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<strong>Rangers Of The New Republic</strong> (live action series) - general discussion thread (<strong>Cancelled</strong>)

Anakin Starkiller said:

It’s not officially cancelled yet, and will maybe still continue, but to me this implies that Rangers was going to heavily feature Cara Dune and that’s now been quietly thrown out of the window. It’s a shame if it really is cancelled - I was hoping the series could replace Cara (if it was ever going to feature her) with a character like Hera Syndulla.

I think it was pretty petty to fire Carano in the first place. This is why I hate Twitter.

Let’s not please

I also hope Rangers isn’t canceled from just Carano. There’s so much potential I’d much prefer the show to star original characters and flesh out their original stories. Include a few recognizable characters like the X-Wing Pilot from Mando, but put most of the focus on new faces.

If you can only have one of these upcoming series... which would it be, and why?

I’m most hyped for The Bad Batch right now, considering how amazing TCW Season 7 was, that said it’s a bit of a wildcard. On one hand, the characters weren’t that interesting in TCW and Filoni has a history for childish shows (Rebels / Resistance). On the other hand, this is being marketed as a direct continuation of TCW, with the same style and (at least from the trailers) a darker tone in line with Order 66. We’ll have to see if they keep Season 7’s darker tone: if they do, it will be one of my favorites, if not it will be super forgettable.

Safe choice: either the Acolyte or Boba Fett. Both have tons of potential and aren’t as up in the air as Bad Batch is.

Prediction for Star Wars X, XI, and XII

Rey Skywalker has vanished.
In her absence, the sinister
SECOND ORDER has risen from
the ashes of the First Order
and will not rest until
Rey, the last Jedi,
has been destroyed.

With the support of the
THIRD REPUBLIC, General Poe Dameron
leads a brave REVOLT.
He is desperate to find his
friend (nothing else) Rey and gain her
help in restoring peace
and justice to the galaxy.

Poe has sent his most daring
pilot on a secret mission
to Mandalore, where an old ally
has discovered a clue to
Rey’s whereabouts.…

Your ideal Star Wars Sequel Trilogy

I think the New EU should have taken more inspiration from the Old EU the same way the MCU “adapts” their comics. Not a direct copy, but taking the best pieces of certain stories and mashing them together.

  • I love the idea of an extra-galactic “invading force” being the antagonists, so I’d take the main conflict of the New Jedi Order books, though perhaps instead of the Vong it could be the Sith Race from SWTOR or an entirely new species.

  • I would make Ben Solo a Jedi to begin the trilogy, and have his turn mirror Jacen Solo’s somewhat. He first turns because he believes the Sith are a necessary evil to combat the Vong. He’s put off by Luke and the other Jedi’s defensive-minded tactics and thinks they need to go on the offensive. Later, he learns that Darth Vader was aware of the Vong’s existence and the Empire was planning to use their fleet to attack the Vong in their home. This convinces Ben that his grandfather was braver than his uncle and that the Sith and Empire are the only way to save the galaxy.

  • Of course, over the course of the trilogy Ben realizes his wrongs, and that while Vader, the Sith, and the Empire might be efficient at war, this doesn’t justify the atrocities they commit and their overall corruption towards power. They never were altruistic and by the trilogy’s end, Rey convinces Ben to turn back to the light.

  • Thrawn leads the Imperial Remnant. As the situation becomes worse the New Republic and former Empire team-up, with Thrawn being a suspicious ally for most of the trilogy. However, after the final battle, Thrawn and Imperial High Command would try to betray the Republic, only for the Stormtroopers, inspired by Finn, to refuse and arrest them.

  • Rey is a nobody. The Jedi Order is alive but spread across the galaxy. However, Luke has still disappeared to Ach-To, where he blames himself for failing Ben and has a similar plot arc as TLJ.

  • After Luke’s death, Luke tells Rey to complete her training on Mandalore (inspired by Jaina and Boba). She meets with the now-isolationist Mandalorians, tired of so much war, but their leader (could be Bo-Katan, Din, or Boba, but tbh I’d prefer an OC) nonetheless relent. Rey tries to get them to fight but they refuse, at the final battle when all is lost they swoop in and save the day.

