66, angry protesters throwing alien produce on the shiny clean clone armor…

There’s so much potential without even changing the plots of these movies at all. Perhaps that could be the goal; work to improve the story as it exists in those movies and make it look as good as possible. After that people could fanedit to their heart’s content and provide a diverse array of versions to suit whatever the viewer’s predilections.

That’s really what i think i should be done, just trying to improve the story Lucas already put forth. These scenes would run no more than a minute or two tops at a time, some far shorter than that. Just little establishments to breath life and humanity into the stories, help tell and covey the war, and improve overly ambitious cgi effects for their time. While bridging the PT and OT together.

You and I are at least a start, and if we can get more people on board then we have a chance. Start by making outfits, props, and models. We can discuss planned shots in the meantime. Once we have many of the props, outfits, and models in place. The options for possible shoots will open up and increase. As many practical effects or lighting that we can do in camera will go a long ways towards finalizing cgi and compositing. Strobe flashes, lights on ships or guns that light up, etc. We likely wont be able to get carried away with pyrotechnics, but somethings are achievable. An airhose blasting stuff into the shot would suffice for some shots. Saving money where we can will be important.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Well, Its not like we’re getting paid already. Its already a passion project for everyone on here. Now as far as deciding up something, yes we would need a Director (vision) and Producer (budget control) to help guide the ship and manage it. The rest is a chance to show our skill, work, and dedication to something we obviously care about and are already taking time to do. I would love for Adywan to just have done it, but he has chosen to just do the OT. I am completely open to teaming up as opposed to try and tackle it all myself. Im located in San Diego and have considered putting out an ad or something for fans with materials. Props, model ships, and or costumes. Comicon is here so i know there’s gotta be some people who are down. I need to get a camera and have been looking around and trying to figure out what i would need.

Some proposed shot’s i’ve considered include Theed civilians and soldiers shot largely on green screen with some props for buildings. This would be for an assault on Theed. With some Federation and Theed ship models for some scenes. Reshooting a couple elements on green screen like the cockpit view (looks too digital), or pilots in cockpit. Building some of this is not hard to me. Side walls for props, or flooring is easy and i have some stucco materials and paint already. Would just need some 2x4s and plywood. Im an artist though i’ve never worked with models and scales of models, though im more than interested to learn and or help out in any capacity i can. These are just ideas for TPM, but are largely actually fairly easy to pull off with co-ordination. The most extreme shots i had planned was new storm troopers for ATOC and ROTS, replacing a lot of digital ones.

Being able to film new elements allows us to better control narrative, pace, and vfx control. Sure some of us have some more extreme ideas, but there also seems to be a general consensus about somethings.

Just think its a topic worth discussing. The tech and capability is there for us, Adywan already showed us this. This would get the best results though if done right.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

IlFanEditore said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

IlFanEditore said:

Considering that in a previous ROTS edit of mine I tried to add rain in the background of the Obi Wan/Padmé scene (and failed), I like how it looks.
The lightsabers actually look somewhat similar to Anakin’s lightsaber in the sequel trilogy, so IMO they look really cool.

The one where he tells her about Anakin? If so that would be a interesting look. Im curious to see that. And i was trying to get the look and color from Empire and Force awakens. I haven’t added flicker to the sabers yet tho. Still so much to do

Yep, that’s the scene. But it looked soooo bad. I love that scene, I think the acting is quite good, the score is a wonderul crescendo, etc. But despite the emotional weight, it’s set during a sunny day. It kinda breaks the pathos.
In my previous edits I just changed the colors to make it look like it’s set during evening/night, but that’s all.

Idk why the scene came out choppy, ill have to go in later and fix that but doing that rainy day for you

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Has anyone thought about teaming up, to form a and b units handling different aspects of the films? Like maybe somebody into modeling, somebody into filming etc. Get together and reshoot some scenes? Improve vfx together. Maybe some are good at cgi models? Some are better at other effects? A general director working with a cinematographer and editor so hash over the shots. This is what Adywan did in a sense, though i think he handles a lot him self.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

JKMaxx said:

I just finished watching Natedeug’s “Chronology Cut” in my marathon leading up to Episode IX, and I found that his execution of keeping the reveal intact was solid. In his edit, Obi-Wan and Yoda are standing at the window while Padme is on the operating table. The medical droid informs them that they are losing her, and will need to operate to save the babies. Bail says “Babies?” and the droid elaborates that she is carrying twins. Obi-Wan walks further down, looks back at Padme and covers his mouth, Yoda sighs and looks down, then the film cuts to the three discussing what to do with the children. After that, Padme’s funeral on Naboo is the rest of what we see of her.

By doing this, Luke and Leia aren’t actually seen being born, so the Leia reveal is still preserved for RotJ whether the viewer chooses to watch in chronological order or in machete order. Luke’s identity will still be obvious in ANH without him explicitly being named in ROTS, especially after he is left with on Tatooine. However, Bail still says he will take the girl in this edit, so I’d imagine that were one to use it to introduce someone who has not seen the films, it’s not hard to discern that Leia is the other baby if they’ve been paying attention and know who she is, and/or if they know that Bail is the senator of Alderaan. Still, I thought the edit was executed quite well.

Perhaps if you still wanted to work in Leia remembering Padme, you could do something like that in conjunction with, instead of cutting to Padme’s funeral, something in which she lives and is seen on Alderaan? HAL9000’s edit uses a shot from “The Other Boleyn Girl” that does exactly that after the Tantive III lands on Alderaan; it doesn’t fit perfectly but it is convincing enough, in my opinion. Since you plan to do a purist canon cut as well, that shouldn’t offend anyone who wants Padme to die within the film instead of between films.

Im almost more inclined to cut the births. So we never know what happens with her. Maybe only show Obi-wan dropping a child off and that’s it. So that way we also never see Padame die. Its more ambiguous on what became of her. Maybe she died as Anakin thought, maybe she lived. How did the kids get separated, we don’t know, only why they were. Maybe Leiah did live with her mom for a time before she died.
