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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

chyron8472 said:

I didn’t like Hux (in The Force Awakens). Maybe it’s his appearance, or age, or voice, or something but I have a really hard time taking him seriously as a successor to Tarkin. He just lacks a certain amount of menace that I think someone in that position needs.

Yeah, Hux is a joke. Imagine if we had Hux in A New Hope instead of Tarkin.

Hux also reminds me of the older Anakin in the prequels.

Theatrical blu rays

pittrek said:

Ryan said:

Wazzles said:

The original negative is conformed to the Special Edition, which was not fully digitized until the DVD master was made. However, Lucasfilm likely stored the pieces of the negative they removed, and they have recently been archiving every single piece of film and audio they have. So in a sense, the original negative has been digitized, but it’s not assembled or restored.

Do you know what resolution the negatives were digitized in? i.e. 1080P?

Really hope Lucasfilm has digitized all their OT recordings in the highest quality available. Things like music and sound effects, etc.

The original negatives were cleaned up optically back in 1995(ish). Then they scanned the negs in 1080p, replaced some of the original effects with CGI effects and printed the new scenes again to 35mm film. A combination of the original negatives and the new scenes was created and printed again as “special edition negatives”. These special edition negatives were later scanned again in 1080p and digitally color “corrected”, the color “corrected” scans were then shipped to the external company whose name I can’t remember right now, who cleaned it up (mainly degrained it). Lucasfilm then did more changes to the cleaned up scans (e.g. the new Jabba) and the result was a source of the 2004 DVDs and all of the HDTV broadcasts. Back when they were preparing the 2011 Blu-rays, they took the 2004 version, fixed a few things in it (like the digital encoding glitch or the colour of the lightsabers in some of the scenes) and the result was used for all of the post-2011 releases. So what we got is basically a reencode of a reencode of a reencode of a 1995 1080p scan.

Disney is in process of scanning everything in the Lucasfilm archives

That is a lot of rescanning and rescanning the scan.

I really hope they do a 4K scan of the original negative or something as close to that as possible and release that on Blu-Ray. I didn’t know that there were that many processes involved inbetween the original negative and what we see on the Blu-Ray.

Theatrical blu rays

I’m really hoping with Disney buying 20th Century Fox, that it may motivate them to release the unaltered versions since they get to control 100% of it. Also hopefully they’ll leave in the Fox Fanfare as well.

I don’t know. Maybe the people in charge of Lucasfilm never really cared about the unaltered versions? If I was in charge, I’d be making it a priority to have gotten them released.

Theatrical blu rays

Wazzles said:

Ryan said:

Wazzles said:

Ryan said:

Wazzles said:

Ryan said:

Wazzles said:

The original negative is conformed to the Special Edition, which was not fully digitized until the DVD master was made. However, Lucasfilm likely stored the pieces of the negative they removed, and they have recently been archiving every single piece of film and audio they have. So in a sense, the original negative has been digitized, but it’s not assembled or restored.

Do you know what resolution the negatives were digitized in? i.e. 1080P?

Really hope Lucasfilm has digitized all their OT recordings in the highest quality available. Things like music and sound effects, etc.

The stuff they’ve been archiving recently is most likely 4k, but who knows.

The thing I’m worried about is the original negative of the OT. Lucas said it was in terrible shape back in the early 90’s, i.e. fragile and pink colors, etc. So, I’m just wondering how they’d do a 4K scan on it 25 year later?

I still hope they at least try to do a 4K scan of all of the original pieces of the negative for the OT soon. I do believe they’d said that 4K scan they did recently was of the special edition. Whatever that means. Hopefully more comes out on that. As I know we all were hoping that 4K scan was of the pre-special edition stuff.

The negatives were restored to a degree before the special edition work began, so it should be in okay shape.

Do you know if that “restored” meant they were able to stop the film color fade? It’s my understanding the film stock Lucas used during that time period ended up being poor film stock. And thus the deterioration and bad color fade happened. Which is why the negative looked pink and thus resulted in extensive recoloring and things that people complain about.

At least in the case of the portions that were used for the special edition, yeah. Nobody outside of Lucasfilm has seen the pieces that were removed, but those are supposedly in horrendous condition.

I’m hoping that in the early 90’s that Lucas cleaned and preserved the entire film negatives. Even the stuff that was cutout and replaced with new CGI outerspace sequences, etc. I’m betting that the whole thing was probably run through the preservation process. As I believe one of the first steps they did was clean the original negative, etc. before they even started doing the CGI stuff. So I’d imagine the preservation process was the first thing completed.

One thing I liked on the later special editions. Was I forget which one it was. But it was an outerspace sequence where two ships are flying in the distance. And in the 80’s VHS, you could see a square box around each ship as it’s flying in space. I remember always hating that sequence in the 80’s. I believe those were from the square masks they’d put behind the ships sometimes when filming the ships.

But I really liked with the later special editions, they removed those square box things.

Star Wars "Official" Canon Content Thread

joefavs said:

Ryan said:

I’ve got a subscription to Marvel online comics. Still haven’t read the Star Wars comics yet, but plan to at some point. I’ve read that the “Star Wars” line isn’t necessarily that good, but seems that people liked the mini-series Vader Down comics.

