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Another Hobbit fanedit (Peter Jackson Edition) (* unfinished project *)

The green removal looks good to me, but I don’t know what the original color looked like so I can’t make a good comment on that. The animation effect looks decent when applied to contrasted textures and edges such as Gandalf’s staff, but it is extremely distracting in low contrast areas. Since Jackson uses such a dynamic camera, the static parchment layer feels very much tacked on. I’d be interested to see this with just the animation effect applied to edges.

Rogue One * <em>Spoilers</em> * Thread

Well the TIE lasers on the left of the poster don’t make sense since they are firing at a different plane than all of the TIE fighters in that section, so it makes sense that it may be X-wing lasers. The laser on the right of the poster looks strange because it appears that there’s only one of them, when TIEs usully (always?) fire from both guns simultaneously.

Neverar's A New Hope Technicolor Recreation <strong>(Final Version Released!)</strong>

Status Update:

Reel 1: Preliminary Grade 100% - Finalized 100%
Reel 2: Preliminary Grade 90% - Finalized 90%
Reel 3: Preliminary Grade 100% - Finalized 90%
Reel 4: Preliminary Grade 100% - Finalized 100%
Reel 5: Preliminary Grade 100% - Finalized 93%
Reel 6: Preliminary Grade 100% - Finalized 85%
Total Preliminary: 98.3% - Finalized 93%

Some shots that required additional work:
Chocolate Medals

Yoda and Palpatine NEVER should have been given lightsabers.

I don’t know of any, but it should be possible. There are no essential plot points that happen during their lightsaber scenes. Yoda’s scene in AOTC could be cut so that Dooku and Yoda only use other powers, and Windu arresting Palpatine could cut after ‘it’s treason then’. Cut to Anakin’s arrival at the office, and he enters to find Palpatine already at Windu’s mercy. The final Yoda vs Palpatine fight could be cut entirely.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

CatBus said:

Time for an update as the new info rolls in. Here’s my odds on various things happening (no timeline) after the events of last week.

“Smoking gun”-type indisputable evidence of criminal wrongdoing by senior administration official available to public: 100% (unchanged from last time, but now we actually have it, so we’ll remove this metric as not worth predicting anymore)
Successful RICO prosecution of senior administration official: 90% (+5%)
Presidential pardon of senior administration official: 90% (+10%)
Impeachment of senior administration official: <1% (unchanged)
All mainstream media access to White House revoked: with the latest press briefing restrictions, it’s difficult to tell of this has already happened, I’ll remove this metric as too vague
All mainstream media (including Fox) access to White House revoked: same
Dems take the Senate (meaning 51+ seats) in 2018: 0% (unchanged)
Dems take the House in 2018: 2% (+2%)
Trump average approval rating (Gallup): 36% (unchanged)
Trump re-elected in 2020: 60% (unchanged)
Trump appoints one or more additional Supreme Court justice: 80% (+40%)

I can understand, but cannot accept, the fact that >50% of the voting public are powerless to impeach a president who’s campaign engaged in collusion with a hostile foreign nation to ascend to power.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

yhwx said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

I’m apparently a social libertarian.

I got the same, though with the words flipped around for some reason.

I’m farther on the left than I ever suspected. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry over this.

Why would someone be saddened over what they believe?

Damn Socialist
Sounds like we comprise quite the echo chamber.

JEDIT: Here’re my girlfriend’s results:
Bernie Bro

General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

joefavs said:

Just caught a Star Wars tribute at one of the many 4th of July concerts being televised tonight, I think it was the DC one. The orchestra played the main title and finale, and the video feed switched over to clips from ANH. It didn’t look to be the Lowry transfer, and at first I thought it might even be the GOUT until they showed the Death Star explosion with the praxis ring. I think it might have been an old broadcast version of the 1997 SE.

Was the Praxis ring blue and yellow, or washed out like in every release later than '97?

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

This is more a discussion for the TFA thread where it’s been done to death, so I’ll add that Rey finding Luke’s lightsaber - in the context of TFA - is a convenience on multiple levels.

In the OT, when someone lost a lightsaber in a duel, especially over a bottomless pit, that’s fairly clear cinematic language for ‘gone for good’. The fact that Luke’s saber was found is already a convenience, and that Rey finds it during her first stop off-world is yet another. If the scene was powerful on a thematic level then I’d be more likely to give these conveniences a pass, but it isn’t, and they could easily have had some other artifact or situation to give her the Force vision and then later had her steal the saber from Kylo, who has already been established as being an obsessive collector of Vader artifacts.

