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<em>Star Wars: The Clone Wars</em> To Return With New Episodes

Filoni gets huge props for giving us stories that support ROTS so much better than it could ever stand on its own. It definitely helps shift the perspective from “one day things were fine and a few days later everyone was dead” to “the entire galaxy was ready for a governing and power shift, and it’s the events of ROTS that really just push it over the edge.”

With Clone Wars finally complete, it feels like we have a solid setup for the movie.

<em>Star Wars: The Clone Wars</em> To Return With New Episodes

Watching the last 4 episodes together was absolutely incredible. Best Star Wars experience I’ve had in a long time.

I had to laugh that the one scene where they made a direct ROTS scene connection (the holographic briefing) was one of the scenes that both Hal and I replaced with an earlier deleted scene. So any attempt to use our edits in a broader multi-edit would probably require cutting the initial duplicate ROTS lines and starting right as Ahsoka walks in.

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

While I can see the merits (and emotional weight) of Obi-Wan welcoming Luke, I felt perfectly satisfied in theaters. Luke has done a 180, faced his demons, used all his force powers to save those he loves, and floats away into the Force he has cut himself off from for so long. Personally I don’t need it spelled out for me, it’s right there to be seen and felt.

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

That’s pretty goddamned great, nice work!

For me, “at last” would work in the context of “you’ve finally shed your last burdens, snoke is dead, skywalker is dead, and Rey has left you behind.” Personally I can’t quite hear it as it stands (I was going to say it would only work subtly until I realized you’d already put it in there).

However, I’d be fine with this version as is.

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

poppasketti said:

Unlike other lightsaber battles (such as Luke vs. Vader), there’s no opportunity to reveal character here. I’m not invested in the guards, so there’s not a lot of tension; it’s just more of a release for Rey and Kylo-Ren.

Absolutely. It’s honestly one of the best set-up lightsaber battles in the entire saga, and you genuinely care for the people involved by the time it starts. I admit I wish the choreography were a little tighter (that one CGI’d out knife in particular) but in terms of flow and understated meaning, it’s great. What matters is that they’re fighting side by side, not so much the content of the fight itself.

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

poppasketti said:

I’ll listen to it again and make refinements there! I definitely intended the twitch to coincide with a burst of static/voice, but maybe as I was tweaking it I made it too subtle!

Hm, you do definitely have something there already- I guess to me it needs to mean more to elicit that big a twitch. Adam Driver is reacting to the shock of his only lifeline to the Light Side/Redemption closing (at least for now). Obviously without giving away the full Palpatine reveal we can’t replace it with anything too dramatic, but perhaps there’s a way to draw out that twitch reaction in a way that feels natural. Again, maybe voice would be more effective, even if we might not fully understand it.

And I can hear those Sith whispers near the end now that you mention it, definitely make those a little bit louder.

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

poppasketti said:

That’s interesting. There’s a few shots that can be used in different ways. I always liked cutting from the door closing to the Kylo eyes closeup, and felt that the twitching shot (in this new context) felt like he was being disturbed/confused, unsure if he was hearing voices in the radio. He could be questioning his sanity. I also added some low level Sith whispers (good things come in threes!) to reinforce the idea that there’s more going on than the radio. I’m wondering if I should even make them a bit more prominent in the mix.

I could buy the shift from the door moment to calculating rather than hurt (it’s hard for me not to read that emotion in his eyes in that shot), but you would definitely need to provide a little extra oomph right as he twitches later. Either a word from Palpatine, or a burst of static, something to elicit a specific reaction like the boom of the door did originally. It’s a pity we don’t have clean audio of Palpatine saying “Kylo”, do we? That might do the trick.

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

My only sticking point is losing the emotional twitch from Kylo as the door closes. To me it feels like he’s reacting to something much more immediate (and tragic) than the radio broadcast, and now it feels out of place having it later. I know it’s a pain to find shots to use in the right order, but that definitely stood out to me.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

yic17 said:

The other scene is the kiss scene. I dig the kiss itself, but I hate how Ben died immediately after. The crowd at the theater cheered when they kissed. But a lot of people laughed when Ben died. It was just too soon and too fast. I don’t know if that’s JJ’s intention. But I wish his death would be more dramatic. And I later learned it’s not just my theater, someone else had the exact experience where the audience cheered at the kiss and then laughed when he died. I think slowing down both scenes giving them more breathing room will help a lot.

It was the opposite in ours: There were audible groans at the kiss. And other friends have told me their theaters actually boo’d haha. That pieced-together version of that scene on YouTube actually feels much better to me, with them almost looking like they might kiss, and then him dying instead. The tension is still there, you don’t need a big goofy romantic moment.