Vader Down isn’t really it’s own discreet thing; it’s a crossover arc spread between Star Wars and Darth Vader. Star Wars has some good arcs and some bad ones, it’s pretty up and down. My favorite canon SW series are Dr. Aphra (which you probably ought to read Darth Vader before getting into), Lando, and Poe Dameron.

Yeah, I’ve actually got the whole Vader Down crossover thing saved via subscription. On the website, I opened the comic up to full screen mode in landscape view and did the copy/paste and saved a screenshot bmp pic, and then did that for each page of each comic in that series. And so I’ve got a lot of those digital comics saved as full screen bmp pics for each page.

I’m glad the designs in the newer Star Wars comics look fairly decent. A lot of newer comics do an anime or whatever look to their characters, and I just can’t read those. I also really like the style of the newer Silver Surfer comics. As it pretty much looks similar in design to the old stuff.

At some point, I plan on going through all the original The Amazing Spider-Man comics of the 70’s on. I really liked that series. I think that continuity is still running today. I don’t believe they did a reboot of it from what I can tell. But I don’t know if the newer ones of that line is any good.

Theatrical blu rays

Wazzles said:

Ryan said:

Wazzles said:

Ryan said:

Wazzles said:

The original negative is conformed to the Special Edition, which was not fully digitized until the DVD master was made. However, Lucasfilm likely stored the pieces of the negative they removed, and they have recently been archiving every single piece of film and audio they have. So in a sense, the original negative has been digitized, but it’s not assembled or restored.

Do you know what resolution the negatives were digitized in? i.e. 1080P?

Really hope Lucasfilm has digitized all their OT recordings in the highest quality available. Things like music and sound effects, etc.

The stuff they’ve been archiving recently is most likely 4k, but who knows.

The thing I’m worried about is the original negative of the OT. Lucas said it was in terrible shape back in the early 90’s, i.e. fragile and pink colors, etc. So, I’m just wondering how they’d do a 4K scan on it 25 year later?

I still hope they at least try to do a 4K scan of all of the original pieces of the negative for the OT soon. I do believe they’d said that 4K scan they did recently was of the special edition. Whatever that means. Hopefully more comes out on that. As I know we all were hoping that 4K scan was of the pre-special edition stuff.

The negatives were restored to a degree before the special edition work began, so it should be in okay shape.

Do you know if that “restored” meant they were able to stop the film color fade? It’s my understanding the film stock Lucas used during that time period ended up being poor film stock. And thus the deterioration and bad color fade happened. Which is why the negative looked pink and thus resulted in extensive recoloring and things that people complain about.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

MalàStrana said:

Ryan said:
I would not be surprised if you see fan edits of TFA where they edit out a lot of Rey’s parent stuff. I think the Rey’s parent stuff in TFA will feel like a drag on repeated viewings. That’s assuming nothing changes on that in 9.

But knowing she really is “no one” and not a Skywalker/whatever blood relative is one of the strongest ideas of the movie (and RJ takes his time to make that reveal, so in a way it’s quite respectful of the material). By making Rey not-Skywalker, he gives the Saga new horizons (I don’t like the Rey character but this idea is great me-think).

If they wanted Rey to be a “no one”, then they could have done that in TFA. There was no need to do a big setup, then in TLJ to throw that away of her being a “no one”.

I would have much rather we know in TFA that Rey is no one. They could have easily and quickly done that in TFA of her NOT being a Skywalker sibling, but a daughter of regular “no one” parents.

What was the point of her being “classified” in TFA?

Who knows, maybe JJ will retcon the whole thing and it will matter in Episode 9?

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

DrDre said:

Ryan said:

TK-949 said:

pleasehello said:

Because everyone on this forum loves RedLetterMedia so much:

OMG! They didn’t like it. They didn’t like a movie I like! Now I don’t know, what I’m gonna do with rest of my life! I think I’m gonna hate them now.

I still haven’t watched RedLetterMedia’s review of The Force Awakens. Do they “like” that movie?

They thought it was an entertaining movie with some good characters, but that it was too derivative. Overall, I think they liked it mostly, but felt and still feel Star Wars is in the recycling business. TFA actually made RLM’s Mr. Plinkett praise the the prequels for trying to do something original.

I do think that about the prequels. In that I never felt the prequels were a rehash of the OT like we’re getting with the ST.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

yotsuya said:

DrDre said:

yotsuya said:

DrDre said:

Then there’s the fact that this entire arc aims to push Rey to the foreground as the next last Jedi, Luke 2.0, new and improved. However, does she deserve this mantle? Luke goes through hell and back before becoming a Jedi, making mistakes, suffering loss of life and limbs. Rey get’s her powers handed to her, and seemingly is never tempted. She’s almost a perfect heroine. The secret of her parents are supposed to be a representation of her personal demons, but it’s ultimately inconsequential. She cries about it, and the next scene she’s back being the hero. When Luke discovered the secret about his father, there was anguish and reflection, setting up the redemption arc of the next film.

