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I never noticed that there were other christians on this board. here i was all this time thinking I was the only one who was a christian here and there are others! cool!

As far as Potter goes, I have seen parts of the movies and have to say there is some tight story-telling going on. I haven't read the books though. If I were to read the books, I would do so cautiously. there are alot of witchcraft and socery elements to the books from what I've heard from people who have read them. I'd probalby have no problem reading them because I know the differencef between reality and fiction, but io wouldn't let my kid read them until the are old enough to understand some things.
Your Favorite Star Wars Film
from a story telling point of view, which is how I usually view these movies anyways, Empire takes the cake. Empire fleshed out the characters and made them seem very much like people we could come in contact with minus all the costumes and lightsabers and breathing masks. The personallities seemed as such that I could know someone like that. Irvan did an awesome job giving the story a real depth and graininess. The original follows very closely. Yes, it did introduce the characters, I'll give you that, but something about them was a little unrealistic personality-wise. Overall, I like the OT because the acting and the stories flow alot better than they did in the prequels. Also, something you don't see in the prequels are moments that I call "breathers" these are breif moments where the film rests a bit to allow the audience some peace and so they can digest everything thus far. ROTS was close on this count but not close enough.
Your favorite Hollywood excuse for 2005's crappy box office returns
the only reason their is a piracy issue is
1: the world is run by money.
2: because of 1, artists make works to make money.
3: people are just plain cheap and lazy

those aren't all the reasons, just the ones that spring to mind at the moment

blaming piracy for the lack of box office returns is just stupid in my opinion. It's stupid and it's a cop out of sorts. Make going to the movies something fun to look forward to if you want people to spend money at the theaters. I remember when I was a kid, going to the movies was something to look forward to. Also, I think the can think about having fewer screens than they have now. That might have something to do with it.
IMDB Daily Poll (11/3/05)
hmmm... why so many sequels? I was having this conversation with a friend of mine the other day. I rold him that i wish hollywood would stop using books, video games, other movies, comic books etc. and make an original work for once. Robocop was original, karate kid was original, the never ending story was original etc, etc.
He ends up saying something that contradicts my statement and I don't stand up to it like I should. Why can't I just stand my ground?
Prequel total rewrites...?
someone suggested in an earlier topic resembling this one that grevious should have actually been darth maul brought back to life as a half-machine thing. That would have been a much better transition to vader in my mind because you have a man that is more machine than man twisted and evil as ben said in jedi.

I agree with not showing anakin becoming vader. that would preserve the surprise in empire. it would also mean that alot of long hours need to go into thinking things through about how to do the secondary apprentice, maybe one given to ben for training during the clone wars.

On a side note, i did suggest in a topic a while back that palpy cloned anakin and that the clone was the dark side user until anakin duels him. Ben would catch the tail end of the duel and think that anakin was killed by his clone, thus preserving the idea of what ben says in ANH. but that was too much of a cop out and un-original. I also believe that anakin's turning needs to happen earlier than episode 3. He should turn at the end of episode 2 by being forced to defend palpy from mace windu. there's more to that statement that I have to work out but take it as you will for now.
My theory on when O-OT will come (Just a theory)
souunds to me like alot of waiting will be invovled. I really wish they would just get on with it and move on to different projects. If you think about it, Lucas has literally become what he was working against at the start of his career as a filmmaker. He always wanted to explore and try different things but now he just keeps milking the same thing for money over and over again. He has become scared and stupid in my opinion. He is not the strong force he thinks he is. All he has is money and a bunch of yes people. Lucas has become weak and feable since he is unwilling to really let star wars go and just move on to different things. We may never get the O-OT until he croaks, which is sad.
Prequel total rewrites...?
besides, if you have anakin saying that he wants his son to have this when hes old enough and you have ben saying to luke that your father wanted you to hae this when you were old enough, you tip the audience off as to vader being lukes father. Thus ruining the surprise of vader himself telling luke he is his father. I can't see any way of doing the prequels without ruining that surprise in ESB. The only answer is don't even do the prequels at all
Prequel total rewrites...?
for the prequels, just follow the basics of what vader, emperor, yoda, and kenobi said during the original trilogy. Minus what ben first told luke in the first movie, it just screws things up if you try to stick to it. 1. first movie leads up to clone war or at start of clone war. Kenobi is not yet a general but he is introduced to a brash, hotshot pilot named anakin skywalker. Maybe change his last name since ben only mentions his first name and not his last. ben tries to train anakin against the counsels wishes.(this only works if its done right) yoda finds out that anakin is being trained and has no choice but to knight him because of his skills. Anakin and ben win some major victorys which make them into heros. Anakin meets palpatine, palpatine tries to seduce him. Anakin becomes vader, Vader begins to hunt down the jedi while he is still posing as anakin in the temple. Ben and Yoda are the only jedi who find out who is doing all the killing. Ben goes off to fight Vader, Yoda faces Palpy, except they don't use sabers beings of their level of skill don't need lightsabers. Yoda realizes he will not win against Palpy and goes into exile. Ben wins the fight with vader and vader becomes disfigured forever. Palpy finds vader and rushes him to medical, Vader is put into iron lung. Luke is born. Now it is imparative that Luke be the onlly baby we know of. The Sister is the surprise of Jedi. And we can't know that luke is Vaders son, this is the thing that irks me about this particular method of telling these stories. If you don't do the prequels and you just have 4-6, every generation will be just as surprised to find out that vader is the father as the first generation to see it in the theaters. For all they say about Lucas being a master storyteller this is his biggest flaw in his biggest story. He gives it away too soon if you watch the films in order. You need to be surprised at the revalation of vader being lukes father, it just works.
This flaw also shows me that Lucas never had a grand plan set in place for the prequels to begin with. If he did, he would have written things differently.
Prequel total rewrites...?
if you want to re-write the prequels, you have to consider re-writing jedi as well since he didn't stick to his original story for that one. You basically have to do the following: kill han toward the end, no death star 2, no ewoks only wookies, luke and leia are not related, don't show the emperor. at the end han dies, leia becomes queen of the remaining people of Alderaan and Luke goes off to find his sister. Chewie and Lando do something, probably go with leia I guess.
Superman Movie
hmmm.... kinda makes you wonder about burton though doesn't it? he got Batman almost close to what the comics are like and he says he doesn't read comics? come on! I think he just didn't like Superman so he wanted to ruin him. Burton does good when he works on something original or something in his vein of taste, and Supes just isn't either of those.
Star Trek is Gay
2001 has alot of great moments, but for today's audiances, it could be considered too slow. I persoanally liked it although I didn't understand how the last sequence was supposed to be so much like an LSD trip as I've had it described to me. By all counts, the story was new for it's time at least to non-sci-fi fans.

ESB has its moments as well but it wasn't really on par with 2001. That's not sying it wasn't a good story, it just didn't hit it like 2001 did. This from a Christian who doesn't believe in evolution which is featured promonetly in 2001... but we don't need to get into that.