  • I don’t care much about keeping the OT Trio alive. They had their time, now let’s let the new characters lead. Han dies either in the first scene or before the movie starts, and this is what motivates Ben to hate the Vong in the first place. Leia sacrifices herself when the Vong conquer Coruscant.

Anyone else dislike Rogue One? I feel like the only person.

I only watch the Battle of Scarif. I find the rest too dull to sit through.

I think the problem is the dull characters. Each has an interesting backstory that should make for an interesting character but watching them interact they all looked so bored. Cassian says he’s been in this fight since he was 6 but we don’t learn why. What motivates him to push further and further towards grey morality, in essence becoming as bad as the Empire to fight the Empire? That should be interesting but it’s never explored.

Same for the “Gun Guy” and the “Force Guy” (yes, I’ve forgotten their names). They say in passing they once thought similarly but have since drifted in beliefs. What motivated that and how will they reconcile? Never explored, instead they just offer Jyn weird advice.

Or how about the Pilot? The Pilot is just a walking plot device. He has no characterization other than knowing Imperial stuff. We never learn why he defected or what he believes in, he is just with Galen for whatever reason and knows the tech stuff.

As a result, I prefer watching the first half of TROS over R1. Yeah, the story is terrible but there’s something fun about the ST’s characters. I’d watch them together in any scenario. I can’t say the same about R1 unfortunately. I’m supposed to feel something for these characters when they’re systematically killed off, but the only death I cared about was the droid.

Unpopular Opinion Thread

ThisIsCreation said:

jedi_bendu said:

ThisIsCreation said:

The issues with dialogue from the prequels is evident in ROTJ. There are lines in ROTJ that sound like something from AOTC.

What lines are you thinking of, out of curiosity?

Han’s line when he comes out of carbonite:

  • Luke? A Jedi? I’m out of it for a little while and everybody gets delusions of grandeur.

That sounds like dialogue straight out of the mouth of attack of the clones Obi-Wan. you can even hear it in obi-wans voices as you read it lol.

Leia’s delivery of this line:

  • No! Luke, run away, far away! If he can feel your presence, then leave this place!.

I love melodramatic star wars, and this line sounds like it comes out of the mouth of Padme. Leia normally spoke like an actual person, but this whole line & the way she says it feels so out of character.

Once Leia’s hair is let down on Endor, Carrie’s performance is so weird in hindsight.

I agree. I think the reason these lines pass (while the PT lines get memed) is that the acting for both these scenes is so emotionally driven it overrides any of the ridiculous writing (granted they’re still weird lines, but they’re not funny in the way the Prequels are). For Han, as a sarcastic character it fits his personality. For Leia, you can tell she’s emotionally distraught by Luke’s words and is doing everything she can to convince him to say.

If you placed these lines into the context of the PT, however, with Obi-Wan muttering “delusions of grandeur” to Anakin without context and Padme saying “run away” to Anakin in some melodramatic way, they’d almost certainly be made fun of. Lucas just isn’t an actor’s director.

Mando EP2: Search for the Jedi [V2 RELEASED]

smudger9 said:

I’m still debating what to do with season 2, so I’m going through the process of trying a few things out to see how well they work.

The first one is removing the Krayt Dragon. Its a great sequence but it is very much a side quest. Here I’ve cut together a sequence where it has been removed. Let me know your thoughts.


The editing is great, but I’m not sure about its implications for the story. I worry it would leave a bad taste in everyone’s mouth for the main character to kill a friendly marshall just trying to protect his town… especially when the rest of the movie is Din generally being heroic. There are no scenes to retrofit into potential guilt either so it would feel awkward when he hands it out to someone he doesn’t yet know is Mandalorian (Boba).

I think it would be better to just start the movie with Mando walking into Mos Eisley with Boba’s armor. How he acquired it would be an off-hand reference, like the Bounty Hunter on Ord Mantell or the Battle of Tanaab.

Unpopular Opinion Thread

I also think a “retcon” of the Sequels is possible. But not for money (the Sequels made plenty of money) or fan appeasement (fans are a small minority, and of them, only a half actually dislike the ST). Instead, I think the reason will be for more storytelling opportunities.