Sorry to jump back a couple of pages, but if you remember Empire, Luke had this huge immediate reaction. The rest of his reaction had nothing to do with who his father is, but that Ben didn’t tell him. His litany is “Ben, why didn’t you tell me.” Before we ever see him really deal with it, he is back to his old self by the end of the movie and back to being a hero in the opening act of Jedi. Yes, he asks Yoda to confirm it, but Luke instantly accepted who his father was and carried on. So I’m failing to see how Rey crying about it and back to being a hero in the next scene is much different.

For one ROTJ takes place about a year after TESB, so it’s a difference between several minutes and a year. Secondly, the Luke we meet in ROTJ is not exactly the same character. He’s more mature, and serious, perhaps even a little darker (applying a Force choke early on). Either way, his discovery of his father’s identity leads directly into him questioning his masters, the shock of the confirmation, and the Vader redemption arc. Rey’s discovery as depicted really can’t go anywhere, and she’s already forgotten about it minutes later in the same film, and it is thus totally inconsequential. So, it’s definitely not the same situation.

One of the things that I didn’t point out was that it has been SW fans who have been dying to know who Rey’s parents are. Rey just wanted them to come back. Her revelation isn’t quite the same as Luke’s in TESB (and I was talking about how nomral he acted in the ending scene as he gets his new hand more than how he acted a year later in ROTJ). Rey learns her parents are nobody special (not a real surprise for her) whereas Luke learns the most evil creature in the Galaxy is his father. Quite a difference.

I think the problem, like with Rey’s parents thing. Is there was all this setup in TFA regarding her parents, then in 8 they just threw that away. i.e. all setup, and no payoff. I think this has to do with there not being a Lucas figure overseeing all these different hands in the pot. Rian came in and decided not to answer a lot of the setup questions from TFA.

I would not be surprised if you see fan edits of TFA where they edit out a lot of Rey’s parent stuff. I think the Rey’s parent stuff in TFA will feel like a drag on repeated viewings. That’s assuming nothing changes on that in 9.

I didn’t like JJ was doing TFA, and was originally glad he didn’t do 8. But I don’t like not getting payoff, i.e. Rian throwing it out the window. But before I saw 8, I didn’t like JJ coming back for 9. But now I’m glad that JJ is to hopefully add some payoff to 9.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

theprequelsrule said:

What if after the astral projection scene, we cut to Luke on ahchoo. He stands up with a little smile, his lightsaber flies to his hand and he puts it on his belt. He walks out and raises his X-wing from the water - time to join the fight. Would anyone have been opposed to this?

I would have done everything differently.

But I’d much rather have what you talk about than Luke disappearing.

I like the idea of Luke raising the X-wing at the end of the movie. And then in-between 8 and 9 is Luke flying to the Resistance.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

theprequelsrule said:

After seeing a bad Star wars movie this always calms me down: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBrLHMCTDAA

That’s why they shouldn’t have had a New Order and new Storm Troopers in these new movies. It really takes away from the ending in Jedi with the defeat of the Empire.

Since the 80’s, I’ve always envisioned that the Empire was defeated in ROTJ and stayed defeated. i.e. there wasn’t a New Order or any of that stuff in my mind coming after it.

Does anyone know if in Lucas’s treatment of the new trilogy if he had something like a New Order and new Storm Troopers?

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

TK-949 said:

pleasehello said:

Because everyone on this forum loves RedLetterMedia so much:

OMG! They didn’t like it. They didn’t like a movie I like! Now I don’t know, what I’m gonna do with rest of my life! I think I’m gonna hate them now.

I still haven’t watched RedLetterMedia’s review of The Force Awakens. Do they “like” that movie?

Theatrical blu rays

Wazzles said:

Ryan said:

Wazzles said:

The original negative is conformed to the Special Edition, which was not fully digitized until the DVD master was made. However, Lucasfilm likely stored the pieces of the negative they removed, and they have recently been archiving every single piece of film and audio they have. So in a sense, the original negative has been digitized, but it’s not assembled or restored.

Do you know what resolution the negatives were digitized in? i.e. 1080P?

Really hope Lucasfilm has digitized all their OT recordings in the highest quality available. Things like music and sound effects, etc.

The stuff they’ve been archiving recently is most likely 4k, but who knows.

The thing I’m worried about is the original negative of the OT. Lucas said it was in terrible shape back in the early 90’s, i.e. fragile and pink colors, etc. So, I’m just wondering how they’d do a 4K scan on it 25 year later?

I still hope they at least try to do a 4K scan of all of the original pieces of the negative for the OT soon. I do believe they’d said that 4K scan they did recently was of the special edition. Whatever that means. Hopefully more comes out on that. As I know we all were hoping that 4K scan was of the pre-special edition stuff.

Theatrical blu rays

Fang Zei said:

Ryan said:

Wazzles said:

The original negative is conformed to the Special Edition, which was not fully digitized until the DVD master was made. However, Lucasfilm likely stored the pieces of the negative they removed, and they have recently been archiving every single piece of film and audio they have. So in a sense, the original negative has been digitized, but it’s not assembled or restored.

