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Favorite Board Games

Originally posted by: JediSage
Used to play Monopoly by the week. I remember I had a 6 consecutive-day game going with a friend of mine during spring break during high school once. It ended in controversy!!

I also used to play a lot of Trivia Pursuit: Genus Edition (I think Hawking would be clueless with some of those questions!!), Scrabble, and chess. Won my school chess championship one year, then kind of lost interest. Trying to get back into playing in tourneys again.

What're you're favs?

Lol, I was going to try to read this whole thread, but I got hung up. You're right, Hawking would do bad at Trivial Pursuit, any edition. He is a super genius, not a book of random facts Lol. Ken Jennings on the other hand....him & that other guy that beat him on the 2 Million dollar game.
motti's lounge... here you are free to do whatever you please, except mess with the Mangler Bros. Inc.

Originally posted by: motti_soL
ninjas? ninjas, shimmy? puhlease... im a Mangler Bros!!!

and entire leeegion of your best troops couldn't take me out

He DOES have a special Trooper backing him....*conceals blaster rifle behind back, clicking off stun*

Good to see you back bud! I like the comment about not missing certain people one bit
Foretelling? Or something else? *SPOILERS*
I recall about a half year ago, people were posting different possibilities for the plotline of Ep III & a few had good ideas. Some claimed to have found the "actual" first draft of the script. In fact, I remember one in particular that someone posted that reflected MANY pieces of the true movie. I was just curious if any of the other - most likely "senior" members remember this thread I'm speaking of or, even better, the post.

I know I am not imagining this, because of all the things I recall, *SPOILER* Ki-Adi-Mundi & Plo Koon existed as generals through the entire movie, being holo images in the council cambers. Also, a few other things, like Ani going into the Temple w/ the clones at his back, the younglings, Darth coming at the end, & I'm pretty sure the scene w/ Vader & Sidious at the end too.

If anyone could locate this, that'd be sooooo cool, thanks!