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STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Chief Mouse said:

Totally amazing work Ady! All the waiting paid off 😃 I made a video comparison of Hoth battle - Grindhouse 35mm print vs Revisited. See how far we’ve become! Hope the creators don’t mind - https://mega.nz/#!4HAAwYpL!6lxXG9K-sq7Padtx6v5rNwoHHcHzvXPAF1IXi8y-k-c

Love that comparison and it really showcases the work done for the edit. Thank you very much for uploading it!

If anyone has the ability and means, I would love to see a full length comparison of the Blu-ray and Revisited in split screen! Until then, the video here and the screen comparisons will suffice! 😃

Harmy's Despecialized Star Wars 1977 - Color Adjustment Project for v2.7 (released)

towne32 said:

The Savage said:

Looking forward to this! Will it be released on the same paradoxical site as Harmy’s original version as well?

Yep! Harmy said he’d put it up there once everything is confirmed to be fine and a comparison gallery is made.

Most excellent! I will look for it there in the future!

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

doubleofive said:

Yes, but that's not for this edit. Episode numbers are staying.

And I'm fine with that if Ady keeps them. Again, they are his edits and his final say. 

It was just something weighing on my mind that I felt like throwing out there. Having someone dismiss my opinion out of hand was insulting beyond belief. 

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

HotRod said:

Adyman is doing the prequels, so your point is crap. 

Sorry, but it is. 


Well, where to start? I do enjoy unnecessary, anonymous insults on the internet as much as the next guy, but I digress. 

My "point" was opinion, as can be found in most posts on this forum. Just as your opinion is that my "point" was crap. Phrasing it as you did, followed by "cheers" was rude and condescending at best. 

Now, here's my point on the matter. The Star Wars Saga (prequels, sequels, whatever) can happily live without episode numbering in the crawls. They can be marketed with the numerals if desired, but I don't think it's a necessity to feature them in the crawl proper. 

I despise how the episode numbers featured so heavily in the marketing during the prequel era. I understood what they going for with TPM, but after that, what was the point? Were people going to be confused that the movie coming in 2002 was not going to be the next chronological episode? 

Back in the 1983-1999 timespan, I never said "man, episode 5 is my favorite!" Sure, it's a pet peeve and an annoyance, but there it is. These will always be Adywan's edits and the prequels are a part of his entire vision. That's fine by me. I won't stop anyone from enjoying the prequels, they are just not for me.  

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Back to the Revisited Saga....

I'm not sure if I brought this up before, but I wouldn't mind the episode enumeration dropped from the crawls entirely. Just start as "Star Wars. It is....", then "Star Wars. The Empire Strikes Back. It is..." For A New Hope I could take or leave the episode title in the crawl. 

In my mind, Star Wars is and will most likely always be a three episode story. Axing the numbered order would let me live in my own fantasy land where the prequels never existed, but in no way take away from those who really want them to be part of the universe. 

I have no idea what I'll think of the sequels, but I am hopeful they are good. I would just like to have the "ultimate" versions of the original three to live in their own finite space. 

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>


You can work on the prequels as much as you like, but to me Star Wars in its current form will always be a three episode story.  Those are the films that hold special meaning to me.  I cherish the OUT, but love to have the proper special editions in the Revisited Trilogy.  They live side-by-side in my world.

Now, the prequels are a train wreck.  I'm interested to see what you do with them, but I don't see anything redeemable about the films.  They certainly don't bring anything in the OT to new heights.  In my mind, they are best forgotten or remembered best as poor fan fiction.

The sequel trilogy is another beast altogether. Maybe it will be great. Maybe it will suck. It's way too early to tell.  What you're doing on the OT:R should not be affected in any way by the ST.  I know big things are in the cards for ROTJ:R, but the story doesn't deviate much at all in SW:R and ESB:R, and I can't fathom why anything would need to be changed after the ST comes out.  Retconning the OT is a very bad idea.

Everything's fair game on the prequels, though. :)

Still can't wait to see how the new Falcon looks!

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Great stuff in the preview as usual.

Re: Vader's view-screen

I do agree that the text is unnecessary and am happy to hear that it will be removed from the final product. Although cool looking, I don't see why it would even be on there. This is in Vader's meditation chamber after all, and I would suppose if he's going to be doing any real work, he would either proceed to a different room altogether, or would have a screen installed on the inside of the chamber itself. I really don't see Vader kicking back with some nachos and watching Glee on it while checking email and editing his "Officers Choked" spreadsheet. It's just a Skype screen and doesn't need to be anything else. Now if we see him turn around and Super Mario World was displayed until he pressed the input button, that would be fine, too. :)

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

I'd vote for straight up newsgroup release (never going to disappear) or filesharing sites like filefactory (may get pulled at some point, and it costs money to upload on most of them). Sure, these would axe streaming options, but it would at least get them out there. You could even password protect the files from prying eyes.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

muddyknees2000 said:

 Revisited is NEVER to be sold for profit. Ever.

This __↑

Agreed. Not going to happen. Selling the blu-ray is just asking for legal action.

And don't worry, there will be plenty of ways to get the disc once it's released.  The fan community is a giving lot around here. :)


And I would like to make a request. I love that screenshotcomparison site and would love to see more shots put up in this format.  Even the ones released to this point as side-by-side (or side-by-each, if you are so inclined).  If anyone wants to step up to the plate on this one <cough> doubleofive <cough>, it would be much appreciated! If not, I'm sure I will survive. :)

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

The icy breath is a good idea, but will take a lot of work to make it look right.  As is, it kinda sticks out and seems a little 'off'.  Like has been said before, the breath will need to be there for bigger breaths and need to match what is being said to the T, otherwise it looks fake. 

I also think the breath would only be apparent in the outdoor or Wampa cave settings because of the great decrease in temperature.  I envision the rebel base as more of an igloo environment with natural insulation, where it is colder, but not so much that heavy jackets are needed all the time.  A lot of characters are in lighter apparel, wear no hats, or have their jackets unzipped.  Once acclimated to a slightly cooler, but not frigid, environment, water vapor from breathing is barely perceptible if visible at all.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

ChainsawAsh said:

What are you talking about?  There's a whole deleted sequence with C-3PO letting wampas loose in the base during the attack....

Well, there's 3P0 ripping a sign off a door and god knows what else.  Most of the Wampa footage was unusable, and the sequence never was finished.

The Empire Strikes Back <em>IMPERIAL &quot;AUDIOPHILE&quot; EDITION</em> - Restored &amp; Remastered Score - J. Williams &amp; LSO (Released)

A big thanks to the member who forwarded me the links to the new(ish) set.

After extraction, one file was corrupt, though.  I re-downloaded and the same result. If anyone can upload the following track and send me a pm with the link, I'd appreciate it:

12 5m2 Yoda Appears.flac

The Empire Strikes Back <em>IMPERIAL &quot;AUDIOPHILE&quot; EDITION</em> - Restored &amp; Remastered Score - J. Williams &amp; LSO (Released)

Well it looks like I'm late to the party on this one, and I guess A B C is now gone from the site.

Anyway, I have the previous "Audiophile" edition that was released, but would love to hear this one as well.  There were a couple tracks I thought needed a little tweaking and would like to hear if they were.

If anyone has any links to the new album online, please pm me. Thanks!