Do you know what resolution the negatives were digitized in? i.e. 1080P?

Really hope Lucasfilm has digitized all their OT recordings in the highest quality available. Things like music and sound effects, etc.

The 2004 Lowry master that was made for the dvd release (and re-used with some additional alterations for the 2011 blu-ray) was done at 1080p.

However, we know that there was a fresh 4k scan/master that was done by Reliance Media Works and completed in 2014. Gareth Edwards and John Knoll actually watched the 4k master of ANH before heading into pre-production on Rogue One.

I’m pretty sure that 4K scan was for the special edition. I’m pretty sure that was revealed a short while ago I remember reading.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

Wexter said:

chyron8472 said:

Wexter said:

chyron8472 said:


Kylo should have been in some “different” organization to start this trilogy, not just Empire 2.

This is true. If anything, I don’t give TLJ guff for throwing out ideas TFA set up. I’d more readily give TFA guff for setting them up in the first place since they weren’t all that great anyway.

Your film will not be made stronger if it torpedoes the foundation it is supposed to be building on. Even if the foundation is flawed.

But it doesn’t. TFA is not the foundation. The OT is. TLJ does not torpedo the OT.

TLJ starts exactly where TFA ended. Except it goes for something completely different in terms of themes and supposedly the story. It continues to mirror the OT, though.

If Episode 9 picks up right when 8 left off. Then this trilogy will take place over what several weeks? A couple of months maybe?

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

TV’s Frink said:

Ryan said:

Collipso said:

Ryan said:

TV’s Frink said:

Ryan said:

TV’s Frink said:

Ryan said:

DominicCobb said:

pleasehello said:

DominicCobb said:

pleasehello said:

DominicCobb said:

Mithrandir said:


Looks like there actually was an agenda in all this ST.

Sadly fairy tales all root in the old world.

Please fire Kennedy

Please fire yourself (from being a poster in this thread).

Someone’s getting a little defensive.

I reckon he’s allowed to be concerned about modern day politics infiltrating Star Wars.

Right, how dare they give women equal footing.

Not really the point. Women have always been the smart ones in command in Star Wars.

Point is, telling someone to go away because you disagree with them is not a valid argument.

There are exactly 4 women with speaking roles in the OT. Three of them have less than a minute of screen time.

He said to fire Kennedy because she has an agenda. I don’t see why I should have to make a valid argument when he isn’t either. Calling for her to be fired is just as inflaming, if not more so.

Star Wars is in another galaxy far far away.

So the “humans” are aliens who just look like humans. This isn’t something happening on Earth.

So this other galaxy has to be male-dominated to the point of ridiculousness?

Also, most of the OT is pretty much in a warzone. If you watch WWII type movies, there aren’t a lot of women in the warzone, etc.

Yeah, there’s a reason for that, and it’s not because women can’t fight.

No, just saying that Star Wars takes place in another galaxy with 100% aliens.

And so what?

Also, watching the OT, don’t really see in those movies where all these “women” humanoids should have all shown up in? Death Star, Dagoba, Endor?

Maybe because the movies were made in the late 70’s or early 80’s?

Are you seriously trying to argue that a male-dominated galaxy was supposed to be part of the story?

I’ve watched the OT over 10 times and I’ve never once asked myself where are the crowds of women at. Most of the movies are a battle scene, and it seems like most of the “aliens” that we can see in the flesh are creatures and robots.

Do you really want to have scenes of families in the Death Star and say on Hoth and Endor? Like a scene with a Storm Trooper on the Death Star goes to his quarters and complains to his wife about something Vader said?

I’m guessing you’re a white male so you never felt misrepresented. I bet the rest of the world did.
The point they’re trying to make is that nobody cared about women being represented, so they (creative minds behind the original trilogy) created worlds where it would be inconvenient for women to show up in, because it didn’t even cross their minds while they were making the OT that women should be represented too.

Edit: I don’t blame them though, specifically Lucas. He was just a rich white guy making movies about white guys with their cars and white cowboys, farmers and samurai in space.

If Star Wars was originally made in Mexico or South America, then they’d all be Hispanic. If in China or Japan, then Asian. If in South Korea, then Vietnamese. If Africa, then all or mostly black.

Oh my god what is this even supposed to mean?

Is this why people keep calling Rose “the Asian chick”?

It’s a response to someone talking about a “White Male” and with the rest of the world feeling underrepresented in the OT trilogy. I’m explaining how if Star Wars was originally made in other countries, then most of the actors would have been the dominate race in their country. The thing too is Star Wars is 100% aliens anyways. There are not any humans in Star Wars.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

Collipso said:

Ryan said:

TV’s Frink said:

Ryan said:

TV’s Frink said:

Ryan said:

DominicCobb said:

pleasehello said:

DominicCobb said:

pleasehello said:

DominicCobb said:

Mithrandir said:


Looks like there actually was an agenda in all this ST.

Sadly fairy tales all root in the old world.

Please fire Kennedy

Please fire yourself (from being a poster in this thread).

Someone’s getting a little defensive.

