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Should Disney/LFL create an Alternative Prequel Trilogy?

The prequels are too ingrained in the public consciousness to simply remake them without a lot of issues. I think the best idea, if they went the prequel route, would be to make a trilogy that happens concurrently with the Lucas prequels and exists in the same continuity, but focus on the smaller players in the Clone Wars. Episode 1 starts in the middle of the clone wars, Episode 2 happens alongside ROTS, and Episode 3 depicts a galaxy ravaged by war under the iron fist of the Empire. Focusing on normal people rather than Jedi would make the Droid/Clone armies actually threatening, and it could explore some new droid design space since there were many separatist factions. The films could reference the political situation, but never more than happened in the OT. The Jedi remain largely mythical, the story takes place on the fringes of civilization like in the OT, everyone’s happy.

Neverar's A New Hope Technicolor Recreation <strong>(Final Version Released!)</strong>

The first post contains quite a few comparisons, but unfortunately since ScreenshotComparison.com cleaned out their database only my version is viewable. I’ll probably replace them with WilliamRob’s website links, and make a large comparison folder on Google Drive which catalogs some of the bigger changes, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.

I don’t know when the smaller version will be ready for the spleen, shouldn’t be too long.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

File this under totally random speculation, but I wonder if some of Trump’s speaking style could be classified as ASMR or hypnosis. Specifically it’s when he reverts from his carnival barker impression to a quiet, subdued voice. It’s often at the end of a rant, and he repeats the statements multiple times. I noticed that I was getting creeped out by these quiet statements more than his shouting, and couldn’t fully explain why. Now I think that among his base, it may be a form of hypnotic suggestion.

Should Vader and The Emperor even know who Yoda is?

ATMachine said:

In GL’s 1981 revised rough-draft ROTJ script, the Emperor not only knows who Yoda is, he knows him on sight when Yoda’s Force ghost appears in his underground throne room:

The Emperor turns around to see the shimmering image of Yoda standing before him.


Evil one, this will be the last day of your existence.

A further reminder that ROTJ could have been much worse.