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Night of the Living Dead: The Ghoulish Amalgamation! (* unfinished project *)
There is a deleted scene from NOTLD but nobody including George has it. In the scene in the basement when Harry is talking to his wife there is a horrible jump cut. Apparently there is a long conversation between the two. George cut the scene out and tried to make it seem sless as possible but it resulted in a poor edit.

Many years ago a friend and I were going to shoot additional footage and add it to the movie as a joke. We were having a Halloween party and we were going to have it playing to see if anyone noticed. The changes were going to be simple and quick. For example the shot of the radio in the car at the beginning we were going to replace with a CD player. When he reaches for the cross/flowers from the back seat of the car to take to the grave we were going to add a quick scene of his hand rummaging by a bottle of Jack Daniels and condom wrappers before finding them. Stuff like that.

Never happened unfortunately.
Info: I Want My STV... Star Trek Videos (Star Trek Music Videos, Tape One)
I used to go to the conventions back in the day. And people from Paramount used to show music videos synched to popular songs. But they always made statements that they could never release them due to rights and that it was all for fun. I wonder if these are those?

One I remember was for the song "Right here right now"? by.... I can't remember the group.
Info Wanted: Has anyone edited AvP?
Cutting out the bad parts will result in a movie of only beginning and end credits.

BTW the title of the sequel is

AVP2:Survival of the Shitest!

Everything I have heard about this film makes me sick. It will be the first Alien and/or Predator film I will not see at the theater. I can't believe 20th Century Fox decided to go with this rather than the team up of Cameron and Ridley that they proposed for Alien 5.
Alien Appendix #3: The Alien Archive (Released)
Originally posted by: Jonno
A disc is now on its way to Dark_Jedi for torrenting - I'll leave it to him to give us an update once it's up and running (and if anyone who has received a disc can help with seeding, it would be much appreciated!)

Regarding US PiFs, a copy is on its way to Rijir so you might ask him nicely if he can pass it on once he's received it.

I have a first request to pass it on at this point. How does it work in this forum to make a list of those in the "vine"? I have never done it in this group before.

Info Wanted: Screen names and real names...
Originally posted by: Sluggo
Originally posted by: RIJIR
I think screen names are good for the projects. My full name was used in the end credits of Deleted Magic even though I specifically asked for it not to be.

So I'm for screen names.

You were in DM as well? I'll have to take another look!

I think that actually works in favor of real names, at least if you want a bit of anonimity. One could put in some ones actual name (like Reginald Dillingham) and since everybody only knows whom ever by the screen name of, say,.. Artoo, then he is hiding in plain sight. Not that I'm hiding from anybody.

Yes I sent him the Biggs and Anchorhead scenes. Not much but I just wanted to help.

Spy vs Spy: The Animated Casebook/Spidey Electric Company
When I was little at our local mall (Wonderland) in Livonia, MI they had an appearance of Spiderman. I remember how geeked I was. All the kids had their spiderman action figures. No pictures though. There is one posted on a website regarding malls in the US.

Now I have an idea of something to add in regards to Spidey if anyone can locate it. Back in the early 90's there was a Spiderman film that was going to be done by whoever had the rights at the time. I can't remember who. I don't remember if it was the Cameron version or not. But at a comic show was the actual poster that had Spiderman swingining over the city. It think it said comming next summer or something to that effect since they must have been sure they were going to get the film made. If I remember correctly it was a photo of a real man in a suit rather than an artists rendition. Anyway it would be cool to locate that poster to add in the Spiderman section. Just a thought.

Brings back memories.
Spy vs Spy: The Animated Casebook/Spidey Electric Company
Originally posted by: Number20
Looking at the Wikipedia link provided by dcfcfan There were several TV related Spider-Man things that as far as I know haven't ever been released on DVD, such as a '70's tv series that might go along well with the Electric Company Spider-Man stuff, if anyone has it. I can see it now. Spider-Man, the low budget edition...

The problem with the 70's TV series is it all the villans were bank robbers and such. No comic book villans like Green Goblin.

Dawn Of The Dead Ultimate Edition Volume 2-UPDATE Discs 1-4 (Released)
Originally posted by: RhodesisGod
Hey meedermow,

I was recently informed of this project by someone I know on another board (Streebo), and I thought that maybe I could possibly add somethings to it.

I have video (that I recorded myself) of a Q&A at the Pittsburgh Comicon with some of the "rare" cast members such as (David Early, Sharon/Clayton Hill, Nick Tallo, Jim Krut, and Joe Shelby) and some video at the Monroeville airport as well. If you would be interested in adding this footage to the project let me know. I could also get more airport and mall footage as I live near them. Let me know if this would be necessessary.

By the way, this is a awesome idea. Especially for someone like me who is a total dork for the movie.


If you live near them that would be icing on the cake to get some more photos and video footage of the mall and airport. It would make this package very unique.