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Possessed Return of the Jedi-* Resurrected!!*

Sluggo said:


I really like how quickly it moves, but it may move a little too quickly.  I think it worked without the scene of the droids being fitted with restraining bolts down in the dungeon. 

I like having the idea of Chewie and Leia show up right on the heels of the droids, but it seemed a little forced to have Jabba trust 3PO to translate when he just got there himself.  Maybe if you had a subtitle of Jabba saying something like "Protocol droid!  Get up here and translate!" or something like that.  3PO replies with "Yes, I am here..."  and the scene goes on.

You may want to think about restoring some of the reaction shots of when Leia reveals the thermal detonator.  It doesn't seem to have the drama with out it.

The scenes from when the droids arrive to when Leia and Chewie arrive are very smoothly edited and flow nicely.

Good work!


Thanks.  About the Jabba subtitle, I'd just always assumed that was what he said.  I guess I could add it for clarity, but I just always thought that.


I was actually trying to take the drama out of the thermal detonator.  It would have worked if the reactions shots were good.  If I kept them all, it looks very cheesy and looks like a bunch of muppets got scared of something... along with bobba fett.  If I just keep Bobba, it looks like cheesy overdramatic-attempt because there is big music but only one shot. Also, I haven't edited the opening scene with Vader on the DSII at all, so there's still a slow opening to sort of... get the film going before the pace picks up.

Possessed Return of the Jedi-* Resurrected!!*

Chewtobacca said:

TV's Frink said:

...oh, I see what you did there.

If I had not, you would have! :-)

On a more serious note, this edit sounds promising.  I have been wanting to watch a good ROTJ edit for a while, but ROTJ edits seem thin on the ground.  Spence's did not receive encouraging reviews (and I had no great desire to banish the Ewoks anyway), and ADM's was nice, but did not go very far.


Thank you for the support.

And regarding the ewoks, I was thinking about removing the scene where Leia meets Wicket.  This coud make the tone of the film darker since you don't know what happened to her.  It would also make her reveal later a suprise.

And more importantly, with that scene gone the first ewok you see can be the shot of a fierce warrior in the scene where Han, Luke and Co. are captured and eliminate the first impression being a teddy bear.

Possessed Return of the Jedi-* Resurrected!!*

vaderios said:

Will you incorporate anything from Color correction? Even subtle like Wookiegroomer did? Will be in HD?

Keep it up :D


Maybe very, very subtle.  Jedi's wasn't so bad as ANH or ESB.  

And no, it won't be in HD.  Sorry, but I don't have an HD set up.  The 2.0 sountrack mix will be pro logic II compatible though, so you can still get close to 5.1 surround.

Possessed Return of the Jedi-* Resurrected!!*

Sluggo said:

Don't forget that there is also band music on the sail barge as well.  Something more otherworldly might be interesting.


I have it cut to where after Luke is carried out and says "It's the last mistake you'll ever make" there is a vertical wipe down to right after the music stops. 3PO and R2 walking in the middle of a bunch of muppets having a conversation wasn't essential to the story and I find it flows better that way.

Possessed Return of the Jedi-* Resurrected!!*

Sluggo said:

So let's talk Jabba's palace.  I am glad you are trying to get rid of the musical numbers.  Are you still planning to keep the music in the background (the baroque recital)?

The baroque recital (that's the soft mellow one correct?) will stay, unless anyone has a suggestion for a replacement?

The upbeat party/dance music will be gone simply because both of the times it's used the scene is cut anyway. 

Possessed Return of the Jedi-* Resurrected!!*

SomethingStarWarsRelated said:

Possessed said:

TV's Frink said:

Yep, I'm definitely sorry I tried to help you.

Help me... by going off topic in the thread for my edit before anybody else had even posted anything? Don't you have something better to do?  Obviously if I took the time to already edit the first sequence of the movie and write a semi-detailed explanation of the edit, then looking for other edits (one of which has jarring audio cuts and the other isn't really much of an edit...) isn't going to help.

 Pardon me for butting in...

I think TV's Frink was simply trying to point you in the direction of some fan edits of ROTJ you might possibly hadn't seen. I don't believe he meant to post something off topic in your thread. On the contrary, I believe he was trying to be of help.

Perhaps, if so I am sorry.  It just didn't seem that way, because the main point I was trying to get across was that I was doing an edit of my own of ROTJ, and he sent my links to ADM and Spence. (spence had good ideas but the audio cuts are jarring)

Possessed Return of the Jedi-* Resurrected!!*

TV's Frink said:

Yep, I'm definitely sorry I tried to help you.

