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The Audio Preservation Thread

Jonno said:

NeonBible said:

Jonno said:

Predator is up next...

 Hey Jonno, did you ever sync this one?

 Hi Neon. It's still a work in progress - I've found it particularly difficult for some reason, perhaps due to its hazy and ambient sound (reference points being harder to find as a consequence).

I'm also in the middle of a house move so I may not have a chance to get back to it for a few weeks, but I'll post an update when there's news!

 No problem Jonno. Appreciate the update, and good luck with the move :)

Info & Request: Muppet Christmas Carol - Widescreen w/ deleted song and Dir. commentary!

Deviantnick said:

Ive also been working on this too ! this is how far i have got 


tried cleaning it up by removing scratches and dust marks 

Cool you're working on it! 

But it looks like you are cropping the already cropped pan & scan transfer from the DVD.

Here is how it should look in widescreen - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r57KXWeXKoY

its not the best quality but maybe you can use that instead? I also have an LD rip if you need it but to be honest the YouTube clip might be better quality. I'll need to check again to confirm 

Mux video and audio files to MKV without using mkvmerge?

I'm trying to mux a 1080p video I got from youtube to my own audio file (wav).

However when I load the MP4 video into mkvmerge, I get the error "The input file xxx.mp4 does not contain any tracks".

Presumably it cannot read the video only file for some reason. This appears to be a known issue and has yet to be fixed.

Are there any other tools which can achieve the same thing?

TV Shows on DVD ruined by music replacement or cuts/edits: Restoring them back to original state (a project) (Update: The Andy Griffith Show: Season 3 DONE)

consumerx said:

Doctor M said:

I think one of the really sad ones is Northern Exposure.

Some really interesting music was unapologetically replaced.  Be nice to see that restored some how.

Amen. There is a fellow in Canada who sold DVD-r captures containing full music. It was apparently syndicated on his local tv long ago without any edits. The disc set was priced @ $150 last time I hunted him down. I was hoping they would have been liberated by now, but no-go.:(

 I am actually working my way through Northern Exposure now. I have a set of tvrips with original music but the video quality is so bad it makes me sad :( 

They are taken from UK tv so it's not a rip of the Canadian guys set.

Would also like to see it 'liberated'.