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TV's Frink

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Dreaming aloud - pattern of releases continued for the Prequels after ROTJ...

vote_for_palpatine said:

How do you all imagine The Phantom Menace (1986)? Who plays whom? What does it look like? Is it a lot less silly than the real-life 1999 version or about the same?

How could it have possibly been as silly as in 1999?  He didn't have the technology to express his Original Vision.  Sure, he was moving in that direction in ROTJ (or RTOJ if you prefer), but his silliness was limited by the 80's tech.

Farlander enters the scene of Fan Edits (* unfinished project *)

Farlander said:

...judging by the cut lists, I’ve read a lot of them when stumbled upon fanedit.org...

Hi there Farlander!

Have you been reading the full script cutlists, or just the summaries on the FE.org pages?  If just the summaries, you might want to take a gander at my full scripts.

Good luck with your edits, and keep up posted :-)


This Thread Is Currently About...Bingo and/or Wings!!!

EyeShotFirst said:

Well in the original video he said his spoon was too big, but we could easily take it as he and his cereal bowl are just too small, because a banana comes into frame and it is as big as the small guy. So I think it might count

I'm going to open this up to the rest of the forum members - PROBATION or not?

True, ESF mentions a "small guy."  But it's in reference to his previous post, so no new information there.

What say you?

This Thread Is Currently About...Bingo and/or Wings!!!

Bingowings said:

Well they are wearing shorts :

Short People

Short people, not shorts people.  Lucky for you the yellow shorts belong to a short person.

EyeShotFirst said:

Um....It's possible that dude is normal sized and the spoon is super big.  But I'm going to assume for your sake that the spoon is normal sized.

Nice to have some new participants, BTW.

VFP vs. OT.com

Darth Solo said:

You can throw that stuff my way if you like. And i'll get it back to him. Although its a sad, sad day.

I mean who would bann a baby though? Come on, peop...WAIT! Did i just miss something there that second?

Fill me in, fill me in as to just what happend then, as i missed it in mid flow (thanks to ferris responding there)!

I think I understood about 22% of that.

This Thread Is Currently About...Bingo and/or Wings!!!

xhonzi said:

...you vertically challenged force person!

And I was so ready to PROBATE you.  Nice one!

ABC said:

The thread is now about to find out what is this thread really about... Frink's fantasy to rule his little world for instance ?

Hey, I don't hide the rules, I give you a chance to explain your posts, I offer amnesty...what else do you want in a dictator?

ABC said:

Frink sucks !

If I were a different person, I might get offended by that.  But I don't think everything is an insult.

ABC said:

I donna see no shart peoples in that thar pictur winda.

Incidentally, you should have argued that I violated Rule #5 (24 hours to change my mind before entering the HALL OF SHAME).  However, I would have countered with Rule #7 (I am exempt from Rule #5, among others).

At any rate...


This thread is still about short people.
