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STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
I agree with keeping Luke's ROTJ saber green. Partly for the original reason, and also because it seems to be used in the PT as a sign of a superior Jedi — Qui-Gon and Yoda have them, for example. As for limiting the number of colours, I don't think that's much of a concern; one thing I really liked about MagnoliaFan's edit of Episode II was that Christopher Lee's lightsaber was recoloured to yellow, which (combined with removing his scene with Darth Sidious and any references to his "master") recasts him as a much more mysterious, ambivalent character. I'd really like to see the same changes made when Adywan gets around to editing that film.
STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
Davnes007 said:

--Adding a planet to the scenes with the rebel fleet at the end of the movie...
----> That would retract from the sad-lonely feeling of the scene.

The word you're looking for is detract, but I completely agree with you. I couldn't figure out why I objected to this potential addition, but you've hit it on the head. The ending of Empire is one of my favourite parts in the entire series.

Davnes007 said:

--Shots of the X-Wing inside the Dagobah atmosphere (from outside)
----> That would ruin the 'reveal', and the mystery of Dagobah

We already have a couple external shots of R2D2, but I agree we don't need more. It's not so much a matter of ruining the reveal, but lessening the claustrophobia and tension in the scene.

Davnes007 said:

--I'd sure like to see those Tauntauns running a bit faster; the stop-motion makes it all look like big steps, slow speed.
----> Also sounds nice.

--Maybe you should test out animating CGI characters to replace the stop-motion tauntaun shots.... just a concept, lol. Could maybe prepare you for ROTJ (especially if you will want to add extra Ewoks there lol)
----> I think there are already enough Ewoks in ROTJ.

I think all the Tauntauns need is the Cantina treatment for the close-ups and motion smoothing (shouldn't be too hard) to remove the stop-motion juddering.
STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
Originally posted by: GoodMusician
I was just showing the videos to give people an idea of what was available.

As far as the cuts in that one video you said you were unsure of... the music fades out pretty much after Luke falls out of the Wampa Ice Lair... most of the rest of that cue is completely unused. It remains unused until Chewie leans his head against the railing after the doors have shut and it double iris' out to Luke in the snow... the rest of that is pretty much there although I raised it in the mix. Then you have the unused intro and ending to Snow speeders.

I love the original Probe Droid... but some people really don't...

As for how to end it so that you can have the silence inside Echo Base up until Han says "well so long princess." and she runs after him, I'm not sure what you could insert... but I'm certain there's something...

Yep, I remember that now. I completely agreed with cutting the music inside Echo Base in the closing-the-doors scene. With Snowspeeders, I'd be entirely in favour of leaving the official cut except I prefer not to use tracked music. Probe Droid, I think, needs to be reinstated. Re your last statement, I don't want to insert anything, I'd just fade or cut out the music at an appropriate point once Han is inside the base, and cue it back in as done in the original.
STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
Re Goodmusician's suggestions, I watched the first two videos you linked; for some reason the third and fourth ones wouldn't play. Here's my 2c (as a musician and a huge fan of this film in particular):

The Probe Droid cue should definitely be fully reinstated, but I agree with the cuts originally made once Han is inside the base and the dialogue begins; the one part of that cue I would add would be when Han has his hand on 3PO's mouth and a part of the main theme plays.

With the second video, I didn't notice much difference, but where I did, I preferred the official cues and cuts. I'm undecided as to the music for the snowspeeder sequence at the end, but I think I prefer the tracked music used in the official cut — it's more suspenseful and purposeful than the original cue.

Re the alternative Binary Sunset cue, I like it (although I prefer the iconic original), but I have no idea where it could or should be inserted, in Empire or elsewhere.
STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
Originally posted by: buddy-x-wing
but surely the Rebel groundforce with their turrent cannons etc were also outside of the protection of the shields?

Not necessarily; they merely knew that any successful assault would have to be ground-based, so they placed their defences to match.

Also, this ring any bells for how we might incorporate — or at least reference — the Death Star?: "Who's THEY?! What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon? That thing wasn't even fully paid off yet! ... Oh, just rebuild it? Oh that's really f**king original! Get your 7' 2" asthmatic ass back here! ... Death Star blown up by a bunch of f**king teenagers..."
STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
If the shield generator was outside the area the shield was protecting, why didn't the bad guys just bomb it from outer space? Doesn't hold water.