I reckon he’s allowed to be concerned about modern day politics infiltrating Star Wars.

Right, how dare they give women equal footing.

Not really the point. Women have always been the smart ones in command in Star Wars.

Point is, telling someone to go away because you disagree with them is not a valid argument.

There are exactly 4 women with speaking roles in the OT. Three of them have less than a minute of screen time.

He said to fire Kennedy because she has an agenda. I don’t see why I should have to make a valid argument when he isn’t either. Calling for her to be fired is just as inflaming, if not more so.

Star Wars is in another galaxy far far away.

So the “humans” are aliens who just look like humans. This isn’t something happening on Earth.

So this other galaxy has to be male-dominated to the point of ridiculousness?

Also, most of the OT is pretty much in a warzone. If you watch WWII type movies, there aren’t a lot of women in the warzone, etc.

Yeah, there’s a reason for that, and it’s not because women can’t fight.

No, just saying that Star Wars takes place in another galaxy with 100% aliens.

And so what?

Also, watching the OT, don’t really see in those movies where all these “women” humanoids should have all shown up in? Death Star, Dagoba, Endor?

Maybe because the movies were made in the late 70’s or early 80’s?

Are you seriously trying to argue that a male-dominated galaxy was supposed to be part of the story?

I’ve watched the OT over 10 times and I’ve never once asked myself where are the crowds of women at. Most of the movies are a battle scene, and it seems like most of the “aliens” that we can see in the flesh are creatures and robots.

Do you really want to have scenes of families in the Death Star and say on Hoth and Endor? Like a scene with a Storm Trooper on the Death Star goes to his quarters and complains to his wife about something Vader said?

I’m guessing you’re a white male so you never felt misrepresented. I bet the rest of the world did.
The point they’re trying to make is that nobody cared about women being represented, so they (creative minds behind the original trilogy) created worlds where it would be inconvenient for women to show up in, because it didn’t even cross their minds while they were making the OT that women should be represented too.

Edit: I don’t blame them though, specifically Lucas. He was just a rich white guy making movies about white guys with their cars and white cowboys, farmers and samurai in space.

If Star Wars was originally made in Mexico or South America, then they’d all be Hispanic. If in China or Japan, then Asian. If in South Korea, then Vietnamese. If Africa, then all or mostly black.

Really don’t understand what you mean the rest of the world probably felt underrepresented in an American made movie based in another galaxy with 100% aliens?

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

chyron8472 said:

Ryan said:

Wexter said:

Ryan said:

Wexter said:

TV’s Frink said:

Wexter said:

dahmage said:

Wexter said:

dahmage said:

Wexter said:

dahmage said:

Wexter said:

TV’s Frink said:

chyron8472 said:

pleasehello said:

Because everyone on this forum loves RedLetterMedia so much:

Not sure if serious.

My reaction to captainsolo’s review.

Actually, it was very well put.

amazing, every single word you just said is wrong

Cute, but nah.

chyron8472 said:
TLJ dared to be new and unexpected and people hated it.

I reject this notion that TLJ “dared to be new”. It’s pretty frustrating seeing that posted everywhere. It’s doing the same damn thing all over again, just with different characters and in a slightly different order.

and i reject the notion that these movies are the same but just sligtly tweaked. ::shrug::

Is it just a case of there being people who want new films, and people who don’t, or is there really more to it? I am not convinced that it is anything more than the first option (some people just don’t want new films, despite what they say).

Not sure if I understand. Are you saying I (and the minority who feels the same way) just don’t want new Star Wars films? If so, what are you basing this on?

DrDre said:

dahmage said:

Wexter said:

dahmage said:

Wexter said:

TV’s Frink said:

chyron8472 said:

pleasehello said:

Because everyone on this forum loves RedLetterMedia so much:

Not sure if serious.

My reaction to captainsolo’s review.

Actually, it was very well put.

amazing, every single word you just said is wrong

Cute, but nah.

chyron8472 said:
TLJ dared to be new and unexpected and people hated it.

I reject this notion that TLJ “dared to be new”. It’s pretty frustrating seeing that posted everywhere. It’s doing the same damn thing all over again, just with different characters and in a slightly different order.

and i reject the notion that these movies are the same but just sligtly tweaked. ::shrug::

Is it just a case of there being people who want new films, and people who don’t, or is there really more to it? I am not convinced that it is anything more than the first option (some people just don’t want new films, despite what they say).

Well, I think it’s actually quite a challenge to find a story beat, that isn’t in some way derived from the OT. It usually either does more or less the same, or the opposite. If it was really a new story, it wouldn’t depend completely on OT events.

Yeah, i am saying it seems like people don’t want new star wars films, based on the fact that i completely fail to understand what people want. You can tell me that it is too derivative, or to similar, or didn’t do this or that. but i really have never understood what you or those other people would actually want to see.

So of course, i know that those who say these things often make claims about what they want. But despite this, i really don’t believe that they actually know what they want. Sure, that is me being a bit judgmental, but that is the truth about how it strikes me.

Once again, I want new Star Wars films. I quite liked TFA and R1 despite their flaws. I am just baffled that where most people - even some of its harshest critics - see originality in TLJ, I see just a slight variation.

