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Protecting against electrical interference?
I have to contend with some new medical equipment in my household that can't be switched off. I occasionally notice interference on my tv, but haven't done any video transfers as of late. Is there a surefire way to prevent any line noise or other unwanted things from potentially screwing up a video recording session? I have a surge protector and a UPS in my video setup already.
Understanding the saga - A perspective from T.F.N
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
Now, none of them are reference material as far as filmmaking goes.

All of the people who were inspired and started wanting to learn how to make their own movies after seeing the original film, (and Empire) would respectfully disagree! I learned a *hell* of a lot about editing studying them on the old CAV laserdiscs. I think all the awards the OT has won, (and not just the Oscars) speak for themselves.
Info: Holiday Special on 16mm?
Ah, ok. I knew it was inflicted on some other country, and presumed England. It would add to the horror if they went to the trouble to dub it into other langauges!
The other possibility that occured to me is tv programming shipped out to various military bases around the globe. I once came across at a thrift store 16mm prints of filmed tv shows with Navy markings on the cans. Back in college, the tv studio I slaved at used to get donations of U-matic tapes in Navy Blue shells with U.S. military markings on them. The few intact labels often listed tv shows with airdates from 1979 into the mid 80's, but they were usually all bulk erased!