The impression I always got was that the shield was like a flat surface above the base; it protected the base from an aerial bombardment but it was possible to sneak under the edges at near-ground-level (ie. with walkers or speeders).
STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
DF Shadow — it was only a personal comment. I think they're comparable, in nature if not in severity — it's a case of sanitising the good guys' characters. Accidental incest (never mind a harmless minor snog) happens in mythology all the time, it happens in "The Silmarillion", it's not uncommon, and "Star Wars" is first and foremost a mythology. I know it creeps some people out but it's totally believable. I can understand some people wanting to cut it but however it goes it will be a contentious issue, so I think Adywan should leave it as-is and then if individual viewers don't like it, most of us have the technology to remove it. Whereas if he cuts it, even if we drop it in it will stick out like a sore thumb, because of the picture quality difference.
STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
Come off it. All of you. This is the first time I've heard of cutting "the kiss" considered as any sort of option at all. Please, Adywan, don't do it. That sort of thing was done in classic tales all the time, and frankly cutting it would be on a par with Greedo shooting first as far as I'm concerned.

Pretty please?
Info &amp; Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist
That was the other thing I meant to mention in my previous post: Fett's voice. I'm glad that Lucas replaced the original voice with Morrison's — I don't think the performance is an improvement, but I am a stickler for continuity. However it is done — whether by keeping Morrison's voice or some other means — especially if Ady's planning to eventually do the PT, the most important thing is that we have continuity between the Fetts.
Info &amp; Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist
I seem to be in a very small minority here, but I found the music changes in '97 ROTJ really worked a LOT better. I also prefer the eyebrowless Vader and Hayden as the ghost (or would if he wasn't quite so goofy, but it'd probably be possible to find alternative footage somewhere). It's not like Shaw's been entirely cut from the film, he's still there for his main unmasking scene. My first experience of the OT was in the theatrical release of the SEs and when I watched the OT later I was like "what the heck is this music supposed to be?!", especially in the finalé. It also took me several viewings to realise that the ghost next to Obi and Yoda at the end was supposed to be Anakin — he's too heavily made-up as Vader to be quickly recognisable and from a continuity standpoint he looks nothing like Anakin in the prequels.

A similar thing goes for Ian's Emperor in ESB — keep him if you can.
My first comment (because it’s not something that’s already been touched on) is that the audio is a noticeable fraction of a second ahead of the video for a few minutes around about the escape from Mos Eisley/destruction of Alderaan section. This might just be a problem unique to me, and in any case I doubt it will show up on the DVD.

As for hand/flipper, I vote for the human hand, but I’m not *too* fussed.

The Ben/Vader fight. Oh my FSM. I know you used the existing footage in the same way as they did in ’77 with the Sandperson... and just as skilfully. I never knew it had been done to the Sandperson until it was mentioned in the documentary on the DVD, and the only reason I know you’ve done it is because there’s nothing else you could have done to achieve what you have. The music here and in the Death Star reveal/roundtable is also perfect.

I thought the hyperspace vortex on the journey from the Death Star to Yavin wasn't going to work, but I was pleasantly surprised. Not sure if I myself would have thought of it or chosen to do it, but I approve.

Briefing room graphics: Almost exactly how I envisioned them.

Control room graphics: Better than I envisioned them.

Death Star Battle: Shiiiiit. How the photon did you manage THAT?!

The TIE attack: When I first saw it I could see where Mojo_LA is coming from; oddly enough, the second viewing (ten seconds later — I had my finger on the rewind button the whole time) it didn’t bother me nearly so much. The third time I wondered why it had bothered me at all. Funny that.

And the rest of that sequence simply blew me away. Again, it was a “little thing” that I particularly appreciated, which was being able to see the Y-wings/X-wings and the TIEs chasing them down the trench in the same shot.

C-3PO’s reaction to R2 getting hit: the shot that’s there at present is at least as appropriate as the original.

If the end credits for the DVD aren’t locked yet, might I possibly ask for a space in my name ie. Roccondil Rinon. If not, ‘tis no biggie. I must confess I did feel my ego swelling when I saw it there. This is STAR WARS, after all.

Finally, I have to agree with the majority of people on this forum and say that, unless I feel like watching the GOUT DVD (as I probably will once in a while) or showing someone how (relatively) lousy the 2004 version is, this will be THE version of the film that I will watch. I pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster that you will be touched by His Noodly Appendage and inspired again (as you clearly have been with this edit) to Revisit The Empire Strikes Back, my favourite movie of all time, and Return of the Jedi, and perhaps even the Prequels.

Bring on the DVD-9!