So what again didn’t you like about TLJ, other than its supposed lack of new ideas? Because I thought TFA had no new ideas either?

The (not so) slight rehash of TFA was an issue. But back then I truly believed it served a specific purpose. To “begin to make things right”. Reintroduce the familiar and introduce the new, so that from there the story can go where it has never gone before. And then the rehash kept going, while most people applauded for something we’ve never seen before in Star Wars.

TFA and TLJ wouldn’t have been a rehash if there was no “New Order” type thing in these new movies. i.e. no Death Star, no Storm Troopers, No Star Destroyers, etc. and then you don’t get any rehash.

I wish I could go to an alternate universe and watch their ST that didn’t have a “New Order” type thing in it.

I’d say you could even have an imperial remnant being the villain group and still tell a completely original story. However, I feel like that was never an option with Disney. They just hired people to do something very similar to the OT.

(Once again, this is just a feeling I get from it all. I personally don’t know anybody who attends Disney staff meetings.)

I can say this. The prequels feel like their own thing. Even with Clone Troopers and Palpatine. Those movies I never felt like Lucas was rehashing the OT.

I don’t feel like TLJ is rehashing the OT. In fact, I feel like people expected it to rehash the OT and are angry that it didn’t.

They’re also angry because they thought they knew the motivations of Luke as per the OT and are offended that his ST character doesn’t fit into the box they wanted for him to fit in.

I thought it felt like a rehash with Luke on an isolated planet acting all goofy. Just like Yoda in Empire. Then you had the walkers on that planet on what “appeared” like ice which was similar to the walkers on Hoth in Empire. You had Rey training with a Jedi Master on that planet like with Luke and Yoda in Empire. Just off the top of my head.

I am surprised a hand or something didn’t get cut off. At least I don’t remember it happening. This is definitely a movie I will have to watch many times as it felt like a bunch of stuff crammed into it and is a blur.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

TV’s Frink said:

Ryan said:

TV’s Frink said:

Ryan said:

DominicCobb said:

pleasehello said:

DominicCobb said:

pleasehello said:

DominicCobb said:

Mithrandir said:


Looks like there actually was an agenda in all this ST.

Sadly fairy tales all root in the old world.

Please fire Kennedy

Please fire yourself (from being a poster in this thread).

Someone’s getting a little defensive.

I reckon he’s allowed to be concerned about modern day politics infiltrating Star Wars.

Right, how dare they give women equal footing.

Not really the point. Women have always been the smart ones in command in Star Wars.

Point is, telling someone to go away because you disagree with them is not a valid argument.

There are exactly 4 women with speaking roles in the OT. Three of them have less than a minute of screen time.

He said to fire Kennedy because she has an agenda. I don’t see why I should have to make a valid argument when he isn’t either. Calling for her to be fired is just as inflaming, if not more so.

Star Wars is in another galaxy far far away.

So the “humans” are aliens who just look like humans. This isn’t something happening on Earth.

So this other galaxy has to be male-dominated to the point of ridiculousness?

Also, most of the OT is pretty much in a warzone. If you watch WWII type movies, there aren’t a lot of women in the warzone, etc.

Yeah, there’s a reason for that, and it’s not because women can’t fight.

No, just saying that Star Wars takes place in another galaxy with 100% aliens.

And so what?

Also, watching the OT, don’t really see in those movies where all these “women” humanoids should have all shown up in? Death Star, Dagoba, Endor?

Maybe because the movies were made in the late 70’s or early 80’s?

Are you seriously trying to argue that a male-dominated galaxy was supposed to be part of the story?

I’ve watched the OT over 10 times and I’ve never once asked myself where are the crowds of women at. Most of the movies are a battle scene, and it seems like most of the “aliens” that we can see in the flesh are creatures and robots.

Do you really want to have scenes of families in the Death Star and say on Hoth and Endor? Like a scene with a Storm Trooper on the Death Star goes to his quarters and complains to his wife about something Vader said?

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

Wexter said:

Ryan said:

Wexter said:

TV’s Frink said:

Wexter said:

dahmage said:

Wexter said:

dahmage said:

Wexter said:

dahmage said:

Wexter said:

TV’s Frink said:

chyron8472 said:

pleasehello said:

Because everyone on this forum loves RedLetterMedia so much:

Not sure if serious.

My reaction to captainsolo’s review.

Actually, it was very well put.

amazing, every single word you just said is wrong

Cute, but nah.

chyron8472 said:
TLJ dared to be new and unexpected and people hated it.

I reject this notion that TLJ “dared to be new”. It’s pretty frustrating seeing that posted everywhere. It’s doing the same damn thing all over again, just with different characters and in a slightly different order.

and i reject the notion that these movies are the same but just sligtly tweaked. ::shrug::

Is it just a case of there being people who want new films, and people who don’t, or is there really more to it? I am not convinced that it is anything more than the first option (some people just don’t want new films, despite what they say).

Not sure if I understand. Are you saying I (and the minority who feels the same way) just don’t want new Star Wars films? If so, what are you basing this on?