Key point – this shouldn’t be about how much the Sequels suck and were de-canonized because they were failures. I enjoy parts of the ST, especially Luke’s failure. However, I believe both fans and critics of the movies can agree that although interesting on their own, these concepts don’t jive very well with the rest of the universe.

It’s already coming up with the Grogu Situation. Will Grogu survive another Jedi Purge? Will everything Mando and friends fight for be rendered naught when the First Order shows up? I think these concerns will only magnify once we see Ahsoka, Rangers, and Boba Fett. The stories will start to expand and all of a sudden, as we progress increasingly closer to TFA, things will make less and less sense.

Add this to the Worlds Between Worlds Logo in the Ahsoka show. I think both Favreau and Filoni recognize this and have found a solution to keep these stories going. Supposing the Ahsoka show explores the World Between Worlds, we may see the beginnings of a “Star Wars Multiverse”. Said concept could be used in the final battle against Thrawn (or whoever the “climatic storytelling event” is building to) to create alternate timelines in Star Wars.

From there, Disney wouldn’t be “retconning” the ST, they’d just be creating an alternate timeline to explore. I’d argue this the best approach for everyone. Fans of the ST could still enjoy those movies knowing they are “canon”, and we could possibly even see books written for both timelines starring Rey and friends. Meanwhile, Disney can move forward with an alternate timeline with different stories and ideas.

Unpopular Opinion Thread

Had Rogue One and Solo swapped release dates, popular opinion would be inverted as well.

Rogue One is incredibly overrated – it’s not a bad movie by any means, but it gets too much credit for fan service elements and a). rode the wave of euphoria generated by TFA from 2015-2017, and b) had a primetime Christmas release with no rival blockbusters.

Solo is incredibly underrated – it’s not amazing by any means, but it gets too much hate for fan service elements and was severely harmed by a). the terrible marketing, b). the terrible release date right after Infinity War, and c). the lack of overall enthusiasm towards Star Wars at the time.

In practice, both are around equal. Decent adventures that rely too heavily on fan-service and OT tie-ins, but due to differing release dates one’s gotten overwhelming praise and the other forgotten about entirely.

Mando EP2: Search for the Jedi [V2 RELEASED]

I think Ahsoka should be cut.

Here me out. Ahsoka’s episode is one of the best of this season. Incredibly well-paced plus the emotional callbacks to the Clone Wars and Prequels were excellent. But in the grand scheme, it is not essential. In fact, I would say it damages the ending of the Rescue because of how supposedly awe-inspiring the arrival of Luke is… when Mando has already seen a Jedi in action.

Imagine if the story went like this…
– Bo-Katan tells Mando to go to Tython and find a Jedi there
– Mando goes to Tython and Grogu is taken
– Mando leads a rescue, first with the Imperial Base and then the Ship
– After a movie of searching, a Jedi is finally found

It simplifies the plot. I’d argue Ahsoka is great nuance in a TV show, but for a movie, the pacing becomes incredibly rushed and the plot wonky.

Now, admittedly I haven’t worked out all the kinks. You would have to make Ahsoka’s voice sound like Bo-Katan, or potentially compile some clips from TCW and Rebels since it’s the same actress and make her say to travel to Tython. Second, Mando’s spear would be something we can assume he collected between episodes, although I really don’t consider this that big a plot hole. The only admittedly important piece of information we gain is the Child’s name being Grogu, but unless I’m mistaken, I don’t think this ever comes up again? Mando keeps calling him “the kid” and Gideon “the child”.

This would save 40 some minutes from the movie and gives you time to fully develop the Heiress, Tragedy, Believer, and Rescue episodes, which frankly I think are the real “core” of this season emotionally.

<strong>The Mandalorian</strong> - a general discussion thread - * <em><strong>SPOILERS</strong></em> *

StarkillerAG said:

Geez, why do you guys hate this episode so much? I thought it was good. Not the best episode ever, but not an abomination against the Star Wars franchise as we know it like some of you guys are acting.