Help me... by going off topic in the thread for my edit before anybody else had even posted anything? Don't you have something better to do?  Obviously if I took the time to already edit the first sequence of the movie and write a semi-detailed explanation of the edit, then looking for other edits (one of which has jarring audio cuts and the other isn't really much of an edit...) isn't going to help.

Possessed Return of the Jedi-* Resurrected!!*

TV's Frink said:

Possessed said:

 However, I've never been able to find an edit of Return of the Jedi.

Possessed said:

He actually made a 2.0 that was much much better but I lost the disc and I can't find it anymore.

Thanks for missing the point of consistency.


 Oh, you caught me.  My bad everybody, I have been able to find a ROTJ edit in the past.  I guess this thread is useless.  Oh wait, that wasn't the point of the thread at all!

Thanks everyone else that actually has a response to the EDIT though, and not my substory about finding an edit by someone else...

 And yeah, that would be a good idea cutnshut, but I don't see how it would work.  

I'm thinking about posting a youtube clip of something in Jabba's Palace to show what it can be like without random cut-aways to little rats that laugh at the top of their lungs.


Possessed Return of the Jedi-* Resurrected!!*

Sluggo said:

The Spence edit was interesting.  He tried to cut out the ewoks entirely which is an impossible task.  He made a lot of other good choices though.  It is worth taking a look at.

Yes, but the audio cuts are jarring.  And the missing ewok scenes left plot holes.  He actually made a 2.0 that was much much better but I lost the disc and I can't find it anymore.

Possessed Return of the Jedi-* Resurrected!!*

TV's Frink said:

Possessed said:

However, I've never been able to find an edit of Return of the Jedi.  A few have been released, but I can't find them, so I'm doing it myself.

The ADigitalMan Special Edition
The Spence Edit

Both available on fanedit.info

Thanks for missing the point of the entire post.  TheAdigitalMan version barely has any changes, and has no editing to improve the movie.  Just a few new sequences thrown in.
The Spence Edit... well it's bad.  Spence is a great editor and I love his EpIII cut, I don't know how that happened. 

Possessed Return of the Jedi-* Resurrected!!*

I am currently working on an edit of Return of the Jedi.  The prequels have been edited to the point where I can be satisfied watching them with certain edits.  However, I’ve never been able to find an edit of Return of the Jedi.  A few have been released, but they either go too far or don’t go far enough for my taste.

I won’t be making any radical changes to the story.  I’m just approaching it as an editor, cutting out the bulk and bad moments while keeping the story intact. Definite changes include:

*Tried to remove all close ups in Jabba’s Palace that show a muppet-looking creature.  This includes ALL close ups of that stupid pet jabba has with the annoying laugh.  (sorry, I don’t know his name.)

*Leah and Chewie are already in Jabba’s palace when 3po and R2 get there. This serves two purposes: 1. Makes 3po’s line earlier make sense: “Lando and poor Chewbacca never returned from this awful place”. I may have been misunderstanding this line my whole life it’s entirely possible, either way it still makes it make sense. 2. Allows me to get rid of the awful “thermal detonator” scene. (well, the whole scene wasn’t awful, but all the close ups and mock dramatic shock and bobba fett pulling his gun to a big musical cue are unbearably campy for me and I’m willing to sacrifice the whole scene just to remove those shots, and because I couldn’t figure out a convincing way to fix that moment and still keep the scene intact) Also this makes it just as much a surprise to the audience when this mystery bounty hunter starts thawing him out, and to Han when he finds himself sharing a cell with Chewie.

*NO MUSICAL NUMBERS. Neither Jedi Rocks nor Lapti Nek.

*Possibly restoring sarlaac pit to pre-97 state, haven’t decided if it’s worth the slight drop in video quality to splice in De-Specialized footage (this will be 1080P), but it might blend well enough if I’m careful enough when upscaling it to 1080, so I’m leaning toward yes.

*Tried to cut down on the “campiness” of the rebel briefing scene. There’s a mock up of this somewhere in the thread

*I am not going to try to remove the ewoks from the film.  I am going to try to make them more tolerable.  I will try to cut down on their cutesy moments and focus more on their abilities as warriors. Also, the scene with Leah and Wicket being introduced will probably be removed as this makes it a surprise when she turns up later.

*General trims and snips throughout to remove over-campiness and make it a less cheesy film and closer in spirit to ANH and ESB.

*Many more small trims that aren’t worth mentioning, if you were one of the lucky people to see the rough draft that I put out like 5 years ago you might remember some of them.

