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What scene in the (O-)OT do you hate/dislike the most?
Heh, Star Wars vs. Star Trek... That one can take so many different directions (I usually hear lots of useless banter about the power of weapons in each universe).

I've always thought it would be cool to have a scene in TNG where Data says something about an unidentified vessel on long-range sensors, then Picard says to put it onscreen and magnify the image, and lo and behold, it's a Super Star Destroyer!
My new "toy"
My mother and her brother were looking through some old things at my grandmother's house and decided to open an old safe that my grandfather had (he died five years ago). There were some guns in it (which my uncle took), along with this, which my mother took for me (with my grandmother's blessing):


It's a 19.5 inch long machete. I'd like to get it sharpened and cleaned. The edge is slightly curled at some points, so he obviously used it for something. He may have used it when they cleared a section at the back of the yard to put in horseshoe pits a long time ago.

Size comparison with a butter knife:

Photography submit your pics!!!!!
I'm not really much of a photographer, due to lack of skill and lack of good equipment, but this one turned out very well:


Here are a few other fun pics:

(it's inside a bird feeder I had attached to the kitchen window)

(it's, um...sunbathing? They actually do this a lot!)

(shot through the glass in the front door of my house)

And here's an unusual one my brother took a few years ago:

(no idea why it turned out that way, but it sure is unique!)
What scene in the (O-)OT do you hate/dislike the most?
Originally posted by: Darth_Evil
Why was the Greedo scene in there at all if there was going to be a Jabba scene ten seconds later?

Yeah, they could have added a line for Greedo so he says something like "oh, Jabba's over at your ship, by the way." And as someone else pointed out, it's better not having that scene in there at all, as it shows the Falcon (not a lot of it, but still) and that kinda spoils Luke's reaction to seeing it later on a bit. We see that dirty old "piece of junk" the same time he does without any hints of it before, and that's kinda nice.

What scene in the (O-)OT do you hate/dislike the most?
I feel the same with the Ewoks. They were never my favorite, and I like them less now than when I did as a child, but they're ok. They spawned a good cartoon and two fun movies, after all. Of all the kid-friendly additions to the movies, they're one of the least "offensive," I'd say. And though it was goofy, I still love the scene where the Ewok (Paploo?) steals the speeder bike!
Lucasfilm lunch hour
Good points, Invader. I've said similar things myself about how he won't stop tinkering with them until the day he dies. That's just the way it is because he's such a perfectionist. But changes that are viewed as beautiful to one person may seem ugly or just plain unnecessary to others.

The comment about them releasing an ultimate edition after he dies could very well happen (even if he puts a "don't you dare do what I think you'll do!" clause in his will?). It happened with the anime "Metropolis." The creator, Osamu Tezuka, said he never wanted that comic series made into a movie, but after he died, they did it. And it was wonderful! But then the guys that did it joked (perhaps half joked) that now Tezuka's ghost will haunt them.
The Official Lucasfilm Response
Originally posted by: Neil S. Bulk
And I lost faith in THX certified videos in 1995 when the THX certified Stargate laserdisc came out with......a defective soundtrack!

That stinks. Another "how did that get by so many people?!" moment that shows that even the most impressive/influencial of companies can have ridiculous quality control issues.

I also once had a bad experience with THX. I used to have a job that had me spending a couple of weeks at a time in Michigan (I live in Ontario) and one time, I decided to buy an Onkyo receiver at Circuit City, mostly because it was "THX Certified" and I was looking to upgrade my sound system a bit anyway. I was convinced that because it had THX on it, it would be great! Well, it turned out that there was a constant hissing noise that wouldn't go away. The kind of noise you get if you turn the speakers way up while nothing is playing. The DSP modes were pathetic once I tried them, too. I'm sure it was more down to the machine than the THX certification, but still, I was highly annoyed, especially since I wasn't able to return it before the limited warranty was up. I ended up trading it towards a new Yamaha, which was a million times better anyway. Oh well...

P.S. I read your article "The Anamorphic Issue" at UGO, Neil, and it was very thorough. Thanks for a nice informative read!
Lucasfilm lunch hour
Originally posted by: Obiwampa
"I dont think it occured to anyone that it would be necessary to specify that they be high quality."
I don't know if this is right, but I figure it was assumed by many since the site began that if they did release them on DVD, it would be at least up to current DVD standards, which we know they aren't going to be.
"Now things have changed. Lucasfilm needs to know that we will not take this sitting down. They need to know that if they go ahead with this, _______ will be the consequences from the hardcore fanbase. Who agrees?"

Yes, action still needs to continue instead of walking away defeated, but in the end, it's all up to one man. If he finally caves in and gives us what we want someday, great! If not, we'll just keep on putting that bug in his ear that we don't care if some of the effects are dated, or that continuity may be ever so slightly flawed, etc...we still love the OOT and just want them to get a treatment deserving of their legacy.