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The Rise of Skywalker Expanded Edition by Rae Carson: The "Tragedy of Vader" Edit (v2 NOW AVAILABLE)

Try making the Pasaana festival more of a thing that happens every generation rather than 42 years or biannually, to tie into the “generations” thing of the saga or the sequels. I also think referencing the other seven movies (you’ve already referenced TLJ in it) in it would reinforce that.

Most Baffling Complaint of a Star Wars Movie

Tackling both “TROS doesn’t pay off Luke inspiring hope in TLJ” and “the galaxy fleet showing up doesn’t feel earned” at once…

In TLJ the galaxy and even the Resistance has lost all hope, only for Luke Skywalker to show up suddenly, right at the last second, and then he inspires hope across the galaxy. TROS only happens after TLJ, so it isn’t hard to draw a connection between the two - they’re only rising up because LUKE inspired them.

The Rise of Skywalker Expanded Edition by Rae Carson: The "Tragedy of Vader" Edit (v2 NOW AVAILABLE)

Do you plan on elaborating on the status of the FO? In the film they clearly aren’t in control of the galaxy and are in need of becoming a new Empire. Seems like they aren’t doing so well and are, at best, the equivalent of Team Rocket from the Pokémon anime, if you’re familiar. I find it to be one of the most interesting aspects of TROS and it does seem kinda underdeveloped.

I pitched a crawl a while back in this thread that the FO is nearing collapse due to the Luke-inspired uprisings.

Most Baffling Complaint of a Star Wars Movie

Rey’s saber is rebuilt offscreen with barely a hint of the damage it sustained and no mention of that damage in the film.

Except its literal belt serves as a reminder of Rey’s failure in TLJ, and how much she’s grown from that.

Kylo’s mask, far from being reforged as a symbol of Kylo’s status as a new leader of the First Order, is instead a symbol of his regression back into a mere henchmen for a greater power.

Except Kylo does not serve Palpatine. He literally tells Rey “I have other plans” and asks for her help in defeating him on the hangar.

Most Baffling Complaint of a Star Wars Movie

Just because Palpatine is alive in TROS, doesn’t mean the Sith aren’t extinct anymore. In fact, they are. Palpatine specifically wants to resurrect the Sith from extinction: “And with a stroke of her saber, the Sith are REBORN! The Jedi are dead!” “Do not fear their feeble attack, my faithful. Nothing will stop the RETURN of the Sith!”

I abhor the "X undoes Y's accomplishments" criticism so much.

NeverarGreat said:

The difference is that those aren’t soft reboots that force the world and story to retread the same tired ground for the sake of nostalgia, and in fact those examples derive much of their impact from the accomplishments of the prior movies.

Except nothing they did ended up mattering in the slightest, either.

Nothing Thor, Heimdall, Loki or Hulk did in Ragnarok mattered, Thanos was just gonna kill the other Asgardians.

Getting the Avengers to team up didn’t matter either, they just broke up in Civil War.

Everything that happened in Future Past didn’t matter, either, all the other X-Men are dead and the Earth is basically an apocalypse now.

At least the OT’s accomplishments delayed Palpatine and the Empire, and gave our newest generation of heroes enough time and lessons and training and preparation and whatnot to stop them forever. The specific destruction of the NR was necessary to make the FO threat seem real and set up TLJ and to show that the Republic was inherently flawed and that the galaxy’s citizens and people needed to cooperate with each other. The specific destruction of the Jedi is there to make Luke feel guilty for failing Ben.

The Rise of Skywalker Expanded Edition by Rae Carson: The "Tragedy of Vader" Edit (v2 NOW AVAILABLE)

One suggestion I’m toying with is having Palpatine’s Force lightning cause the Tantive IV to explode completely (not my original idea). Its burning debris land all the way into inside the Sith throne room in the citadel. Yes, there would be fire burning in the background when Rey fights Palpatine, to emphasize that this is, indeed, the final battle of the saga.

EDIT: Also, they’d stand out amongst the blueness of Exegol. (I get Leia’s saber, but I’d rather have the symbolism of the Skywalker legacy than that being tossed into the dumpster.)

The Last Jedi Expanded Edition by Jason Fry: The "Tragedy of Vader" Edit (v1 AVAILABLE)

Regarding Palpatine. I felt like putting in any indication of another threat would ruin TLJ’s hopeful ending, but I’m hoping the following suggestion would lean into ESB-levels of hopeful ending despite the Empire still existing, and not “Why be hopeful if another threat exists outside of the FO, even after the actual FO loses?”

When Rey and Kylo arrive at the throne room, have Snoke be in the middle of contacting a man attached to a machine: “Everything is proceeding as you wished, my master.” A familiar, booming voice praises him through the device: “Good.” Snoke shuts the hologram off and turns his focus to Kylo Ren and Rey.

(I’m hoping that by killing Snoke, in this… suggestion, Palpatine would be “severed” from the FO so the hopeful ending would be preserved… until TROS.)

I abhor the "X undoes Y's accomplishments" criticism so much.

I was more referring to yotsuya’s comment.

Also I think Palpatine’s spirit travelling a long distance works too.

EDIT: Wait a sec… where is the indication for any of your guys’ other explanations? Mine, at least, well… ugh… Palps simply transferred his consciousness into a clone, and my initial comment was there as a sort of rebuttal to the comment I referenced at the top of this one I typed everything in here.

Star Wars Headcanons

I prefer Greedo shooting first rather than Han. I never understood how it undermined Han’s character, when in fact it reinforces his selfishness, he’s so selfish he’s willing to preserve his own life. Whereas in TFA, he’s become so selfless he’s willing to reach out to his son in the worst of all locations, at the cost of his own life.

EDIT: This was the wrong thread. Thanks to Neverar for putting it in the baffling complaints thread.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread


Part of fanediting is about changing the message of the film itself. Some changes may not just be to change the effect of a shot but part of the story, and you need to get better at respecting that faneditors do not care about the original message, they are trying to make their own message with the given material.

Consultants exist for a reason when writing a story, same with film critics. So you wouldn’t make writing mistakes.