*keeps the se ending, obviously getting rid of “NOOOO” and Hayden as Anakin. Those go without saying. Also most likely using the 97 sound mix in this segment to get rid of wesa free

*Global and automatic (and slight) color correction algorithm to match the colors to Harmy’s color corrected version. Just doing a global automatic correction, I don’t care so much for restoring the exact theatrical colors as theatrical authenticity goes out the window for a fanedit, but it does make it look more natural. The difference is small, which is good enough for me. Also gives me the added benefit of being able to easily cut in despecialized shots if I decide to remove the sarlaac beak.

*This edit will use the 1993 uncompressed pcm audio as a base most of the time. For scenes that require tricky editing the 2011 mix will be used due to the discrete channels letting me remove dialogue but keep music and ambient effects, which will make editing much easier. But scenes without a ton of editing and anything where sound effects are heavy (blaster fights, lightsaber, speeders and ships etc) I will do my best to use the 1993 mix as it subs the best for things like this and has the most power. (it won’t be released as lossless audio but it will be at a very high bitrate) as I feel those mixes are the best for the entire trilogy. Much more power and better eq than the SE mixes. (although I will sometimes splice in audio from the 2011 track at edit points due to it’s discrete channels giving me the ability to mostly mute the dialogue while keeping the score and ambient sound effects in tact therefor letting me have longer and smoother audio transitions) Due to this, the main audio track for this will be 2.0 Dolby Surround. But worry not as it will be surround. As long as you have pro logic or something similar you will still get full surround sound. I will also provide a 5.1 upmix for those without pro-logic, but the 2.0 track will be the default and most recommended due to it being able to sound good on both stereo and surround systems, and also because it will be a 384 kbps 2.0 ac3 that is encoded DIRECTLY from a lossless pcm capture of the 1993 laserdisc mix so the audio quality will be very, very good. Basically lossless for most ears. Whereas the upmix will be a 448 kbps re-encode that has 6 channels. (meaning less bitrate for each channel). It will still sound very good, but should only be used if you don’t have a matrix upmixer for surround.

Also this will use telecines version with re rotoscoped lasers and sabers as a base. Footage from despecialized will be used to restore sebastian Shaw, and possibly remove the sarlaac beak. Haven’t decided yet, but if so it will be upscaled to 1080p but it’s already very high quality for 720p so it won’t really be noticeable for a few quick shots, same for Sebastian Shaw.

Upon release I plan on unleashing it as: 1080P BD25, 720P AVCHD, possibly 14-15 or so GB 1080P MKV, and a DVD5.

The BD25 and DVD5 will have menus and maybe some minimal bonus features. I’m thinking maybe the section of Empire of Dreams pertaining to Jedi, and some fan documentaries and some trailers and possibly deleted scenes. These will all be highly compressed and in SD so as to not eat up room for the main feature, as they will only even be included here for convenience sake if you feel like watching them after watching Return of the Jedi. If you actually just want to watch these you’ll be better off finding the original sources for them.

Info: Auto-correction from SE colours to GOUT colours (lots of information)

Sorry to bump this old thread, but could anybody that has the histograms post them again?  I'm making a small edit of empire for personal use that just fixes the small technical problems that bothered me, and I might as well try and take the blue out of it somewhat at least.  I used to have them but I lost them.  (boosting contrast in shots with lightsabers mainly, and removing some of the SE changes that were too distracting)

ChainsawAsh said:

Just ran into a rather frustrating problem.  Just yesterday, I took all the Star Wars sound mixes I had (1977 mono, 1977 stereo, and 1993 stereo) that were already synchronized to the GOUT (minus the 1985 mix, which I have, but it's unsynchronized) and added the exact amount of delay at the beginning needed to properly sync them up.

I then took the GOUT video track I had in Avid underneath my Revisited/AVCHD track and made sure it lined up perfectly with the beginning, and adjusted the Revisited/AVCHD track accordingly.  I then erased the mono mix audio that I'd attempted to manually sync up (with more or less OK results - the YouTube clip makes it look worse than it was, but it still wasn't 100% exact) and replaced it with the new file that I'd added the delay to (which now syncs up 100% perfectly!) ... but the problem is, somewhere along the line the Revisited/AVCHD track becomes one frame out of sync with everything else.  Now I have to go through every shot until I find the first one that's off so I can fix it.  Ugh.

I think I'll take a break from this for the rest of the day today and come back to it tomorrow to fix this.


The easiest way to fix it would be when you find it to copy the extra frame of audio, delete it from the synched file and drag it back so that it synchs, and then place the extra frame of audio to overlay on top of the audio in the spot where it would be. It won't be noticeable. Unless you think that you'll notice when a shot is cut one frame short, in which case maybe you should take a break from star wars for a very very long time ;p