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I will refuse to buy STAR WARS on bluray!

Wow no wonder many Star Wars fans get a bad rap if conversations like this keep degenerating into bickering - insane!!!

Would somebody like to educate me what difference it makes over which audio format is used for Blu-ray? Surely if either is lossless then it's just a carrier, and makes no difference in the final analysis. Sort of like comparing FLAC with ALAC? Not looking for a fight here by the way, just genuinaly intrigued.



P.S. Adywan - I don't think he was taking the piss out of your clip - I think he meant it's "funny" as in the rebels are in a dire place as it is in this scene, and all of a suddenly hundreds of TIEs appear out of nowhere making it even worse for them - you can imagine the pilots mouthing 'oh crap' hahaha! ;)

Save Star Wars Dot Com

Fang Zei said:

Y'know, between that PvGL documentary and Zombie's new website, I really don't know how much louder we can yell, aside from getting as many sigs as possible on the petition.


I don't think we can do any more. Certain sites like The Digital Bits need to grow a set of balls and seriously get behind issues like this (you know... sites that are meant to love film) - people would sit up and take notice if some official sites got behind this petition. Guess they're all worried about pissing off 20th Century or something though... By the way noticed another flaw in the 2004 SEs the other day - at one point Vader and Obi's sword switch colours for an instant!!!!!! Deliberate creative fuck up, sorry decision!, or was it done as a slight joke/wink? Would be cool to have a screen cap of that on Save Star Wars.

No oot on Blu means death of new petition?

There's still over a year to go before this is released - a lot can happen in that time...

I was ready to throw in the towel earlier today, but reading through all the threads made me realise we can still keep on trying, and there's little to be gained by giving up. Even if we just get a "they WILL come out, but not with this set" from George would be something.

The set comes out in the fall next year, so there's tons of time before the discs goto the authoring stages. We can still get media coverage over this thing in the meantime...

Goonies never say die... or something! :p

Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

Good thinking!

I'm kind of hoping that there might at least be a documentary on the extras which contains comparisons of the old and new FX sequences, all in HD so we could get some of what we want that way. Probably a fool's hope, but you never know...

It would be something if they at least got the colour correct this time around! That's hugely responsible for much of the 'feel' of these films.

Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

Well unfortunately film making/releasing is not a democracy as either the director or the studio (depending on circumstances) have the final say in what's released. Disappointing really as we're the one's who indirectly actually fund all films when you get down to it. In this case many of us are getting the smelly end of the sabre!

Unfortunately we're in the minority when it comes to wanting the originals, and I'm sure many SE haters will buy this just because of the extras, which is kind of annoying too. The set will be a success, and people will be creaming themselves about how sharp it all looks, exactly the way they did about the 2004 DVDs. A few years later the same people or reviewers will then moan that the originals aren't available...

However, as I said above, it IS just a film. No point in getting bent out of shape over it any longer. I think we've all tried our best, but we're up against a very stubborn man - it IS his baby at the end of the day (at least technically). I'm sure we will get it in the end though, when he needs to milk the release one more time.

The ONLY way for us to make our point really IS not to buy this, no matter how tempting the extras are. I'm sure many on this board will secretly buy it regardless. George is doing this to make money, and if he makes less and knows the reason why, perhaps he'll get the originals out that much quicker.

Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

I just hope - for those that actually don't mind the Special Editions - that Lucasfilm actually address the terrible colour timing which was prevalent on the 2004 DVDs, so they actually resemble the look of real film once again and not some computer game. Ditto for the pink lightsabers that even people I know who watch the films casually have commented upon. Will be interesting to see if they correct the reversed surround channels problem too - that will definately be a case of "yes we DID make a mistake, but are quietly correcting it". If none of this happens I think all thoughts of Lucasfilm caring about their product will be a thing of the past.

Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

Hahaha! To be fair the flannelled one gave me several of my favourite films of all time; Star Wars, Graffeti and THX. I used to love the things he came out with in old interviews too such as "a special effect without a story is a very boring thing" and other gems like that. I think that's why I'm so frustrated with him these days - instead of running Star Wars into the ground with endless tinkering, release the originals, give Star Wars to people that care (in terms of new films or TV series) and get on and make some more ground breaking experimental films! Move on! In terms of film studios and their ways which he used to loath and did his best to divorce himself from by setting up Lucasfilm, he's - in recent years - almost become what he used to hate...

Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

Ripplin said:

^I'm glad you took it the way I was intending or it to be taken, meaning, um...not as an insult or anything. Heh. ;) And I totally understand your stance, which is shared by so many here. I mean, that's why this forum exists!

It would be nice if the new deleted stuff could be incorporated as extended OOT versions of the movies, separate from the theatrical versions, maybe using dark_jedi's GOUT clean-ups or something like that. I know it would really depend on the condition of the clips.

Haha don't worry I didn't take it as an insult at all :)

I just heard some people yelling out "we love you George" and at every word spoken there seemed to be a "hell yeah!!!" or something. Was like watching footage of some evangelical religious TV program :s

I'd LOVE to see that clip put back into Jedi - it gives me Star Wars goose bumps! Love the idea that Luke starts out this film in an ambiguous light too - fantastic! A few more scenes like that would help balance out the cute-ness of the Ewok scenes later on.

I get frustrated because this could so easily be THE release of the decade you know? All versions of the film, plus scenes like this which could be seamlessly branched into an ultimate version of each film. It would be amazing to see!

Return of the Jedi cut-scene

digitalfreaknyc said:

Yeah. I call bullshit on most of this scene.  It just doesn't make sense.

The only "old" footage in it seems to be vader walking through the hallway and entering the elevator. 

Wasn't there a scene where he was supposed to go see the emporer (besides the one where he chokes the guards)?  It could have easily been taken from that.

Sorry but I just don't believe anything Lucas tells us anymore.

So you don't believe Mark Hamill himself in that clip that Adywan posted then? He mentions he had vague memories of doing that scene, but wasn't sure until he saw it again and it all came back to him!

Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

"That may have been one of the only non-SE things to happen at that event!"

True - I agree that clip was awsome and I probably would have applauded had I been there too. Perhaps - as a 37 year old - having seen the Trilogy that I loved for so many years be treated badly over the years, and then a series of lack-lustre prequals and all that, I'm just completely jaded and burned-out about anything Lucas related these days. Yes those clips will be amazing to see, but it will be bittersweet knowing they're on a disc with the SEs only.

Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

msycamore said:

Celebration V... it's ridiculous. What is it they celebrates on these events? That these important films cannot be properly watched anymore? It's sad but we all kind of knew this already, the only thing I'll spend money on is the coming Making of ESB book.

Listening to some of the crowd's responses in that clip I just had to shake my head - they'll clap at anything! Scarey.

The one heartening thing is that the original cast still get such a rapturous welcome. I doubt you'd get that to the same extent with the prequals. George must know this deep down I should think. It's just so bittersweet that this could be a true celebration of the original films for fans of either the theatrical vesions or the SEs, perhaps with a workprint thrown into the mix too - heck I'd be screaming and whooping it up then and we'd all be celebrating. A VERY big missed opportunity.

Return of the Jedi cut-scene

Chewtobacca said:

Nerfherder said:I cant believe some people here have the time/nothing better to do then go through lines of dialogue in all three films working out how this was (in their minds) pieced together...

You cannot believe that?  I read similar examples of such anal retentiveness here on an almost daily basis lol.

Hahaha very true - forgot where I was for a second ;)

Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

Yep totally agree - it's all wrong, and very rude and disrespectful to those that contributed to the scenes that have since been cut/altered.

I wonder if The Wizard of Oz, or Jason and the Argonauts, or King Kong had their shots replaced by CGI, if people would be up in arms about it - as we are here - or if they'd just shrug and say it's still fundamentally the same film, get over it as many seem to do to Star Wars fans? It disturbs me that many seem to not care about preserving films AS THEY WERE SEEN originally, flaws and all, and attack those that complain that they want this.

