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- #1593813
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/1593813/action/topic#1593813
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The removal of the TIE and hair both look great — fantastic attention to detail - well done!!
The removal of the TIE and hair both look great — fantastic attention to detail - well done!!
There was someone on youtube a while back that made a CG version of this scene with the explosion moving away and it doesn’t work. The thing with an explosion that moves away is that it gives the impression that its getting smaller and it lessens the visual impact. Thankfully Star Wars really doesn’t stick to real world physics when it comes to FX and goes for a more visual impact than real world.
Ahh you’re absolutely right - the visual impact would be greatly lessened were the explosion to get smaller.
The explosion looks “fuller” if that makes sense – it’s a much better explosion than the original. One tiny thing that stood out though (which may be so small as to be deemed entirely irrelevant):
The two other TIE’s are moving forward towards the screen, yet the explosion seems to be locked into place; wouldn’t the explosion be steadily moving away from the camera?
That looks great!
Apparently, Team Negative who worked on the 4K77/80/83 versions are currently working on tweaking the Deleted scenes themselves…
Where did you read that? I found no topics related to that on the SWTrilogy site.
The top photo looks great; as others have noted, it makes it look more otherworldly. Darkening it a bit will really sell the effect!
Several people have made 4K versions of the deleted scenes; check out Darth Pyro’s upscales on the SWTrilogy Forum, as well as MechaSalesman AKA Numeral Joker’s upscales.
I’ve made my own upscales, however haven’t uploaded them anywhere sorry!
I just adjusted the color till the blue Channel was isolated… that’s it. Some general masking wrapped it up nicely.
That’s a good way to do it – I hadn’t thought of isolating one colour channel only haha!
In the original film, as the X-Wings are approaching the Death Star, Red Leader states “we’re passing through the magnetic field”, which is when the audio distortion starts to happen.
Prior to them nearing the Death Star, there was no distortion in their ship-to-ship radio communication.
If you remove that distortion, it makes that part of the dialogue useless; will you be removing that dialogue in your edit?
Out of curiosity, would you consider adding in the blue energy shields, similar to what was shown in Revenge Of The Sith, to the Death Star?
Here is a quick mock-up of what I mean:
That’s really nicely done! Did you use the behind-the-scenes footage (and add the hologram & scanlines effects), or did you use the existing hologram footage? Either way, you’ve done some great rotoscoping there! Was it a case of doing some refined rotoscoping, or did you use another method for isolating the footage?
That looks great!
new clip, cool idea? or should it be left out?
audio is still a wip
This is a fantastic idea!
An example of how good an image can be yielded if you just work hard enough to fix 4k77’s shortcomings.
no power windows, no qualifiers. pure full frame manual cc. and amazing grain reduction and regraining. not to mention the hours of manual cleanup.
Looking at each of these photos and video clips, it’s clear that you have managed to extract a lot more detail that was previously obscured. Nicely done! 😃
Great work on adjusting the colours!
Yeah, definitely! It’s a great idea, and lets the audience know that he got away.
what do you guys think of Vader going into hyperspeed? is it a good idea?
That looks fantastic! 😃
The colours look great; I didn’t see any artefacts or any visual issues at all. Nicely done!
That’s very interesting! Over the last few years I’ve heard many attempts at recreations, but your version is the first I’ve heard with the audio from the ‘From Star Wars to Jedi’ documentary. Nicely done!
Very nice colours!
Here’s my quick attempt at restoring the Tosche Station scenes:
this looks incredible!
I’ve done a preliminary color correction over the whole scene with some shot-for-shot sprinkled in.
this is just preliminary and is still a WIP. it’ll get better when Williarob releases a better quality final version.
edit: top: Original Bottom: Corrected
I’m interested if you could toss me a link. Thanks… And yes, I’ll take an older cut if that’s what you have. =)
I just saw your message now sorry! I seem to only receive about 50% of notifications. I’ll send you a PM.
If anyone is after this (soon to be revised) edit, please send me a PM, as notifications don’t always work.
The technology already exists; there are people already doing amazing restoration work on deleted scenes.
Is the Episode V Revisited “Canon Friendly” audio mix still available? I’d love to use it in an edit! 😃
I just watched the preview video for v2; the colours look great - did you adjust the engine glow for the Falcon? If so, it’s a nice touch!
It was also great to see the moving starfield in the cockpit shot of the Falcon, as well as the radar dish in the docking bay scene, but the best of all was the manoeuvres Han does to evade the Star Destroyer!
One thing I did notice was the SE audio during the search for the droids; you can still hear the small patrol droid’s sounds from the SE, however no droid is visible on-screen.
The revised colours look fantastic; I also noticed the new background, the new blaster effects, and the Probe Droid steadily moving – all of which look great!