Speaking of sabers on a thematic level, the duels in ESB and ROTJ mirror each other. The loss of Anakin’s old saber could be interpreted as a metaphor for the loss of Luke’s idea that his father was a pure and uncorrupted Jedi. Similarly the loss of Vader’s saber could be interpreted as the loss of his identity as Vader. Finding one of the two sabers later on implies an extension of the metaphor, and confuses it. Is Luke’s saber still a symbol of an uncorrupted Jedi? How does this play considering that Rey is very clearly angry and using the Dark Side during her fight with Kylo? Is the saber to Luke a hopeful symbol of idealism, or a painful reminder of his false belief and failure? The film could have given us something to guide our interpretation, but it’s left too ambiguous. Rey is confused and terrified at the vision of the saber, so she doesn’t help us out with interpretations. The clearest interpretation is that it is a sword-in-the-stone moment. Presumably Rey is another divine chosen one, or the daughter of Luke. But if she is the daughter of Luke, that raises even more questions!

I guess my biggest problem with all of this is that I don’t think that JJ had any of these other thematic ideas in mind when he made the scene. I think it’s supposed to be confusing and defy interpretation - not through subtlety or inter-textual clues, but through withholding of essential plot information. And that irritates me.

Last movie seen

DominicCobb said:

NeverarGreat said:

Baby Driver… the main character didn’t feel quite fleshed out enough and there was some repetitive action in the third act.

Did we see the same movie?

Probably not, since all movies are filtered through squishy human brains.

Seriously though, interpret my nitpicks as if they were written in 5 point font and the recommendation in 40.

(Spoilers below, I guess)

I thought that our hero, though he had a very understandable and relatable backstory, was portrayed inconsistently in the first half of the film. We first are led to believe that he doesn’t care about his involvement and is detached from it, then we are led to believe that he is in fact tinged with darkness, then that he is merely a victim of circumstance. Granted that this could be interpreted as merely shades of character applied slowly throughout the film, but I could never feel like I really understood his core motivation.

As for the repetition in the 3rd act, having the villain get injured in a way that implies that the injury is fatal, then having him return for an action sequence only to be further injured in ways considered fatal, felt repetitive.

Again, minor nitpicks in an otherwise excellent movie.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

exitzero said:

That’s too bad. I appreciate your effort and hard work to try to make this happen.
But now it’s just one more thing to look forward to when you do your The Empire Strikes Back: Revisted: 20th Anniversary Special Edition. 2037 will be here before you know it.

By then he’ll have replaced the replacement Wampa with CGI and claimed that it was part of his ‘original vision’.

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace - Faster, More Intense! (Released)

Just got a chance to watch this.

Overall, this definitely improves the experience of watching The Phantom Menace. The pace is brisk without feeling rushed (usually), and the performances are often improved through the omission of certain cringey dialogue.

The specifics (in order of appearance):

Naboo Part 1
-The new crawl is an improvement, if slightly too wordy.
-Obi-wan and Qui-gon’s conversation is a fairly good omission.
-Neimoidian cuts are often good, though subtitling them as well would be better.
-I would have liked to hear Sidious’s ‘make it legal’ line.
-I feel the absence of the Neimoidians discussing the Jedi via hologram. A single line retained from that would have been nice.
-The omission of the Gungan city is well done.
-The first 17 minutes feel slightly rushed, re-adding in a few of these lines would make it flow better.

-Jar Jar’s antics in the shop were a welcome surprise. The sequence of him examining a ‘folded’ pit droid to hitting the nose of a (presumably different) pit droid implies he deduced the functioning of the droid from his cursory examination. If there were a few more moments of intelligence from Jar Jar in this film it would go a long way to redeeming the character. This action, small as it is, makes me appreciate him.
-The Jar Jar and Sebulba scene is much improved, and the subtitles throughout are on point.
-Anakin’s line about the sandstorm feels strange.
-3PO is much improved.
-Some part of the balcony scene should have stayed.
-Podrace scene still feels too long. I remember the theatrical version having less of a startup sequence, so that would be the go-to version for me. Similarly, the final part of the race feels somewhat lacking without the commentators. Even the audio overlaid on the pods would be fine.
-‘pathetic life form’ line omission is a welcome choice.
-‘keep the suns from setting’ and the farewell to Shmi should have been retained.
-Probe droid destruction feels strange, since the same droid presumably informs Maul in the next scene. Either the Maul at his spaceship scene should be cut, or at least the part where the droid speaks to him.
-‘Tell them to take off’ didn’t need to go, since Anakin could have told them offscreen.

-‘One big city’ line is gold, and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.
-The Jedi council scene is definitely improved, the only thing I’d change is to retain one of Anakin’s statements near the end of the questioning.

Naboo Part 2
-New Gungan scene makes me forget that there ever was a Gungan city. This is not a bad thing.
-Anakin’s rush to help his friends needs some vocalization, perhaps ‘we’ve gotta do something, R2’, except as he is running up the steps to the fighter.
-There are some jarring moments during the restructured 4-way battle. ‘Everything’s overheated’ could have stayed.
-There are 3 scenes establishing that Anakin is to be trained as a Jedi. One of these could probably be cut without much trouble. It would be interesting if Qui-gon was dead before Obi-wan got to him after the battle, so that Obi-wan could have taken it upon himself to train Anakin.
-Love the reordered final shots of the film.