DrDre said:

dahmage said:

Wexter said:

dahmage said:

Wexter said:

TV’s Frink said:

chyron8472 said:

pleasehello said:

Because everyone on this forum loves RedLetterMedia so much:

Not sure if serious.

My reaction to captainsolo’s review.

Actually, it was very well put.

amazing, every single word you just said is wrong

Cute, but nah.

chyron8472 said:
TLJ dared to be new and unexpected and people hated it.

I reject this notion that TLJ “dared to be new”. It’s pretty frustrating seeing that posted everywhere. It’s doing the same damn thing all over again, just with different characters and in a slightly different order.

and i reject the notion that these movies are the same but just sligtly tweaked. ::shrug::

Is it just a case of there being people who want new films, and people who don’t, or is there really more to it? I am not convinced that it is anything more than the first option (some people just don’t want new films, despite what they say).

Well, I think it’s actually quite a challenge to find a story beat, that isn’t in some way derived from the OT. It usually either does more or less the same, or the opposite. If it was really a new story, it wouldn’t depend completely on OT events.

Yeah, i am saying it seems like people don’t want new star wars films, based on the fact that i completely fail to understand what people want. You can tell me that it is too derivative, or to similar, or didn’t do this or that. but i really have never understood what you or those other people would actually want to see.

So of course, i know that those who say these things often make claims about what they want. But despite this, i really don’t believe that they actually know what they want. Sure, that is me being a bit judgmental, but that is the truth about how it strikes me.

Once again, I want new Star Wars films. I quite liked TFA and R1 despite their flaws. I am just baffled that where most people - even some of its harshest critics - see originality in TLJ, I see just a slight variation.

So what again didn’t you like about TLJ, other than its supposed lack of new ideas? Because I thought TFA had no new ideas either?

The (not so) slight rehash of TFA was an issue. But back then I truly believed it served a specific purpose. To “begin to make things right”. Reintroduce the familiar and introduce the new, so that from there the story can go where it has never gone before. And then the rehash kept going, while most people applauded for something we’ve never seen before in Star Wars.

TFA and TLJ wouldn’t have been a rehash if there was no “New Order” type thing in these new movies. i.e. no Death Star, no Storm Troopers, No Star Destroyers, etc. and then you don’t get any rehash.

I wish I could go to an alternate universe and watch their ST that didn’t have a “New Order” type thing in it.

I’d say you could even have an imperial remnant being the villain group and still tell a completely original story. However, I feel like that was never an option with Disney. They just hired people to do something very similar to the OT.

(Once again, this is just a feeling I get from it all. I personally don’t know anybody who attends Disney staff meetings.)

I can say this. The prequels feel like their own thing. Even with Clone Troopers and Palpatine. Those movies I never felt like Lucas was rehashing the OT.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

TV’s Frink said:

Ryan said:

DominicCobb said:

pleasehello said:

DominicCobb said:

pleasehello said:

DominicCobb said:

Mithrandir said:


Looks like there actually was an agenda in all this ST.

Sadly fairy tales all root in the old world.

Please fire Kennedy

Please fire yourself (from being a poster in this thread).

Someone’s getting a little defensive.

I reckon he’s allowed to be concerned about modern day politics infiltrating Star Wars.

Right, how dare they give women equal footing.

Not really the point. Women have always been the smart ones in command in Star Wars.

Point is, telling someone to go away because you disagree with them is not a valid argument.

There are exactly 4 women with speaking roles in the OT. Three of them have less than a minute of screen time.

He said to fire Kennedy because she has an agenda. I don’t see why I should have to make a valid argument when he isn’t either. Calling for her to be fired is just as inflaming, if not more so.

Star Wars is in another galaxy far far away.

So the “humans” are aliens who just look like humans. This isn’t something happening on Earth.

So this other galaxy has to be male-dominated to the point of ridiculousness?

Also, most of the OT is pretty much in a warzone. If you watch WWII type movies, there aren’t a lot of women in the warzone, etc.

Yeah, there’s a reason for that, and it’s not because women can’t fight.

No, just saying that Star Wars takes place in another galaxy with 100% aliens.

Also, watching the OT, don’t really see in those movies where all these “women” humanoids should have all shown up in? Death Star, Dagoba, Endor?

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

Wexter said:

TV’s Frink said:

Wexter said:

dahmage said:

Wexter said:

dahmage said:

Wexter said:

dahmage said:

Wexter said:

TV’s Frink said:

chyron8472 said:

pleasehello said:

Because everyone on this forum loves RedLetterMedia so much:

Not sure if serious.

My reaction to captainsolo’s review.

Actually, it was very well put.

amazing, every single word you just said is wrong

Cute, but nah.

chyron8472 said:
TLJ dared to be new and unexpected and people hated it.

I reject this notion that TLJ “dared to be new”. It’s pretty frustrating seeing that posted everywhere. It’s doing the same damn thing all over again, just with different characters and in a slightly different order.

and i reject the notion that these movies are the same but just sligtly tweaked. ::shrug::

Is it just a case of there being people who want new films, and people who don’t, or is there really more to it? I am not convinced that it is anything more than the first option (some people just don’t want new films, despite what they say).

