- Post
- #1618832
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- The Rise of Skywalker: Untold (WIP)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/1618832/action/topic#1618832
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oh wow I really like that new 3PO + The dialogue is great.
oh wow I really like that new 3PO + The dialogue is great.
If possible I’d love to see a bit more geonosis content, I miss waxer and Boyle
would love a link too!
would love a link once completed! sounds great!
Could I get a link please?
Do we have a list of all the changes for V5?
would love a link!
Sounds like a good idea, It would be neat to have a sorta Ascendant plus, as this is seeming to be.
Could I get a update set of links?
I’d prefer “end him” also, but I also do like the “we” vs the “you were made to”
I like all of what you just posted, but I do feel like her birth should coincide with palpatines return if possible. Anakins was when him and Plaguies did a dark ritual shifting the force after all, so I feel there should be some catalyst.
I see, gotcha
Ideally, somebody would also be kind enough to modify Rey’s vision in TFA with a ship that looks more different than Ochi’s. 😉 We already know the ships ARE technically different models between films, but they do look similar enough for people to have spotted that in the trailers.
I thought canonically they were the same ship no? In Cannon I thought her parents stole Ochis Ship, he stole it back, and then killed them.
That’s pretty solid actually, doesn’t seem to difficult or confusing to understand either for a viewer. I guess only potential issue is if future material changes this, but I actually really like that.
My only major question i have now, is why exactly did the force decide to “create” rey when it did? It’d be nice to have some sort of catalyst for that I feel. Maybe it’s not doable though.
I like that wording quite alot, I think thats definitely my favorite so far
Alright I’m beginning to see after catching up more. I also prefer leaving out lule saying the “light and dark”, keeping it extra simple and simply saying something along the lines of what hinventon had in mind. I like yours too JJ. I guess I just prefer it being more obvious that it was the force itself that made them, so whatever that ends up being is something I personally prefer.
So much to read, I will say IMO. I prefer the more ambiguous the better. In Legends it was said that arguably Palpatine and Plagueis “created” anakin. By shifting the force to the Dark side, and then having the force retaliate by “creating” Anakin. So I personally would prefer it be more ambiguous where its said the force created her as it did Anakin. If we are still going down this route that is.
Would also love a link when its completed!
That is from only Rekindled I believe, but I agree Eddie.
Wow I’m really loving this new clone angle. The only thing I’d be sad about going is the Dyad wording. I think it may be worth trying to include that word in there somewhere, especially because I’m sure in future material the Dyad will come back up, so it’ll be more cannon friendly and “future proof”.
Well, Ben Solo is dead, so I somewhat doubt it would ever come up again unless they do something crazy like resurrecting him in the next movie. But, yeah, it is a cool concept nonetheless. Maybe there is a way to weave it into there. Or we could just have Palpatine define their connection at the end there and not have Kylo define it. Because it’s never actually explained why or how he knows they’re a dyad. Obviously Palpatine didn’t tell him, and he’s the guy that would be well-versed on the intricacies of the Force. Maybe it would be best if it’s a surprise to everyone in that moment with Palps at the end. That way we’re also not revealing too many things about Rey in the hangar which would distract from the main point of it all.
By future material im mostly thinking for some sort of series that will likely be made in the future set in the gap between episode 8 and 9, likely explaining how Kylo even knows about the Dyad aswell. I just imagine its fairly likely that it will come up again at some point, so if its able to be maintained I think it would be a good call personally. I would be down for just Palpatine knowing about it too though, though thay may seem a bit out of left field if Kylo didn’t mention it before.
Wow I’m really loving this new clone angle. The only thing I’d be sad about going is the Dyad wording. I think it may be worth trying to include that word in there somewhere, especially because I’m sure in future material the Dyad will come back up, so it’ll be more cannon friendly and “future proof”.
I like that idea DZ, I think the blade idea needs more lines and such like that to sell the idea more.
- Anything else we can do about the dagger? And I wonder about reinstating it being depicted as her parents’ murder weapon; it was removed to allow for greater clarity that it can mystically reveal directions to the wayfinder.
I realize this might not be a popular thought, but as I watched Ascendant with a ‘fresh’ mind the other day, I felt that it wasn’t quite clear enough in depicting how the dagger was leading Rey to the Wayfinder unless you were already aware of the behind-the-scenes change made for this edit.
Perhaps if some sort of effect was added to it, especially on Endor / DS2 it could be made more clear what’s happening. In the Clone Wars, when Savage Opress found Darth Maul, the necklace given by Mother Talzin functioned similarly to the way the dagger operates in Ascendant, however it had a clear visual effect on the necklace when he approached Maul.
As seen here - > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZfwl5VK4Nc
Is there a changelog for Episode 3?