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<em><strong>ANDOR</strong></em> - Disney+ Series - A General Discussion Thread

This is has been my most anticipated since it was announced because I love Rogue One. I love the Volume and I think The Mandalorian looks gorgeous, and Boba Fett has had some great shots too, just not as many, but I certainly don’t mind them building as many practical sets as the want. I can’t wait to see more of that galaxy through the perspective of a Rebel spy. I was hoping they’d keep the darker tone. Cassian definitely shot first!

The Kenobi <s>Movie</s> Show (Spoilers)

This is has been my most anticipated since it was announced because I love Rogue One. I love the Volume and I think The Mandalorian looks gorgeous, and Boba Fett has had some great shots too, just not as many, but I certainly don’t mind them building as many practical sets as the want. I can’t wait to see more of that galaxy through the perspective of a Rebel spy. I was hoping they’d keep the darker tone. Cassian definitely shot first!

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

If they have podracing in Mos Espa, I can believe there’d be a small group of Mods with shiny bikes there too.

I find a lot of humor in the prequels to be irritating, but those droids in the kitchen were awesome.

Boba is trying to get the syndicates to cooperate for their mutual benefit. Killing those Hutts would start a war. He already has what looks like a war with the Pykes coming, and doesn’t need to be making more enemies.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

That shot of Slave I coming up behind the biker gang looked so awesome. Sure seems like the Pykes must have killed the Tuskens and made it look like the bikers did it.

I don’t care if they don’t use the name Slave I. I will still call it that the same way I still say Star Wars instead of A New Hope. It’s just not worth worrying about.

After 4 episodes, I think we’ve seen everything from the trailers. The last three episodes should have even more surprises.

Hard to expect Tatooine to have a strict aesthetic if there’s a spaceport there. The aesthetic may be consistent in most areas, but it makes sense to me that there’d be more variety in a large city.

I love Boba explaining his thoughts and motivations to Fennec. I thought it was all obvious from the context of the show, but it was nice to hear it.

“You can only get so far without a tribe.”

The Chef Grievous droid was cool.

Are there any new <strong>Star Wars Books</strong> coming out soon? a general book discussion thread

Johann-500 said:

Less than a month to go for the “The Art of Star Wars: The Mandalorian (Season Two)” book!

I really hope it is as good as the season 1 book and we also see more concept and early alternative images

I preordered it when the release date was December. Kept it even though they moved it back. I loved the fist one. Can’t wait to get this one!

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

MalaStrana#2 said:

Rodney-2187 said:

Boba doesn’t want to be a part of the old corrupt system.

Too bad that’s exactly what he’s doing. If he does not want to be part of the corrupt system, he could become a waiter in a restaurant and start building his own business; such as a discount water distribution.

The more the people who like this series defend it, the more I see why I don’t like this series 😄

I gave an example of the water seller. If he wanted things to stay the same, he would have just taken the double tribute and stopped the biker gang. Instead he ordered the water seller to stop charging unfair prices and hired the biker gang.

If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. Not everyone has to like the same things. Art is subjective. I think the show is very well written and aside from the chase scene looking a bit slow, I’m loving everything about it. Boba was never really this interesting to me before.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

The water seller offered him double tribute to take out the biker gang. The old Boba would have just went for the money, but instead he hires the biker gang and tells the water seller to stop price gouging. Boba doesn’t want to be a part of the old corrupt system. He’s not in it just for the money or power. He wants to be a respected leader and win the people over. I’m sure he and his group will prove plenty formidable when the time does come to fight. There’s respect in that too.

<strong>The Mandalorian</strong> - a general discussion thread - * <em><strong>SPOILERS</strong></em> *

MalaStrana#2 said:

Rodney-2187 said:

This is going to be a great year for Star Wars fans!

Let’s see if anything good is actually showing up (you know, quality vs quantity), because so far Boba is quite controversial.

Well, I like all three episodes of Boba Fett already. The first two seasons of The Mandalorian and the first season of The Bad Batch were great too. After seeing Deborah Chow’s episodes of The Mandalorian, I am looking forward to seeing what she does with Obi-Wan. I think the volume is great, and The Mandalorian looks amazing, but hearing how they’ve built multiple sets on location for Andor has really piqued my interest. So I think we have all the reasons to be optimistic for 2022, at least regarding Star Wars. Can’t wait for Celebration, even though I’ll be streaming it at home this year.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

All Boba did in the original trilogy was hide in some garbage, follow the Falcon, and then let Vader capture and freeze Han for him, then deliver him to Jabba, and of course falling into the sarlacc.
In this new series, Boba escaped the sarlacc, chokes out a desert monster, beat-up an entire biker gang by himself and stole their bikes, and robbed a train. Doesn’t sound soft to me.

Every time Boba has spared someone, it had come back around to help him. The Gamoreans helped him when the Order of the Nightwind assassins attacked. The cyborg bikers saved him when Black Krrsantan attacked. Hard to fight a giant wookiee in your underwear. Letting Krrsantan go free will likely turn out to be a good idea too. He is going for respect over fear, because running a family is a lot more complicated than bounty hunting. You just can shoot everyone.

Boba wants to achieve more in life than Jango and I’m loving this new path. A whole series of Boba just riding around bounty-hunting and killing sounds pretty boring. Watching him sort his life out and deal with his issues is great. I can’t wait to see what happens in the last 4 episodes. I’m ready for him to ride that rancor!

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

I think this is very well written. I love that these series have the time to dive so deeply into characters and their journeys. We’re learning so much about our favorite galaxy far, far away. As someone who’s had a life-changing realization, I completely on board with this arc. I’m betting this story hits home with a lot of people for a lot of different reasons. That’s a sign of greatness.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

I think Rodriguez’ most known movie is From Duck Till Dawn. I also like El Mariachi and Desperado. Sin City isn’t a style for everyone, but I liked it as well. Lastly, I think Alita: Battle Angel is underappreciated. I think it’s a really great movie. It’s actually my favorite of his.

I don’t mind the colorful bikes. Tatooine has cities and spaceports. It only makes sense that there’d be some variety. Perhaps Mos Espa is the Star Wars equivalent of Dubai. The chase did look slow though. I don’t think they film outdoor scenes in the Volume, right? I had no problems with his direction of the fight scenes though. I think they’re excellent.