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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

TV’s Frink said:

I’d still rather live there. At least Syrian babies could get in the country and old Americans would still have healthcare.

I’m on the fence about it. On the one hand, yes, Trump has done some heinous crap and eroded the norms of political discourse, but one could argue that this had already happened in 2016. At least in this universe, the Republicans can’t constantly blame the Democrats for the state of the government (though they continue to try), and there is at least a chance that the midterms will be favorable to the Democrats.

If you could only remove one Special Edition change...?

TV’s Frink said:

NeverarGreat said:

The fact that they now fire pretty much simultaneously allows for the interpretation that Han intended to shoot first, but Greedo got off a shot.

Ugh, this retcon still bothers me much more than an (admittedly very distracting) rock.

Hey, I’m not saying I’m happy with it, just that I can now blink and miss the change.

If you could only remove one Special Edition change...?

The rock was a poorly implemented, visually discontinuous addition whereas the Greedo shootout is indeed much less objectionable in the 2011 Blu-ray. The fact that they now fire pretty much simultaneously allows for the interpretation that Han intended to shoot first, but Greedo got off a shot. Not a dramatic character difference from the original in my opinion. I can totally understand why a weird rock face which appears in a good half dozen shots would be a more jarring than a split second cut during a shootout.

The problem of Owen Lars

yotsuya said:

thelonius said:

Give the guy a break, he aged at least four decades on only 19 years.

When you look at the ages of the actors who played him and consider that people’s skin age faster under harsh sun, the discrepancy shrinks. If you make the Clone Wars longer (three years is too short for such an epic, galaxy spanning, Republic destroying conflict) Owen and Beru’s ages make more sense in the PT and their apparent age in Ep 4 no longer is off at all.

Granted people can look older than they are, but Ewan McGregor was around 35 when filming ROTS, and Alec Guinness was in his 70s when filming Star Wars. Sure, actors don’t always play characters that are the same age, but unless it’s obvious through makeup or exposition it’s a good metric. I could see McGregor being as old as 45 in ROTS and Guinness being as young as 65, but it strains credulity:
rough years
I also can’t help noticing that Guinness’s nose and ears are proportionally much larger than McGregor’s, and this is a characteristic not of harsh environments but of advanced old age which only gets more pronounced in Empire and Jedi.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

SilverWook said:

TV’s Frink said:

Standing by your man is one thing, refusing to even read the email where your man’s son blatantly admits what you don’t want to believe is something entirely different.

At least I think it is. I don’t remember much of Nixon. :p

Denial plain and simple. I suspect a whole lot of people are going to need therapy when the dominoes start falling and reality won’t go away. Or they’ll just repeat “Trump was framed!” like a mantra.

“His name was Seth Rich!”
“Loving the Liberal Tears!”
“Nobody said #draintheswamp was easy! MAGA!”
“This is MSM FAKE NEWS conspiracy!”
“Primary unpatriotic RINOS!”

Whenever I peer into the depths of Brietbart this stuff seems to be the most popular.

Upcoming movies

darthrush said:

Jeebus said:

New Blade Runner 2049 trailer.


Not a fan of this trailer. Firstly, why the hell does this trailer start with a 5 second trailer for itself?

I’m not averse to action at all, but the action scenes presented in the trailer seem fundamentally un-Blade Runner. I think that’s partly due to the way the trailer was edited. This trailer is trying to market the movie as an action film for mainstream audiences, so it follows the mainstream trailer formula. It’s always a landscape shot or two, someone talking (sometimes to another person), action clips with overbearing drums, repeat ad infinitum.

The cinematography is gorgeous and the soundtrack is killer, though.

Agreed. But hands down the most disappointing aspect of it was that they basically confirmed that Deckard was a replicant, and I DESPISE that theory.

"When Scott was asked about the possibility of a sequel in October 2012, he said, ‘It’s not a rumor—it’s happening. With Harrison Ford? I don’t know yet. Is he too old? Well, he was a Nexus-6 so we don’t know how long he can live. And that’s all I’m going to say at this stage.’"

The general consensus is that Deckard being a Replicant diminishes the story of the original film, and though I have never much cared for the Blade Runner universe, I agree. It seems like Ridley Scott has entered the phase where his interpretation is the right and valid one, even at the expense of the basic theme and continuity of his franchises. Sounds like another director I know…

Should Vader and The Emperor even know who Yoda is?

Yoda to me feels very much like a spiritual guru who has stayed out of the way of galactic history for the most part, gradually growing in wisdom and power throughout his life. At some point Jedi began to seek him out for his wisdom, and they gave him the title of ‘Jedi Master’. His teachings are different than those of Obi-wan, leading me to believe that he adapted his long-form method of learning into a condensed Jedi training course, but this wouldn’t afford the same power as he has accrued through long centuries of meditation. This is why he is so astonished that Luke was almost able to lift the X-wing. He is concerned with Vader and the Emperor because of their dark influence, but he is not diametrically opposed to them. A force of nature as you say. He definitely identifies as a Jedi to some degree, hence his telling Luke that Luke will be the last only when he himself dies. Yet he tells him this in the context of ‘passing on’ what he has learned. In this way, a Jedi is one who knows about the light side of the Force and rejects the dark side. In this way most of all, Yoda is essentially a Jedi.

Another Hobbit fanedit (Peter Jackson Edition) (* unfinished project *)

The green removal looks good to me, but I don’t know what the original color looked like so I can’t make a good comment on that. The animation effect looks decent when applied to contrasted textures and edges such as Gandalf’s staff, but it is extremely distracting in low contrast areas. Since Jackson uses such a dynamic camera, the static parchment layer feels very much tacked on. I’d be interested to see this with just the animation effect applied to edges.