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The intelligence of SW Fan boys....
Whenever I need a good laugh, I head on over to StarWars.com and check out how the knuckle-head Lucas Fanboys are explaining away the growing number of gaping plotholes.

My favorite is the new Emperor segment in ESB 3.0, where the explanations are flying as to why the Emperor and/or Vader haven't discovered Anakin Skywalker's son before now. The new scene makes absolutely no sense (and some of the fanboys readily admit this) but the explanations are quite hilarious.

The current front-runner is that Vader, the Emperor and maybe even Obi-Wan got a mind-wipe of some sort, and have no memory of any prequel event, and wouldn't even know the twins were born.... but of course the fanboy brain-trust forgets ALL about Darth and Obi-Wan's ""Now, I am the master"conversation" from Star Wars, Obi-Wan knowing Yoda, and many other scenes.

LOL, what a bunch of freaks.
I Just Wanted to Thank....
I'm a big fan of the Original Trilogy, and I have not been able to view a nice copy since my LD blew up in the late 1990's and I sold my collection. The Special Editons are grating and virtually impossible to watch, and the SSE 2004 versions are even worse.

But then I found this place, got some links to DVDR copies of the Original Trilogy, and as of this afternoon, had copies of Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back. Wow! What a rush, seeing these movies as they were intended, with no extraneous crap. It was simply beautiful and after the SE and SSE viewings, I had forgotten how exceptional these movies really are and the incredible level of *consistency* present in the OT. Nothing looks out of place, there are no pacing issues, and it's a seamless viewing experience.

So I'd like to say thanks to:

Those hard-working individuals who imported, converted, edited, and otherwise compiled the OT DVD copies. Great work!!!

This forum, for providing a place for like-minded movie fans to converse, and slam that senile old fart Lucas.

The guy who invented LaserDisc, as without that technology, we likely wouldn't have a high-end edition of the OT to work with.

The people, other than that simpleton Lucas, who worked tirelessly to create a killer Original Trilogy, yet have seen their work continually diminished by the meddling of that madman.
I love the DVDs!

Personally, my definition of a fanboy is someone who laps-up any and every product associated with a genre property ... regardless of quality or integrity.

Exactly, and not only does Peeler not any taste, but he has no clue what the accepted definition of a fanboy is.

Alsong with Asha's fine definition, the core of a fanboy is to give up free will, and accept everything from that subculture as the gospel, regardless of its quality or logic.

The Fanboy's Mantra: It Is, Therefore It Is Great
Zombies and Jedi

Hehe no I'm serious, he could really pull it of. I think he can make excelent non-star wars films if he wishes to.

Trust me, if Lucas ever released a non-SW movie, it would sink at the box office. The guy has no talent left, only an incredibly valuable license he is running into the ground.
I love the DVDs!

If you're so nit picky about it being "old school" then isn't putting it on DVD sacrilegious in and of itself? *sigh*

Ah, your incredible cognitive abilities continue to astound, oh Follower of the Lucas Flame!! I own more home theatre hardware than you'll be able to afford in your lifetime little boy, but that doesn't mean I like simplisitic, moronic movie-making like that old senile fart pumps out for the fanboys.

LOL, now why not run back to www.starwars.com like a good little Lucas Groupie....
Why I Don't Like Anything About Naboo or Sifo-Dyas

Originally posted by: INv8r_ZIM
"i am not convenced that there isnt meaning behind all of the name dropping. Though one may never know the original intentions of the W brothers."

Who gives a rats' ass what they intended if they don't DO something with it onscreen?

Exactly, as anyone can slap a symbolic name onto a character, but unless you utilize these characteristics, then it means absolutely nothing.

The Wach Brothers just quickly slapped up a ton of film school BS, surrounded it with meaningless action, and laughed all the way to the bank. Suckers!

Changes in 2004 DVDs
Speaking of that, I remember reading interviews where George stated that the prequels would take place "a hundred years or more before Star Wars"... but obviously that article was incorrect (LOL) as the sad-ass "Anakin Skywalker: The Life and Times A&E Special" prequels attested.

At the core of the issue is how George panders to the small, but incredibly vocal, group of Lucas Fanboys, and basically gives them exactly what they want. Stupid SE and SSE versions for these poor, dateless souls to gab about incessantly (instead of being concerned about real life and *gasp* girls!!), a prequel that changed significantly into a "How Anakin Became Darth Biopic", and interviews that applaud the "current fanbase" for following the "vision and teachings" of their God George Lucas.

