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Superweapon VII

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Star Wars Headcanons

The Sand People’s language isn’t actually a collection of animalistic grunting/barking; that’s just how it sounds to outsiders when passed through their mask filters. Sand People may wear comlinks under their headwrappings which allow they to hear each other properly, or they may’ve learned to understand this “filter talk” as a type of secret language.

Contacting ROJ comic artists for <em>original prints</em>

timdiggerm said:

Fruit672 said:

timdiggerm said:

Are you trying to convince industry professionals to send you high quality scans which are now the property of Disney?

Eh, worth a shot. And still, the comics from 1984, it should be in the public domain by now…

Morally, maybe, but definitely not legally 😦

Yeah. If we lived in even a quarterway just society, all this and more would’ve been decades in the public domain by now.

General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

Far as I’m concerned, lightsaber colours should reflect the preferences/psyches of their creators. A Jedi head-over-heels in love would have a red lightsaber, an emotionally cold and aloof Sith would have blue, some guys just want to go with their favourite colours, etc, etc. If the prequel-era Jedi Order is a clique of groupthinking cultists, they’d have a limited range of colours/hues — almost exclusively blue. But Luke’s green lightsaber should be a signifier of his individuality and departure from the dogmatism of the old Order, and the various & sundry lightsaber colours of his students would indicate likewise.

General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

Mocata said:

fmalover said:

I find the whole crystal bleeding thing to be pretty stupid.

It is.

Also new lore says the Death Star laser uses these crystals. So they special rare and “alive” but also so easy to mine in huge quantities? Absolute nonsense.

I believe the lore is that some of these crystals were originally components in ancient Sith superweapons. So how come they’re green, if Sith need to bleed kyber crystals to make them work for them, and they only bleed red?

Filoni is full o’ baloney.

General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

fmalover said:

I find the whole crystal bleeding thing to be pretty stupid.

Emo shit. 😛

In theory, I have absolutely no problem with the idea that lightsiders and darksiders would construct their lightsabers differently. Let’s start with the premise that lightsaber crystals are alive and possess some level of sentience, that they have wills of their own and won’t just let any schmuck use them as batteries in their gizmoes. The Force-user would then need to get the crystal to cooperate with them. For the lightsider, this would involve a lengthy period of meditation over the crystal to form a rapport with it, requiring deep concentration and patience. For the darksider, they’d just use the Force to dominate the crystal, bending it to their will — the quick and easy path. But the difference between lightside/darkside lightsabers would be entirely psychical; they’d feel different, not necessarily look different. But everything pertaining to lightsabers in official canon has been thoroughly fucked up since 2002. Just look at how TCW handles a Jedi’s construction of their first lightsaber; the younglings go on an Easter egg hunt, then telekinetically mash the components together within seconds. Such a downgrade from how it once was tackled in older EU.

What's your favorite Steven Spielberg movie?

JadedSkywalker said:

Then again I’m a Spielberg apologist who finds some good in Tintin, and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. And can defend the film AI. But I still hate the War of the Worlds remake.

The one scene I enjoyed from War of the Worlds was the peanut butter sandwich scene. The rest of the movie was a chore to sit through.

Which one do you like more? The Prequels or the Sequels? And why?

Fan_edit_fan said:

Lest we forget, the movies absolutely didn’t BOTHER to tell us how the hell that lightsaber was found and brought back into the plot 30 years later. Remember that awful idea they had for the opening of TFA where after the crawl you’d think you were seeing a giant spaceship, but it turns into a force perspective gag where it would reveal its Luke’s lightsaber from ESB…floating through space for 30 years with Luke’s severed hand still on it. Then it hits Jakkus atmosphere and the hand disintegrates but the lightsaber falls to the ground. And someone immediately picks it up. Just so dumb and awkward.

Who would have thought soo many of these directors would be so completely out of touch with making further stories and films?? Abrams talked about loving SW OT for years before there was a sequel trilogy and his work on Star Trek showed that he’d rather be making SW films. How could he have started Episode 7 like that? Now when directors get on an IP and mention being “huge fans” it makes me worry.

The worst fanfiction is written by the biggest fans. In 1997, I wrote sequels where the Rebels had to fight a Darth Vader imposter – really Luke & Leia’s hitherto unknown younger brother – who commanded four Death Stars. Sometimes these fans grow up to realize how bad their fanfics were. But hacks like Jar Jar Abrams never grow up.

Which one do you like more? The Prequels or the Sequels? And why?

Fan_edit_fan said:

Superweapon VII said:

JadedSkywalker said:

You want me to do homework, play every game, read every comic, and novel to understand your terrible movie, you failed.

Their goal is to make you consume product. From that perspective, they’ve succeeded.

Not if he didn’t buy any of the product. 😁

I was using the generic you, y’know. 😛

General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

fmalover said:

I have the Dorling-Kindersley Star Wars Visual Guide of the OT, which came out in 1997, and there it says the Emperor looked the way he did due to his lifelong immersion in the Dark Side.

After watching TPM I expected there to be a progression of his Dark Side corruption becoming more evident with each passing entry, and I was sorely disappointed when ROTS establishes that actually it was due to Mace Windu deflecting Force Lightning back at him. So stupid.

I recall the official SW website came up with some bullshit explanation that actually Palpatine was using the Force to project a non-corrupted looking version of himself. Yeah right.

I think it was a mistake bringing McDiarmid back for the prequels. No shade against his acting ability, but Palpatine really needed to have been played by a much younger actor to drive home the severity of his dark side corruption. James Marsters I feel would’ve been the perfect choice.

Approaching Star Wars canon

Connor MacLeod said:

The best attempt at a consistent canon was between 1983 and 1998. After ROTJ and before the prequels. It was pretty consistent then.

The continuity was in flux even then. Ulic Qel-Droma’s backstory as related in the Dark Empire endnotes doesn’t line up perfectly with what we saw in Tales of the Jedi, as just one example. That said, the pre-1999 EU was more accepting of artistic license than what followed afterward.

Muxing up Movie quotes

“Hey, I’m tired of talkin’. When you gonna do me, huh?”

“Oh, you’re gonna savour this.”

“Uh-huh, uh-huh. I wanna real long one.”

“You do?”

“I wanna smell myself, umm-hmm. Can I taste my skin when it gets crispy? Sweat’s what makes it tasty, don’tcha know?”

“Now who’s the chatterbox? Now who’s moving his lips?”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. You’re still gonna do me, now, aren’t ya? You’re still gonna‽”


“Chronic insult to the frontal lobe. This one will write me a thank-you note.”

“It’s like a thousand points of light.”

“A hundred-and-thirty volts brain via scalp. Generalized electrical seizure.”

“I like the dirty talk! All that volt and electrode stuff! You wanna buzz me more? When I get a little I always wanna lot.”

“You’re a piggy little thing. You want more?”

“I told you I got the itch. I’m burnin’ up! I’m a hunka electric corpuscles!”

“First we work. You scratch my itch.”

“That’s no fair! I’m a juice dog! I’m a twitchin’ skee-ball! And you won’t let me shiver!”

George Lucas should get more credit for &quot;saving Anakin Skywalker&quot; in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

I used to be a lot more charitable to TCW, because it was better than the prequels. But “better” =/= “good”, and in hindsight, it’s helluvalot clearer just how much of a hack Filoni is. I’m not all that motivated to ever rewatch the series, but if I do, I’ll probably end up dropping my rating down to a 5/10, placing it right alongside ROTJ and TFA.