Not sure if I understand. Are you saying I (and the minority who feels the same way) just don’t want new Star Wars films? If so, what are you basing this on?

DrDre said:

dahmage said:

Wexter said:

dahmage said:

Wexter said:

TV’s Frink said:

chyron8472 said:

pleasehello said:

Because everyone on this forum loves RedLetterMedia so much:

Not sure if serious.

My reaction to captainsolo’s review.

Actually, it was very well put.

amazing, every single word you just said is wrong

Cute, but nah.

chyron8472 said:
TLJ dared to be new and unexpected and people hated it.

I reject this notion that TLJ “dared to be new”. It’s pretty frustrating seeing that posted everywhere. It’s doing the same damn thing all over again, just with different characters and in a slightly different order.

and i reject the notion that these movies are the same but just sligtly tweaked. ::shrug::

Is it just a case of there being people who want new films, and people who don’t, or is there really more to it? I am not convinced that it is anything more than the first option (some people just don’t want new films, despite what they say).

Well, I think it’s actually quite a challenge to find a story beat, that isn’t in some way derived from the OT. It usually either does more or less the same, or the opposite. If it was really a new story, it wouldn’t depend completely on OT events.

Yeah, i am saying it seems like people don’t want new star wars films, based on the fact that i completely fail to understand what people want. You can tell me that it is too derivative, or to similar, or didn’t do this or that. but i really have never understood what you or those other people would actually want to see.

So of course, i know that those who say these things often make claims about what they want. But despite this, i really don’t believe that they actually know what they want. Sure, that is me being a bit judgmental, but that is the truth about how it strikes me.

Once again, I want new Star Wars films. I quite liked TFA and R1 despite their flaws. I am just baffled that where most people - even some of its harshest critics - see originality in TLJ, I see just a slight variation.

So what again didn’t you like about TLJ, other than its supposed lack of new ideas? Because I thought TFA had no new ideas either?

The (not so) slight rehash of TFA was an issue. But back then I truly believed it served a specific purpose. To “begin to make things right”. Reintroduce the familiar and introduce the new, so that from there the story can go where it has never gone before. And then the rehash kept going, while most people applauded for something we’ve never seen before in Star Wars.

TFA and TLJ wouldn’t have been a rehash if there was no “New Order” type thing in these new movies. i.e. no Death Star, no Storm Troopers, No Star Destroyers, etc. and then you don’t get any rehash.

I wish I could go to an alternate universe and watch their ST that didn’t have a “New Order” type thing in it.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

TV’s Frink said:

Wexter said:

dahmage said:

Wexter said:

dahmage said:

Wexter said:

TV’s Frink said:

chyron8472 said:

pleasehello said:

Because everyone on this forum loves RedLetterMedia so much:

Not sure if serious.

My reaction to captainsolo’s review.

Actually, it was very well put.

amazing, every single word you just said is wrong

Cute, but nah.

chyron8472 said:
TLJ dared to be new and unexpected and people hated it.

I reject this notion that TLJ “dared to be new”. It’s pretty frustrating seeing that posted everywhere. It’s doing the same damn thing all over again, just with different characters and in a slightly different order.

and i reject the notion that these movies are the same but just sligtly tweaked. ::shrug::

Is it just a case of there being people who want new films, and people who don’t, or is there really more to it? I am not convinced that it is anything more than the first option (some people just don’t want new films, despite what they say).

Not sure if I understand. Are you saying I (and the minority who feels the same way) just don’t want new Star Wars films? If so, what are you basing this on?

I had this feeling in 2015 reading this forum as well…it’s like a bunch of you say you want Star Wars but then you don’t want lightsabers, or X-wings, or old Luke, or anything that is in any way Star Wars. And then when you get some things that are not Star Wars enough in your opinion, you say that nothing is connected to Star Wars in any meaningful way.

I’m thinking it would have made sense story wise based on the OT to not have any Storm Troopers or Star Destroyers in the ST. Or at least not like what we are getting with the New Order. This New Order feels like what happened in the OT with the death of Vader and the Emperor was kind of pointless. The New Order takes away from the weight of what happened in Jedi.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

chyron8472 said:

Wexter said:

TV’s Frink said:

chyron8472 said:

pleasehello said:

Because everyone on this forum loves RedLetterMedia so much:

Not sure if serious.

My reaction to captainsolo’s review.

Actually, it was very well put.

I think people have this notion of what Star Wars is supposed to be, and whatever that notion is, it’s fairly well boxed into a space that is unattainable for new content. Like it has been said: TFA played it safe and people hated it. R1 took a tangent with new characters and people hated it. TLJ dared to be new and unexpected and people hated it.

It’s like so many other long-standing franchises that have a cult following. You just can’t win for losing while trying to be the slightest bit creative.

I think they should have cherry picked from the expanded universe to do this new trilogy. It was there for the taking. What we got from Disney looks/feels like crap fan fiction.

Still hope we someday get copies of Lucas’s ST treatment he had given to Disney back in 2012.