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The Star Wars Holiday Special: The Definitive Release (Help Needed) (WIP)

Darth telly said:

Would someone be willing to find a way to download this for me?

That was annoying. It’s split up into multiple parts each 1 minute long. I wrote a quick bash script to download all the parts. Works on Linux. I think Mac would also work with this?
And if you have ffmpeg, it also combines them all:

while [ $counter -lt 1800 ]
filename=The_Colbert_Report_$(printf “%04d” ${counter})-$(printf “%04d” $(expr ${counter} + 60)).mp4
echo “file $filename” >> colbert_concat
wget -O ${filename} ${main_link_start}${counter}${main_link_end}$(expr ${counter} + 60)
counter=$(expr ${counter} + 60)

ffmpeg -f concat -i colbert_concat -c copy The_Colbert_Report_20120110.mp4

In case that didn’t format correctly when pasting here:


I just ran it and it finished. When it’s done, it had the following files:

All the ~6mb files are the 1 minute mp4s.
colbert_concat is an intermediary file made by the script, needed by ffmpeg to combine.
go.sh is the actual script
The_Colbert_Report_20120110.mp4 is the final file, 179mb.

The final file seems fine. Most of the transitions at the minute marks are unnoticeable (3-4 of them had a bit of corrupted video).

Chewbacca & holiday special stuff starts at around the 17min mark 😃.

Star Wars Holiday Special - Zion Hybrid v3 (a WIP)

I can’t tell if you guys are serious.

But my take on CatBus’ original statement is that he was stating something that’s pretty subjective (an opinion on the ranking of bear sub-species) and making an outright qualitative statement and saying it as if it were fact.

And he was saying it in a slightly mocking but mostly jovial way, trying to draw a parallel to your argument. CatBus may enjoy black bears. Maybe he likes the grace and power they display. But that doesn’t make them unequivocally the ‘best’.
Someone else might appreciate te regalness (regality?) of a polar bear. Or the grace of a brown bear. Or the ferocity of a grizzly bear. Or the comedy of a panda bear (which may or may not count as an actual bear).
But none of them can be right, absolutely, that the bear they like is truly the ‘best’.

Similarly, one might like the detail of d+77, or the grain of 4k77.
But there’s no definite/absolute ‘best’, so probably best not to argue about it.
Especially in this thread.

The follow-up comment by CatBus (and even the first one):

Also CatBus was wrong about one thing. Panda’s are clearly the best bears.

Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)

There’s an sfv file included with each release.
You can get a program like quicksfv (or whatever Mac equivalent) and run it against the sfv/rar files. It will tell you which files are missing/incomplete/corrupt. That way you can just try to redownload a few specific files that didn’t download properly, for whatever reason.

Unable to Download Despecialized Star Wars, Please Help!

It might take longer and be more manual, but you should be able to get the rar files individually using your browser.
FRD and JDownloader are useful tools to make it easier, but not essential.

If you keep going a bit to section 3, step 7, instead of copying all the links into FRD, you can visit each link individually, and download the partial files like that.

After you’ve gotten all the files manually, you’ll basically be able to resume at ~step 10 or so.

The other option is to figure out why java/mac/FRD aren’t getting along in your case. But that might be more trouble than it’s worth.

Harmy's STAR WARS Respecialized Edition '97 - AVCHD and MKV Released

Luismivan20 said:

Where can I dowload it? I’m new

Look at the first post in this thread:

Go to the ‘ultimate introductory guide’. There’s instructions there about how to get the Despecialized editions, as well as this respecialized.