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Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

I did up a design for a t-shirt (ages ago) of the opening crawl with enough of a tilt that it definitely suggested the movie, but was still readable all at the same time.  Would that be a good idea for the back covers?


Murry Sparkles said:

WOW , fantastic covers just like the old U.K. VHS style from the nineties.

Ouch.  Please don't use "old" and "nineties" in the same sentence.


Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)


I like the horizontal ones.

With the vertical ones I know they look like more of a set if Jedi has the "faces" poster, but in 1983 (in the US at any rate) that lightsaber on the back cover was what was in all the theaters and in the papers.

ABC, I'm not sure I'm following why you left and now have a different username, but what does this mean for the status of The Empire Strikes Back Audiophile Edition?


Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

I've never heard a reading of "close the blast doors" that really sounded like I remember it from 1977.  It doesn't have that same stormtrooper "sound" that "open the blast doors" has.  I remember those two lines always got a laugh in the theater because their delivery was so similar.

But memory may be playing tricks on me.

The mono dub of Beru is a revelation.  I'll never be able to listen to any other ever again. 

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

gurgle1624 said:

This has turned into such a huge debate cause I to would think that if they were outside of a galaxy looking at a galaxy that the light from it would drown out any light from the other stars (Right or wrong? Im not a science major by any means) which is why the nebula idea gave me such a relief. And yes I know Star Wars doesnt have to go by reality but it is interesting nonetheless.

Actually in any shot with a planet or a bright hull (most, in Star Wars) you wouldn't see stars either.

Ady, put me in the "I don't care what the reason is, leave the galaxy alone" camp.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

vaderios said:

I know that you enhance only problematic areas only, but watching what these 3d can do you might want to replace some asteroid field shots that the falcon and the ties doenst have nice shadows in some of the asteroids. If not all the space shots.


I thought the most convincing updates in ANH:R were shots where he took original elements (i.e. old 1977 models and stuff) and played with them, rather than Lucas' shots where new scenes were created whole-cloth.  It gave the new shots more "zip" (I usually hate "zip") while keeping them grounded in the rest of the film.

In short: please, as little outright CG as possible, please.

When did Star Wars stop being fun? (aka, the Anti-Correct Viewing Order thread)

That's another thing.  I go to the zoo or the mall:  All the kids have bad guy shirts!  Vader, stormtroopers, Fett.  When we were kids there were Vader shirts, sure, but we also had Han and Chewie, Luke, the poster.  You know, the HEROES.

Maybe I'm old and cranky, but is that really the message we want our kids to get?

Mind you every Friday night I watch a show with my kids knowing that the main hero is going to KILL (or be in league with the killers of) ALL OF THE OTHER GOOD GUYS.  (Except one, of course.)

Wacky fun.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

doubleofive said:

You have a good point, but 3PO does say "Excuse me, Han, but where are we going?" in the asteroid field. Maybe Kersh said "You don't have to be so proper all of the time". We'll never know. I don't really have a problem with it, but it could stand discussion.


Ahhhh.  I couldn't for the life of me remember where he called Capt. Solo "Han" in the asteroid field.

The line is "Excuse me, Ma'am, but where are we going?"  And Leia turns to him and shrugs.

So there, I've solve HALF of your problems with Threepio in ESB and Adywan didn't have to do anything!

EDIT: As was mentioned above.  Slow to post.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

doubleofive said:

If you could go from Tatooine to Alderaan in a few hours (assumption from ANH), then it would still take a couple years to get far enough away to see the entire galaxy. And most of the other jumps we've seen would only last a couple minutes!

I'd say that Tatooine to Alderaan didn't take hours either.  Han is just coming back from the cockpit when he reports to The Gang that they've evaded the dreaded Imperial star fleet.  The Falcon is expected to be "on the other side of the galaxy" when it supposedly jumped to "lightspeed" in ESB.  I'm not sure hyperspace travel time really depends on distance.  

What does this have to do with Adywan's edit?  It means the sooner he releases it the sooner we'll have other stuff to talk about!  (Joke!  It was a JOKE!  Take all the time you need, obviously.)

doubleofive said:

The problem with pointing out anyone's pronunciation is we all have different accents even on this board here. Maybe Lando is from somewhere where they would say "Han" like that. Maybe Han himself pronounced it like that when he was younger and Lando never grew out of it.


Sure, I'll buy it.  Threepio probably pronounces it correctly too.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

What Plans? said:

rpvee said:

Has it been considered changing Luke's pronunciation of Tatooine at the end?  I'm sure Hamill has said it right at some point after countless interviews through the years.

Someone already asked that a couple hundred pages back.  I stumbled upon it earlier this morning.