My thoughts exactly. Although it was a bit rushed and my expectations were high, the episode remained engaging throughout and the ending was incredibly emotional. Seeing Din finally take off the mask voluntarily before parting with Grogu would have been the perfect series finale.

But then the series goes maclunkey and gifts that amazing post-credit scene! And I’m reminded we still have a lot more to go until the ending of this show and other Disney+ properties.

The Kenobi <s>Movie</s> Show (Spoilers)

Knowing Vader, why would he ever presume Obi-Wan’s death? Next to Yoda, Obi-Wan is public enemy number 1: the only surviving Jedi Council member, and who Vader has a deeply personal vendetta against. I doubt Vader and the Empire would let his escape go. I imagine there’d be wanted posters everywhere and the moment any Stormtrooper is able to locate him the leadership on Courscant would instantly be aware. This isn’t Cal Kestas or Kanan Jarrus.

For that reason, I find it more likely Obi-Wan and Vader fight again, and this time Obi-Wan will find some way to fake his death. It would explain a lot – why does Vader and Tarkin presume Obi-Wan’s death? He faked it somehow, permanently getting the Empire off his trail and allowing him to focus on protecting Luke. Why does Obi-Wan know Vader’s “more machine than man now” when he last saw him burning alive? Saw him personally, and realized that Anakin = Vader in the suit. Why didn’t Vader ever trouble to visit his old home on Tatooine, the first place to visit if you were hunting for Obi-Wan? His death was faked so he never bothered.

A fake death could even tie into the “death” of Obi-Wan and the “birth” of Ben.

Mando EP2: Search for the Jedi [V2 RELEASED]

StarkillerAG said:

JakeRyan17 said:

Does Din know that Gideon dies? How does Luke know Vader’s alive in Empire Strikes Back? His ship was shot down in space…

You all keep saying plot hole, it’s not a plot hole.

The difference with ESB is that there was a time skip of 3 years in between ANH and that movie, by which point Luke would have has plenty of time to figure out Vader was alive. Mando doesn’t have any time in season 2 to figure that out offscreen, he’s on a mission the whole time. It is a plot hole.

Mando has plenty of time. It would have taken months for Nevarro to rebuild from the Imperial-occupied battlescape it was at the end of Season 1 to the thriving trade hub it is in Season 2. I expect Mando and Grogu had many dead-end adventures while seeking other Mandolorian covens: for this alternate movie timeline, we could assume one of those adventures is where he discovers Gideon’s survival.

Mando EP2: Search for the Jedi [V2 RELEASED]

Ok let’s do the math

Chapter 11 - 35m
Chapter 13 - 47m
Chapter 14 - 33m
Chapter 15 - 38m

Overall - 153m

Subtract approximately 12 minutes for all the “previous on” and credits - 141m

Cut unnecessary / filler scenes, unsure of how much this could be so I’ll subtract 15 minutes to be safe - 126m

In that case, guessing Chapter 16 is 55 minutes - the movie would be max 181m. A three hour movie, but reasonable nonetheless. It could lower depending on how long Chapter 16 is and how much filler you could cut from the others.

I think it’s all possible in one movie.

The Kenobi <s>Movie</s> Show (Spoilers)

Perhaps Vader will be too strong, and Obi-Wan will have to fake his death? That could explain why Vader and Tarkin were so sure of Obi-Wan’s death. ROTS implies Vader knows Obi-Wan is alive… he just walked away, so Vader knows he’s out there. But a faked death at the end of the series could permanently get Vader off his trail and leave Obi-Wan to focus on protecting Luke.

And although it’s not 20 years in the making, 10 years in the making is still a lot for an epic duel.

Unpopular Opinion Thread

Rogue One is incredibly overrated. Only the last third of the movie is enjoyable.

Solo is incredibly underrated. It is the best Disney Star Wars movie.

TROS is the most enjoyable of the ST, although objectively it’s by far the worst

TLJ is a middle of the road movie, it is neither the worst thing ever nor the best thing ever

TCW Season One, as flawed as it is compared to other seasons, is still incredible overall

Rebels has great ideas but unfortunately the characters act too childish to take seriously

2005 Battlefront II hasn’t aged well. The 2017 version is much more impressive