It's all moot now anyways - I'm not going to wait for Lucas to get his head out his own backside. He could have given this to us next year if he really wanted - people are going to have to wait an entire year as it is, just to get the SE's! It's just madness - why the delay?! And we all know he probably WILL release the originals when he has run out of other Star Wars titbits to throw to the masses to continue his revenue of Lucash-dollars! Lets face it he's running out of ways to resell the same product to people now. Notice with the Special Edition blu-rays he's using deleted scenes to sell the set!!! The next release he'll have little choice but to include the originals. I also find it curious that for someone who seems to prefer the prequals, he is focusing on the "original" (or SE) films to kick-start the media announcement of the entire saga on blu-ray.

Another thing to consider; if he gave us the originals on blu-ray, I am 100% sure he couldn't resist tinkering with them in some way. I bet the colours would be screwed with, and he'd probably get rid of all traces of any matt boxes too. Or he'd have the sound remixed or something. I doubt we'd ever get a 100% exact reproduction of the film as it was...

It's all extremely sad and frustrating to those who genuinely love film, and like seeing a very important part of film history preserved as originally shown.

However, at the end of the day, they ARE just films. Life goes on. There's other things going on in the real world which are far more important. I'm done with wishing for Lucas to ever respect the original Star Wars movies, and fans...

Time to move on!

Return of the Jedi cut-scene

Just to put all these silly (and somewhat paranoid!) rumours of this being pieced together recently to rest.....

"The scene has completed visual effects and music because it was cut right before the final edit of the film was made during post production."

FROM: http://www.slashfilm.com/2010/08/14/star-wars-blu-ray-announced-for-fall-2011-deleted-scene-revealed/

I cant believe some people here have the time/nothing better to do then go through lines of dialogue in all three films working out how this was (in their minds) pieced together...

Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

Like CO, I've finally had enough of this nonsense too. Lucas has flipped the bird at the original films - the ones that MADE his Empire! - one too many times.

Lets face it, many people out there DO see us original fans as moaning constantly, and I'm just tired of the whole damn thing. Lucas has got his way. I don't hate the man but I have ZERO respect for him nowadays, and at the end of the day there's FAR more important causes in the world one should lobby for, but I'm severly disappointed that this businessman (I cannot call him a film maker any longer) who professess to be a film fan himself, and realises the importance of film restoration, can just be such an arse about releasing the originals.

He's a man who is still living off past glories and has an inflated view of his own talent. He's not getting any more cash from me. It's not ideal but the GOUT is going to be the go-to for me, along with Adywan's superb discs. On the subject of Ady he can - ina very short space of time - release a theatrical version of Empire which pisses ALL over the official releases. And yet Lucas cannot pony up for a similarly high quality release because of money?

Sigh. I've had enough of all this. Time to move on and to support releases by directors who DO care.

P.S. If anybody from Lucasfilm - or indeed anyone that knows the bearded one - happens to visit this site, it would be awsome if somebody had the balls to say to Lucas, "This (release) is wrong. These films were created via a LOT of talented people. Many of whom have had their work erased from the trilogy. The originals need to be preserved just to 1) show their place in history and 2) honor their work which helped make you a billionairre."

Return of the Jedi cut-scene

" am convinced that Luke's obscured face is from another shot. Why else would they show him with the face dark and the hood up?"

To show a visual similarity with the Emperor. And create unease in the viewer that Luke is perhaps turning to the dark side from the (presumably) regular 'messages' from his Father via the Force. A great beginning to the film in my opinion! The more I see it the more it already feels like it belongs to the beginning of Jedi and should be seen that way. Looking forward to some fan edits of this footage into the original film already ;)

Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

James Earl Jones' voice has definately got a 'Jedi' feel to it (his voice changed through each film of course and its fairly easy to spot). Maybe it was stitched together from outtakes, but since John Williams got to score this scene then it suggests perhaps the dialogue may have been completed too?

All conjecture until it's actually out, but I guess they got Jones in for a day or so of Jedi recording during the original dubbing sessions, and it would of course make sense to record too much, so they can chop and change it later. Perhaps he dubbed the cut scenes?