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Pennsylvania Jones

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Introducing... Pennsylvania Jones!

For me, a sequel to Secret of NIMH isn't such a bad idea.  To me, the first one was over too quickly.  It's more the way the sequel was carried out that irks me.  Direct to video, a juvenile title (Timmy to the Rescue), song numbers left and right, an annoying caterpillar, and, for some reason, underwear.  They talk about wearing underwear, and they don't even wear any pants.  They all wear nothing but their fur from the waist-down.  If you don't think it's nonsense by that point, you were probably born around when the GOUT was released.

BTW, you've got a funny (read: humorous) name, Monolithium.  Kudos!

Best and Worst Decades For Movie Soundtracks

My favorite scores range from the 1980s through the 1990s.  Indiana Jones Trilogy, Back to the Future, and Secret of NIMH for the 80's.  Then the 1990s had Bruce Broughton's Lost in Space soundtrack.  The Lost in Space movie (I say this without shame) is perhaps my favorite movie score of all time to listen to.  It's not the most powerful score, but it is one of the most memorable scores I've ever heard.  Just listen to this!


My least favorite would have to be...  Any era of movie soundtracks where orchestral music isn't used at all.  Scores just don't work when there's no orchestra performing it.

The Secret of NIMH 3

Long story short, the first Secret of NIMH was over too soon for me, and the second Secret of NIMH wasn't over soon enough.  With the first NIMH leaving me wanting more, I couldn't let the franchise end with...  with...  This!

One of the first things I wanted (which I realize is probably a very bad idea) was to bring back Jonathan Brisby.  What?  He got this heartbreaking introduction at the beginning (making me think the movie was about Jonathan), and it turned out he wasn't as big a plot point as I was led to believe.  My latest plot involves a dark, rodent-eating cloud that swallowed not just Jonathan, but also Nicodemus and Jenner, etc.  I don't really want to use this plotline; I've written stories before.  After awhile, I lose interest in a story after I'm almost done with it, and then I abandon it, and later, when I look back at it, I'm thinking "This is the worst thing ever written!"  I don't want to repeat that, and I don't want to be like George Lucas and push a bad plot forward into a movie.

That being said, I'd like to work with someone who knows what they're doing when it comes to writing to make this possible.  Green Penguino has already taken an interest in this, so I think he'll be the one to work with me.  If anyone else wants to join, too, they're free to do so.


With that out of the way, I'll start off with what I definitely want in the script:

No Timmy to the Rescue tie-ins, other than references to it being a bizzarre dream that Timothy had when he had pneumonia.

The film will star Mrs. Brisby no more than a year after the original Secret of NIMH.  (Elizabeth Hartman is dead, so a new actress will be required for this role)

The film will co-star Racso from the second and third Rats of NIMH books.  If you aren't familiar with the books, I'll be happy to provide some details of his character, at the expense of spoilers for the Rats of NIMH books.

Jeremy will be established as the head of a family, seeing as the last shot of the first film was one of him with "Miss Right."  (With Dom Delouise's passing, a new actor will be required for this role)

Martin is established to have a girlfriend named Breta.

Justin and Mrs. Brisby DO NOT HAVE ANY ROMANTIC INVOLVEMENT!!!  I hate all of that online fan art and stuff with them having romance.  In the books, Justin marries a rat named Beatrice, while Mrs. Brisby remains a widow.  For the most part, we do this thing by the book(s)!

And now, whoever is interested, let's work out the plot!

Introducing... Pennsylvania Jones!

greenpenguino said:

Pennsylvania Jones said:

greenpenguino said:

Ziggy Stardust said:

Yes, he writes scripts.

And no, Secret of Nimh 2 looks like Citizen Kane in comparison.

Hey! I can answer my own questions, thank you!

Pennsylvania Jones said:

First, are you a good scriptwriter? 

Well, I'm not terrible.


Second, do you think Secret of NIMH 2: Timmy to the Rescue is worse than the Prequel Trilogy?

Not by a long shot! It may be an awful film but it's got Eric Idle singing about being evil which is a plus. :)


Come to think of it... Do you think the prequels would've been better films if they had musical numbers in? Hmmm...

No, I think the Prequel Trilogy would be worse with musical numbers.  Especially of the kind featured in Timmy to the Rescue.

Second, the reason I asked if you wrote scripts (and indeed, one of the reasons I joined this site) is because I want to make a story for a Secret of NIMH 3.  In it, Timmy to the Rescue was merely a dream.  Timmy had it while he was delirious from pneumonia in the first film.  It will focus on a Mrs. Brisby who's as young as she was in the first film (This will be set no more than a year after the original NIMH).  It will also include things from the second and third Rats of NIMH books, like Isabella, Racso, Christopher, etc.  Martin is NOT going to be evil; in fact, in the books it states he managed to get a girlfriend named Breta.

Interested?  I'm going to start a thread in Scriptwriting if you want to help me write it.

Sounds intriguing...

Thanks!  I'm starting the thread as I type this.

Random Thoughts

CP3S said:

If I invited a mouse into my home to keep as a pet, I'd take care of it and feed it just like I would a dog or a cat.

Until she escapes through the water trough in your parrot's old cage.  By that point, the rats who live in your rosebush would be, like, halfway done with moving her house over to the safe spot in the field.  And your cat won't stop it all because the mouse drugged his food right before you captured her.

Introducing... Pennsylvania Jones!

greenpenguino said:

Pennsylvania Jones said:

First, are you a good scriptwriter? 

Well, I'm not terrible.


Second, do you think Secret of NIMH 2: Timmy to the Rescue is worse than the Prequel Trilogy?

Not by a long shot! It may be an awful film but it's got Eric Idle singing about being evil which is a plus. :)


Come to think of it... Do you think the prequels would've been better films if they had musical numbers in? Hmmm...

No, I think the Prequel Trilogy would be worse with musical numbers.  Especially of the kind featured in Timmy to the Rescue.

Second, the reason I asked if you wrote scripts (and indeed, one of the reasons I joined this site) is because I want to make a story for a Secret of NIMH 3.  In it, Timmy to the Rescue was merely a dream.  Timmy had it while he was delirious from pneumonia in the first film.  It will focus on a Mrs. Brisby who's as young as she was in the first film (This will be set no more than a year after the original NIMH).  It will also include things from the second and third Rats of NIMH books, like Isabella, Racso, Christopher, etc.  Martin is NOT going to be evil; in fact, in the books it states he managed to get a girlfriend named Breta.

Interested?  I'm going to start a thread in Scriptwriting if you want to help me write it.

Introducing... Pennsylvania Jones!

DuracellEnergizer said:

Pennsylvania Jones said:

Duracell, yes, no love for the 2003 pilot. I think the only reason I even like the movie is because that's what got me into Lost in Space in the first place. Well, one of its computer games, anyway. Besides, the Robots and Bruce Broughton's score are AWESOME!!!

Just to clarify, the pilot I speak of was for a new Lost in Space series that would have had no ties to the '98 film.

Yes, I know.  I was using the film as a point of comparison.  The general consensus is that the movie isn't as bad as the pilot.  It seems as if Lost in Space is spiraling down a black hole of bad quality media.