Adywan decided that, just like Han and Leia's names have multiple pronunciations, the planet name may be pronounced differently as well.  He said he is leaving it how it is. 

And considering that Luke is a native, his pronunciation may actually be correct.

Also that is the first time that it was pronounced on screen.  So everyone ELSE has it wrong.

Mind you, Lando's pronunciation of HAN (rhymes with hand instead of gone) is not good.  And why does it change from Lee-ah in Star Wars to Lay-ah in ESB?  Maybe the director in Star Wars had it different from the writer's original intent?  Oh, wait...

When did Star Wars stop being fun? (aka, the Anti-Correct Viewing Order thread)

When did Star Wars stop being fun?  Probably when I realized that Lucas hates me.

It wasn't ROTJ.  I know ROTJ wasn't near as good as SW or ESB, but Star Wars was still crazy fun.

Before 1997 every edition of SW that Lucas "made" me buy got better and better and better.  VHS!  VHS letterboxed!  Laser disc!

Even the SEs were an amusing curiosity.  And on the big screen!

But then Lucas declared the SEs the "real" movies the way he "always wanted them".  Then he starts making new Star Wars content and it's all PT stuff.  (I like Clone Wars, but do the same treatment for an OT show and I'll be in heaven.)

The real nail in the coffin was when he put the SEs and the OUT on DVD "so the fans can decide" and he 1) gives us the OUT in 4:3 letterboxed and 2) does a pretty crappy job at transferring the SEs!

BUT - having just watched SW and ESB on my 50" widescreen in anamorphic glory (I'm not sure which version, but I'd take any links to the "best" OUT version) AND watching Star Wars: Revisited with my 8 month old son in my lap and my 2 year old daughter snuggled next to me:

Star Wars is still crazy fun.

Info Wanted: ANH.....Revisited or Purist???

Ok, I'm late to this party.  I just watched Revisited (a lot) over the weekend.  I'm not crazy about the Sith music in the saber duel but I dig the daylights out of the editing of the duel itself.  Same with the re-edits of the TIE fighter attack.  

The mono versions of Beru's dialog have forever spoiled me. 

I still hate everything with a CG dewback.

Anyway, I had a question that's surely entirely too late:  I just started re-reading the novel of Star Wars.  Why not change "there'll be no escape for the PRINCESS this time" to the original line of "there'll be no escape for the CAPTAIN this time"?  Jussst curious.

I also wouldn't mind finding where I can get a copy of the Purist version.

J. Williams &amp; LSO: The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Restored Score: the *AUDIOPHILE EDITION* (Covers &amp; Documentary Booklet)

All of these covers and art look wonderful.  I'm sold on the very first one of the SSD with no stars.  All of your work looks very sleek.  It reminds me how I felt when I opened the Anthology box almost twenty years ago.

I guess I don't understand what disc 3 is.  It's not the original LP or apparently the LP track edits...  I like closing the album with Yoda's theme.  It gives it a Superman / Can You Read My Mind vibe.

Terrific looking project.

The Official 2006 Discs Will Be No Better Than What We Have!
So you not only want the OT on DVD, you want an appology from Lucas.

Have you noticed anything about George "Orwell" Lucas' behaviour the last 10 or 15 years? He is never wrong. He never changes his mind. (George Lucas doesn't change his mind. Chuck Norris changes his George Lucas.) He'll change things, sure. Do things differently. But it was always his original plan. Really. Whatever George, you keep telling youself that, just give me my stuff.

So he will never come out and say "Ok, guys, you got me. I made a mistake." He'll quietly, sheepishly make it right. (Heck, he got rid of Luke's scream in ESB, and he's STILL trying to make Greedo shoot first. But he's never said "Yeah, that was a mistake.")

Now, the day that we win BIG is when you see an "I Love the 70's" special or the Academy Awards or some such and they show the 1977 Death Star explosion. It could happen. (Maybe?)

But for crying out loud - we LIKED the LD transfers (and I still think there's more to that story, wait and see). They LOOKED like the movies. The lightsabers (for example) in the SEs looked like crap! We're getting Star Wars on DVD for the first time ever!

I'm sure it's been discussed here before, but does anyone know how the SE DVDs did? I mean, the idea of not buying a SW release would have been UNTHINKABLE for me 10 years ago. I can't be alone. I mean, even if it was a 10 or 20 percent drop from previous sales, or projected sales, or whatever?
Finally At Peace With Star Wars...
I'm so relieved to hear someone else say that. Today I've been enjoying Star Wars for the first time in six years. Lucas can (and will) do Special and Special-er editions until he's blue in the gills. As long as I've got my originals, he can do what he wants.

I'm all for artistic vision and control and all that. But those are his. Star Wars is mine. (Now how do we get the original Superman and Star Trek: The Motion Picture edits back?)