It's sad really.
I love the DVDs!
LOL Peeler, you Lucas Lover!!

Georgie Porgy has already stated that he would NEVER release the Original Trilogy on DVD and that as of 2004 IT DOES NOT EXIST. Were you living under a rock and missed that announcement?

So basically, we have nothing to lose about calling a spade a spade and referring to Lucas a senile old fart, because a man is defined by his actions, and Georgie is definitely showing his true colors. The guy's obviously lost it, and only the Star Wars Fanboys can't (or won't) see that.
Changes in 2004 DVDs
It's quite obvious that Jimbo has no idea how movies are made, or just how much raw footage is shot to make a 2 hour movie.

I've said this before and I'll say it again, but the success of the Star Wars final cut was as much a product of Richard Chew's excellent editing, as Lucas' writing. With the crappy SE and SSE 2004 versions, this is clear for anyone to see.
Why I Don't Like Anything About Naboo or Sifo-Dyas

I'm constantly amazed at comments I read from functioning humans who believe that the PT is on a par with the OT.

Me too, but at least part of it is due to the PT being incomplete. I've talked to rabid PT fanboys and while they do admit the first two prequels were less-than satisfying, they all hold out this bizarre hope that Lucas will blow their socks off with Revenge of the Sith, thereby justifying their faith.

If ROTS sucks as badly as the first two prequels, you're going to see quite a few disappointed Lucas Lovers running around.

I love the DVDs!
Just for the record, I have not, and will not, buy these reprehensible 2004 SSE DVDs, and I do not own either of the piss-poor Prequels. I won't give that senile old fart any of my hard-earned money for producing crap.

I am on here because I am a fan of the ORIGINAL TRILOGY (hence www.originaltrilogy.com), and if you want to get greasy with the true Lucas Fanboys, then head on over to www.starwars.com and really see who the vocal and bizarre Fanboys really are.
I love the DVDs!
Hey Lord Peeler, I think you have the terms mixed up:

A Fanboy is someone who goes along with the Lucas program, treats him like God, and defends everything he does, including prequels and SE or SSE changes.

Those who disagree with Lucas are definitely not fanboys, and might be better described as anti-fanboys or heretics.
STAR WARS DVD Producer Van Ling answers the tough questions!

It's a moot and rather ridiculous point. These attempts to redefine, much less negate Lucas' ownership of the films miss the point entirely.

LOL, you're really out there, ain't ya buddy?

Let's say Bill Gates goes out and buys the Mona Lisa and just about every classic piece of art available, and then burns them all.

How you feel about those actions has NOTHING to do with legal ownership, and everything to do with a meglomaniac wantonly destroying pieces of our cultural heritage.

when did you see SW first...

BTW, I popped my SE A New Hope in the other day, just for the sake of comparison, and its almost impossible to watch. The tape has degraded horribly. I adjusted a lot of settings on my tv, and still couldnt seem to get a very clear/bright picture. More's the pitty for the SE, my '95 tapes look great.

I think this is Natural Selection at work.
Why the fans complain...
Believe me, I know it.

When I need a good laugh, I just head on over to the StarWars.com forums, and read the latest illogical, insipid and downright hilarious Lucas Fanboy explanation of "why there are no plotholes".

It's pure comedy, and the lengths these knot-heads will go to is truly amazing.... not to mention quite scary. I'm just glad none of these guys wil ever reproduce.
Why the fans complain...

Sorry, but speak for yourself. I only want the first three movies ... in their untainted form. I'd like to forget the prequels happened, which is why I resent this latest release all the more.

Yeah, why do some Lucas fanboys think that anyone else gives a rat's ass about those horrible Prequels? What color is the sun in their strange little world?
Why the fans complain...
Personally speaking, if all Lucas did was "clean up" the Original Trilogy's FX to make it more palatable to the current generation, then I don't think we'd have much of a problem. Clean up the lightsabers, smooth over the mattes, get rid of the landspeeder cloud.. I'm not saying I would like it, but these are changes that I would NEVER be vocal about.

But when that senile old bastard starts screwing with the actual story, then he's naturally got a problem, especially as all of the story/scene changes and additions (Greedo shoots first, Wampa munches, and munches, and munches..., "Hayden Ghost", Han blabs with Jabba over nothing, etc.) are absolutely terrible, self-serving, fit-the-crappy-Prequels horse-shit, and shows that a senile old fart should never story-edit his younger, more talented self.